当前位置:文档之家› 货物进口合同中英文版



买方:________________________ 卖方:________________________

签订日期:____ 年____ 月____ 日


The buyers:


The seller:


The age nt of Seller:


This CONTRACT is made by and between the Buyers and the sellers: whereby th e Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the un der men ti oned goo ds on the terms and con diti ons stated below:


Goods Descripti on:


Cargo origi n:


Quality: According to ISRI standard



The above goods con firm to the en vir onmen tal protecti on regulati on of Chin

a, If return by non-environmentai protection e buyer

,the seller should pay bank th

all payme nt withi n 5 work ing days after con firmed

retur n by China C ustoms.


Qua ntity: More or Less<10%.




Pirce: port ,China.

QP: From the date of buyer received the deposit to 21days after cargos arri

val of desti nati on port. If the price fails to be fixed I ,the price will

be fixed automatically basis on the day of 21days after cargos ' arrival. (5)付款条件:合同金额的30%预付款于合同日期后5天内付至卖方银行。余款(如货物到港前一天未点价,按发票的100%金额支付,不扣除订金。订金在点价后扣除)




发票正本1份,箱单正本1份,提单正本三份,非木证明原件,CCIC 一正1畐叽买


Payme nt Terms: 30%dow n Payme nt withi n five days Upon Con tract Date and the remaining balanee to be paid via T/T to seller within 5 working days agai

nst Sellers ' Copy of In voice , Copy of Pack ing List , Copy of Bill of Ladi

ng before Cargo , copy of CCIC Arrives at First Discharge port Which ever comes first. Seller

will send origi nal docs to the buyer before cargo arr

ives destination port after received balanee of conract value , which inclu

de 1 sets of Origi nal In voice , 1 sets of Origi nal Pack ing List , three set

s of original B/L , and Original Non-wood Certificate , CCIC in one origina

l and one copy which will be deliver to buyer , Payment must reach our bank account at least 3days advanee of cargos arrival , otherwise we reserver t

he rights to sell the shipme nt to the third party and full deposit will be forfeited as compe nsati on.


Latest Shipment Date: To be shipped in 30 days after seller received the do wn payme nt (Partial Shipme nt Allowed).


Pack ing:

(8) 短重索赔:在货物到达工厂后20天内提出索赔,双方接受重量磅差为80KGS每




Weight Shortage Claim: All claims should be filed within 20 days after car

go arrival at final dest in ati on which is buyers ' factory. All weight claim

s should base on after 80kgs per container , scale differenee allowanee acc

epted by buyer and seller. Original scale weight ticket at destination requ

ired to present to seller and if claim amount more than USD2 , 000.00 then the origi nal SGS In spect ion report required. In spect ion fees will be bor ne by the party who submitted test.

(9) 质量索赔:在货物到达工厂20天内提出索赔,在提出质量索赔时买方应出具原始



Quality Claim: All Claims should be filed within 20 days after cargo arriva

l at final destination. All unioading photos ,Quality Issue Photos ,Origi

nal Sample are required when filing claim. Before settlement is reached the claim cargo shall not be processed or remove from origi nal uni oadi ng point without sellers authorizati on.

(10) 单据:所有以邮寄,传真,电子邮件发出的由卖方或买方签署的与本合同有关的各项单据(包括本合同)都将视为原件。中英文具有同等法律效力。

Docume nts: All the docume nts related to this con tract sig ned by seller or buyer delivered mailed ,faxed or emailed should be identified as authenti c and recog ni zed as origi nal. Both En glish and Chin ese vers ions which have same force of law.

(11) 延迟付款及罚款:如买方不能如期付款,卖方有权撤销该部分的合同并扣留定

金,或经卖方同意在买方缴纳罚款条件下延期放货。卖方可同意给予买方15天的优惠期。罚款率为每10天按货款总额的0.1 %。不足10天者按10天计算。罚款自第16 天起计算。最多不超过延期货款总额的0.5 %。

Late Payme nt and Pen alty: If the Buyer fails to make payme nt on time. The S

eller shall have has right to cancel the con tract and to detai n partial or

all of the dow n payme nt. Or , alter natively , the Buyer may , with the Sell

ers' consent , and delay release cargo to Buyers on payme nt of pen alty to t he Sellers. The Sellers may agree to grant the Buyers a grace period of 15 days. Pen alty shall be charged at the rate of 0.1% of the total value for e very 10 days. Odd days less tha n 10 days should be coun ted as 10 days. The total pen alty shall be charged at the rate of 0.1% not exceed 0.5% of the t otal value of the goods in volved.

(12) 不可抗力:由于人力不可抗拒事故,使卖方不能在合同规定期限内交货或者不能交货卖方不负责任;但卖方必须立即以传真通知买方,并以挂号函向买方提出有关政府机关或商会所出具的证明,以证明事故的存在,由于人力不可抗拒事故致使交货延期一个月以上时,买方有权撤销合同。

Force Majeure: In case of Force Majeure the sellers shall not be held respo

n sible for delay in delivery or non-delivery of the goods but shall no tify immediately the Buyers by fax and deliver to the Buyers by registered mail a certificate issued by gover nment authorities or Chamber of Commerce as ev idence thereof. If the shipme nt is delayed over one month as the con seque nc e of the said Force Majcure the Buyers shall have the right to cancel this


(13) 延期交货及罚款:除本合同第( 12)条人力不可抗拒原因外,如卖方不能如期交货,买方有权撤销该部分的合同,或经买方同意在卖方缴纳罚款的条件下延期交货。买方可同意给予

卖方15 天的优惠期。罚款率为每10 天按货款总额的0.1 %。不足10 天者按10 天计算。罚款自第16 天起计算。最多不超过延期货款总额的0.5 %。Delayed Delivery and Penalty: Should the Sellers fail to effect delivery on time as stipulated in this Contract owing to causes other than Force Majeu re as provided for in Clause (12) of this Contract ,the Buyers shall have

the right to cancel the relative quantity of the contract. Or ,alternativ ely ,the Sellers

may ,with the Buyers' consent ,postpone delivery on pay

ment of penalty to the Buyers. The Buyers may agree to grant the Sellers a grace period of 15 days. Penalty shall be charged at the rate of 0. 1% of t he total value for every 10 days. Odd days less than 10 days should be coun ted as 10 days. The total penalty shall be charged at the rate of 0.1% not exceed 0.5% of the total value of the goods involved.

(14) 仲裁:一切因执行本合同或与本合同有关的争执,应由双方通过协商解决。如经协商不能解决时,应提交起诉方所在国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(或中华人民共和国法院),按照该国仲裁委员会仲裁程序规则进行仲裁。仲裁委员会的裁决为终局裁决,对双方均有约束力。仲裁费用除仲裁委员会另有决定外,由败诉一方负担。Arbitration: All disputes in connection with this Sales Contract thereof sh all be settled by negotiation between two parties. If no settlement can be reached ,the case in dispute shall be submitted for arbitration to the dep endant country ( or the Court of PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. ) The decision made by the Arbitration Organization shall be taken as final and binding up on both parties. The Arbitration expenses shall be borne by the losing part y unless otherwise awarded by the Arbitration Organization.

(15) 附加条款:以上任何条款如与以下附加条款有抵触时,以下条件为准。如果卖方不能完整的提供本合同中第五条所要求的文件,所造成的退货损失由卖方承担。Additional Clause: If any of the above-mentioned Clauses are inconsistent w ith the following Additional

Clause(s) ,the Latter to be taken as authenti

c. The seller will take the loss if requested documents by Term No. 5 th of this contract are not sufficient.


The Buyers: The Sellers


CONTRACT 合同号Contract 日期Date: 地点:Place: 卖方:The Seller: 地址:Address: TEL: FAX: 买方:The Buyer: 地址:Address: TEL: FAX: 本合同由买卖双方缔结,按照下述条款,卖方同意售出,买方同意购进以下商品: The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the under mentioned goods subject to terms and conditions set forth hereinafter as follows: 1.商品名称及规格NAME OF COMMODITY AND SPECIFICATION: 2.数量QUANTITY: 3.单价(包装费包括在内)UNIT PRICE (PACKING CHARGES INCLUDE): 4.总值: TOTAL VALUE: USD 5.包装(适于海洋运输)PACKING (SEAWORTHY):

6.生产国别及制造商COUNTRY OF ORIGIN & MANUFACTURE: 7.装运时间:TIME OF SHIPMENT: 8.装运口岸:PORT OF LOADING: 9.目的口岸:PORT OF DESTINATION: 10.装运唛头:SHIPPING MARKS 11.付款条件:Terms of Payment A. 买方于装运时间前天通过银行开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的信用证,卖方在装船启运后凭本合同条款12所列单据在开证银行已付货款。信用证有效期为装船后15天截止。 A. days prior to the time shipment, the Buyer shall open with the Bank of , an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favour of the Seller payable at the issuing Bank against presentation of the shipping documents as stipulated under Clause 12 of this Contract after departure of the carrying vessel. The said Letter of Credit shall remain in force till the 15th days after shipment. B. L/C AT SIGHT 见票即付信用证(或者根据实际情况改为TT) 12.装运单据Shipping Documents: DETAILED IN THE L/C 按信用证所列 13.延期交货及罚款:除不可抗拒原因外,如卖方不能如期交货,买方有权撤销或解除该订单,或经买方同意在卖方缴纳罚款的条件下延期交货。买方可同意给予卖方天优惠期。每迟延一天卖方需向买方支付订单总价款%的违约金。罚款自第天起计算。 Delayed Delivery and Penalty: Should the Sellers fail to effect delivery on time as stipulated in this Order owing to causes other than Force Majeure as provided for in Clause 11 of this Order, the Buyers shall have the right to cancel or terminate the order .The Sellers may, with the Buyers’consent, postpone delivery on payment of penalty to the Buyers. The Buyers may agree to grant the Sellers a grace period of days. Delay each day, the Seller need to pay % of the price (the compensation)to the Buyer. Penalty shall be calculated from the 16th day. 13、仲裁:凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,均应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会天津国际经济金融仲裁中心,按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。 Arbitration: Any dispute arising from or in connection with this CONTRACT shall be submitted to CIETAC Tianjin International Economic and Financial Arbitration Center for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission’s arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral awards is final and binding upon all parties 。 14. 商检条款INSPECTION:


副总经理聘任合同 甲方(聘请方): 乙方(应聘方): 身份证号码: 甲乙双方经充分协商,由董事会决议及批准,聘请乙方担任甲方副总经理一职,双方形成劳动关系,在本协议约定期限内乙方参与公司经营。特此约定,以兹双方共同遵守。 第一条聘用期限:聘用期限三年,自年月日起至年月日止。聘用协议期满前一个月,经双方协商同意,可以续订聘用协议。本协议期限届满后,任何一方不再续订聘用协议的,应在协议期满前一个月书面通知对方。 第二条经营管理模式 1、乙方在甲方公司担任副经理职务期间,配合总经理全面组织公司管理、生产经营、市场开拓工及财务管理工作; 2、甲方承诺:自本协议签字之日起个工作日内,甲方即注入资金人民币1000万元,作为乙方生产经营的启动资金; 3、甲方为保证启动资金的顺利到位,自本协议签订之日起用账户,并按照前述约定将启动资金以个工作日内在银行开立公司生产经营专(转账、电汇、现金)方式注入该专用账户; 4、乙方有权使用前述启动资金,但仅限于公司生产经营和管理; 5、甲方承诺:将公司每年利润的 40%作为绩效奖金发放给乙方;乙方可自本协议签订当月起,每月从甲方处领取固定工资人民币月待年终结堵截算绩效奖金时,再将已领取的工资从绩效奖金中进行抵扣。 第三条甲方的权利与义务 1、对公司资产拥有所有权; 2、对乙方在贯彻执行国家法律、法规、政策和公司财产的使用、保护等方面进行监督检查; 3、甲方有权指派一人担任公司监事,直接负责监督乙方在职期间的工作,监督乙方对启动资金的使用情况等;

第四条乙方的权利与义务 1、自主安排并组织指挥公司的日常采购、生产和销售等工作。 2、负责公司的经营管理工作,行使董事会授予的生产经营管理职权; 3、由乙方指派人员负责保管公司财务章、公章、合同章等印鉴; 4、公司财务负责人亦由乙方指派:财务负责人全面管理公司的财务工作,签署重要的财务文件和报表,管理公司账目。 5、乙方必须在甲方公司的法定经营范围内从事经营活动(以甲方企业法人营业执照为准); 6、经甲方书面同意,乙方可以对甲方拥有所有权的财产进行处分,包括但不限于转让、转移、抵押、质押、出租、赠与等;但乙方按照前述规定处分甲方财产时,应将相关的材料(包括但不限于合同、协议等)报董事会备案; 7、乙方不得以甲方名义对外提供任何形式的担保。乙方应于每月_日前据实向董事会报送公司的财务报表; 乙方应依法纳税,按时清偿银行借款和其他债务,及时收回应收款; 乙方应当遵守法律法规以及甲方公司章程,忠实履行职务,维护公司利益,不得利用在公司的地位和职权,为自己谋取私利。 第五条协议解除发生下述情况之一,履约方有权解除本协议: 乙方如滥用职权侵吞公司财物、侵占公司资产的; 甲方未按照本协议第二条第 5 款之承诺向乙方交纳发放工资,逾期 2 个月以上; 乙方未经甲方许可擅自以本企业名义向银行以外的机构或公民借款融资的; 甲方以不正当形式干预乙方对公司的经营管理权的。 第六条争议解决因履行本协议发生争议的,双方应友好协商解决;如协商不成,可向各自所在地人民法院起诉。 第七条其它 双方在协议期内形成的债权债务关系,不因本协议期限届满或解除而消灭; 本协议执行中如有未尽事宜,应由双方共同协商,做出补充规定;附件、补充规定与本协议具有同等效力; 本协议一式四份,甲、乙双方各持二份,自双方签字盖章时生效。


合同编号:YT-FS-7657-65 一般货物进口合同格式 (附英文) Clarify Each Clause Under The Cooperation Framework, And Formulate It According To The Agreement Reached By The Parties Through Consensus, Which Is Legally Binding On The Parties. 互惠互利共同繁荣 Mutual Benefit And Common Prosperity

一般货物进口合同格式(附英文) 备注:该合同书文本主要阐明合作框架下每个条款,并根据当事人一致协商达成协议,同时也明确各方的权利和义务,对当事人具有法律约束力而制定。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 合同号码: 签约日期: 买方: 卖方: 本合同由买卖双方缔结,用中、英文字写成,两 种文体具有同等效力,按照下述条款,卖方同意售出 买方同意购进以下商品: 「章名」第一部分 1.商品名称及规格 2.生产国别及制造厂商 3.单价(包装费用包括在内) 4.数量 5.总值 6.包装(适合海洋运输)

7.保险(除非另有协议,保险均由买方负责) 8.装船时间 9.装运口岸 10.目的口岸 11.装运唛头,卖方负责在每件货物上用牢固的不褪色的颜料明显地刷印或标明下述唛头,以及目的口岸、件号、毛重和净重、尺码和其它买方要求的标记。如系危险及/或有毒货物,卖方负责保证在每件货物上明显地标明货物的性质说明及习惯上被接受的标记。 12.付款条件:买方于货物装船时间前一个月通过______银行开出以卖方为抬头的不可撤销信用证,卖方在货物装船启运后凭本合同交货条款第18条A款所列单据在开证银行议付贷款。上述信用证有效期将在装船后15天截止。 13.其它条件:除非经买方同意和接受,本合同其它一切有关事项均按第二部分交货条款之规定办理,该交货条款为本合同不可分的部分,本合同如有任何附加条款将自动地优先执行附加条款,如附加条款与


英文合同:货物进口合同(中英文) 这篇《英文合同范文:货物进口合同(中英文)》是为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。以下信息仅供参考!!! 签约日期:买方:卖方: 本合同由买卖双方缔结,用中、英文字写成,两种文体具有同等效力,按照下述条款,卖方同意售出买方同意购进以下商品: 【章名】第一部分 1.商品名称及规格 2.生产国别及制造厂商 3.单价 4.数量 5.总值 6.包装 7.保险 8.装船时间 9.装运口岸 10.目的口岸 11.装运唛头,卖方负责在每件货物上用牢固的不褪色的颜料明显地刷印或标明下述唛头,以及目的口岸、件号、毛重和净重、尺码和其它买方要求的标记。如系危险及/或

有毒货物,卖方负责保证在每件货物上明显地标明货物的性质说明及习惯上被接受的标记。 12.付款条件:买方于货物装船时间前一个月通过______银行开出以卖方为抬头的不可撤销信用证,卖方在货物装船启运后凭本合同交货条款第18条a款所列单据在开证银行议付贷款。上述信用证有效期将在装船后15天截止。 13.其它条件:除非经买方同意和接受,本合同其它一切有关事项均按第二部分交货条款之规定办理,该交货条款为本合同不可分的部分,本合同如有任何附加条款将自动地优先执行附加条款,如附加条款与本合同条款有抵触,则以附加条款为准。 【章名】第二部分 【章名】14.fob/fas条件 14.1.本合同项下货物的装运舱位由买方或买方的运输代理人___________租订。 14.2.在fob条件下,卖方应负责将所订货物在本合同第8条所规定的装船期内按买方所通知的任何日期装上买方所指定的船只。 14.3.在fas条件下,卖方应负责将所订货物在本合同第8条所规定的装船期内按买方所通知的任何日期


合同编号:YTO-FS-PD585 货物进口合同(附英文)通用版 In Order T o Protect Their Own Legal Rights, The Cooperative Parties Negotiate And Reach An Agreement, And Sign Into Documents, So As To Solve Disputes And Achieve The Effect Of Common Interests. 标准/ 权威/ 规范/ 实用 Authoritative And Practical Standards

货物进口合同(附英文)通用版 使用提示:本合同文件可用于合作多方为了保障各自的合法权利,经共同商议并达成协议,签署成为文件资料,实现纠纷解决和达到共同利益效果。文件下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用。 合同编号(Contract No.) :_______ 签订日期(Date) :___________ 签订地点(Signed at) :_________ 买方:____________ The Buyer:__________ 地址: ____________ Address: ___________ 电话(Tel):___________ 传真(Fax):__________ 电子邮箱(E-mail):_______________ 卖方:_____________ The Seller:___________ 地址:_____________ Address: ____________ 电话(Tel):_________ 传真(Fax):___________ 电子邮箱(E-mail):_______________ 买卖双方同意按照下列条款签订本合同:


货物进口合同( Purchase Contrac)t 合同编号(Contract No.): ___________ 签订日期(Date) :___________ 签订地点(Signed at) :_______买方:__________________________ The Buyer:________________________地址:__________________________Address: _________________________电话(Tel):___________传真(Fax):__________电子邮箱(E-mail): ______________________卖方:___________________________The Seller:_________________________地址:___________________________Address: __________________________电话(Tel):_________传真(Fax): ___________电子邮箱(E-mail): ______________________ 买卖双方同意按照下列条款签订本合同: The Seller and the Buyer agree to conclude this Contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below: 1.货物名称、规格和质量 ( Name, Specifications and Quality of Commodity): 2.数量( Quantity):允许____的溢短装(___% more or less allowed) 3.单价( Unit Price): 4.总值( Total Amount): 5.交货条件(Terms of Delivery) FOB/CFR/CIF _______ 6.原产地国与制造商(Country of Origin and Manufacturers): 7.包装及标准( Packing):货物应具有防潮、防锈蚀、防震并适合于远洋运输的包装,由于货物包装不良而造成的货物残损、灭失应由卖方负责。卖方应在每个包装箱上用不褪色的颜色标明尺码、包装箱号码、毛重、净重及“此端向上”、“防潮”、“小心轻放” 等标记。 The packing of the goods shall be preventive from dampness, rust, moisture, erosion and shock, and shall be suitable for ocean transportation/ multiple transportation. The Seller shall be liable for any damage and loss of the goods attributable to the inadequate or improper packing. The measurement, gross weight, net weight and the cautions such as "Do not stack up side down", "Keep away from moisture", "Handle with care" shall be stenciled on the surface of each package with fadeless pigment.


( 合同范本 ) 甲方: 乙方: 日期:年月日 精品合同 / Word文档 / 文字可改 KTV经理聘用合同(合同范本) Constrain both parties to perform their responsibilities and obligations together, and clarify the obligations that both parties need to perform within the time limit

KTV经理聘用合同(合同范本) 兹有宾川县童话KTV(以下简称甲方),与(以下简称乙方,身份证:,现住址及电话:)根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》和现行劳动法律、法规及有关政策规定,同意确立双方的劳动关系,愿意执行双方的劳动权利和义务,愿意执行双方平等自愿、协商一致,签定本劳动合同,共同遵守执行。 第一条合同期限 (1)聘用日期自年月日起至年月日止。 (2)合同期满,若要续签,须经甲乙双方协商同意才能办理续签合同手续。 第二条工作岗位 甲方聘请乙方为宾川县童话KTV经理职位,乙方在工作中要按照工种(岗位)规定的工作要求按质按量完成工作任务。 担保方式:风险抵押金.乙方须于每年的月日前向甲方交付当

年度聘用经营风险保证金为人民币元.作为乙方全面履行本合同的风险金. 第三条薪资福利 甲方根据国家有关规定和KTV经营状况实行KTV的等级工资制度,并根据乙方所担负的职务和其他条件确定其相应的工资标准,聘用期间2人每月基本报酬为人民币 (含社会保险、福利等),每月号以货币的形式按月足额支付乙方的工资报酬。 在合同期内,乙方完成每月甲方规定的大写: 营业额,超额部分以提成,提成部分单月结算. 任聘期内,甲方可向乙方提供住宿,但不向乙方提供伙食. 劳动时间,原则上,乙方每天的工作时间为8小时(不含用餐时间),根据甲方经营特殊性的需要,乙方应延时上班时间。每周的工作时间按照KTV规定。每月有三天有薪休班。 第五条员工教育 在乙方任职期间,乙方须经常对甲方的员工进行职业道德、业务技术、岗位技能、安全生产及各种规章制度及社会法制教育。


商务英语:货物进口合同 货物进口(purchase con tract) 合同编号(con tract n o.): 签订日期(date) : _ 签订地点(signed at): 20XX 年— 买方: _______________________________________________ the buyer: ___________________________________________ 地址: ________________________________________________ address: ______________________________________________ 电话(tel): _________________ 传真(fax): ________________ 电子邮箱(e-mail): _____________________________________ 卖方: _______________________________________________ the seller: ___________________________________________ 地址: _______________________________________________ address: ______________________________________________ 电话(tel):_ _______________ 传真(fax): __________________

电子邮箱(e-mail): ______________________________________ 买卖双方同意按照下列条款签订本合同: the seller and the buyer agree to conclude this contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below: 1. 货物名称、规格和质量( name, specifications and quality of commodity ): 2. 数量( quantity ): 允许______ 的溢短装( _______ % more or less allowed ) 3. 单价( unit price ): 4. 总值( total amount ): 5. 交货条件(terms of delivery) fob/cfr/cif ___________ 6. 原产地国与制造商 (country of origin and manufacturers): 7. 包装及标准( packing ):货物应具有防潮、防锈蚀、防震并适合于远洋运输的包装,由于货物包装不良而造成的货物残损、灭失应由 卖方负责。卖方应在每个包装箱上用不褪色的颜色标明尺码、包装箱号码、毛重、净重及“此端向上”、“防潮”、“小心轻放”等标记。 the packing of the goods shall be preventive from dampness, rust, moisture, erosion and shock, and shall be suitable for ocean transportation/ multiple transportation. the seller shall be liable for any damage and loss of the goods attributable to the inadequate or improper packing. the measurement, gross weight, net weight and the cautions such as "do not stack up side down", "keep away from moisture", "handle with care" shall be stenciled on the surface of each package with fadeless pigment. 8. 唛头( shipping marks ): 9. 装运期限( time of shipment ): 10. 装运口岸( port of loading ):


编号:_____________总经理聘用合同 聘请方:________________________________________________ 应聘方:___________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日

聘请方:__________(以下简称甲方) 应聘方:__________(以下简称乙方) 甲方经董事会决议,聘请乙方担任甲方的总经理。为加强管理,提高绩效,甲乙双方经充分协商,签订本合同,以资双方共同遵守。 一、聘用内容 甲方聘请乙方担任甲方公司总经理。 二、聘用期限 自_____年_____月_____日起至_____年_____月_____日止。 三、担保方式 风险抵押金。乙方须于每年的_____月_____日前向甲方交付当年度聘用经营风险保证金人民币_____元,作为乙方全面履行本合同的担保。 四、权利义务 (一)甲方由董事会行使下列职权 1.公司的经营方针和投资计划; 2.制订公司的年度财务预算方案、决算方案; 3.制订公司的利润分配方案和弥补亏损方案; 4.决定公司内部管理机构的设置,决定公司的基本管理制度; 5.监督乙方的工作 (二)乙方: 1.对甲方的生产经营管理负全面责任,行使一切生产经营管理职权,并接受甲方董事会的监督。保证甲方安全生产,长效管理,保值增值。 2.遵守法律法规和财务会计制度,拟订公司内部管理机构设置方案,拟订公司的基本管理制度; 3.不得改变甲方的法定代表人、名称和经营范围,如确实需要改动,应经董事会同意; 4.对甲方的财产无处分权,包括但不限于转让、转移、抵押、质押、出租、赠与等; 5.聘用经营期间,若以甲方的名义贷款,须经甲方董事会同意; 6.不得以甲方名义对外提供任何形式的担保; 7.应于每月7日前据实向甲方董事会报送甲方的财务报表; 8.聘任或者解聘除应由董事会聘任或者解聘以外的负责管理人员;


货物进口合同(Purchase Contract) 合同编号(Contract No.): _______________ 签订日期(Date) :___________ 签订地点(Signed at) :___________ 买方:__________________________ The Buyer:________________________ 地址:__________________________Address: _________________________ 电话(Tel):___________传真(Fax):__________ 电子邮箱(E-mail):______________________ 卖方:___________________________ The Seller:_________________________ 地址:___________________________Address: __________________________ 电话(Tel):_________传真(Fax):___________ 电子邮箱(E-mail):______________________买卖双方同意按照下列条款签订本合同: The Seller and the Buyer agree to conclude this Contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below: 1. 货物名称、规格和质量(Name, Specifications and Quality of Commodity): 2. 数量(Quantity): 允许____的溢短装(___% more or less allowed) 3. 单价(Unit Price): 4. 总值(Total Amount): 5. 交货条件(Terms of Delivery) FOB/CFR/CIF_______ 6. 原产地国与制造商(Country of Origin and Manufacturers): 7. 包装及标准(Packing): 货物应具有防潮、防锈蚀、防震并适合于远洋运输的包装,由于货物包装不良而造成的货物残损、灭失应由卖方负责。卖方应在每个包装箱上用不褪色的颜色标明尺码、包装箱号码、毛重、净重及“此端向上”、“防潮”、“小心轻放”等标记。 The packing of the goods shall be preventive from dampness, rust, moisture, erosion and shock, and shall be suitable for ocean transportation/ multiple transportation. The Seller shall be liable for any damage and loss of the goods attributable to the inadequate or improper packing. The measurement, gross weight, net weight and the cautions such as "Do not stack up side down", "Keep away from moisture", "Handle with care" shall be stenciled on the surface of each package with fadeless pigment.


买卖合同(中英文对照) (供出口合同用) C.I.F./C.&F.编号NO. 合同格式 C.I.F./C.&F.Form 中国 China 买受人:出卖人: Buyer: 地址:地址: Address:Address: 电挂:电挂: Cable:Cable: 电传:电传: Telex:Telex: 上述买卖双方按照下列条件于______年______月______日签订合同 The Seller and the Buyer above named have this ____ dayof ____ ____. entered into this Contract on the follow ingterms and conditions. 1.货物: COMMODITY: 2.合同总价: TOTAL CONTRACT V ALUE: 3.包装: PACKING: 4.保险:□根据中国人民保险公司保险条款按发票金额110% INSURANCE:投保综合险。 Covering All Risks for 110% of the invoice value as perInsurance: Policy of People's Insurance Company of Ch i-na (P. I. C. C. ) □由买方自理。 To be affected by the Buyer. 5.运输标志: SHIPPING MARKS: 6.装运港: INTENDED PORT(S) OF SHIPMENT: 7.目的港: PORT OF DESTINATION: 8.装运期: SHIPMENT PERIOD: 9.付款条件: TERMS OF PAYMENT: □合同货款应由买方通过卖方可接受的银行,按合同总价开出以卖方为受益人的、无追索权、保兑、不可撤销、可转让、可分批装运、可转船的信用证支付。凭______即期汇票在提示第十条所列装运单据时付款。该信用证最迟应于装运期开始前______天开到卖方,而且在装运期结束后15天内仍能在中国有效议付。若买方未能履行上述义务,根据卖方的选择,可终止本合同,或接受本合同的部分或全部,或就由此而发生的任何损失提出索赔。 Payment hereunder shall be made by confirmed; irrevocable andtransferable without recourse letter of credit in favour of the sell-er for the total contract value opened by a bank acceptable to theSeller permitting part shipme


公司经理聘用合同范本甲方(聘请方): 乙方(应聘方):(身份证号码:) 甲乙双方经充分协商,由甲方董事会决议、且经甲方股东会批准,聘请乙方担任甲方总经理一职,双方形成劳动关系,在本协议约定期限内由乙方行使甲方公司经营权。特此约定,以兹双方共同遵守。 第一条聘用期限: 聘用期限五年,自年月日起至年月日止。聘用协议期满前一个月,经双方协商同意,可以续订聘用协议。本协议期限届满后,任何一方不再续订聘用协议的,应在协议期满前一个月书面通知对方。 第二条经营管理模式 1、乙方在甲方公司担任总经理职务期间,全面组织公司管理、生产经营、市场开拓工及财务管理工作; 2、甲方承诺:自本协议签字之日起个工作日内,甲方即注入资金人民币2000万元,作为乙方组织公司生产经营的启动资金; 3、甲方为保证启动资金的顺利到位,自本协议签订之日起个工作日内在银行开立公司生产经营专用账户,并按照前述约定将启动资金以(转账、电汇、现金)方式注入该专用账户; 4、乙方有权使用前述启动资金,但仅限于公司生产经营和管理; 5、甲方承诺:将公司每年利润的25%以及公司当年总产值的3%作为绩效奖金发放给乙方;乙方可自本协议签订当月起,每月从甲方处领取固定工资人民币月,待年终结算绩效奖金时,再将已领取的工资从绩效奖金中进行抵扣。 第三条甲方的权利与义务 1、对公司资产拥有所有权; 2、对乙方在贯彻执行国家法律、法规、政策和公司财产的使用、保护等方面进行监督检查; 3、甲方有权指派一人担任公司监事,直接负责监督乙方在职期间的工作,监督乙方对启动资金的使用情况等; 4、甲方不得以不正当形式干涉乙方的经营管理权; 5、甲方不得以不正当形式干预乙方对公司财务的管理。 第四条乙方的权利与义务 1、自主安排并组织指挥公司的日常采购、生产和销售等工作,审批年度投资、财务计划内各项经费的开支; 2、全面负责公司的经营管理工作,行使董事会授予的生产经营管理职权; 3、本协议签订后乙方对公司现有人员全部接收,但乙方在总经理任职期间有人事管理的自主权,有权聘任、解聘公司内部任何岗位的人员,但应将相关人事材料报甲方董事会备案; 4、由乙方指派人员负责保管公司财务章、公章、合同章等印鉴; 5、公司财务负责人亦由乙方指派:财务负责人全面管理公司的财务工作,签署重要的财务文件和报表,管理公司账目,对乙方负责并报告工作; 6、乙方必须在甲方公司的法定经营范围内从事经营活动(以甲方企业法人营业执照为准); 7、经甲方书面同意,乙方可以对甲方拥有所有权的财产进行处分,包括但不限于转让、转移、抵押、质押、出租、赠与等;但乙方按照前述规定处分甲方财产时,应将相关的材料(包括但不限于合同、协议等)报甲方董事会备案;


货物进口合同(范本) In accordance with the relevant provisions and clear responsibilities and obligations of both parties, the following terms are reached on the principle of voluntariness, equality and mutual benefit. 甲方:__________________ 乙方:__________________ 签订日期:__________________ 本合同书下载后可随意修改

合同编号:YH-FS-791865货物进口合同(范本) 说明:本服务合同书根据有关规定,及明确双方责任与义务,同时对当事人进行法律约束,本着自愿及平等互利的原则达成以下条款。文档格式为docx可任意编辑使用时请仔细阅读。 货物进口合同(范本) 甲方:_____公司(以下简称供方),由_____代表。 乙方:_____公司(以下简称购方),由_____代表。 目录 第一条合同标的 第二条技术资料 第三条供货条件--包装和标记 第四条设备质量 第五条合同价格和支付条件 第六条保证 第七条不可抗力 第八条仲裁 第九条通知 第十条语言

第十一条其他条件 附件1 设备技术说明书 甲方___(供方)与乙方____(购方)达成如下协议: 第一条合同标的 供方同意出售,购方同意购买____。(详见本合同附件1,该附件为本合同不可分割的一部分)。 第二条技术资料供方应向购方提供设备使用及维修技术资料一份,购方负有对该技术资料保密之义务。 第三条供货条件--包装和标记供方应在设备全额信用证开立之后的__个月内用密封集装箱或其他包皮包装从____发运设备。供方有权从任何对其方便的港口发运设备。供方应把设备运至商定的独联体东海岸___港。自设备从船舷运抵独联体远东港口时起灭失和(或)损坏的风险由供方转移到购方。供方承担设备运输的一切费用及运抵港口前的保险费。设备从独联体港口继续运到安装地的一切费用由购方承担。发货前__天内供方应向购方通知发运情况,明确交通工具的种类和名称、计划发运日期及其他有关信息。购方应支付履行海关手续的所有费用和一切与设备运入独联体


编号:GR-WR-82226 货物进口合同模板(中英 文版) After negotiation and consultation, both parties jointly recognize and abide by their responsibilities and obligations, and elaborate the agreed commitment results within the specified time. 甲方:____________________ 乙方:____________________ 签订时间:____________________ 本文档下载后可任意修改

货物进口合同模板(中英文版) 备注:本合同书适用于约定双方经过谈判、协商而共同承认、共同遵守的责任与义务,同时阐述确定的时间内达成约定的承诺结果。文档可直接下载或修改,使用时请详细阅读内容。 货物进口合同 合同编号(ContractNo.):______ 签订日期(Date):_____ 签订地点(Signedat):_____ 买方:________ 地址:________ 电话(Tel):_____传真(Fax):_______ 电子邮箱(E-mail):_______ 卖方:_________ 地址:_________ 电话(Tel):______传真(Fax):_____ 电子邮箱(E-mail):_______ 买卖双方同意按照下列条款签订本合同: 1.货物名称、规格和质量(Name,SpecificationsandQualityofCommodity):


合同号码((Contract No.): 签订日期(Date): 销售合同 SALES CONTRACT 卖方The Seller: Add: TEL: FAX: 买方The Buyer: Add: TEL: FAX: 经双方确认订立本合同,具体条款如下: This sales contract is made out as per the following terms and conditions mutually confirmed by both parties: (5) 装运港: Port of shipment: ( 6) 装运期限:: Time of shipment: (7)生产国别及制造厂商: Country of Origin & Manufacturer: (8) 付款条件: Payment T erms: (9) 包装: Packing: (10)保险:除本合同条款另有规定外,保险均由买方负责。 Insurance: T o be covered by the Buyer unless otherwise provided herein. 备注:买方应根据卖方公司账户进行付款;如买方款项付到其它任何账户,卖方不承担任何责任。

Note: Buyer shall make a payment based on the seller’s account, if the buyer any amount paid to the other account, the seller does not bear any responsibility. 卖方银行信息The Seller's Bank Information: Receive Bank: Account Number. : Swift Code: Beneficiary Name: (11) 品质/数量异议:如买方提出异议,凡属品质异议应于货到目的口岸之日起45天内提出,过期不予受理。对所装货物的任何异议属于保险公司,轮船公司,其他有关运输机构所负责者,卖方不负任何责任。理赔只限于卖方在收到买方所在地声誉良好的商检机构或商会出具的商品抽样检查报告,证明货物与合同不符后,对品质不符的货物按一比一更换或按照货物的疵劣程度和损坏的范围将货物贬值,对数量不符的货物给予补足。无论哪种情况下,卖方均不对货物的可销售性或适用性负责,也不对任何损失负责赔偿,包括但不仅限于直接的,间接的,附带的损失。 Quality/Quantity discrepancy: In case of quality discrepancy, claims shall be filed by the buyer within 45 day’s after the arrival of the commodity at the port of destination. Otherwise no claim will be accepted. It is understood that the seller shall not be liable for any discrepancy of the commodity shipped due to causes for which the insurance company, other transportation organization or post office are liable. The settlement of such claims is restricted to replacement of the non-conforming commodity on a on e-to-one basis or devaluation of the commodity according to the degree of inferiority and extent of damage in case of quality discrepancy or supply for the sliertage case of quantity discrepancy after the seller has received an inspection report on the commodity by sampling issued by a reputable commodity inspection organization or chamber of commerce at the place where the buyer is located, certifying the non-conformity thereof. In no event shall the seller be held liable for the merchantability or fitness for any purpose, nor shall it have any liability or responsibility for damages of any kind whatsoever, including but not limited to any direct, indirect or collateral damages. (12) 仲裁:在执行本合同中所发生的或者与合同有关的一切争执,由双方协商解决。如果协商后仍不能解决的,应提请仲裁。仲裁地点在中国,由中国国际贸易促进会对外经济贸易仲裁委员会进行,根据该委员会的仲裁决定为最终决定,买卖双方都应服从,除仲裁委员会另有判定外,仲裁费用由败诉一方负担。 Arbitration: Any or all disputes arising from or in connection with the performance of the contract shall be settled through negotiation by both parties failing which they shall be submitted for arbitration. The arbitration shall take place in China and shall be conducted by the foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission of China Council for the promotion of international trade in accordance with the provisional rules of procedures of the said commission. The arbitration award shall be final and binding upon both buyer and seller. Unless otherwise awarded by the sail arbitration commission, the arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party.. (13) 其他条款:本合同以中英文两种文字书就,两种文字的条款具有同等的法律效力 Other clauses: This contract is made out Chinese and English, both versions being equally authentic. (14)本合同一式两份,双方各持一份为证。 This Contract is made out in two original copies, one copy to be held by each party in witness thereof. 买方卖方 The Buyer: The Seller:
