当前位置:文档之家› (工程合同)交钥匙工程合同FIDIC标准范本(双语版)




1. 一般规定General Provisions (8)

1.1 定义Definitions (8)

1.2 解释Interpretation (18)

1.3 通讯联络Communications (18)

1.4 法律和语言1.4 Law and Language (19)

1.5 文件的优先次序1.5 Priority of documents (20)

1.6 合同协议书1.6 Contract Agreement (21)

1.7 转让1.7 Assignment (21)

1.8 文件的保管和提供1.8 Care and Supply of documents (21)

1.9 拖延的图纸或指示1.9 Delayed Drawings or Instructions (22)

1.10 雇主使用承包商的文件1.10 Employer's Use of Contractor's documents (23)

1.11 承包商使用雇主的文件1.11 Contractor's Use of Employer's documents (25)

1.12 保密事项1.12 Confidential Details (25)

1.13 遵守法律1.13 Compliance with Laws (25)

1.14 共同的与各自的责任1.14 Joint and Several Liability (26)

2. 雇主THE EMPLOYER (26)

2.1 进入现场的权利2.1 Right of Access to the Site (26)

2.2 许可、执照和批准2.2 Permits, Licences or Approval (28)

2.3 雇主的人员2.3 Employer's Personnel (28)

2.4 雇主的资金安排2.4 Employer's Financial Arrangements (29)

2.5 雇主的索赔2.5 Employer's Claims (29)

3. 工程师THE ENGINEER (30)

3.1 工程师的职责和权力3.1Engineer's Duties and Authority (30)

3.2 工程师的授权3.2 Delegation by the Engineer (32)

3.3 工程师的指示3.3 Instructions of the Engineer (33)

3.4 工程师的撤换3.4 Replacement of the Engineer (34)

3.5 决定3.5 Determinations (34)

4. 承包商The Contractor (35)

4.1 承包商的一般义务4.1 Contractor's General Obligations (35)

4.2 履约保证4.2 Performance Security (37)

4.3 承包商的代表4.3 Contractor's Representative (39)

4.4 分包商4.4 subcontractors (40)

4.5 分包合同利益的转让4.5 Assignment of Benefit of Subcontract (41)

4.6 合作4.6 Co-operation (41)

4.7 放线4.7 Setting Out (42)

4.8 安全措施4.8 Safety Procedures (43)

4.9 质量保证4.9 Quality Assurance (44)

4.10 现场数据4.10 Site Data (45)

4.11 接受的合同款额的完备性4.11 Sufficiency of the Accepted Contract Amount (46)

4.12 不可预见的外界条件4.12 Unforeseeable Physical Conditions (46)

4.13 道路通行权和设施4.13 Rights of Way and Facilities (49)

4.14 避免干扰4.14 Avoidance of Interference (49)

4.15 进场路线4.15 Access Route (49)

4.16 货物的运输4.16 Transport of Goods (50)

4.17 承包商的设备4.17 Contractor's Equipment (51)

4.18 环境保护4.18 Protection of the environment (51)

4.19 电、水、气4.19 Electricity, Water and Gas (52)

4.20 雇主的设备和免费提供的材料4.20 Employer's Equipment and Free-Issue Material52 4.21 进度报告4.21 Progress Reports (54)

4.22 现场保安 4.22 Security of the Site (56)

4.23 承包商的现场工作4.23 Contractor's Operations on Site (56)

4.24 化石4.24 Fossils (57)

5. 指定分包商 (58)

5.1 指定分包商的定义5.1 Definition of "nominated Subcontractor (58)

5.2 对指定的反对5.2 Objection to Nomination (58)

5.3 对指定分包商的支付5.3 Payments to nominated Subcontractors (59)

5.4 支付的证据5.4 Evidence of Payments (59)

6. 职员和劳工Staff and Labour (60)

6.1 职员和劳工的雇用6.1 Engagement of Staff and Labour (60)

6.2 工资标准和劳动条件6.2 Rates of Wages and Conditions of Labour (61)

6.3 为他人提供服务的人员6.3 Persons in the Service of Employer (61)

6.4 劳动法 6.4 Labour Laws (61)

6.5 工作时间 6.5 Working hours (62)

6.6 为职员和劳工提供的设施 6.6 Facilities for Staff and Labour (62)

6.7 健康和安全 6.7 Health and Safety (62)

6.8 承包商的监督6.8 Contractor's Superintendence (63)

6.9 承包商的人员 6.9 Contractor's Personnel (64)

6.10 承包商的人员和设备的记录6.10 Records of Contractor's Personnel and Equipment


6.11 妨碍治安的行为6.11 Disorderly Conduct (65)

7. 永久设备、材料和工艺 (65)

7.1 实施方式7.1 Manner of Execution (65)

7.2 样本7.2 Samples (66)

7.3 检查7.3 Inspection (66)

7.4 检验7.4 Testing (67)

7.5 拒收7.5 Rejection (69)

7.6 补救工作7.6 Remedial Work (69)

7.7 对永久设备和材料的拥有权7.7 Ownership of Plant and Materials (70)

7.8 矿区使用费7.8 Royalties (71)

8. 开工、延误和暂停Commencement, Delays and Suspension (71)

8.1 工程的开工8.1 Commencement of Works (71)

8.2 竣工时间8.2 Time for Completion (72)
