当前位置:文档之家› 租赁合同翻译





Land Lord (hereinafter referred to as Party A):




Tenant (hereinafter referred to as Party B):




Party C: Beijing Yintai Property Co., Ltd.


Business Certificate No.: Qi Zuo Jing Zong Fu Zi No. 022630


Part A, Part B, and Part C enter into the following tenancy agreement on the basis of equity and free will in accordance with Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China and any other relevant laws, policies and regulations:


Article 1 The Premises

房屋坐落于北京市朝阳区建外大街4号北京市银泰中心A座3303 ,建筑面积241.66 平方米。The Premises is located at Unit 3303, Tower A, Beijing Yintai Centre, No.4, Jianguomenwai Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing. Its gross area is 241.66 Square Meters.


Article 2 Occupations of The Premises

租赁用途:居住,不得作为办公或其他用途;居住人数为:,最多不超过人。The Premises can only be used as a residence, and cannot be used for any other purpose such as office. The number of the residents who live in The Premises will be , and no more than .


Article 3 Lease Term

(一)房屋租赁期自2009 年01 月21 日至2010 年01 月20 日,共计1年。甲方应于2009 年01 月20 日前将房屋按约定条件交付给乙方。《房屋交割清单》(见附件一)经甲乙双方交验签字盖章并移交房门钥匙后视为交付完成。

The lease term of The Premises will be one Year, from January 21st, 2009 to January 20th, 2010. Part A shall deliver The Premises to Part B on January 20th, 2009. The delivery is finished after the Property Detailed List is signed and the room keys are handed over.



On expiry or termination of The Agreement, Party A shall be entitled to take back The Premises (including all the furniture, fittings and equipment listed in Appendix I)in full, and Party B must return The Premises on the date of expiry or termination. Part A and Part B shall examine The Premises (including all the furniture, fittings and equipment listed in Appendix I)together, and shall pay all the fees as stated in The Agreement.

If Party B wishes to extend the lease, Party B shall have the priority to renew the lease with one month’s advance written notice to Party A. The revised rent fees shall be negotiated between Part A and Part B.


Article 2 Rent Fees and Deposit

(一)租金标准55,000 元/月,租金总计:人民币陆拾万元整(¥:6,000,000 )。

The rent fee is 55,000 per month, totally RMB 6,000,000.


Part B shall wire transfer to Part A all the rent fees on December 16th, 2008 to the following account.


Part A shall issue an invoice to Part B within 30 days after the rent fees reach his account.(二)押金:人民币拾壹万元整(¥:110,000 ), 在本合同签订之日支付。租赁期满或合同解除后,房屋租赁押金除抵扣应由乙方承担的费用、租金,以及乙方应当承担的违约赔偿责任外,剩余部分应如数于十五日内返还给乙方。

The deposit is RMB 110,000, and shall be paid upon signing of The Agreement. Part A shall return the deposit to Part B within 15 days after the expiry or termination of The Agreement under the condition that Party B has paid all the fees, rentals, and other liabilities that shall be borne by Part B under The Agreement.


Article 5 Other Charges




During the period of tenancy, part B shall pay, the telephone bills, and any other charges on services ordered by part B, the extra monthly water, electricity, gas, A/C basic and A/C usage fees that over RMB 3,000 per month. Part B shall keep and show to Part A the relative payment receipts.
