当前位置:文档之家› 最高人民法院关于适用中华人民共和国合同法若干问题的解释(二)(2009年版)(中英文对照版)






四日最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国合同法》若干问题的解释(二)(2009年2月9日最高人民法院审判委员会第1462次会议通过 法释〔2009〕5号)

为了正确审理合同纠纷案件,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》的规定,对人民法院适用合同法的有关问题作出如下解释:Supreme People’s Court, Several Issues Concerning Application of the “PRC, Contract Law” Interpretation (2)

Fashi [2009] No. 5

Promulgated by the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People’s Court in the 1,462nd meeting on 9 February 2009

24 April 2009

Public announcement of the PRC Supreme People’s Court

The Supreme People’s Court, Several Issues Concerning Application of the “PRC, Contract Law” Interpretation (2) has been promulgated in the 1,462nd meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People’s Court on 9 February 2009. It is hereby promulgated and shall be effective as of 13 May 2009.

For the purpose of presiding over cases arising from contract dispute justly and in accordance with the provisions of the PRC, Contract Law (Contract Law), the issues relating to the application of Contract Law by the People’s Courts is hereby




对合同欠缺的前款规定以外的其他内容,当事人达不成协议的,人民法院依照合同法第六十一条、第六十二条、第一百二十五条等有关规定予以确定。Article 1If the relevant parties are in dispute arising from the

formation of a contract, the People’s Courts shall in general find the formation valid where the names of the relevant parties, the subject matter and the quantity concerned can be ascertained, except where it is otherwise provided under other provisions of the law or agreed between the relevant parties.

If any other content other than those provided in the aforesaid provision is missing from a contract, and the relevant parties are unable to reach an agreement, the People’s Courts shall depend on the relevant provisions such as Articles 61, 62 and 125.


的“其他形式”订立的合同。但法律另有Article 2If a contract has not been formed in writing or in oral form by the relevant parties, but the intention of entering into a legal relationship from both parties can be ascertained by their civil conducts, then the People’s Courts may find that the contract has been formed in “other means ” according to Clause 1 of Article 10 of the

规定的除外。Contract Law, except where it is

otherwise provided under other law.

第三条悬赏人以公开方式声明对完成一定行为的人支付报酬,完成特定行为的人请求悬赏人支付报酬的,人民法院依法予以支持。但悬赏有合同法第五十二条规定情形的除外。Article 3If anyone offers a reward by a public announcement to anyone who performs a certain duty , and an offeree asks for reward by the offerer upon performance of the duty , the People’s Courts shall find for such a claim, except where the offer of award falls under the provisions of Article 52 of the Contract Law.

第四条采用书面形式订立合同,合同约定的签订地与实际签字或者盖章地点不符的,人民法院应当认定约定的签订地为合同签订地;合同没有约定签订地,双方当事人签字或者盖章不在同一地点的,人民法院应当认定最后签字或者盖章的地点为合同签订地。Article 4If a contract is entered into in writing, and the venue where the signing has taken place written in the contract is inconsistent with the venue where the contract was actually signed or sealed, the People’s Courts shall find that the venue where the signing has taken place is the venue provided in the contract. If no venue is implied or conditioned in the contract, and the relevant parties have signed or sealed the contract in different places, the People’s Courts shall

find that the last place where the contract was signed or sealed to be the execution venue.

第五条当事人采用合同书形式订立合同的,应当签字或者盖章。当事人在合同书上摁手印的,人民法Article 5If the relevant parties form a contract in writing, they shall sign or affix their seals on the contract. Where a relevant party has marked his/her finger print on
