当前位置:文档之家› 船舶建造合同版本之二中英文




本合同由依照法律组建和存在,并以为注册营业地的为一方(以下简称"买方"), 和依照中华人民共和国法律组建并存在,以中国为注册营业地的船厂为另一方


This CONTRACT, entered into this day of by and between , a corporation organized and existing under the Laws of , having its registered office at (here in after called the "Buyer" ) on one part; and Shipyard, a corporati on orga ni zed and exist ing un der the Laws of People 'Republic of China, hav ing its registered office at , the People 'Republic of Chi na (here in after called the "Seller")



In con siderati on of the mutual cove nants contained here in, the Seller agrees to build, la un ch, equip and complete at the Seller 'Shipyard and to sell and deliver to the Buyer after completi on and successful trial one (1) Vessel as more fully described in Article I hereof, to be registered un der the flag of and the Buyer agrees to purchase and take delivery of the aforesaid Vessel from the Seller and to pay for the same in accorda nee with the terms and con diti ons here in after set forth.



本船入级下述船级社,在设计吃水米时,载重量为公吨的船舶(以下简称本船),本船的卖方船号为,其建造、安装和完成应按下列技术规格书进行:The Vessel

is a metric tons deadweight, at desig ned draft of meters (here in after called the "Vessel") of the class described below. The Vessel shall have the Seller 'Hull No. and shall be con structed, equipped and completed in accorda nee with the following "Specifications":

(1)技术规格书(图号:)Specification (Drawi ng No.)

(2)总布置图(图号:)General Arrangement (Drawing No.)

(3)肿剖面图(图号:)Midship Section (Draw ing No.)

(4)厂商表(图号:)Makers list (Drawing No.)

上述随附技术文件由本合同双方签字(以下合称为"说明书"),并作为合同整体的一部分。Attached hereto and sig ned by each of the parties to the Con tract (here in after collectively called the "Specificatio ns"), maki ng an in tegral part hereof.



The Vessel, i ncludi ng its mach inery and equipme nt, shall con structed in accorda nee with the rules and regulati ons (here in after called the

"Classificati on Society") and shall be dist in guished in the record by the symbol of + , , , , , and shall also comply with the rules are regulati ons as fully described in the Specifications.


船厂对本船进行监造。The Seller shall arra nge with the Classificatio n Society assig n a represe ntative or represe ntatives (here in after called the

"Classificati on Surveyor") to the Seller 'Shipyard for supervisi on of the con struct ion of the Vessel.


All fees and charges incidental to Classification and to comply with the rules, regulati on and requireme nts of this Con tract as described in the Specificati ons issued up to the date of this Con tract as well as royalties, if any, payable on acco unt of the con struct ion of the Vessel shall be for the acco unt of the Seller, except as otherwise provided and agreed herei n. The key pla ns, materials and workma
