Intern atio nal Age ntial proposal Agreeme nt
Based on equality and mutual n egotiati ons, both part ners agree on this sales age ntial agreeme nt.
1. The Contents of Age ncy
同意将下列产品瑞典CINIA TECH & TRADINGTECH司(简称SSV的产品及CINIA TECH & TRADINGTECH司所代理的产品(简称产品)的代理权授予代理方(简称代理人)。代理人优先在下列指定地区(简称地区)推销产品中国大庆采油六厂。代理方式可由以下三种方式一:
CINIA TECH & TRADINGTECH AB (Here with named as SSV) agrees to authorize an agential right of SSV ' s product or agential product sales to (.TheTaeent ). age nt has the in itiative right to sell within the regi on of daq ing sixth oil extracti on factory. One age ntial method is to be selected from the followi ng three means:
1-1 The age nt sig ns the sales con tract directly with the customer;
1-2 CINIA TECH & TRADING代理人共同与用户签订销售合同
1-2 CINIA TECH & TRADING and the age nt sign sales con tract simulta neously.
1-3 CINIA TECH & TRADIN直接于用户签订销售合同
1- 3 CINIA TECH & TRADING sig ns the sales con tract directly with the customer.
以上三种型式在具体工程项目中由CINIA TECH & TRADING代理人双方共同协商决定。
The selecti on of which means is decided by the n egotiati on of both part ners accord ing the con crete project.
2. Respo nsibilities and duties of the age nt and CINIA TECH & TRADING
2- 1代理人职责:
2-1 The age nt resp on sibilities and duties:
2-1-1.非经CINIA TECH & TRADIN公司的同意,代理人不得经地区”之外的地方征求定货。如代理商在地区外销售,应事先通知CINIA TECH & TRADIN公
2-1-1. Without the approval of CINIA TECH & TRADING, the age nt shall n ot place any order to any customer who is outside of the appo in ted "regi on". CINIA TECH & TRADING must be in formed of any sales outside of the appo in ted regi on in adva nee and approval must be gran ted by CINIA TECH & TRADING.
2-1-2.代理人无权代表CINIA TECH & TRADIN公司签订任何具有约束的合约。
2-1-2. The age nt has no right to represe nt CINIA TECH & TRADINGsig ning any form of con tract that has stipulati on.
2-1-3.代理人应把CINIA TECH & TRADIN公司规定的销售条款对用户解释。
2-1-3. The age nt shouldexplain CINIA TECH & TRADING ' s sales policy to the customer.
2-1-4 •代理人自行负责开拓市场与发展用户时,在代理业务中保证向用户提供良好的服务,不得以欺诈、胁迫等不正当手段损害客户及制造商的利益及CINIA TECH &
2-1-4. The age nt expa nds and develops the market on his own resp on sibility. During the marketi ng process, the age nt shall provide satisfactory service to the customer. Any mea n of cheat ing an d/or coerc ing, which damages the ben efit an d/or reputatio n of the customer or of CINIA TECH & TRADING is strictly prohibited.
2-1-5.代理人保证其所有经营活动完全符合中国有关法律、法规、行政规章等的规定。如因代理人违反上述规定的行为给CINIA TECH & TRADIN公司带来任
何损害,代理人应承担所有法律责任并赔偿给CINIA TECH & TRADIN公司造成的
2-1-6.代理人保证遵守中华人民共和国价格法的规定,不以低价倾销制造商设备产品;SSV TECH公司的推荐价格供代理人在代理时参考。
2-1-7.代理人应对CINIA TECH & TRADIN公司明确提示为保密资料的信息给予保密。
2-1-7. The age nt shall keep the con fide ntiality of any defi ned in formatio n or docume nt that is provided by CINIA TECH & TRADING.
2-1-8.代理商宣传CINIA TECH & TRADIN产品的资料必须经CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司的审核后方可进行宣传,否则由此引起的问题由代理方承担.
2-2 The duty and respo nsibility of CINIA TECH & TRADING:
2-2-1 SSV公司应向代理人提供业务范围内的技术支持,帮助代理人提高技术能力,拓宽业务范围。
2-2-1. CINIA TECH & TRADING shall provide tech ni que support to the age nt withi n the bus in ess scope, and develop the tech nique capability to the age nt in terms to expe nd the bus in ess scope.