当前位置:文档之家› 销售代理协议范本 中英文对照版

销售代理协议范本 中英文对照版

编号:_____________ 销售代理协议




本协议双方为了发展贸易,在平等互利的基础上,按下列条件签定本协议。This agreement is entered into between the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows:

1 订约人:

Contracting Parties:


Supplier: ( hereinafter called " Party A ")


Agent:( hereinafter called " Party B ")


Party A hereby appoints party B to act as his selling agent to sell the commodity mentioned below.

2 商品及数量或金额

Commodity and Quantity or amount


It is mutually agreed that Party B shall undertake to sell not less than _____ of the aforesaid commodity in the duration of this Agreement.

3 经销地区只限在_____销售。

Territory In_____only.

4 定单的确认



Confirmation of orders

The quantities, prices and shipment of the commodities stated in this Agreement shall be confirmed for each transaction, the particulars of which are to be specified in the Sales Confirmation signed by the two parties hereto.

5 付款



After confirmation of the order, Party B shall arrange to open a confirmed, irrevocable L/C a vailable by draft at sight in favour of Party A within the time stipulated in the relevant S/C. Party B shall also notify Pary A immediately after L/C is opened, so that Party A can get prepared for delivery.

6 佣金



Upon the expiration of the Agreement and Party B's fullfilment of the total turnover mentioned in Article 2, Party A shall pay to Party B_____%

commission on the basis of the aggregate amount of the invoice value already paid by Party B of the shipments effected.

7 市场情况报告


Reports on Market Conditions

Party B shall forward once every three months to Party A detailed reports on current market conditions and of consumers comments. Meanwhile, Party B shall, from time to time, send to Party A samples of similiar commodities offered by other suppliers, together with their prices,sales informaiton and advertising materials.

8 宣传广告费用

在本协议有效期内,乙方在上述经销地区内所作广告宣传的一切费用,由乙方自理。乙方须事先向甲方提供宣传广告的图案及文字说明,由甲方审阅同意。Advertising & Publicity Expenses

Party B shall bear all expenses for advertising and publicity within the aforementioned territory in the duration of this Agreement and submit to Party A all patterns and / or drawings and description for prior approval.

9 协议有效期



Validity of Agreement

This agreement, after its being signed by the parties concerned shall remain of in force for_____as from _____ to _____ If either party wish to extend this Agreement, he shall notice, in writing, the other party one month prior to its expiration, the matter shall be decided by consent of the parties hereto.

Should enther party fail to implement the terms and conditions herein,the other party is entitled to terminate the Agreement.

10 仲裁



All disputes arising from the execution of this agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations. In case no settlement can be reached,the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the Foreign Trad Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for Arbitration in accordance with its Provisional Rules of Procedure. The decesion made by this commission shall be regarded as final and binding upon both parties. Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party,

unless otherwise awarded.

11 其它条款




11 Other Terms&Conditions

(1) Party A shall not supply the contracted commodity to any other buyers in the above mentioned territory. Direct enquiries, if any , will be referred to Party B. Howerver, should any other buyers wish to deal with Party A directly, Party A may do so, But Party A shall send to Party B a copy of sales confirmaiton and give party B_____% commission(s) concluded.

(2) Should Party B fail to pass on his orders to Party A in a period of _____ months for a minimum of _____, Party A shall not bind himself to this Agreement.

(3) For any business transacted between governments of both Parties,

Party A may handle such direct dealings as authorized by Party A's government without binding himself to this Agreement. Party B shall not interfere in such direct dealings, nor shall Party B bring forward any demand for compensation therefrom.

(4) This Agreement shall be subject to the terms and conditions in the Sales Confirmation signed by both parties hereto.

本协议于_____年___月___日在_____签定,正本两份,甲乙双方各执一份。This Agreement is signed on___/___/_____at_____and is in two originals,each party holds one.

甲方: Party A:乙方:Party B:

签字: Signature:签字:Signature:


Tenancy Agreement 房屋租赁合同 出租人(以下简称甲方): Landlord:(hereinafter called” Party A”) 身份证号码(Identity Card No.):电话(Tel): 法定地址(Registered Address): 代理人(Agent):电话(Tel): 法定地址(Registered Address): 代理人身份证号码(Identity Card No.): 承租人(以下简称乙方): Tenant:(hereinafter called “Party B”) 护照/身份证号码(Identity Card No.):电话(Tel): 法定地址(Registered Address): 甲、乙双方就甲方愿意出租、乙方自愿承租物业事宜,以双方协商一致,同意签订本房产租赁合约。An Agreement made BETWEEN Party A of the one part and Party B of the other part WHEREBY IT IS: 一、租赁物业名称(以下称“该物业”): Name &address of Property to be rented:(hereinafter called “the said premises”): 二、用途:该物业只供作住宅使用。 Usage:for domestic use only. 三、面积:该物业建筑面积为平方米。 Area:gross floor area is square meter. 四、租约期限(Terms of Tenancy): 两年固定租约由年月日至年月日 Formal Tenancy:Fixed term from to 五、租金(Rent): 租赁期租金:每月人民币XX元整。此租金已经包含该房屋每月的出租税金。 Rent: RMB XX per month. The rental is including the house monthly tax fee . 六、付租条款(Payment Terms): 1、日期:乙方须于每月XX 日前支付下月租金。 Date: Party B shall prepay the monthly rental for every next month before XX.


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 采购合同中英文对照模板 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

采购合同 Buyer: 买方: Seller : 卖方: Agreement Signed Date: 签约日期:

Purchase Agreement 采购合同 This Deed of Agreement is made and executed on 英文日期 此协议由下列双方于2017年月日签订 买方名,hereinafter called the "Buyer" 买方名,以下简称买方。 AND 卖方名(the “selle r ”). 卖方名以下简称卖方。 Now both of the above mentioned parties are signing this Deed of Agreement considering the below mentioned points,terms and conditions. 双方根据下列条款、条件签订此协议: 1. 供货明细Supply Description 1.1实际的供货明细表 1.2 D uring the duration of the agreement, the unit price is fixed; if the seller raises unit price, buyer has the right to terminate the agreement. 合同有效期内,单价保持不变。若合同执行期间,卖方上调价格,买方有权终止协议。 2. Quantity 数量 The quantity mentioned above just for reference, the quantity shall be determined by the actual quantity. 订单数量是参考数量,以双方实际验收数量为准。


房屋租赁合同 出租方(甲方) Lessor (hereinafter referred to as Party A): 承租方(乙方) Lessee (hereinafter referred to as Party B): 根据国家有关法律、法规和有关规定,甲、乙双方在平等自愿的基础上,经友好协商一致,就甲方将其合法拥有的房屋出租给乙方使用,乙方承租使用甲 方房屋事宜,订立本合同。 In accordance with relevant Chinese laws、decrees and pertinent rules and regulations, Party A and Party B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract. 一、物业地址Location of the premises 甲方将其所有的位于南京市浦口区 的_ 房屋 及其附属设施(床,书桌,衣橱,空调)在良好状态下出租给乙方使用。 Party A will lease to Party B the premises and attached facilities all owned by Party A itself, which is located at ________________ and in good condition for bed, desk, wardrobe and air-condition. 二、房屋面积Size of the premises 出租房屋的登记面积为平方米(建筑面积)。 The registered size of the leased premises is square meters (Gross size). 三、租赁期限Lease term 租赁期限自____ 年___月___日起至 _____ 年___月___日止,为期___年. The lease term will be from (month) ____ (day) ____ (year) to _____ (month) ___ (day) _____ (year). 四、租金Rental 1.数额:双方商定租金为每月人民币300 元(叁佰元)整. Amount: the rental will be 300 RMB per month.


房屋租赁合同 House Leasing Contract 出租方(以下简称甲方): Lessor: (hereinafter referred to as Party A) 承租方(以下简称乙方): Lessee: (hereinafter referred to as Party B) 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿的基础上,就甲方将房屋出租给乙方使用,经协商一致,订立本合同。 According to the Contract Law of China and other relating regulations both Party close this contract as following in compliance with the rule of equality and free will after negotiation to agree that Party A lease the house to Party B. 第一条甲方保证所出租的房屋是甲方所有或有权处分且是合法建筑,不存在抵押、担保或与他人共有的情况。 Article one Party A shall ensure that Party A has the ownership of the house or has the right to handle with the house and the house is legal construction; there is no mortgage, guarantee or co-possession conditions of this house. 第二条房屋及土地的坐落、面积、装修、设施情况 Article two Location, area, decoration and construction conditions 1、甲方出租给乙方的房屋位于,面积:平方米,详见附图。 The location of the leased house ; the area is square meters。Seen in the picture. 2、该房屋现有装修及设施、设备情况详见合同附件。


房屋租赁合同 House LeaseContract 出租方 (甲方)Landlord:承租方(乙方)Tenant 出租方 (甲方) Landlord(Part A): _____________________________________________________ 承租方 (乙方) Tenant (Part B): _____________________________________________________ 第一条:租赁物业Tenancy: 1、甲方同意将位于 ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _______________________ 房屋及房内设备设施在良好状态下出租给 乙方。建筑面积为______________平米。 Party A herebyagrees to lease ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________ and the fixtures, fittings and equipment therein are cleaned and in tenantableconditions to Party B. Total area of the leasedpropertyis ________㎡. 2、签订本合同之前,甲方必须向乙方出示有关物业的房地产产权证。产权证编号:___________如不能提供该文件,甲方必须提供相关有 效的可证明其物业所有权的文件。若该物业产权证上所有权人的名称与此合同中甲方名称不一致。则必须提供甲方与物业所有权人的合法租赁协议的复印件。 Prior to the execution of thisagreement, Party A shall provide to Party B the Real Estate Ownership with the No______. If this document is not available, Party A shall provide an alternative and acceptable proof of ownership. If the name on the ownership certificate is not the same as the


合同编号(Con tract No.) terms and con diti ons set forth as below: 买卖双方经协商同意按下列条款 成交: 1. Commodity, Quantity and Price: 商品、数量和价格: .The con tract price will be calculated based on the actual shipp ing qua ntity. 结算总金额 以实际发货数量计算。 .The pack ing list should in dicate the weight of a balk and the qua ntity of bales. 装箱单 应表明规格,每包重量,数量和装箱的总重量。 As seller's park ing list in dicated. 以卖方的装箱单为准. 2. Shipme nt 装运: The seller is resp on sible to load products into the container. 卖方负责装入集装箱内。 Package: opp bag PURCHASE ORDER 卖方(Seller): 地址(Address): 电话(Tel): 买方(Buyer): 地址(Address): 邮箱(E-mail): The undersigned seller to the 传真(Fax): 电话(Tel): 电子邮箱(E-mail): 传真(Fax): and buyer have agreed to close the following transactions according 日期(Date):


租赁合同Tenancy Contract

租赁合同 Tenancy Contract 出租方(甲方): Landlord (Party A): 承租方(乙方): Tenant (Party B): 甲、乙双方在自愿、平等、互利的基础上,经协商一致,就乙方承租甲方物业事宜,订立本合同。 Having reached unanimity through consultations, Party A and Party B, on the basis of voluntariness, equality and mutual benefit, have entered into this Contract in respect of Party A leasing the Premises to Party B. 一、租赁物业 Leased Premises 1.1 甲方将坐落于(以下简称‘该物业’) 出租给乙方使用,该物业建筑面积为平方米。 Party A lets (hereinafter referred to the Premises), to Party B, and the size of the Premises is square meters. 1.2 甲乙双方确定该物业用途为住宅。 Both Party A and Party B have confirmed that the Premises shall be for the purpose of Residential. 1.3 该物业的家俱、家电配置,见本合同附件一。 The furniture & appliances of the Premises please see Appendix I. 二、租赁期 Leasing T erm 2.1 本合同租赁期为个月,自年月日起至年月日 止。 The leasing term of this contract shall be calendar months, commencing from to . 2.2 租赁期满,甲方有权收回该物业,乙方应如期归还;乙方如要求续租,须在


房屋租赁合同 House Lease Contract 出租方(甲方)Landlord: 承租方(乙方)Tenant : 居间方(丙方)Agent:

出租方(甲方) Landlord(Part A): _____________________________________________________ 承租方(乙方) Tenant (Part B): _____________________________________________________ Agency: BEIJING FANGEASYCO.LTD 第一条:租赁物业Tenancy: 1、甲方同意将位于北京市___________区___________________________________房屋及房内设备 设施在良好状态下出租给乙方。建筑面积为______________平米。 Party A hereby agrees to lease___________________________________and the fixtures, fittings and equipment therein are cleaned and in tenantable conditions to Party B. Total area of the leased property is ________㎡. 2、签订本合同之前,甲方必须向乙方出示有关物业的房地产产权证。产权证编号:___________如不能提供该文件,甲方必须提供相关有效的可证明其物业所有权的文件。若该物业产权证上所有权人的名称与此合同中甲方名称不一致。则必须提供甲方与物业所有权人的合法租赁协议的复印件。Prior to the execution of this agreement, Party A shall provide to Party B the Real Estate Ownership Certificate in respect of the Property. Ownership Certificate No.: . If this document is not available, Party A shall provide an alternative and acceptable proof of ownership. If the name on the ownership certificate is not the same as the name of Party A on this tenancy agreement, a copy of the additional leasing agreement between the rightful legal owner and party A must be supplied.第二条:租期Term of Tenancy: 1、租赁期为_____月,自______年_______月______日起至______年_______月______日止。 The above property is hereby leased for a term of _____________months, commencing On___________________________, and expiring on _______________________. 2、在租期开始三日前,出租房屋及其家俱电器应已装修或安装布置完毕,处于可供租赁的良好状态。The above property and its equipment and furniture shall be fully renovated or installed and in tenantable conditions three days before the commencement of the lease. 3、租期届满,甲方有权收回出租房屋及全部家俱、电器,乙方亦应如期交还(附件1);乙方如要求续租,则享有优先续租权,但必须在本租约固定期满前二个月向甲方提出书面申请,租金双方另行协商;如乙方不再续租,甲方有权向新租客展示该房。 On expiry of this lease, Party A has the right to take back the leased property in full, and Party B must deliver the leased property on the date of expiry (Appendix I). If Party B wishes to renew the lease after the tenancy period, Party B shall have the priority to renew the lease with two months advance written notice to Party A. The revised rental shall be negotiated between the two parties. If party B not renew the lease contract, Party A have rights show the property to new tenant. 第三条:租金Rent:


房屋租赁合同Tenancy Agreement

房屋租赁合同 Tenancy Agreement 一. 出租人: (以下简称“甲方”) Landlord: (hereinafter referred to as Party A) 代表人 二. 承租人: (以下简称“乙方") Tenant : (hereinafter referred to as Party B) 三. 租赁范围及用途: Tenancy: 甲方同意将其所有的位于中国上海市室房屋及其设施(包括附件一所列家具和电器)在良好及可租赁的状态下租给乙方居住使用,租赁房屋的面积总计约 平方米。 Party A hereby agrees to lease its property located at Unit , Shanghai, PRC, and the related facilities (including furniture and appliances) in good and tenantable condition to Party B for residential use. The size of the leased property is approximately m2. 乙方指定物业使用者为。 The said Occupant is n. 四、租赁期: Term of Tenancy: 4.1租赁期为年,自年月日至年月 日。 The above property is hereby leased for a term of 1 year(s), commencing on and expiring on . 4.2 租赁期满,甲方有权收回全部租赁房屋,乙方应如期交还。乙方如要求续租, 须在本合同期满日前二个月向甲方提出书面申请,除了双方衷诚地协议续租 的年期及租金外,双方将按于本合约相同的条款另行签订续租合同。 On expiry of the tenancy, Party A has the right to take back the entire leased property, and Party B shall deliver the leased

国际采购合同范本 中英文

CONTRACT 以下签订的合同是一份依照国际法和国际商会(ICC)有关规章制度实施并具有法律约束力的文件。The following signed Contract is a document that is legally binding and enforceable under International Law and ICC Rules and Regulation. THE SELLER: Address: Country Phone: Email: Represented by Hereinafter referred to as“The Seller” AND THE BUYER: Address: Country Phone: Email: Represented by Hereinafter referred to as“The Buyer” 买卖双方同意按下列规格和条款购买以下物料: Whereas the Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the following materials on the following specific terms and conditions:

1.定义(DEFINITIONS) 1.1“公吨”是指2204.62磅或1000千克湿基重或干基重。 “Metric Ton”each means2204.62Pounds or1000Kilograms,wet or dry basis as specified. 1.2“干基”是意指矿石在105摄氏温度。 “Dry Basis”means Ore dried at105degrees centigrade. 1.3“干公吨”是指在105摄氏温度下的每吨矿石。 “Dry Metric Ton”means a ton of ore dried at105degree 1.4“CCIC”是指中国检验认证集团。 “CCIC”means the China Certification&Inspection Group Co.Ltd 1.5“CIQ”是指中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫 “CIQ”means the Entry-exit Inspection&Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China. 1.6计价货币为美元和美分,是美国法定货币。 Amounts of money stated in Dollars and Cents are references to the currency of the United States of America. 2.品质及货物描述(QUALITY AND DESCRIPTION) 2.1品名及品质:铜矿石 原产地:非洲 铜含量:15%(10%以下拒收) Commodity and quality:Copper Ore, Origin:Africa Copper content:15%(below10%reject) 2.2卖方应保证如下:否则买方有权拒绝收货。 砷(As)最大不超过0.50% 铅(Pb)最大不超过6.00% 氟(F)最大不超过0.10% 镉(Cd)最大不超过0.05% 汞(Hg)最大不超过0.01% 粒度规格:0-50mm:80% The Seller guarantees below: Otherwise,the buyer has the right to reject the cargo. As:Max0.50%. Pb:Max6.00% F:Max0.10% Cd:Max0.05% Hg:Max0.01%


租赁合同 LEASE CONTRACT 出租方:(以下简称甲方): Lessor (hereinafter referred to as Party A): 承租方:(以下简称乙方): Tenant (hereinafter referred to as Party B): 甲、乙双方经过友好协商一致订立本合同,以资共同遵守。 Party A and Party B ,having had friendly discussion,hereby agree to enter into the following contract to be abided by both parties. 一、物业地址: 甲方将其所有的位于上海市的房屋及附属设施在良好状态下出租给乙方使用。 Address of Building: Party A shall lease the house of its own and its accessory facilities which is in good condition and located at District,Shanghai to Party B for . 二、房屋面积: 出租房屋的建筑面积为平方米。 Floorage of house: The construction floorage of the house to let is spuare meters. 三、租赁期限: 租赁期自年月日起至年月日止为期年个月。 甲方应于年月日以前将房屋腾空交给乙方使用。 Lease Terms: The lease term shall be from (mouth) (day) (year),to (month) (day) (year).And Party A should vacate the house and turn it over to Party B for use before (month) (day) (year). 四、定金 1、乙方应付的定金为元整,乙方于年月日以前支付给甲方定金共计元整。 2、在本合同签定之后至租期开始之前如甲方违约,则上述定金由甲方双倍返还乙方,如乙方违约则定金由甲方没收。定金的赔偿不影响违约金的索赔。 3、租期开始之后,上述定金全额自动转化为:。 Earnest Money: 1、Party B will pay as an earnest money.The earnest money should be paid to Party A before (month) (day) (year). 2、After the contract is signed and before the lease term begins, in case Party A breaches the


房屋租赁合同LEASE CONTRACT-中英文对照 发布时间:2010-12-19 11:18:55 http: 本合同双方当事人 出租方(甲方): 承租方(乙方): 根据国家有关法律、法规和本市有关规定,甲、乙双方在平等自愿的基础上,经友好协商一致,就甲方将其合法拥有的房屋出租给乙方使用,乙方承租使用甲方房屋事宜,订立本合同。 一、建物地址 甲方将其所有的位于上海市区的房屋及其附属设施在良好状态下出租给乙方使用。 LEASE CONTRACT Lessor (hereinafter referred to as Party A): Lessee (hereinafter referred to as Party B): Party A and B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude thefollowing contract. 1.Location of the premises Party A will lease to Party B the premises and attached facilities owned by itself which is located at and in good condition for .

二、房屋面积 出租房屋的登记面积为平方米(建筑面积)。 三、租赁期限 租赁期限自____年__月__日起至____年__月__日止,为期年,甲方应于年月日将房屋腾空并交付乙方使用。 2.Size of the premises The registered size of the leased premises is __squaremeters (Gross size)。 3.Lease term The lease termwill be from(month)(day)(year) to_(month)___(day)___(year)。Party A will clear the premises and provide it to Party B for use before ___(month) ___(day)___(year)。 四、租金 1.数额: 双方商定租金为每月___元整(含管理费)。乙方以___形式支付给甲方. 2.租金按___月为壹期支付;第一期租金于___年___月___日以前付清;以后每期租金于每月的___日以前缴纳,先付后住(若乙方以汇款形式支付租金,则以汇出日为支付日,汇费由汇出方承担);甲方收到租金后予书面签收。 3.如乙方逾期支付租金超过七天,则每天以月租金的 0.3%支付滞纳金;如乙方逾期支付租金超过十天,则视为乙方自动退租,构成违约,甲方有权收回房屋,并追究乙方违约责任。 4.Rental


房屋租赁合同 Premises Lease Contract 合同编号 ContractNo. 本合同双方当事人: Thepartiestothis contract are: 出租方(以下简称甲方):_________________ ?The Landlord (hereinafter referredto as “PartyA“): _____________ 承租方(以下简称乙方):_________________,代表其将在中国设立的外商独资企业(以下简称”新公司”),其注册资本为----万美元。 The Tenant (hereinafter referredto as“Party B“)_______________.,on behal fof its Wholly Foreign Invested Enterprise tobeestablished in China (hereinafter referredtoas“NewCo”) with a registered capital ofUS$_______________. 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法》及其他有关法律、法规之规定,在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上,甲、乙双方就下列厂房的租赁达成如下协议: In accordancewith the “Contract Lawof thePeople’s Republicof China”, the“Property Management Law of City Real Estateof the People’s Republicof China” andotherrelevantlaws and regulations,Party A and Party B, on the basis of equality and mutual understanding andthroughfriendly neg otiation,have reachedthe following agreementon theleaseof thep remises: 第一条?房屋的基本情况 Chapter 1?BasicInformationon the Premises 甲方厂房(以下简称“厂房”)座落于----,总建筑面积为-----平方米;该厂房平面图参见附件1。 PartyA’s premises (hereinafter referred toasthe“Premises”)are located at ---Road;totalbuilt-up area is ---- sqm.PleaserefertoAnnex1 for theplan ofthe Premises. 该厂房应已具备所有必要的硬件设施(包括水管道,电线及电话线)以供乙方使用。 ThePremises shall be equippedwithallthe necessary hardware facilities


PURCHASE ORDER 采购合同 合同编号( Contract No.):日期(Date): 卖方(Seller): 地址(Address): 电话(Tel):传真(Fax):电子邮箱(E-mail): 买方(Buyer): 地址(Address): 电话(Tel):传真(Fax): 邮箱(E-mail): The undersigned seller and buyer have agreed to close the following transactions according to the terms and conditions set forth as below: 买卖双方经协商同意按下列条款成交: http://biz.doczj.com/doc/8b644598.html,modity, Quantity and Price: 1.1. The contract price will be calculated based on the actual shipping quantity. 结算总金额以实际发货数量计算。 1.2. The packing list should indicate the weight of a balk and the quantity of bales. 装箱单应表明规格,每包重量,数量和装箱的总重量。 1.3 As seller's parking list indicated. 以卖方的装箱单为准. 2. Shipment 装运: 2.1 The seller is responsible to load products into the container. 卖方负责装入集装箱内。


Purchase Agreement 采购合同 Buyer: 买方: Seller : 卖方: Agreement Signed Date: 签约日期:

Purchase Agreement 采购合同 This Deed of Agreement is made and executed on英文日期 此协议由下列双方于2017年月日签订 买方名, hereinafter called the “Buyer” 买方名,以下简称买方。 AND 卖方名(the“selle r”). 卖方名以下简称卖方。 Now both of the above mentioned parties are signing this Deed of Agreement considering the below mentioned points, terms and conditions. 双方根据下列条款、条件签订此协议: 1.供货明细Supply Description 1.1 实际的供货明细表 1.2 D uring the duration of the agreement, the unit price is fixed; if the seller raises unit price, buyer has the right to terminate the agreement. 合同有效期内,单价保持不变。若合同执行期间,卖方上调价格,买方有权终止协议。 2. Quantity 数量 The quantity mentioned above just for reference, the quantity shall be determined by the actual quantity. 订单数量是参考数量,以双方实际验收数量为准。


LEASE CONTRACT(租赁合同) 出租方(甲方)Lessor (hereinafter referred to as Party A): 承租方(乙方)Lessee (hereinafter referred to as Party B): 根据国家有关法律、法规和有关规定,甲、乙双方在平等自愿的基础上,经友好协商一致,就甲方将其合法拥有的房屋出租给乙方使用,乙方承租使用甲方房屋事宜,订立本合同。 In accordance with relevant Chinese laws 、decrees and pertinent rules and regulations ,Party A and Party B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract. 一、物业地址/ Location of the premises 甲方将其所有的位于房屋及其附属设施在良好状态下出租给乙方使用。 Party A will lease to Party B the premises and attached facilities owned by itself which is located at_____________________________________________________________and they must be in good condition for . 二、房屋面积/ Size of the premises 出租房屋的登记面积为平方米(建筑面积)。 The registered size of the leased premises is __________ square meters (Gross size). 三、租赁期限 / term of lease 租赁期限自年月日起至年月日止,为期年,甲方应于年月日将房屋腾空并交付乙方使用。 The term of lease will be from (month) (day) (year) to (month) (day) (year). Party A will empty the premises and provide it to Party B for use before _________ (month) (day) (year). 四、租金/ Rental 1. 数额:双方商定租金为每月元整。乙方以汇款的形式支付给甲方。 Amount: the rental will be RMB per month. Party B will pay the rental to Party A in the form of remittance .


租赁合同中英文对照版 Lease contract in Chinese and English 合同编号:XX-2020-01 甲方:___________________________乙方:___________________________ 签订日期:____ 年 ____ 月 ____ 日

租赁合同中英文对照版 前言:租赁合同是指出租人将租赁物交付给承租人使用、收益,承租人支付租金的 合同。在当事人中,提供物的使用或收益权的一方为出租人;对租赁物有使用或收 益权的一方为承租人。本文档根据租赁合同内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指 导意义,便于学习和使用,本文档下载后内容可按需编辑修改及打印。 租赁合同书 出租方(甲方)Lessor (hereinafter referred to as Party A): 承租方(乙方)Lessee (hereinafter referred to as Party B): 根据国家有关法律、法规和有关规定,甲、乙双方在平 等自愿的基础上,经友好协商一致,就甲方将其合法拥有的物业出租给乙方使用,乙方承租使用甲方厂房事宜,订立本合同。 In accordance with relevant Chinese laws、decrees and pertinent rules and regulations ,Par ty A and Party B have reached an agreement th

rough friendly consultation to conclude the foll owing contract. 一、物业地址Location of the premises 甲方将其所有的位于合肥经济技术开发区__________的厂房及其附属设施在良好状态下出租给乙方______ _____使用。具体见附件厂房平面图。 Party A will lease to Party B the premise s and attached facilities all owned by Party A itself, which is located at ___________________ ___________ __________________________ and in good condition for_____________ .Concrete details in planimetric mapin contractschedule. 二、物业状况 出租厂房的登记面积为_________平方米(建筑面积)。房屋结构为钢结构。 The registered size of the leased premises is_________square meters (Gross size).Thestruct ureofpremisesis stealstructure;
