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Volume I - Bidding Procedures and Contract Conditions


Volume II - Specifications


Volume III - Bill of Quantities


Volume IV - Drawings








Instructions to Bidders


Conditions of Contract

Part I - General Conditions

Part II - Conditions of Particular Application




Tender and Appendix to Bid


Form of Tender Security


Form of Agreement


Form of Performance Security 履约保函格式

Form of Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment 预付款银行保函格式



A. General


1. Scope of Bid 1.1 The World Health Organization, hereinafter "the Employer", wishes to receive bids for the construction of a

400 Bed Hospital at Suleimaniyeh in Northern Iraq,

hereinafter referred to as "the Works",

招标范围 1.1 世界卫生组织,以下称为“雇主”,期望能收到修建伊



1.2 The successful bidder will be expected to complete the

Works within the period stated in the Appendix to Bid.

1.2 中标人需要在标书附页所规定的工期内完成本工程

1.3 Throughout these bidding documents, the terms bid and

tender and their derivatives (bidder/tenderer, bid/tendered,

bidding/tendering, etc.) are synonymous, and day means

calendar day. Singular also means plural.

1.3 在整个标书文件中,术语“投标”和“招标”以及他们




2. Qualification 2.1 Bidders shall, as part of their bid, submit in

a separate

folder marked “Qualification of t he Bidder, the following


2.资质文件 2.1 作为标书的一部分,投标人应该单独提交装在标有“投


(a) A written power of attorney authorizing the signatory

of the bid to commit the bidder;



(b) The name of the company, registered address,

description, date established, years of experience as contractor, structure and organization, details of the

number of technical, administrative and labour

resources, details of contractor?s equipment and




ACE/BD.VOL.I/17.10.03.doc Page 3 of 52 400 BED HOSPITAL / IRAQ 系,技术人员,管理人员和劳动力资源等详细信


(c) Registration certificates and certificates of good standing;

(3) 公司注册证明文件和良好的信誉证明文件;

(d) Statement confirming current ownership, directors and authorized executives;



(e) Audited accounts for the last 3 years;

(5) 最近3年来的审核账目;

(f) Bank statement confirming financial standing, access to lines of credit and availability of other financial resources;



(g) Experience record including relevant projects

completed (name of project, location, employer, project value, year started, year completed);




(h) List of all projects in progress including name, location, employer, value, year stated and expected completion




All above documents shall be in English or, where the

original document is in any other language, it shall be accompanied by any official English translation.



2.2 Bids submitted by a joint venture of two or more firms as partners shall comply with the following requirements:

2.2 由两个公司或两个以上合作伙伴公司组成的联合体提的


(a) The bid shall include all the information listed in Sub- Clause 2.1 above;


(b) The bid and, in case of a successful bid, the Agreement, shall be signed so as to be legally binding

on all partners;



ACE/BD.VOL.I/17.10.03.doc Page 4 of 52 400 BED HOSPITAL / IRAQ (c) One of the partners shall be nominated as being in charge, and this authorization shall be evidenced by submitting a power of attorney signed by legally

authorized signatories of all the partners;




(d) The partner in charge shall be authorized to incur liabilities and receive instructions for and on behalf of

any and all partners of the joint venture and the entire execution of the contract, including payment, shall be

done exclusively with the partner in charge;





(e) All partners of the joint venture shall be liable jointly and severally for the execution of the contract in

accordance with the contract terms, and a statement to

this effect shall be included in the authorization

mentioned under (c) above, as well as in the bid and

in the Agreement (in case of a successful bid); and

(5) 联合体内的所有合伙公司都对依照合同条款来执





(f) A copy of the agreement entered into by the joint

venture partners shall be submitted with the bid.



3. One Bid per 3.1 Each bidder shall submit only one bid either by Bidder himself, or as a partner in a joint venture. A bidder who submits or participates in more than one bid will be


3.一人一标 3.1 不论是单独投标还是作为联合体合伙人投标,每个投标



4. Cost of 4.1 The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the Bidding preparation and submission of its bid, and the Employer will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs,

regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process. ACE/BD.VOL.I/17.10.03.doc Page 5 of 52 400 BED HOSPITAL / IRAQ

4.中标价 4.1 不管投标过程如何操作以及投标结果如何,投标人应



5. Site Visit 5.1 The bidder is advised to visit and examine the Site

of Works and its surroundings and obtain for itself on its

own responsibility all information that may be necessary

for preparing the bid and entering into a contract for

construction of the Works. The costs of visiting the Site

shall be at the bidder's own expense.

5(实地考察 5.1 建议投标人对拟建场地及其周边环境进行实地考察,为自己获取可能对编制投标文件和签订施工合同所必须



5.2 The bidder and any of its personnel or agents will be

granted permission by the Employer to enter upon the site

for the purpose of such visit, but only upon the express

condition that the bidder, its personnel, and agents, will

release and indemnify the Employer and its personnel and

agents from and against all liability in respect thereof, and will be responsible for death or personal injury, loss of or damage to property, and any other loss, damage, costs, and

expenses incurred as a result of the inspection.

5.2 投标人和其任何人员或代理人在获得业主许可后方能进






5.3 The Employer may conduct a Site visit concurrently with

any pre-bid meeting that may be called for by the Employer.

5.3 业主在安排现场考察的同时,也可能会召集任何一次


B. Bidding Documents


6. Content of 6.1 The bidding documents are those stated below, and Bidding Documents should be read in conjunction with any Addenda issued during the bidding period:

6.招标文件内容 6.1 招标文件如下所述,且应该结合任何在招标期间所发出


Volume I: Bidding Procedures and Contract Conditions.


Volume II: Specifications.


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Volume III: Bill of Quantities.


Volume IV: Drawings.


7. Clarification of 7.1 A prospective bidder requiring any clarification of the Bidding Documents bidding documents may notify the Engineer in writing or

by facsimile) at the Engineer?s address. The Engineer will

respond to any request for clarification which he receives

earlier than 28 days prior to the deadline for submission of

bids. Copies of the Engineer's response will be forwarded

to all bidders, including a description of the inquiry but

without identifying its source.

7.招标文件说明 7.1 任何要求对招标文件进行澄清的潜在投标人,应按工程师





8.Amendment 8.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, of Bidding the Employer may amend the bidding documents by Documents issuing Addenda.

8.修订招标文件 8.1 在提交标书截止前的任何时间内,业主都可能对招标文


8.2 Any Addendum thus issued shall be part of the bidding

documents, and shall be communicated in writing to all

bidders. Prospective bidders shall promptly acknowledge

receipt of each Addendum in writing to the Employer.

8.2 因此开具的任何附录都应属于招标文件的一部分,并且



8.3 To give prospective bidders reasonable time in which to

take an Addendum into account in preparing their bids, the

Employer shall extend as necessary the deadline for

submission of bids, and notify all bidders.

8.3 业主应该给予预期的投标人合理的时间把补遗资料增编



C. Preparation of Bids


9. Language of Bid 9.1 The bid, and all correspondence and documents related

to the bid exchanged by the bidder and the Employer shall

be written in English. Supporting documents and printed

literature furnished by the bidder may be in another

ACE/BD.VOL.I/17.10.03.doc Page 7 of 52 400 BED HOSPITAL / IRAQ language provided they are accompanied by an accurate

translation of the relevant passages in the above stated

language, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of

the bid, the translation shall prevail.






10. Documents 10.1 The bid submitted by the bidder shall comprise

the Comprising following: duly filled-in Form of Tender and Appendix the Bid to Bid, Bid Security, priced Bill of Quantities, alternative offers where invited, and any information or other materials

required to be completed and submitted by bidders in

accordance with these Instructions to Bidders. 10.标书的文件构成

10.1 投标人提交的标书应包含以下文件:正确的标书和标书




10.2 In addition, the Bid submission shall include:

10.2 另外,标书提交应包括:

(a) Qualification documents in separate folder according to

Clause 2 of the Instruction to Bidders.


(b) A separate folder marked Bid Information which shall


(2) 一个标有标书信息的单独信封应该包括:

i) A schedule of proposed sub-contractors indicating a

list of the major sections and appropriate value of

the work for which the bidder proposes to use sub- contractors, together with the names of the proposed

sub-contractors and statements of their capabilities

and similar works executed;





ii) A schedule of proposed manufacturers / suppliers

indicating a list of the major items of supply

together with the names of the proposed

manufacturers / suppliers and statements of their

capabilities and similar works for which such items

have been provided;

ACE/BD.VOL.I/17.10.03.doc Page 8 of 52 400 BED HOSPITAL / IRAQ 2)提及的制造商/供应商的一览表里说明提供主要



iii) A project organization chart with names,

qualifications and experience of all proposed senior

technical and administrative personnel proposed to

be assigned to the project;



iv) A detailed work programme proposed for the execution of the work including mobilization, engineering, procurement, construction, testing, commissioning and handover. The programme shall indicate all work activities and trades with duration and relationship;




v) A fully detailed Quality Management System which the bidder proposes for the project together with names, qualification and experience of the proposed quality management staff;



vi) Statement detailing the bidder proposed arrangements for temporary site installations, including offices, stores, workshops, accommodation, utilities and services.




11. Bid Prices 11.1 Unless stated otherwise in the bidding documents, the contract shall be for the whole Works as described in Sub-Clause 1.1, based on the unit rates and prices in the Bill of Quantities submitted

by the bidder.

11.中标价 11.1

11.2 The bidder shall fill in rates and prices for all items of the Works described in the Bill of Quantities. Items against which no rate

or price is entered by the bidder will not be paid for by the Employer when executed and shall be deemed covered by the rates for other items and prices in the Bill of Quantities.

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11.3 All obligations by the Contractor under the contract, shall

be included in the rates and prices and the total Bid Price

submitted by the bidder.

11.4 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract, the rates and

prices quoted by the bidder are deemed to be fixed rates

and prices and shall not be subject to adjustment during the

performance of the contract.

12. Currencies 12.1 The currency of the bid shall be the US Dollar.

of Bid Payment

12.2 The Bid price and the unit rates and the prices shall be

quoted by the bidder entirely in the currency of the bid

specified above.

13. Bid 13.1 Bids shall remain valid for the period stipulated in

the Validity Bidding Documents.

13.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original

bid validly period, the Employer may request that the

bidders extend the period of validity for a specified

additional period. The request and the responses thereto

shall be made in writing. A bidder may refuse the request

without forfeiting its bid security. A bidder agreeing to the

request will not be required or permitted to modify its bid,

but will be required to extend the validity of its bid security

for the period of the extension.

14. Bid 14.1 The bidder shall furnish, as part of its bid, a bid security Security in the amount of US $ 600,000 (Six Hundred Thousand US Dollars).

14.2 The bid security shall be in the form of a bank guarantee

from a reputable bank approved by the Employer. The

format of the bank guarantee shall be in accordance with

the form included in the Bidding Documents. Bid security

shall remain valid for a period of 28 days beyond the

validity period for the bid.

14.3 Any bid not accompanied by an acceptable bid security

shall be rejected by the Employer as nonresponsive. The

bid security of a joint venture must be in the name of the

joint venture submitting the bid.

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14.4 The Bid securities of unsuccessful bidders will be returned

as promptly as possible, but not later than 28 days after the

expiration of the period of bid validity.

14.5 The bid security of the successful bidder will be returned

when the bidder has signed the Agreement and furnished

the required performance security.

15. Alternative 15.1 Bidders wishing to offer alternatives to the requirements Proposal of the bidding documents must first submit a fully by Bidders conforming bid as described in the bidding documents.

Bidders shall further provide in a separate envelope marked

“Alternative” all information necessary for a complete

evaluation of the alternative by the Employer, including

drawings, design calculations, specifications, breakdown of

prices, and proposed construction methodology and other

relevant details. Only the alternatives, if any, of the lowest

evaluated bidder conforming to the basic technical

requirements shall be considered by the Employer.

6. Pre-Bid 16.1 The bidder's may be invited to attend a pre-bid meeting 1

Meeting which, if convened, will take place at the venue and time stipulated in the meeting invitation.

16.2 The purpose of the meeting will be to clarify issues and to

answer questions on any matter that may be raised at that


16.3 The bidder is requested, as far as possible, to submit any

questions in writing, to reach the Employer and the

Engineer not later than one week before the meeting. It

may not be practicable at the meeting to answer questions

received late, but questions and responses will be

transmitted in accordance with the following Sub-Clause.

16.4 Minutes of the meeting, including the text of the questions

raised and the responses given, together with any responses

prepared after the meeting, will be transmitted without

delay to all bidders. Any modification of the bidding

documents, which may become necessary as a result of the

pre-bid meeting shall be made by issue of an Addendum

and not through the minutes of the pre-bid meeting.

17. Format and 17.l The bidder shall prepare one original of the documents Signing of Bid comprising the bid as described in Clause 10 of these

Instructions clearly marked "ORIGINAL". In addition, the

ACE/BD.VOL.I/17.10.03.doc Page 11 of 52 400 BED HOSPITAL / IRAQ bidder shall submit 2 (two) copies of the bid, and clearly

marked "COPIES". In the event of discrepancy between

them, the original shall prevail.

17.2 The original and all copies of the bid shall be typed or

written in indelible ink (in the case of copies, photocopies

are also acceptable) and shall be signed by the person or

persons duly authorized to sign on behalf of the bidder. All

pages of the bid where entries or amendments have been

made shall be initialed by the person signing the bid.

17.3 The bid shall contain no alterations, omissions, or additions,

unless such corrections are initialed by the person or

persons signing the bid. All pages of the bid submission

shall be stamped and initialed by person signing the bid.

D. Submission of Bids

18. Sealing and 18.1 The bidder shall seal the original and each copy of the

Marking of Bids bid in separate envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as

"ORIGINAL" and "COPIES" The envelopes shall then be

sealed in an outer envelope.

18.2 The inner and outer envelopes shall:

(a) be addressed to the Employer at the address provided

in the Appendix to Bid;

(b) be clearly marked as follows:

“Bid for the 400 Bed Hospital at Suleimaniyeh

Northern Iraq.

Do not open before bid closing time and date.”

18.3 In addition to the identification required above, the inner

envelopes shall indicate the name and address of the bidder

to enable the bid to be returned unopened in case it is

declared "late".

18.4 If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as above, the

Employer will assume no responsibility for the

misplacement or premature opening of the bid. If the outer

envelope discloses the bidder's identity, the Employer will

ACE/BD.VOL.I/17.10.03.doc Page 12 of 52 400 BED HOSPITAL / IRAQ not guarantee the anonymity of the bid submission, but this

shall not constitute grounds for rejection of the bid.

19. Deadline 19.1 Bids must be received by the Employer at the address for Submission of specified no later than the time and date stipulated in the Bids Employer?s Invitation for Bids.

19.2 The Employer may, in exceptional circumstances and at its

discretion, extend the deadline for submission of bids by

issuing an Addendum in which case all rights and

obligations of the Employer and the bidders previously

subject to the original deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.

20. Late Bids 20.1 Any bid received by the Employer after the deadline for

submission of bids will be returned unopened to the bidder.

21. Modification, 21.1 The bidder may modify, substitute, or withdraw its bid Substitution, and after bid submission, provided that

服务合同 英文

NO. 3FKF-A 83.11.16. SERVICE AGREEMENT ARTICLE 1. SERVICES 2. COMPENSATION 3. RELATIONSHIP 4. EXCLUSIVITY 5. TAXES 6. CONFIDENTIALITY 7. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 8. INDEMNIFICATION 9. TERM 10. TERMINATION 11. GOVERNING LAW 12. ENTIRE AGREEMENT l3. AMENDMENTS 14. ASSIGNMENT 15. NO WAIVER 16. NOTICES SERVICE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 20th day of March, 2005 by and between Marubeni Corporation, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of Japan, with its principal office at 4-2, Ohtemachi l-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan (hereinafter called "Marubeni"), and Chinasoft Corporation (hereinafter called "Chinasoft"), WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, MARUBENI wishes to employ the services of Chinasoft as an advisor and consultant with respect to Accounting System; and WHEREAS, Chinasoft is willing to perform such services for MARUBENI on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. SERVICES 1.1. MARUBENI hereby requests and Chinasoft hereby agrees to perform the following services for MARUBENI, during the term of this AGREEMENT: (a) (b) ARTICLE 2. COMPENSATION 2.1. As full compensation for the services to be rendered by Chinasoft to MARUBENI hereunder during the term of this AGREEMENT, MARUBENI shall pay Chinasoft the sum of United States Dollars three million (U.S 3,000,000.00) per year, payable in equal two installments of United


雇佣合同范本 Party A:_____________ Party B:_____________ I. Party A wishes to engage the service of party B___________as______________. The two Parties, in a spirit of friendly cooperation, agree to sign this contract and pledge to fulfill conscientiously all the obligations stipulated in it. II. The period of service will be from the _______day of ________ ,_____to the ________day of ________ . III. The duties of Party B (see attached pages) IV. Party Bs monthly salary will be Yuan RMB (About USD), the pay day is every month_______ .If not a full month, the salary will be will be prorated (days times salary/30). V. Party As Obligations 1.Party A shall introduce to Party B the laws, decrees and relevant regulations enacted by the Chinese government, the Party As work system and regulations concerning administration of foreign teachers. 2. Party A shall conduct direction, supervision and evaluation of Party Bs work. 3. Party A shall Provide Party B with necessary working and living conditions. 4. Party A shall provide co-workers for the first week if necessary. VI. Party Bs obligations 1. Party B shall observe the laws, decrees and relevant regulations enacted by the Chinese government and shall not interfere in Chinas internal politics affairs. 2. Party B shall observe Party As work system and regulations concerning administration of foreign teachers and shall accept Party As agreement, direction, supervision and evaluation in regard to his/her work. Without Party As consent, Party B shall not render service elsewhere or hold concurrently any post unrelated to the work agreed on with Party A. 3. Party B shall complete the tasks agreed on schedule and guarantee the quality of work. 4. Party B shall respect Chinas religious policy, and shall not conduct religious activities incompatible with the status of a teacher. 5. Party B shall respect the Chinese peoples moral standards and customs. V. Revision, Cancellation and Termination of the Contract 1. Both Parties should abide by the contract and should refrain from revising, canceling, or terminating the contract without mutual consent. 2. The contract can be revised, cancelled, or terminated with mutual consent. Before both parties have reached an agreement, the contract should be strictly observed. 3. Party A has the right to cancel the contract with written notice to Party B under the following conditions. (1) Party B does not fulfill the contract or does not fulfill the contract obligations according to the terms stipulated, and has failed to amend after Party A has pointed it out. (2) According to the doctors diagnosis, Party B cannot resume normal work after 30 days sick leave. 4. Party B has the right to cancel the contract with a written notice to party A under the following conditions:


contract英文合同大全 买方 buyer 卖方 seller 项目名称 Project name 地址 address 电话 phone 本合同由买卖双方签订,根据本合同条款,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售以下产品。 This contract is made by and between the buyers and sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned. Commodities according to the terms and conditions stipulated below. 1.详细货物清单 Detail supply list 2.合同价格 Contract value 序号 item型号 model尺寸 size, dimension数量 amount, unit单价 unit price总价 total price备注 remark货物,运费 freight, transportation合同总额(含安装费与税金) Contract amount incl. VAT installation 3.付款条件 payment conditions, payment terms 4.交货地点 delivery place 5.发货期 delivery time 6.安装条款 installation clause 7.验收条款 inspection clause 8.保证条款 guarantee clause 9.不可抗拒条款 Force Majeure Clause 10.违约条款 Breach clause 11.其他条款 Miscellaneous clause 12.买卖双方信息 buyer and seller information 此合同一式二份,由双方各持一正本。This contract is made in two originals that should be held by each party. 涉外合同格式 涉外合同按繁简不同,尽管可以采取不同书面形式,如正式合同(Contract)、协议书(Agreement)、确认书(Confirmation)、备忘录(Memorandum)、订单(Order)等等,但


英文合同合同常用词 第一节合同常用词(Usual Wording)(1) 当大量接触英文合同,就会发现英文合同中有些词或短语出现的频率非常高,往往影响或决定了对 合同的准确理解,下面就分门别类从常见实词和常见虚词两个方面进行具体介绍: 一、英文合同常用虚词(Usual Function Words) 1.Here/there/where+介词构成的古体词 基本规则:Here 代表this,there 代表that,where 代表which 或what 即here/there/where+介词=介词 +this/that/which or what Hereby: by means of; by reason of this.特此,由此,兹等意。 例句:The Buyer hereby orders from the Seller the undermentioned goods

subject to the following conditions:买方向卖方订购下列商品,条件如下: Herein:in this。此中,于此。 例句:The minimum royalty herein specified shall be paid by Party B to Party A. 在此规定的最低特许权 使用费应由乙方付给甲方。 Hereinafter: later in the same Contract. 以下,在下文。通常与to be referred to as, referred as, called 连 用。 例句:This Agreement is made and concluded on ______, (date)____(year), by and between _____(hereinafter called Party A) on the one hand and _____(hereinafter called Party B) on the other hand. 本协议书于____年___月___日由_____(以下简称甲方)为一方,与_____(以下简称乙方)为另一方 签订。



8. BREACH OF CONTRACT违约 9. FORCE MAJEURE不可抗力 10. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES争议的解决 11. APPLICABLE LAW 适用法律 12. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS其他规定 THIS CONTRACT(“Contract”)is made in [city and province], China on this day of ,200 by and between [Party A name],[Party A entity form] established and existing under the laws of China, with its legal address at [address] (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”), and [Party B name], [Party B entity form] organized and existing under the laws of [Party Bjurisdiction of incoporation] with its legal address at [address] (hereinafter referred to as “Party B”). Party A and Party B shall hereinafter be referred to individually as a “Party ” and collectively as the “Parties”. 本合同于年月日由以下两方在[地点]签订: [甲方名称],一家根据中华人民共和国法律组建及存续的[甲方组织形式],法定地址为[甲方法定地址](以下简称“甲方”): [乙方名称],一家根据[乙方所在国]法律组建及存续的[乙方组织形式],法定地址为[乙方法定地址](以下简称“乙方”)。 甲乙双方以下单独称为“一方”,合称为“双方”。 PRELIMINARY STATEMENT 前言 [add background information if appropriate][视交易具体情况决定是否应介绍合同背景] After friendly consultations conducted in accordance with the principles of equality and mutual benefit, the Parties have agreed to [describe subject matter of the Contract] in accordance with Applicable laws and the provisions of this Contract. 双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,依照[相关法律名称]以及其他有关法律,同意按


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 英文合同格式 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

NO.11 ZHONGSHAN STREET XIAMEN FUJIAN CHINA SALES CONFIRMATION [打印预览][保存][诅出] 销货合同(Sales Confirmation) 国际货物买卖合同一般金额大,内容繁杂,有效期长,因此许多国家的法律要求采用书面形式。书面合同主要有两种形 式,即正式合同(CONTRACT )和合同确认书(CONFIRMATION ),虽然其繁简不同,但具有同等法律效力,对买卖双方均有约束力。大宗商品或成交额较大的交易,多采用正式合同;而金额不大,批数较多的小土特产品或轻工产品,或者已订立代理、包销等长期协议的交易

多采用合同确认书(亦称简式合同)。 无论采哪种形式,合同抬头应醒目注明SALES CONTRACT 或SALES CONFIRMATION (对销售合同或确认书而言) 等字样。一般来说出口合同的格式都是由我方(出口公司)事先印制好的,因此有时在SALES CONFIRMATION 之前加上 出口公司名称或是公司的标志等(我外贸公司进口时也习惯由我方印制进口合同)。交易成立后,寄交买方签署 (countersign ),作为交易成立的书面凭据。 在SimTrade 中,买卖双方都可以起草合同,填写时只需将名称、地址等内容作相应变化既可。如合同由买方起草时,上方空白栏则填入进口商公司名称及地址,以此类推。 报表上方两行空白栏 为出口商公司抬头,须分别填写出口商的英文名称及地址。 如:GRAND WESTERN FOODS CORP. Room2501, Jiafa Mansion, Beijing West road, Nanjing 210005, P. R. China Messrs 详细填列交易对象(即进口商)的名称及地址。 在SimTrade 中,进口商的详细资料请在淘金网”的公司库里查询。 如:Dynasty Furniture Manufacturing Ltd. 3344-54th Avenue S. E. Calgary, Alberta T2C OAS Canada No. 销货合同编号,由卖方自行编设,以便存储归档管理之用。 在SimTrade 中,该编号已由卖方在起草合同时填入,单据中不能再更改。 Date 填写销货合同制作日期。 如:2005年2月18日,可以有以下几种日期格式填法: 1.2005-02-18 或02-18-2005 2. 2005/02/18 或02/18/2005 3. 050218 (信用证电文上的日期格式) 4. February 18, 2005 或Feb 18, 2005 Product No. 填写货号,销货合同上应记明各种货物编号,以求联系沟通方便。 在SimTrade 中,货号必须选择淘金网”的产品展示”里已有的商品编号。 Description 品名条款。此栏应详细填明各项商品的英文名称及规格,这是买卖双方进行交易的物质基础和前提。对商品的具体描述说明是合同的主要条款之一,如果卖方交付的货物不符合合同规定的品名或说明,买方有权拒收货物、撤销合同并提出损害赔偿。 在SimTrade 中,商品的详细资料请在淘金网’产品展示”里查找,此栏目填写必须与淘金网的商品详细资料里商品英 文名称及英文描述完全一致。 例1 :产品01005 的商品描述: CANNED SWEET CORN 3060Gx6TINS/CTN 例2:产品04001 的商品描述:WOODEN TEA SERVICE

英文合同范本 1

销售合同 SALES CONTRACT 买方:JOONAS&CO.,LTD, 10 LOUIS PASTEUR STEET POR T LOUIS MAURITIUS 合同号/Contract No: BF20100601 The Buyer : JOONAS&CO.,LTD, 10 LOUIS PASTEUR STEET PORT LOUIS MAURITIUS TEL:230-2400778 FAX: 230-2408285 卖方:唐山丰润百丰商贸 日期/Date: 2010-05-29 TEL: 0086 -315-5505831 FAX: 0086-315-5505833 The Seller: T angshan fengrun baifeng Trading Co.ltd 兹经买卖双方同意,由买方购进,卖方出售下列货物,并按下列条款签订本合同: This CONTRACT is made by and between the Buyers and Sellers; whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under mentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below: Description of Goods: As follows. 1.原产地和制造厂家(Country of Origin and Manufacturer): 中国China T angshan fengrun baifeng Trading Co.ltd 2.包装(Packing):STANDARD EXPORT PACKAGING 3.Shipment(装运方式):合同中货物全部用20’集装箱海运In Contract by 20’ Container. 4.装运期限(Time of Shipment):WITHIN15-20 WORKING DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF 30%T/T 5.装运口岸(Port of Loading):上海中国SHANGHAI China 6.目的口岸(Port of Destination):Port Louis, Mauritius 7.付款条款(T erms of Payment):30%DOWN PA YMENT + 70% T/T AFTER RECEIVED THE COPY OF B/L 8.签约合同(Sign of Contract):本合同传真有效This contract will valid for fax contract sign 9.人力不可抗议(Force Majeure):由于水灾,火灾,地震,干旱,战争或协议一方无法预见,控制,避免和克服的其他事件导致不能或暂时不能全部或部分履行本协议,该方不负责托。但是,受不可抗议力事件影响的一方必须尽快将发生的时间通知另一方,并在不可抗议力事件发生15(拾伍)天内将有关机构的不可抗议力事件的证明寄交对方。Either party shall not be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of this agreement due to flood, fire, earthquake, draught, war or any other events which could not be predicted, controlled, avoided, or overcome by the relative party. However, the party affected by the event of Force Majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrence in writing as soon as possible and thereafter send a certificate of the event issued by the relevant authorities to the other party within 15 days after it’s occurrence. 10. 货物要求(CRC requirements): 10.1 每件货物重量大约5吨。Weight of Coils: About 5 tons


合同 contract 合同编号(Contract No.) : 签订日期(Date) : 签订地点(Signed at) : 买方:__________________________ The Buyer:________________________ 地址:__________________________ Address: _________________________ 电话(Tel):___________传真(Fax):__________ 电子邮箱(E-mail):______________________ 卖方:___________________________ The Seller:_________________________ 地址:___________________________ Address: __________________________ 电话(Tel):_________传真(Fax):___________ 电子邮箱(E-mail):______________________

买卖双方同意按照下列条款签订本合同: The Seller and the Buyer agree to conclude this Contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below: 1. 货物名称、规格和质量(Name, Specifications and Quality of Commodity): 2. 保险(Insurance):按协会货物条款A投保 To be effected by the seller. Covering all risks including war risk for 110% of the invoice value as per the clause of institute cargo clause (A) (January 1st , 1982). 3. 唛头(Shipping Marks): 4. 装运口岸(Port of Loading): 5. 目的口岸(Port of Destination): 6. 装运期限(Time of Shipment):收到全款55天内到货 WITHIN 55 DAYS AFTER RECEIVING THE PAYMENT. 7. 付款条件(Terms of Payment): 信用证方式:买方应在装运期前/合同生效后__日,开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的议付信用证,信用证在装船完毕后__日内到期。 Letter of Credit: The Buyer shall, ______ days prior to the time of shipment /after this Contract comes into effect, open an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of the Seller. The Letter of Credit shall expire ____ days after the completion of loading of the shipment as stipulated. 8.单据(Documents Required):


英文版合同协议 英文版合同协议. 项目出资人(以下简称甲方)和项目技术负责人(以下简称乙方) 甲:,身份证号:,籍贯 乙:,身份证号:,籍贯 甲乙双方本着公平、平等、互利的原则订立合作协议如下 第一条甲乙双方自愿合作经营塑胶和金属油漆项目,总投资为20万元,甲方以人民币方式出资15万元, 乙方以人民币出资5万元及技术和客户资源。 第二条本合伙依法组成合伙企业,在合伙期间合伙人出资的为共有财产,不得随意分割。 合伙终至后, 各合伙人的出资仍为个人所有,届时予以返还。 第三条本合伙企业经营期限为三年。 如果需要延长期限的,在期满前六个月办理有关 手续。 第四条双方共同经营,合伙人执行合伙事务所产生的收益归全体合伙人,所产生的亏损或者民事责任由 全体合伙人。 第五条企业固定资产和盈余按照取得的销售净利润的甲方60%、乙方40%的比例分配。

第六条企业债务按照甲方60%、乙方40%比例负担。 任何一方对外偿还债务后,另一方应当按比例在十 日内向对方清偿自己负担的部分。 第七条每年项目产品总销售利润的百分之十进行固定投入。 销售利润分红,一年结算 第八条本协议未尽事宜,双方可以补充规定,补充协议与本协议有同等效力。 第九条本协议一式贰份,合伙人各一份。 本协议自合伙人签(或盖章)之日起生效。 第十条自协议签订之日起,乙方需要负责技术和市场开发及售后跟进,甲方负责管理及日常事务。 第十一条本协议有效期暂定三年,自双方代表(乙方为本人)签之日起计算,即从__ __年_ _月__ 日至_ ___年_ _月_ _日止。 第十二条争议处理 1、对于执行本合同发生的与本合同有关的争议应本着友好协商的原则解决; 2、如果双方通过协商不能达成一致,则提交仲裁委员会进行仲裁,或依法向人民法院起诉; 第十三条本协议到期后,双方均未提出终止协议要求的,视作均同意继续合作,本协议继续有效, 如果不再继续合作的,退出方应提前三个月向另一方提交退出的书面文本,并将己方的有关本合同项目的资料及客户资源都应交给另



销货合同(Sales Confirmation) 国际货物买卖合同一般金额大,内容繁杂,有效期长,因此许多国家的法律要求采用书面形式。书面合同主要有两种形式,即正式合同(CONTRACT)和合同确认书(CONFIRMATION),虽然其繁简不同,但具有同等法律效力,对买卖双方均有约束力。大宗商品或成交额较大的交易,多采用正式合同;而金额不大,批数较多的小土特产品或轻工产品,或者已订立代理、包销等长期协议的交易多采用合同确认书(亦称简式合同)。 无论采哪种形式,合同抬头应醒目注明SALES CONTRACT或SALES CONFIRMATION(对销售合同或确认书而言)等字样。一般来说出口合同的格式都是由我方(出口公司)事先印制好的,因此有时在SALES CONFIRMATION之前加上出口公司名称或是公司的标志等(我外贸公司进口时也习惯由我方印制进口合同)。交易成立后,寄交买方签署(countersign),作为交易成立的书面凭据。 在SimTrade中,买卖双方都可以起草合同,填写时只需将名称、地址等内容作相应变化既可。如合同由买方起草时,上方空白栏则填入进口商公司名称及地址,以此类推。 报表上方两行空白栏 为出口商公司抬头,须分别填写出口商的英文名称及地址。 如:GRAND WESTERN FOODS CORP. Room2501, Jiafa Mansion, Beijing West road, Nanjing 210005, P. R. China Messrs 详细填列交易对象(即进口商)的名称及地址。 在SimTrade中,进口商的详细资料请在“淘金网”的公司库里查询。 如:Dynasty Furniture Manufacturing Ltd. 3344-54th Avenue S. E. Calgary, Alberta T2C OAS Canada No. 销货合同编号,由卖方自行编设,以便存储归档管理之用。 在SimTrade中,该编号已由卖方在起草合同时填入,单据中不能再更改。 Date 填写销货合同制作日期。 如:2005年2月18日,可以有以下几种日期格式填法: 1. 2005-02-18或02-18-2005 2. 2005/02/18或02/18/2005 3. 050218(信用证电文上的日期格式) 4. February 18, 2005或Feb 18, 2005 Product No. 填写货号,销货合同上应记明各种货物编号,以求联系沟通方便。 在SimTrade中,货号必须选择“淘金网”的“产品展示”里已有的商品编号。 Description


合同 CONTRACT 日期:合同号码: Date: Contract No.: 买方:(The Buyers) 卖方:(The Sellers) 兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品: This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter: (1) 商品名称: Name of Commodity: (2) 数量: Quantity: (3) 单价: Unit price: (4) 总值: Total Value: (5) 包装: Packing: (6) 生产国别: Country of Origin : (7) 支付条款: Terms of Payment: (8) 保险: Insurance: (9) 装运期限: Time of Shipment: (10) 起运港: Port of Lading:

(11) 目的港: Port of Destination: (12)索赔:在货到目的口岸45天内如发现货物品质,规格和数量与合同不符,除属保险公司或船方责任外,买方有权凭中国商检出具的检验证书或有关文件向卖方索赔换货或赔款。 Claims: Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, should the quality, Specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable. The Buyers shall, have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the C.C.I.C and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the Sellers. (13)不可抗力:由于人力不可抗力的原由,发生在制造、装载或运输的过程中导致卖方延期交货或不能交货者,卖方可免除责任。在不可抗力发生后,卖方须立即电告买方及在14天内以空邮方式向买方提供事故发生的证明文件,在上述情况下,卖方仍须负责采取措施尽快发货。 Force Majeure: The sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-deli-very of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above the within fourteen days there after. The Sellers shall send by airmail to the Buyers for their acceptance certificate of the accident. Under such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods. (14)仲裁:凡有关执行合同所发生的一切争议应通过友好协商解决,如协商不能解决,则将分歧提交中国国际贸易促进委员会按有关仲裁程序进行仲裁,仲裁将是终局的,双方均受其约束,仲裁费用由败诉方承担。 Arbitration: All disputes in connection with the execution of this Contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case then may be submitted for arbitration to the Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedure promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission. The Arbitration committee shall be final and binding upon both parties. And the Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing parties.


合同的英语单词 合同是当事人或当事双方之间设立、变更、终止民事关系的协议。依法成立的合同,受法律保护。那么你知道合同的英语单词是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。 合同英语单词1: contract 合同英语单词2: agreement 合同英语单词3: paction 合同的英语例句: 他们有没有投标争取承包合同? Have they put in a bid for the contract? 根据你的合同,你每年有十五天的带薪假期。 According to your contract, you get 15 days paid holiday a year. 你的合同已经被终止。 Your contract has been terminated. 我们赢得了合同,但是却经过了多次不屈不挠的谈判才达到目的。 We won the contract but only through a lot of tough negotiating. 合同中有一条款禁止承租人转租房屋。

There is a clause in the contract forbidding tenants to sublet. 合同还可分为简单合同和正式合同。 Another way of classifying contracts is into simple and formal contracts. 在可撤销合同中,合同一方有权废止合同。 A voidable contract is one that a party will be entitled to rescind. 按照普通法,未成年人签订的合同除有效合同外就是可撤销合同或无效合同。 At common law contracts made with a minor that are not valid will be voidable or void. 我们对合同各项条款全无异议,下周签合同如何? We have agreed on all terms in the contract. 他们在合同上赔了钱。 They lost on the contract. 你要求在合同中订上什么条款? What clause do you require in the contract? 我想方设法从他嘴里套出他们另一些合同的细节。 I tried to pump him for details of their other contracts. 她三番五次地违反合同条款。 She violated the terms of the contract repeatedly. 你和你的配偶都需要签这份合同。 You and your spouse both have to sign this contract.
