当前位置:文档之家› 如何写好英文合同(中英文对照)



Before You Write the First Word


1. Ask your client to list the deal points. This can be in the form of a list, outline or narration. Doing this will help the client focus on the terms of the agreement.



2. Engage your client in "what if" scenarios. A good contract will anticipate many possible factual situations and express the parties’ understanding in case those facts arise. Talking to your client about this will generate many issues you may not otherwise consider.




3. Ask your client for a similar contract. Frequently, clients have had similar transactions in the past or they have access to contracts for similar transactions.



4. Search your office computer or the Internet for a similar form. Many times you can find a similar form on your computer. It may be one you prepared for another client or one you negotiated with another lawyer. Just remember to find and replace the old client’s name. Starting with an existing form saves time and avoids the errors of typing.





5. Obtain forms in books or CD-ROM. Typical forms of contracts can be found in form books, such as West’s Legal Forms (a nationwide set) and Florida Jur Forms, as well as in treatises and Florida Bar CLE publications. These can be used as the starting point for drafting the contract or as checklists of typical provisions and wording to include in the contract. Many treatises and form books

now come with forms on disk or CD-ROM.




6. Don’t let your client sign a letter of intent without this wording. Sometimes clients are anxious to sign something to show good faith before the contract is prepared. A properly worded letter of intent is useful at such times. Just be sure that the letter of intent clearly states that it is not a contract, but that it is merely an outline of possible terms for discussion purposes. See Appendix





Writing that First Word


7. Start with a simple, generic contract form. The form in Appendix A is such

a form. It provides a solid starting point for the structure of the contract. Like a house, a contract must have a good, solid foundation.



8. State the correct legal names of the parties in the first paragraph. As obvious as this is, it is one of the most common problems in contracts. For individuals, include full first and last name, and middle initials if available, and other identifying information, if appropriate, such as Jr., M.D., etc. For corporations, check with the Secretary of State where incorporated.



9. Identify the parties by nicknames. Giving each party a nickname in the first paragraph will make the contract easier to read. For example, James W. Martin would be nicknamed "Martin."



10. Be careful when using legal terms for nicknames. Do not use "Contractor" as

a nickname unless that party is legally a contractor. Do not use "Agent" unless you intend for that party to be an agent, and if you do, then you better specify the scope of authority and other agency issues to avoid future disagreements.



11. Include a blank for the date in the first paragraph. Putting the date in the first paragraph makes it easy to find after the contract is signed. It also makes it easy to describe the contract in other documents in a precise way, such as the "December 20, 2000, Contract for Sale of Real Estate."



12. Include to provide background. Recitals are the "whereas" clauses that precede the body of a contract. They provide a simple way to bring the contract’s reader (party, judge or jury) up to speed on what the contract is about, who the parties are, why they are signing a contract, etc. The first paragraph in the body of the contract can incorporate the recitals by reference and state that they are true and correct. This will avoid a later argument as to whether or not the recitals are a legally binding part of the contract.




13. Outline the contract by writing out and underlining paragraph headings in their logical order. The paragraphs should flow in logical, organized fashion. It is not necessary to write them all at once; you can write them as you think of them. Try to group related concepts in the same paragraphs or in adjacent paragraphs. For example, write an employment contract’s initial paragraph headings like this:












14. Complete each paragraph by writing the contract terms that apply to that paragraph. This is simple. You learned this in elementary school. Just explain in words what the parties agree to do or not do paragraph by paragraph. 14.在撰写每一段时要注意内容集中,不要东拉西扯,是的,这很简单,你可能上小学时就学过,但我还是要提醒你,要集中火力,一段一段地分别说明合同双方同意做什么,不同意做什么。

15. Keep a pad at hand to remember clauses to add. It is normal to think of additional clauses, wording and issues while writing a contract. Jot these down on a pad as you write; they are easily forgotten. Also keep your client’s outline and other forms in front of you as you write, and check off items as you write them.


16. Repeat yourself only when repetition is necessary to improve clarity. Ambiguity is created by saying the same thing more than once; it is almost impossible to say it twice without creating ambiguity. Only if the concept is a difficult one should you write it in more than one way. In addition, if you use an example to clarify a difficult concept or formula, be sure that all possible meanings are considered and that the example is accurate and consistent with the concept as worded.


What to Watch Out for When Writing


17. Title it "Contract." Do not leave this one to chance. If your client wants

a contract, call it a contract. A judge now sitting on the federal bench once ruled that a document entitled "Proposal" was not a contract even though signed by both parties. The lesson learned is, "Say what you mean." If you intend the document to be a legally binding contract, use the word "Contract" in the title.




18. Write in short sentences. Short sentences are easier to understand than long ones.


19. Write in active tense, rather than passive. Active tense sentences are shorter and use words more efficiently, and their meaning is more apparent. Example of active: "Sellers shall sell the Property to Buyer." Example of passive: "The Property shall be sold to Buyer by Seller."


20. Don’t use the word "biweekly." It has two meanings: twice a week and every other week. The same applies to "bimonthly." Instead, write "every other week" or "twice a week."


21. Don’t say things like "active termites and organisms". Avoid ambiguity by writing either "active termites and active organisms" or "organisms and active termites." When adding a modifier like "active" before a compound of nouns like "termites and organisms", be sure to clarify whether you intend the modifier to apply to both nouns or just the first one. If you intend it to apply to both, use parallel construction and write the modifier in front of each noun. If you intend it to apply to just one noun, place that one noun at the end of the list and the modifier directly in front of it.



22. Don’t say "Lessor" and "Lessee." These are bad nicknames for a lease be cause they are easily reversed or mistyped. Use "Landlord" and "Tenant" instead. The same applies to lienor and lienee, mortgagor and mortgagee, grantor and grantee, licensor and licensee, party A and party B. This is where you can use your creativity to come up with a different nickname for a party, as long as you use it consistently throughout the contract.




23. Watch out when using "herein." Does "wherever used herein" mean anywhere in the contract or anywhere in the paragraph? Clarify this ambiguity if it matters.


24. Write numbers as both words and numerals: ten (10). This will reduce the chance for errors.


25. When you write "including" consider adding "but not limited to." Unless you intend the list to be all-inclusive, you had better clarify your intent that it is merely an example.



26. Don’t rely on the rules of grammar. The rules of grammar that you learned in school are not universal. The judge or jury interpreting the meaning of your contract may have learned different rules. Write the contract so that no matter what rules they learned, the contract is clear and unambiguous. Follow this test for clear writing: Remove all periods and commas, then read it. Choosing the right words and placing them in the right place makes the writing clear without punctuation.


27. Don’t be creative with words. Contract writing is not creative writing and is not meant to provoke reflective thoughts or controversies about nuances of meaning. Contract writing is clear, direct and precise. Therefore, use common words and common meanings. Write for the common man and the common woman. 27.不要创造词语。合同文书不是创造性的作品,也就不能因为意思的细微差别而引起思考或争论。合同文书应该是清晰、直接而准确的。因此,要使用普通的词语,表达普通的意思,为普通人撰写合同。

28. Be consistent in using words. If you refer to the subject matter of a sales contract as "goods" use that term throughout the contract; do not alternately call them "goods" and "items." Maintaining consistency is more important than avoiding repetition. Don’t worry about putting the reader to sleep; worry about the opposing lawyer a year from now hunting for ambiguities to get your contract into court.


29. Be consistent in grammar and punctuation. The rules of grammar and punctuation you learned may differ from others, but you had better be consistent in your use of them. Be aware of such things as where you put ending quote marks, whether you place commas after years and states, and similar variations in style. 29.在文法和标点符号上保持一致。你可能学过许多不同类的文法和标点符号规则,但在使用它们时最好保持一致。要特别注意句末的引号、时间和地点之后的逗号以及文风的相似性。

30. Consider including choice of law, venue _selection, and attorneys fee clauses. If your contract gets litigated, you might as well give your client some "ammunition" for the fight. Examples of these clauses appear in Appendices A and



Write for the Judge and Jury


31. Assume the reader is a knowledgeable layman. If your writing is so clear that

a layman could understand it, then it is less likely it will end up in court.



32. Define a word by capitalizing it and putting it in quotes. Capitalizing a word indicates that you intend it to have a special meaning. The following are two sample clauses for defining terms:

Wherever used in this contract, the word "Goods" shall mean the goods that Buyer has agreed to purchase from Seller under this contract.Buyer hereby agrees to purchase from Seller ten (10) frying pans, hereinafter called the "Goods." 32.强调一个合同术语可以这样做:加上双引号并将其开头的字母大写。将一个词语的开




33. Define words when first used. Instead of writing a section of definitions at the beginning or end of a contract, consider defining terms and concepts as they first appear in the contract. This will make it easier for the reader to follow.



34. Explain technical terms and concepts. Remember that the parties might understand technical jargon, but the judge and jury who interpret and apply the contract do not. Therefore, explain the contract’s terms and concepts within the contract itself. Let the contract speak for itself from within its four corners.



Keep Your Client Informed While You Write


35. All contracts should come with a cover letter. This gives you a place to instruct your client on how to use and sign the contract.


36. Tell your client the ideas that come as you write. Many ideas will occur to you as you write: things that could go wrong with the deal, things that might happen in the future, things that happened in the past, ways to structure things better. Write these in your letter to the client.


37. Inform your client of the risks. Writing a letter to the client as you write the contract is the perfect way to inform the client of the risks and rewards of entering into the contract. Frequently, problems do not become apparent until time is spent trying to word a contract.


What To Do After the First Draft Is Written


38. Check spelling, paragraph numbering, and cross references both manually and with your word processor’s spelling and grammar checker. This almost goes without saying today, especially since Microsoft Word now checks your spelling and grammar as you type. (Unfortunately it also changes "per stirpes" to "per stupid" if you fail to watch it closely.) And now there are even computer programs that check contract documents for undefined terms. DealProof is packaged with Corel WordPerfect for law offices, and DocProofReader is available for download for MS Word 97 and 2000.

38.核实合同的拼写情况、段落序号以及上下文的注解,你可以自己手动来做,也可以用文字编辑软件中的拼写和语法检查功能来完成,特别是自从有了微软的word软件后,做这样的工作你似乎不要费多少精力(但机器有时也不可靠,如果你不看仔细,它就会把"per stirpes"改变为 "per stupid")。现在,这类专业的软件甚至可以帮你检测到合同中没有释义的术语,如:Corel公司专门为法律办公开发的文字处理软件包中的DealProof 软件,还有可供word97和word2000下载安装的DocProofReader软件。

39. Let your secretary or paralegal read it. Not only will your staff frequently find spelling and gra mmar errors missed by your word processor’s spell checker, but they will find inconsistencies and confusing areas that you missed when



40. Stamp "Draft #1 6/22/2000" on it. This may be the first of many drafts, so avoid confusion early by numbering and dating all drafts at the top of the first page. It is also a good idea to write "DRAFT" across the face of each page to preclude the possibility of an impatient client signing a draft rather than waiting for the final version.


41. Let your client read it. Letting the client in on reading the first draft assures that your drafting will stay in tune with the client’s wishes.


42. Save the drafts as multiple files on your computer. If you save the first draft on your computer as two files, you will have one file identified as the first draft and the other identified as the current version. This can be done by naming the current version "contract" and the first draft as "contract.d1." Then, subsequent versions can be named "contract.d2", "contract.d3," etc., where the "d" in the extension indicates draft. (Of course, if you’re not using WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS, as I do, you can use long file names to show the contract name, draft number and draft date, such as "Contract Smith Jones draft 2 datd 6 22 2000.")

42.在电脑中将草拟的合同多保存几个复件。如果你将第一稿合同存了两份在电脑中,那么其中的一份可以用来存档,另一份则可以用来继续修改。用来存档的文件可以命名为"合同.草1"。用来修改的文件可以命名为"合同"。以此类推,以后修改的版本就命名为"合同.草2","合同.草3",等等。带"草"字的扩展名表示此合同是草拟版本。(当然,你可能不经常用DOS下的WordPerfect 5.1软件,我是经常用的,你也可以用一个较长的文件名来清楚地表达出草拟合同的名称、编号及起草时间,范例如:"史密斯.琼斯于2000年6月22日草拟的第二版合同"。)

43. Compare the current version to prior versions. If you save draft versions, it is very easy to compare one version to another using the word processor’s compare feature or using the CompareRite computer program. When you compare "contract.d1" to "contract.d2", save the comparison as "contract.c21" and print

it to show the client what changes were made.


How to Print and Sign the Final Draft


44. Print the contract on 24 pound bond paper instead of 20 pound copier paper. Using a heavy bond paper will make it easy to tell the original contract from copies. It will also last longer.


45. Print on pages using the same paper, and if pages are changed, reprint the document using the same paper. This will avoid an argument that pages were substituted after the contract was signed.


46. Sign the contract in blue ink, not black ink. This, too, will make it easier to differentiate the signed original contract from photocopies.

46. 最好用蓝墨水而不是用黑墨水来签署合同,因为蓝墨水可以很容易地让人区别出哪个是合同正本,哪个是影印副本。

47. Initial every page of the contract. Having each party initial each page of the contract will make it less likely that anyone could claim a page was changed after the contract was signed.


48. Identify the parties and witnesses who sign by providing blank lines below their signature lines for their printed names and addresses. This will make it easier to find the witnesses if the contract is contested. And remember to include two witnesses for commercial leases.


49. Be sure that corporate officers include their titles, the corporation name

and the word "as." Failure to do this can result in personal liability of the officer. The proper way to sign in a representative capacity is as follows: ABC Corporation, a Florida corporation


John Jones, as its President





50. Add a notary clause that complies with the notary law. The notary acknowledgement in Appendix B is such a clause.


Concluding Advice


If th ese 50 tips don’t keep your contracts out of court, try mastering Strunk & White’s Elements of Style*. I hear it’s real handy in appellate work.



1.Sales Agreement The agreement, (is) made in Beijing this eighth day of August 1993 by ABC Trading Co., Ltd., a Chinese Corporation having its registered office at Beijing, the People’ Repubic of China (hereinafter called “Seller”) and International Tradi ng Co., Ltd., a New York Corporation having its registered office at New York, N.Y., U.S.A. (hereinafter called “Buyer”). 2.WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Seller is engaged in dealing of (product) and desires to sell (product)to Buyer, and WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase(product) from Sellers, Now, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 3.Export Contract This Contract is entered into this 5th day of August 1993 between ABC and Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Seller”) who agrees to sell, and XYZ Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Buyer”) who agrees to buy the following goods on the following terms and condition. 4.Non-Governmental Trading Agreement No. __This Agreement was made on the_day of_19_, BETWEEN _ (hereinafter referred to as the Seller) as the one Side and _ (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) as the one other Side. WHEREAS, the Seller has agreed to sell and the buyer has agreed to buy _ (hereinafter referred to as the Goods ) the quantity, specification, and price of which are provided in Schedule A. IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 5.Contract For Joint-Operation Enterprise __ COMPANY LTD., a company duly organized under the Law of __ and having its registered office at (hereinafter called “Party A”) AND __ COMPANY LTD., a company duly organized under the Law of __ and having its registere d office at (hereinafter called “Party B”) Party A and Party B (hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”) agree to jointly form a Co-operation Venture Company (hereinafter referred to as the “CVC”) in accordance with “the Laws of the People’s Republic of C hina on Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment” and the “Regulations for the Implementation of the Laws of the People’s Republic of China on Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment” and other applicable laws and regulations. 6.MODEL CONTRACT Contract No. Date: Seller: Signed at: Address: Cable Address: Buyer: Address: Cable Address: The Seller and the Buyer have agreed to conclude the following transactions according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: http://biz.doczj.com/doc/7016625860.html, of Commodity: 2.Specifications: 3.Quantity: 4.Unit Price: 5.Total Price: U.S.$: 6.Packing: 7.Time of Shipment: days after receipt of L/C. 8.Loading Port & Destination Port: From via to . 9.Insurance:


销售合同 SALES CONTRACT 编号:Contract No: 日期: Date: 签约地点:Signed at: 卖方:Sellers: 地址:Address: 邮政编码:Postal Code: 电话:Tel:传真:Fax: 买方:Buyers: 地址:Address: 邮政编码:Postal Code: 电话:Tel:传真:Fax: 兹确认售予买方下列货品,其成交条款如下: The Seller hereby confirms selling the following goods on terms and conditions (3)公差:数量及总值均有_____%的增减,由卖方决定 Tolerance: With _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the sellers option. (4) 原产地

Country of Origin: (5) 付款方式:30%预付,70%发货前一周付清 Payment terms: 30% deposit, 70% payment within one week before delivery. (6) 交货时间:收到预付款后15天内完成装运。 Time of shipment: Within15 days after deposit received. (7) 贸易方式:FOB Shanghai Terms of Shipment: FOB Shanghai (8) 包装:胶合板木盘外封铁皮 Packing:Plywood drum with steel sheet cover. (9) 保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。 Insurance:To be effected by seller for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _____ only. (10) 装运口岸:中国上海港 Port of Loading: Shanghai Port, China (11) 转运:允许 Transshipment: Allowed (12) 分批装运:允许分批装运 Partial Shipment: Allowed (13) 目的口岸: Port of Destination: (14) 唛头:Shipping Marks: (15) 单据:Documents: (16) 品质与数量、重量的异义与索赔:Quality/Quantity Discrepancy and Claim: (17) 逾期发运:如果由于买方原因造成逾期发运,买方承担责任。造成自签订合同之日起超过45天不能发运的,卖方将每日按货物金额的3%收取保管费;如果由于买方原因造成逾期发运超过6个月,卖方有权自行处置定金和货物。如果是卖方原因造成的逾期


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 出口合同中英文版 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

地址:地址: 电话:电话: 卖方与买方在平等、互利基础上,经双方协商一致同意按下列条款履行,并严格信守。第一条货物名称、规格、包装及暖头: 第二条卖方有权在3%以内多装或少装。 The Seller shall have the right in 3% more or less. 第三条装运期限:年月底前交货。 Time of shipment:in by the end of the delivery. 第四条装运口岸: Port of shipment: 第五条目的口岸: Port of destination:

第六条付款条件:按样品验收合格之日起60日内付清。 Terms of payment:60 days after the acceptance. 第七条装运条件:海运。 Terms of shipment:Land of qualified payment. 第八条包装和数量:出口纸箱包装。 Packing and quantity:export carton packaging. 第九条不可抗力:由于不可抗力使卖方不能在本合同规定期限内交货或者不能交货,卖方不负责任。但卖方必须立即电报通知买方。如果买方提出要求,卖方应以挂号向买方提供由有关机构出具的事故的证明文件。 Force Majeure:due to force majeuret so the seller can not within the time stipulated in the contract delivery or non-delivery of the goods> The Seller shall not be responsible for. But shall notify the Buyers by cable. If requested by the buyer? the seller should be registered toThe buyer by the relevant authorities of the accident issued documents. 第十条因执行本合同有关事项所发生的一切争执,应由双方通过友好方式协商解决。如果不能取得协议时,则在被告国家根据被告国家仲裁机构的仲裁程序规则进行仲裁。 仲裁决定是终局的,对双方具有同等的约束力,仲裁费用除非仲裁机构另有决定外,均 由败诉一方负担。 As a result of the implementation of matters related to the contract that all


英文销售合同_中英文对照销售合同范本英文销售合同_中英文对照销售合同范本(一) SALES CONTRACT 合同编号: Contract NO: 签订地点: Signed at: 签订日期: Date: 买方: The Buyers: 卖方: The Sellers: 双方同意按下列条款由买方售出下列商品:

The Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the following goods on terms and conditions as set forth below: (1)商品名称、规格及包装 (1)Name of Commodity ,Specifications and Packing (2)数量 (2)Quantity (3)单价 (3)Unit Price (4)总值 (4)Total Value (装运数量允许有 %的增减) (Shipment Quantity %more or less allowed) (5)装运期限:

(5)Time of Shipment: (6)装运口岸: (6)Port of loading: (7)目的口岸: (7)Port of Destination: (8)保险;由方负责,按本合同总值110%投保_____险。 (8)Insurance:To be covered by the___for 110% of the invoice value against_______. (9)付款:凭保兑的、不可撤销的、可转让的、可分割的即期有电报套汇条款/见票/出票____天期付款信用证,信用证以_____为受益人并允许分批装运和转船。该信用证必须在______前开到卖方,信用证的有效期应为上述装船期后第15天,在中国______到期,否则卖方有权取消本售货合约,不另行通知,并保留因此而发生的一切损失的索赔权。


Both parties jointly acknowledge and abide by their responsibilities and obligations and reach an agreed result. 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 时间:___________________ 中英文合同

编号:FS-DY-20628 中英文合同 建筑合同architecture confirmation 甲方:party a:乙方:party b: 合同编号:contract no 日期:date: 签约地点:signed at: 特约定: 甲方基于下文所列各种因素,特与乙方达成了协议并一致同意:由甲方在订约日期之翌日起_____天之内为乙方建造并完成_____(涉约建筑)。涉约建筑之规模及所需的钢筋、水泥、砖块、石子和其它建筑材料之数量,均在作为合同附件的设计图和施工细则中予以说明。 witnesses that the party a for considerations hereinafter named, contracts and agrees with the party b that party a will, within_____ days, next following the date hereof, build and

finish a libarary building for party b. (the building hereinafter is referred to as the said building.)the said building is of the following dimensions, with reinforced concrete, brick, stones and other materials, as are described in plans and specifications gereto annexed. 基于上述情况,乙方及其法定代表郑重承诺向甲方支付人民币_____元整。支付方法商定如下: in consideration of the foregoing, party b shall, for itself and its legal representatives, promise to pay party a the sum of one million rmb yuan in manner as follows, to wit: 在上述工程开工之日,支付人民币_____元整 在_____年_____月_____日,支付人民币_____元整 在_____年_____月_____日,支付人民币_____元整 在_____年_____月_____日,支付人民币_____元整 在_____年_____月_____日,支付人民币_____元整 余额人民币_____元整于工程完成之日付清。 rmb_____at the beginning of the said work. rmb_____on _____/ _____/_____(for example:3/21/XX)



8. BREACH OF CONTRACT违约 9. FORCE MAJEURE不可抗力 10. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES争议的解决 11. APPLICABLE LAW 适用法律 12. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS其他规定 THIS CONTRACT(“Contract”)is made in [city and province], China on this day of ,200 by and between [Party A name],[Party A entity form] established and existing under the laws of China, with its legal address at [address] (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”), and [Party B name], [Party B entity form] organized and existing under the laws of [Party Bjurisdiction of incoporation] with its legal address at [address] (hereinafter referred to as “Party B”). Party A and Party B shall hereinafter be referred to individually as a “Party ” and collectively as the “Parties”. 本合同于年月日由以下两方在[地点]签订: [甲方名称],一家根据中华人民共和国法律组建及存续的[甲方组织形式],法定地址为[甲方法定地址](以下简称“甲方”): [乙方名称],一家根据[乙方所在国]法律组建及存续的[乙方组织形式],法定地址为[乙方法定地址](以下简称“乙方”)。 甲乙双方以下单独称为“一方”,合称为“双方”。 PRELIMINARY STATEMENT 前言 [add background information if appropriate][视交易具体情况决定是否应介绍合同背景] After friendly consultations conducted in accordance with the principles of equality and mutual benefit, the Parties have agreed to [describe subject matter of the Contract] in accordance with Applicable laws and the provisions of this Contract. 双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,依照[相关法律名称]以及其他有关法律,同意按


合同 CONTRACT Contract No./合同编号: Conclusion Date/签订日期: Conclusion Place/签订地点: The Saller卖方: Address:地址: Tel/电话: Fax/传真: The Buyer买方: Address:地址: Tel/电话: Fax/传真: 1. This Contract is made by a nd between the Buyer a nd the Seller; whereby the Buyer agrees to buy a nd the Seller agrees to sell the under mentioned commodities (to be referred to as “goods” hereunder)to the terms a nd conditions stipulated below: 本合同由卖方与买方共同签订,双方同意按照下列条款由卖方出售、买方购进下列货物: 2.Terms of Delivery/价格术语: FOB/CIF/CFR/ . The term FOB/CIF/CFR/ shall be subject to the International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms (INCOTERMS, 2000) provided by International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) unless otherwise stipulated herein. 除非本合同另有规定,价格术语FOB/CIF/CFR/ 应适用国际商会制定的《国际贸易术语解释通则(INCOTERMS 2000)》。 3. Country of Origin a nd Manufacturers/原产国和制造厂商 3.1 Country of Origin:


工程施工合同 Contract 合同编号( Contract NO. ): 签订日期( Date ): 发包方(简称甲方) Party A: 承包方(简称乙方): Party B: 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》以及其他有关法律法规规定的原则,结合本工程的具体情况,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上达成如下协议,共同遵守。 According to “P.R.C Contract Law”,and other relevant laws and regulations to the specific circumstances of this project, parties A and B have hereby equally and voluntarily entered into the following agreement executed on the basis of mutual respect. 1.工程概况 Project overview 1.1工程名称: Project name: 1.2工程地点: Project location: 1.3工程范围: A. 新研发中心和新厂房的网络综合布线系统的施工; B. 数据中心的建设,主要包含:数据中心的装饰工程、电气系统、空调系统、机房闭路监控系统、机房门禁系统、消防系统改造、机柜系统等。 Project contents: A. The new R & D and new plant construction of network cabling systems; B. Data Center, mainly includes: data center decoration and electrical systems, air-conditioning systems, CCTV systems, access control systems, firefighting system reform, server rack systems. 1.4开工条件:合同生效后,甲方预付款到位和现场具备开工条件。 Start conditions: After the commencement of the contract, Party A has started advance and on-site conditions in place.


1.Sales Agreement The agreement, (is) made in Beijing this eighth day of August 1993 by ABC Trading Co., Ltd., a Chinese Corporation having its registered office at Beijing, the People’ Repubic of China (hereinafter called “Seller”) and International Trading Co., Ltd., a New York Corporation having its registered office at New York, N.Y., U.S.A. (hereinafter called “Buyer”). 2.WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Seller is engaged in dealing of (product) and desires to sell (product)to Buyer, and WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase(product) from Sellers, Now, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 3.Export Contract th This Contract is entered into this 5 day of August 1993 between ABC and Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Seller”) who agrees to sell, and XYZ Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Buyer”) who agrees to buy the following goods on the following terms and condition. 4.Non-Governmental Trading Agreement No. __ This Agreement was made on the_day of_ 19_, BETWEEN _(hereinafter referred to as the Seller) as the one Side and _ (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) as the one other Side. WHEREAS, the


出口合同 CONTRACT 日期: Date: 合同编号: Contract No.: 签约地点: Signed at: 买方: Buyer: 地址:邮编: Address:Postal Code: 电话:传真: Tel:Fax: 卖方: Seller: 地址:邮编: Address:Postal Code: 电话:传真:

Tel:Fax: 兹经买卖双方同意成交下列商品订立条款如下: The undersigned Seller and Buyer have agreed to close the following transaction according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 1. 商品 货物名称、规格、包装、及装运唛头 Description of Commodity, Specifications, Packing and Shipping Marks 数量 QUANTITY 单价 UNIT PRICE 金额 AMOUNT 总计 Total 允许卖方在装货时溢装或短装%,价格按照本合同所列的单价计算。 The Seller are allowed to load the quantity with % more or less, the price shall be calculated according to the unit price stipulated in this contract. 2. 装运期限: Time of Shipment:

3. 装运口岸: Port of Loading: 4. 目的口岸: Port of Destination: 5. 付款条件 Terms of payment 本合同所售货物按照以下规定付款: This contract payment terms will be made with payments in accordance with following: 装运前100%付款。 100% payment before delivery. 6. 包装及唛头 Packing and Marking 包装:产品内外无品牌标志, 内垫安全泡沫, 因包装引起的损伤由卖方负责。 Package : without trademark on it, with safety bubble fixed, the damage cost will be covered by Seller. 7. 交货与装运期限 Time of delivery and shipment


国际贸易合同协议书样本中英文对照 文件编号TT-00-PPS-GGB-USP-UYY-0089

CONTRACT NO.: DATE: THE BUYERS: ADDRESS : TEL: FAX: THE SELLERS: ADDRESS: TEL: FAX: This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 买方与卖方就以下条款达成协议: 1. COMMODITY: 2. COUNTRY AND MANUFACTURERS: 原产国及造商: 3. PACKING: To be packed in standard airway packing. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage of the commodity and expenses incurred on account of improper packing and for any rust attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the sellers in regard to the


外贸合同范本中英文 编号: no: 日期: date : 签约地点: signed at: 卖方:sellers: 地址:address:邮政编码:postal code: 电话:tel:传真:fax: 买方:buyers: 地址:address:邮政编码:postal code: 电话:tel:传真:fax: 买卖双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物: the sellers agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below: 1 货号article no. 2 品名及规格description&specification 3 数量 quantity 4 单价unit price

5 总值: 数量及总值均有_____%的增减,由卖方决定。 total amount with _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the sellers option. 6 生产国和制造厂家country of origin and manufacturer 7 包装:packing: 8 唛头:shipping marks: 9 装运期限:time of shipment: 10 装运口岸:port of loading: 11 目的口岸:port of destination: 保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。 insurance:to be effected by buyers for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _____ only. 13 付款条件: 买方须于_____年_____月_____日将保兑的,不可撤销的,可转让可分割的即期信用证开到卖方。信用证议付有效期延至上列装运期后15天在中国到期,该信用证中必须注明允许分运及转运。 payment:


YOUR LOGO 深圳对外贸易货物出口合同(中英文对照)范本正式版 After The Contract Is Signed, There Will Be Legal Reliance And Binding On All Parties. And During The Period Of Cooperation, There Are Laws To Follow And Evidence To Find 专业合同范本系列,下载即可用

深圳对外贸易货物出口合同(中英文对照)范本正式版 使用说明:当事人在信任或者不信任的状态下,使用合同文本签订完毕,就有了法律依靠,对当事人多方皆有约束力。且在履行合作期间,有法可依,有据可寻,材料内容可根据实际情况作相应修改,请在使用时认真阅读。 深圳对外贸易货物出口合同(中英文对照) 合同编号:__________ Contract No:_______________ 签订日期:__________ Date:_______________ 签订地点:__________ Signed at : _______________ 电话:_____________ Tel: _______________ 传真:_____________ Fax:_________ 电报:_____________ Cable: _____________ 电传:_____________ Telex: _____________ 电话:_____________ Tel: _______________

传真:_____________ Fax:_________ 电报:______________ Cable: _____________ 电传:______________ Telex: _____________ 经买双方确认根据下列条款订立本合同: The undersigned Sellers and Buyers hav e confirmed this contract in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated below : 1.货号 Art No. 名称及规格 Descriptions 单位 Unit 数量 Quantity 单价 Unit Price 金额 Amount 合计:_______________ Totally:____________ 总值(大写):_______ Total value:(in words) 允许溢短___%


YOUR LOGO 英文购销合同_中英文对照购销 合同范本(2021版) When concluding a contract, the parties of the contract purpose should be determined. The conclusion and performance of contracts are also human behavior.

专业合同系列,下载即可用 英文购销合同_中英文对照购销合同 范本(2021版) 导语:合同目的具有确定性。一般情况下,在订立合同时,当事人的合同目的应该是确定的。从严格意义而言,任何人的行为都是有目的的。合同的订立和履行也属于人的行为,而且是比较正式的行为,所以更应该具有一定的具体目的。因此,对于特定的合同当事人,其合同目的是确定的。 英文购销合同_中英文对照购销合同范本(一) Buyer: 买方: Add.: 地址: Seller: 卖方: Add.: 地址: This purchase contract (hereafter abbreviated “contract”) is signed by and between the Buyer and the Seller upon equal negotiations based on the Contract Law of P..R .China and other relevant laws and regulations.. Both parties agree to sell and buy goods on following terms and conditions. 此销售合同(以下简称“合同”)根据 >及相关法律法规并经由买卖双方经平等协商后共同签定,买方与卖方均同意以下条款和条件购买和出售货物。 1. COMMODITY NAME品名:Work glves 劳保手套


编号:_____________ 外贸合同 买方:________________________________________________ 卖方:___________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日 第1 页共5 页

THE BUYER: 买方: THE SELLER: 卖方: This contract is made by and only works between the buyer and seller, which means the buyer agrees to buy and the seller agrees to sell the product according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 买方与卖方就以下条款达成协议: 1. COMMODITY: Please refer to the detailed breakdown as attached.(as in the appendix) 详见清单.(附页) 名称及规单平均单数总 Amount QtUniDescriptionAverage unit price (JPY) FOB PORT TOTAL VALUE FOB OSAKA PORT OR KOBE PORT 2. PACKING: The commodity is supposed to be packed with infrangible Export standard packaging that suitable for long distance ocean and land transportation and well protected against dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage or rust damage to the goods that caused by improper packing, and pay for all cost and loss caused by the damage. 包装:必须采用坚固的出口标准包装, 适合于长途海运和陆运,防潮、防震、防锈、耐粗暴搬运。由于包装不良所发生的损失 , 由于未采用充分,或不妥善的防护措施而造成的任何锈损, 卖方应负担由此而产生的一切费用和/或损失。 3. SHIPPING MARK: The Sellers shall mark on each package with fadeless paint the package number, gross weight, net weight, measurement and the wordings: KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE HANDLE WITH CARE THIS SIDE UP etc. and the shipping mark: 第2 页共5 页 唛头:卖方应用不褪色的颜料在每个箱子外部 刷上箱号、毛重、净重、尺寸,并注明“防潮”、


THE PARTY B ” THE PARTY 船舶买卖合同翻译(范文) marks 2008 SHIPBUILDING CONTRACT 船舶建造合同 DATE: BUYER: ************* (HERE AFTER CALLED THE PARTY A ” 船东:************** (以下简称甲方) BULDER:*************** (HERE AFTER CALLED ADD/地址: IMPORT &EXPORT AGENCY: ****************(HE RE AFTER CALLED C ”AS THE AGENCY OF THE SHIPYARD 进出口代理方: **************** (以下简称丙方)作为 ************的出口代理方 ADD/地址: ******************** 船厂: ************* **** (以下简称乙方)

