当前位置:文档之家› 商务合同英语的文体特征





商务合同是在商务活动中签署的具有法律地位的文件,因此,商务合同英语既具有商务英语的特点,同时也具有法律英语的特点。Martin Joos按照语言使用的正式程度提出了英语的五种变体,即庄重文体({rozen style),正式文体(for.mal style),商议文体(consultative style),随便文体(casualstyle)和亲密文体(intimate style)。一般认为商务合同英语属庄重文体,即各文体英语中正式程度最高的一种。商务合同英语在词汇、句法和篇章等方面具有鲜明的文体特征。




专业术语(technical terms)具有国际通用性,意义精确、无歧义,不带有个人感情色彩,具有鲜明的文体特色。为了准确描述商务活动中的各个交易环节以及与此相关的各类单据,商务合同英语中使用了大量表意清楚的商务类专业术语。例如:

The Licensor shall disclose and deliver to the Licensee the Licensor’S know—how(专有技术)as promptly aS practicable after the effective date of this Agreement.

know—how的涵义十分精确,专指有关特许产品的生产、使用和销售及不属于专利范围的所有技术资料、设计、技术规范、生产程序、图纸和其他资料。不能与别的词混淆。同时,为了准确描述商务活动中交易双方各自的权利与义务,商务合同英语中除大量使用商务类专业术语以外,也使用了较多的法律类专业术语。狭义的法律术语指那些仅出现在或大多数情况下出现在法律文件中的法律科学的特有术语,此意义上的法律术语在商务合同文体中的数量不多,如:imputed negligence(转嫁的过失责任)特指可向与行为人有利害关系的人或有合同关系的另一方追究责任的过失。


In casesoflosses Cal/~ by a breachof contract.thefinancial responsibility(经济责任)shall be home by the party who has breachedthecontract.



商务合同英语要对交易各方的权利、义务和行为准则的准确涵义和范围进行直接而明确的规定,其措词必须严谨精确、庄重、正式和不带个人感情色彩。为此,商务合同英语常用拉丁语派生词(Latinate words)取代同义的一般英语词汇,以示高雅正式,这就是常说的书卷用词(1iterary words 或learned words),即所谓的“大词”(big words)。例如:

The Agre~nent shall commence on this day and automatically terminate upon the bankruptcy or insolvency of either of the parties hereto.(用commence和terminate分别代替begin和end)


The participants in the joint venture shall commence dkscussionwith regardtOthe extensionoftheperiodof existenceof the ven ture an d in the even t of their agreeing upon such exten —sion,they shall record such agreement in a written document signed by all of them not later than three years prior tO the expity of the etn'rent period.(用with regard tO,in the event of 和priortO 分别代替about,in caseof 和before)




Attachments hereof(=of this Contract)shall be made an integral part of this Contract an d effective as an y other pmvisions of this Contract.

这些古体词语的使用除了体现其庄重严肃以外,还可避免不必要的重复,使意义更加清楚、简明。例如:“依照本合同相关规定”在英文商务合同中几乎见不到“according to televant terms and conditions in the contract”这种表达方式,常见的表达方式是“pursuant tO provisions contained herein”或“as provided herein”等。对“合同任何一方当事人不得转让本合同”,西方工商界一般会选择使用“Neither party hereto ma y assign this contract”,而较少使用“Neither party tO the con —tract ma y assign this contract”。这正是古体词语精炼准确的体现。一般而言,恰当地使用古体词能给文字增添庄严、典雅的色彩,使文笔古香古色,显得执笔者资深老到。但是频繁出现这类词语,其风格自然显得有些繁冗。


商务合同英语中使用的商务类专业术语有不少源于拉丁语或法语,有些则是由其词根派生或合成,许多术语都有相同的前缀或后缀。它们的意义比较稳定,利于精确地表达概念,例如:ad valoren3 duty(拉丁语)从价(关)税,bona fide holder(拉丁语)汇票的善意持票人,ex dividend/ex coupon除股息/除息票(ex为拉丁语,意为without,not including ),pro rata tax rate比例税率(拉丁语,即proportional tax rate),agent ad litem(拉丁语)委托代理人,del credere agent(意大利语)货价保付代理,insurance premium per capita(拉丁语)人均保险费,force majeure(法语)不可抗力,pro forma(拉丁语)估算表。

商务合同英语中同时也使用了为数不少的主要来源于拉丁语或法语的法律类专业术语。随着基督教传人英国(公元597年),一些拉丁语词汇就开始直接或间接地进入英语。拉丁语词汇进入英语主要采取两种方式:间接方式(即有些拉丁语词汇直接进入法语,然后由法语再转入英语并被英语接受)以及直接方式(即有些拉丁语词汇直接进入英语,并取得合法地位)。例如:crimen falsi(伪证罪),de factO fort(事实上侵权行为),de factO agr~ ent(未经合法手续或正式承认的事实上的协议),action in persinam(债权诉讼),proviso(限制性条款),void ab initio(由最初开始即属无效)等。同样,由于历史的原因(公元1066年“诺曼征服”后,法语成为当时英国的官方语言),英语中许多法律术语由法语借用或转化而来,例如:complaint,statute,verdict,warrant,bail等。(五)词语并列

在商务合同英语中有词汇并列使用的现象(juxtaposition),即同(近)义词或相关词往往由and或or 连接并列使用,例如:covetmnts or agreements,stipulations and provisions,complaints and claims,furnish an d provide,ful{iIl or perform ,transferable or assignable,null an d void,in full force an d effect等。这种词汇并列使用至少可以达到以下两个目的:一是通过两个或多个词语的共同含义来限定其唯一词义,从而排除了由于一词多义可能产生的歧义,这正是合同语言必须表达严谨、杜绝语义歧义或漏洞的需要;二是通过两个或多个词语的并列来体现商务合同英语的古体性与正式性。例如:

This contract is made by an d between the Buyers an d the.Sellers,whereby the Buyers agree tO buy an d the Sellers agree to sellthe under —mentioned commodityin 8coDrdalae withthe terms and conditions stipulated be low.

句中若单独使用by,则仅表明合同是由谁达成的,单用betwen也只对合同签约当事人的范围进行了限定,而并列结构by and betwen的含义则比单独使用的by或betwen更加明确,更加丰富,表明参与合同谈判全过程并最终签约的都是the Buyers and the.Sellers,并无其他当事人。同时,句中terms或conditions单独使用时含义较多,在不同的语境中可以表示不同的含义。但并列结构terms and conditions表示“(合同、协议、谈判等的)条款”,其词义具有唯一性,毫无任何语义歧义;同时,terms and conditions属于合同用语的固定模式,体现了商务合同英语的古体性与正式性。可见用两个同(近)义词和只用其中一个,其表达效果显然是不一样的。



准确性是商务合同英语语言的灵魂与生命。因而为防止误解和歧义的产生,“含混不清”的语言一直是商务合同英语中尤需避讳的问题。“含混不清”即是对本应该说清楚的事物而没有说清楚,勿庸置疑,这种因运用语言不当而产生的消极结果是应极力避免的。本文所指的“语言模糊性”完全区别于语义的“含混不清”,它的一个关键概念就是“不确定性”,即词语的所指范围边界的不确定性。这种不确定性通常是不能或无须通过上下文加以排除的,它缘于本体的模糊性(ontological fuzziness)和认识的模糊性(epistemologicalfuzziness)。这种模糊性语言融词汇内涵的可塑性、有限性与外延的模糊性、无限性为一体。因此,在商务合同英语中可以有条件地、有限制地使用模糊词语。例如,在订立合同时为了更准确地表述合同当事人的权利或义务,最大限度地使条款的规定更加严密,囊括更宽的范围,防止漏洞的产生,可适当地使用模糊词语。例如:Party A agrees to help Joint Venture to invite and recruit Chinese experts,technicians,workers an d other personnel an d PartyB agreestOhelp JointVenturetoinviteand recruitforeign experts.

这里所使用的other personnd就是一个模糊词语。条款在列举了要招聘的各种人员(专家、技术人员、工人)之后,再加上other p日硼nnd这样的模糊词语,就使这一条款的规定有了一定的概括性,使表意更加严密,从而更大限度地包含了甲方需招聘的人员。若将other personnd省略或改用确切词语,则会使条款的订立失去表达的严谨性和内容的包容性。


If the Supplier fails to cominen ce the work necessary to remedy such defect or an y danaage tO the Equipment caused by such defect wi thin a reasonable time,the Buyer ma y carry OUt such work in a reasonable manner ,an d the reasona ble direct costs incurred by the Buyer in connection therewith shall be paid to the Buyer by the Su pplier ,providing that the labor costs in.cluded in such costs

shall be calculated based on the kr..al costs incurred inthecountryinwhichtheContractPlan tistobe co n— structed .

这里有三处出现模糊措词。究竟多长时间算是within areasonable time(在合理的期限之内),什么方式可称为in areasonablemanner(以合理的方式),多少直接成本才算是thereasonable direct costs(合理的直接成本),这些均无明确或统一规定,但却运用得恰到好处,比用精确的数字表达得更准确,也更有说服力,体现了合同条款的预见性及适用性。因此,虽然商务合同英语语体强调准确,但是为了实现特定的语用功能和意图,并不是完全排斥模糊语言的有意识的使用。模糊语言的使用(除言语过失以外)都是带有动机的。这种动机在合同语境中一般并非为了增强语言的感染力或是出于礼貌的考虑,而是为了使自己处于进退自如的主动地位,使对方承担语用模糊所可能造成后果的部分责任。模糊语言看似模糊、与精确语言相矛盾,但二者相结合却能使表达更完整,防止了漏洞的产生,对双方的交易、劳务与技术服务以及索赔等的范围都起着限定作用,从而使合同条款合乎双方的意愿,并增加了可操作性。





Party A shall bear all expenses for advertising and publicity in connection with the commodity in question in Sing apore within the validity of this agreement,an d shall submit to Party A all audioan d videomaterialsintendedfor advertisingfor prior approva1.




In case that one or both parties &re impossible to pe rform the duties provided herein on account of force majeure,the par—ty(or parties)in conting ency shall inform the other party(or each other)ofthe caSeimmediately andma y,provided the caSe is duly verified by the competent authorities ,delay in per{or—mance of or not perform the relevan t duties hereunder an d ma y be partially or entirely exempted from the liability for breach of this agr eement.

上例中共有76个单词,首先是一个由in case that引导的状语从句;主句谓语有三个部分并列,即分别为shall in—form ...and ma y? delay...or not perform ...和and ma ybe? exem pted from...。在状语从句中有过去分词短语(provided herein)作后置定语修饰the duties,起到对名词或概念的内涵和外延进行精确界定的作用;此外从句中还有介词短语∞accountofforcemajeure 作原因状语。另外,主句第二个谓语部分还带有一个由provided引导的条件状语从句。这些均



If,whether during the execution of the works or after their completion an d whether be fore or after the repudiation or other termination of the Contract,be twen the Employer an d the Co ntractor arises an y dispute in connection wi th,or arising Olat of ,the Contract or the execution of the works ,including any disagxement by either party wi th an y action,inaction,opinion,instruction,determination,certificate or valuation of the Enginer,the ma tter shall,in the first place be referred to the Dispute Review Board.

上述例句真可谓盘根错节,错综复杂,但却长而不乱,各居其位。为表达严谨准确的逻辑关系,在if引导的条件从句中使用了由两个whether引导的插入语,对句意作了恰如其分的补充与限定,形成分隔现象;为了保持句子的平衡,把介词短语betwen the Employer and the Contractor置于从句谓语arises之前,而从句主语any dispute由于其后有较复杂的修饰和限定成分而被后置。



商务合同英语等书面语的信息焦点只能借助语言成分的安排予以表示,其原则是末尾着重(end —weight),即把句子里较有份量的成分放在句末,形成一种“高潮”或悬念。可加强语气,使句子更显得生动有力。这就是文体上所说的“掉尾句”或“圆周句”(periodic sentence)。此外,由于商务合同英语从句较长,主句可能过短,因此从主从句的整体布局来考虑,也需将主句置于句尾,方可达到尾重的语言效果,不至于产生头重脚轻的失衡感。故而在商务合同英语中掉尾句使用频率很高。例如:

Ifthe Subcontractor’S W ork has been stopped for thirty days because the Subcontractor has not received progress pay—ments as required hereunder,the Subcontractor ma y terminate this Agreement upo n g~ving the Co ntractor an additional seven days written notice.

若把句子的语义核心置于句首,而句子的其他部分都用来对语义核心进行补充说明,这就构成了与掉尾句相对应的所谓的“松散句”(1oose sentence),这样的句式一目了然。例如:

The Subcontractor ma y terminate this Agrement because the Subcontractor has not received progress payments.




In case the Sellers&re liable for the discrepancies and a claim has been lod ged by the Buyers within the time limit of the inspection and quality guarantee period aS stipulated in Clausel2hereunder,

theSellers shall settlethe claim inoneoran y combinationof thefollowing ways.


Theun dersigned Se lleran dBuyer have helddiscussions relating to the processing an d assembling of plastic toy products and ha ve agreed to close the followi ng transactions according to the terms an d conditions set forth as below.


权利义务的约定部分构成了商务合同的主体,情态动词的准确使用旨在明确约定当事人的权利(可以做什么),当事人的一般义务(应当做什么),强制性义务(必须做什么)和禁止性义务(不得做什么)。与商务合同英语特别相关的情态动词主要是shall和may,需引起特别注意。shall在商务合同英语中多数并不表示句子主语的意图,而是表述各项具体的规定和要求,表示强制性地要求承担责任或履行义务,含有“本条款具有法律规定的指令性和强制性”之意。根据Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,shall解释为(formal or old—fashioned)used in official documents to show alaw,command,obligation,compulsion。可见shall的这一用法是较古老或者较正式的,一般仅限于法律或半法律性用语,体现了合同条款内含的法律的威严性和约束性。凡表示“强制”(compulsion)或“义务”(obligation)时,均不能以will或should取代shall。这一用法的shall的主语一般以第三人称居多,且此时shall必须重读。shall这一用法的否定形式shall not表示“禁止”或“不得”。例如:

W ithin the validitype riod ofthetechnologytransfer agrement,Party B shall provide the joint venture company with the im provem ent of the technology and the improved information andtechnological ma terials in time,an d shall not charge separate fees.

在商务合同文体中,通过ma y提出的要求通常不带强制性,有时为实现要求还准许附加条件;也可在一定条件下表示允许或许可。ma y not可表示根据特定规定或要求而“不得”或“不可以”,语气不及shall not强烈,使用也不及shall not普遍。例如:

For an y business transacted betwen governments of both Parties,Party A ma y ha ndle such direct dealings as authorized by Party A ’S government witho ut binding himself to this A grement.可见,商务合同中的条款,有的须严格遵照执行,有的在一定条件下应予执行,不带强制性。因此,虽然学英语的人对这些情态动词是再熟悉不过,但在商务合同中用到这些词时要慎之又慎,绝对不可随意使用。




Tha t the L/C complies with wha t is stipulated in the Contract isof vital importance.The compliance of the L/C with the stipulations of the Contract is of vital importance(名词结构).


One of the most imDort~ t factors is that proceeds are transmitred from thebuyertothe seller intransactions~ oothly.On e of the most im po rtan t factors is the smooth transmission of proceeds from the buyer to the seller in transactions(名词结构).


The both parties fulfilled the contract satisfactorily will be the basis for the development of business and further cooperation.

The satisfactory fulfillment of the contract by both parties will be the basisforthedevelopmentof businessandfurther co operation.(名词化结构)


It has been agreed tha t Party B ma y use the trademarks owned byPartyA forthe saleof theW ashing Machines co vered herein within the validity.

An agrement has been ma de tha t Party B ma y use the trademarks owned by Party A for the sale of the W ashing M achines covered herein within the validity.(名词化结构)


The quality,quantity,condition an d/or weight of the goods ordered by the buyer shall strictly conform to the Contract stipulations .

The quality,quantity,condition an d/or weight of the goods ordered by the buyer shall be in strict /exact co nformity with the Contract stipulations.(名词化结构)




The Buyer has the right tO lodge a claim against the Seller and all the expenses incurred therefrom shall be bo rne by the Seller.The claim mentioned above shall be regarded aS be ing accepted if the Se ller fails tO reply within 15 days after the Sell— er received the Buyer ’S claim .

上述例句一共有50个单词,但是the buyer 出现了两次,claim 出现了三次,而the seller竟然出现了四次,足以说明名词的重复率之高。



Article 47 Followi ng itea~as shall be covered in the financial ao~ounts books:

1)The amount of overall cash receipts an d expense of the joint venture company;

2)AⅡmaterial purchasing and selling of the joint venture cxxnpany;

3)The registered capital and debts situation of the joint ven ttlre com pany;


在考察英语的变体时,应从使用英语的不同社会情境特征(socio—situational features)人手。其中从语言使用者对语言的使用(the user’s Hse of language)角度来看,社会情境特征主要涉及到交际目的等因素,不同的交际目的正是决定使用不同的文体的决定性因素。商务合同英语正是为了准确严密地规约当事人的权利、义务和责任而采用的一种文体形式,它本身并不具有独立的词汇或语法系统,与其他形式的文体(如科技或广告英语)并无任何本质差异。研究商务合同英语的文体特征,正是研究商务合同英语在词汇、句法及篇章等方面所表现出来的独到之处,其最终目的就是为了作到恰当、得体、准确地使用商务合同英语。



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《商务英语写作》教学大纲 一、课程性质、任务和基本要求 1.课程性质 《商务英语写作》是商务英语专业的专业核心课程,也是文秘、国贸等涉外专业的重要选修课程,旨在培养学生英语五项技能中的英语写作能力。此课程涵盖了商务英语基本写作类型、写作规、写作格式和写作方法,课程容与现实商务生活紧密结合,既提供各种实例,又设计了一体化的实训,训练学生用英语有条理地组织商务信息,起草规得体、条理清晰的商务文书,合理利用商务交流中的礼节和技巧,建立有效的商务沟通。 2.课程任务 开设本课程旨在使学生对商务情景中最常见和最常用的各种应用文的用途及格式有一个总的了解,使其不仅能熟悉商务文体的各种惯用英文表达法,而且能广泛增加有关商务知识,并在模拟及实景中运用这些知识进行商务交际。 3.基本要求: 充分利用教材中的商务材料以及老师所给的案例,并结合所学商务知识,与现实商务活动进行多种形式的联系,提高学生对各种商务写作材料的准确理解和把握。经过反复学习、模仿和套用,掌握商务应用文的书写规律和方法,逐渐学会撰写各类商务应用文,力求语言正确,表达得体,在实际操作中活学活用。 二、学时分配建议 本课程教学总时数为66课时,具体学时分配可参见下表。 学时分配建议表

三、教学目标: 1.课程能力目标: (1)能够根据招聘广告并结合个人实际情况,熟练撰写英语求职信、应聘信、求职追踪信和个人简历等求职类文书 (2)能够运用商务交际中的礼节和技巧,撰写英语邀请函、感信、祝贺信等常见社交类文书 (3)能够规地起草英语启示、通知、备忘录、商务报告、会议纪要等常用公务文书(4)能够比较规地撰写英语名片、简章、商品使用说明书、推销函等主要商务宣传文书 (5)能够正确、得体地处理询盘信、发盘信、还盘信、订单与合同等常规外贸商务函电。 2.课程知识目标 (1)掌握英文求职信、应聘信和个人简历的基本格式和主要容; (2)了解英文书信的基本格式和不同书信类型的写作特点;


Lesson 1 Importer’s Self-introduction 译文 信件一进口商自我介绍 麦克唐那和伊万有限公司 美国纽约劳顿大街58号 福建鞋业进出口公司 中国福建福州保定大街45号 送交:销售部吴刚先生 敬启者: 我们从伏特威廉公司得知贵司商号与地址,特此来函,希望能同贵司发展商务关系。 多年来,本公司经营休闲鞋类进口生意,目前想扩展业务范围。请惠寄商品目录与报价单。 如贵司产品价格有竞争力,本公司必定向你方试订。 恭候回音。 麦克唐那和伊万有限公司 (签名) 麦克. 伊万 经理 谨上 2010年4月20日 信件二回信 福建鞋业进出口公司 中国福建福州保定大街45号 麦克唐那和伊万有限公司 美国纽约劳顿大街58号 敬启者: 感谢贵公司四月二十日的来函,我们非常渴望与贵公司建立商务关系。 我们鞋厂致力于设计和生产各种传统和时尚男女鞋产品。我们已开发和上市了室内拖鞋,棉拖鞋,新款刺绣拖鞋;童鞋和棉鞋。可以满足国内外不同市场需求。 谨遵要求另函奉上最新的出口商品目录及报价单,涵括目前可供的出口商品。 如你方对任何一款感兴趣,请让我方知道。期盼你方具体询盘。 福建鞋业进出口公司 (签名) 吴刚 经理 谨上 2010年5月10日 习题答案 I. Basic Training Translate the following expressions into Chinese. 报价一流的进口商

出口产品范围定单 广泛的联系具体询盘 最新目录有竞争力的价格 Choose the best answer. 1) b 2) b 3) c 4) a 5) d 6) b 7) c 8) c 9) b II. Improving Training Translate the following sentence into English. 1) We would like to introduce our business range. 2) We obtained your name and address from Mr. Smith, who have done business with us for many years. 3) We shall appreciate it if you could tell us the goods you are interested in. 4) We have received many enquiries from abroad. 5)They used to import machines from UK, but now they would like to establish business relations with us. 6) We are the leading importer of electronic products in Lagos. 7) If your price is competitive, we would like to place with you an order for 500 electric bicycles. III. Letter-writing Practice 1. Finish the following letter by translating the expressions given. 1) obtained your name and address 2) establish business relations /enter into business relations 3) leading importers 4) We appreciate your catalogue and quotations. 5) If your prices are competitive 2. Write a letter Dear sirs, We are one of the leading importers of electric goods in this city and shall be pleased to establish business relations with your firm. At present we are interested in your electric fans, details according to our Enquiry Note No. 1345 enclosed, and shall be glad to receive your lowest quotation as soon as possible. We would like to mention that if your price is attractive and delivery date acceptable, we shall place an order with you immediately. Your early reply will be highly appreciated. Yours faithfully, Lesson 2 Exporter’s Self-introduction 译文 信件一出口商来信 敬启者: 承蒙东京工商会的介绍,我们获悉你方是贵国最大的纺织品进口商之一。由于此货属于我们的经营范围, 特写信给你方希望建立业务关系。 我们专营中国纺织品出口, 产品包括女士, 男式, 儿童和青年的针织衫以及运动服和牛仔裤, 我们还设计和生产用于纺织品生产的设备和机器。我们的产品品质优良价格合理。 为使你方了解我们的经营业务, 随函附上出口清单一份, 包括目前可以供应的主要商品。如你方对任何一款感兴趣,请与我们联系。

商务英语函电 参考答案

Reference Keys Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations 学学练练 I. 1. d 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. h 6. f 7. e 8. g II. 1.供你方参考 2. 期望,盼望 3. 供应中 4. in the hope of/that 5. establish business relations 6. fall within the scope of III. 1. desirous to 2. in the line of 3.give you a general idea 4. covering 5. in the market 6.refer to 7.be informed IV. 1. appreciate 2. in, for 3.upon 4. to 5. informed 6. with 7.enclosed 8. in 9. desire 10. for 实操练习 I. 1.Through the courtesy of ABC company, we have your name and address. 2. We would like to inform you that we could supply various types of men’s leather shoes. 3. We have established business relations with more than 50 countries in the world, on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods。 4. Specializing in the export of Chinese bicycles, we express our desire to trade with you in this line. 5. In order to promote business between us, we shall airmail you some samples for your reference. 6. We enclose a copy of catalog and a sampl e and are sure that you will be satisfied


合同 编号:日期: 买受人: 出售人: 本合同由买卖双方订立,根据本合同规定的条款,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售下述商品: 1.货名,规格,数量 2.单价,总价 3.生产国和制造商 4.包装 用坚固的新木箱包装,适宜长途海运,并具备良好的防潮,防震,防锈,耐粗暴搬运能力,由于包装不当而引起的货物损坏或由于防护措施不善而引起货物锈蚀,卖方应赔偿由此而造成的全部损失费用。 5.唛头 卖方应在每件包装上,用不褪色油墨清楚地标刷件号、尺码、毛重、净重、“此端向上”、“小心轻放”、“切勿受潮” 等字样。 6.运日期 7.装运港 8.目的港

9.保险装运后由买方投保。 10.支付条件 ⑴信用证付款,买方在收到卖方根据合同第12条规定的提前装运的通知后,应于运输的15日到20日之前,按货物总金额的全部。通过_______(银行),设立以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的信用证。卖方凭本合同第11条规定的装运单据及开出的即期汇票提交给开证银行贷款,信用证的有效期至货物运装后15天为止。 ⑵托收付款,卖方应把合第11条所规定的由_______(银行)开具的装运单据转交买方。 ⑶根据合同第11条货款应在收据收到的7天前生效。 11.单据 ⑴卖方应将下列单据提交付款银行托收付款,若以信汇付款,下列单据应寄买方: (a)填写通知目的口岸对外贸易运输公司的空白抬头、空白背 书的全套已装船的清洁提单,注明“运费到付”,并通知货口岸___________公司。 (b)发票五份,注明合同号,唛头。(唛头在一份以上,发票 需独立出具)。 (c)五份发票需注明货物重量,编号和发票相应的日期。 (d)按照本合同第16条第一项规定,提交由制造厂签发的质 量和数量/重量证明书及检验报告各两份。


摘要 商务英语应用文在外贸业务和商务活动中使用越来越广泛而频繁,它在互通商业信息,联系商业事务及促进贸易关系等方面起着重要作用。了解和掌握商务英语应用文写作对国际商务、外贸业务从业人员来说是非常重要的。商务写作的语言具有专业术语丰富性、商务文体多样性、缩略词常用性等特征。因此,商务英语写作需要坚持生动具体、内容完整、清楚简洁、有礼有节等原则。文章重点探讨了商务信函的写作技巧,即选用四部式结构(引言、详情、应答、结束语)、遵循语言原则、注意信函语气等,期望有助于商务写作能力的提高。 关键词:商务写作;商务信函;原则;方法 第2/13页 目录 摘要 (1) 目录 (2) 引言 (3) 1 商务英语写作概述 (3) 1.1 商务英语写作的种类 (3) 1.2 商务英语写作的语言特点 (3) 2 商务英语写作原则 (5) 2.1 生动具体 (5) 2.2 内容完整 (5) 2.3 准确无误 (5) 2.4 清楚简洁 (6) 2.5 有礼有节 (6) 3 商务英语写作基本策略 (6)

4 商务英语信函写作技巧 (7) 4.1 选用四部式结构 (7) 4.2 遵循语言原则 (8) 4.3 注意信函语气 (9) 结束语 (9) 致谢................................................................... 10 参考文献................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 第3/13页 商务英语的写作技巧 引言 随着对外开放的不断扩大和外贸体制改革的不断深化,特别是中国加入WTO后,我国的对外贸易取得较快的发展,国际商务和对外贸易活动日益频繁。对国际商务活动从业人员来说,英语能力是最基本的,也是最重要的。而商务英语应用文在外贸业务和商务活动中使用也越来越广泛而频繁,它在互通商业信息,联系商业事务及促进贸易关系等方面起着重要作用。了解和掌握商务英语应用文写作对国际商务、外贸业务从业人员来说是非常重要的。 众所周知,要写好商务英语应用文,首先要具有一定的英文写作水平与经济贸易知识[1]。其次,应熟悉和掌握各种应用文的写作格式和特点,特别是掌握商务英语的语汇、句型套语和谋篇布局的写作技巧[2]。除此之外,更要了解商务写作和一般性写作的区别,以及商务写作的原则[3]。经过反复地学习、模仿和套用商务英语应用文范例,才能掌握商务英语应用文的书写规律、要求与方法技巧,逐步学会写各类商务英语应用文。 1 商务英语写作概述 1.1 商务英语写作的种类 广义的应用文(Applied writings in broad sense)泛指一切应用文字,文体大致有别于记叙文、抒情文和论说文,界限不太明显;狭义的应用文(Applied writing in narrow sense),主要指政府、机关、群众团体或企业法人间用于交往的文字,如公文(official documents)、函电(1etters or correspondences)等。而随着社会经济的发展,英语应用文的应用范围越来越广泛,以商业为主体的和为商务活动服务的各类实用文体都应包括在英语应用文范畴之内,例如,请柬、


Dear Sirs, We obtain your name and address from the internet, and we are writing you in the hope of establishing direct business relations with you. We’re one of the importers of Beddings with years’of experience in this line. At present, we’ll be pleased to get the samples for your bed-sheets. Thank you for your cooperation. Yours sincerely, \\ 2 Dear Sirs, Your company has been introduced to us by FMC Company, Sydney, Australia, who has informend us that you are interested in electric goods . As we have been in this line for years, we are writing you in the hope of establishing business relations with you. In order to give you a rough idea of our products available for export at present, we are sending you under separate cover the latest catalogues. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully Dear Sirs, We learn from the internet that you are in urgent need of a large quantity of Children’s Sport Shoes. We’re writing you in the hope of entering into long-term business relations with you. We have been handling the export of various kinds of textiles and shoes for many years, and our products are very popular in the American and European markets for their good quality and reasonable prices. We also have kept close connections with the local shoe manufacturers, and can ensure the steady source and quality. In order to give you a rough idea of our products, we are sending you our latest catalogues and price lists for Children’s Sport Shoes for your reference. If you are interested in any of the items, please let us know. We await your early reply. Yours faithfully,


商务英语信函的文体特点及翻译策略探析 吉林工商学院外语分院 盛冬梅 摘 要:商务英语信函是对外贸易中进行商业活动的主要手段。商务英语信函在商务文件中的频繁使用促使商务英语信函的翻译成为一项必须掌握的技能。本文从商务英语信函文体特征方面探讨了商务英语信函要遵循的直译、准确、对等的翻译策略。 关键词:商务信函 文体 翻译策略 中图分类号:F715 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5800(2010)10(b)-238-02 随着中国的改革开放,中国的对外贸易不断增多。商务信函在对外贸易中使用的频率非常高。在国际商务活动中商务信函是商家与商家,厂家与客户之间用于联系业务,沟通信息,相互咨询和答复的主要途径和工具。这就促使商务英语信函的翻译成为从事对外贸易人员必须掌握的技能。 1 商务英语信函的文体特征 运用某种语言传递信息时,不仅要懂得使用它的语法规则去构成句子,而且要根据不同的语境选择相应的文体,才能收到良好的交际效果。有关文体研究结果表明,特定的语境对语言的使用范围、方式和风格会产生特定的影响。就文体而言,商务文体是实用文体的一个重要分支。因此,商务信函具有自身独特的文体特征。 (1)商务信函是正式文体,公文性质的函件,因此遣词造句方面要比普通信函讲究,用词往往应用书面语。语言严谨、规范、朴素、准确。比如经常使用书面语,如hereafter, herein, herewith等。 (2)商务信函在句式方面的显著特征就是语言表达程式化较强。长期的对外贸易合作,使同一社会集团成员在交际方法上逐步形成一种定式。这就形成了商务英语信函的套语和行话。 ①礼貌套语使用频繁。例如, 表示感谢的套语: Please accept my sincere /graceful /profound appreciation for sth.… 表示歉意的套语: We request you to accept our apologies for not being able to … We tender you our apologies for… ②在特定位置使用套语。例如, 收到信函的套语: We are in receipt with thanks of … 表示想得到对方回函、订单时的套语: Looking forward to your favorable /positive reply. ③西方人非常重视信函中的态度问题,因此商务信函英语中多采用对方态度,多用 You attitude,而较少使用 We attitude。写信人把对方易于接受的情感考虑进去,从对方的利益出发表达建议或意见,使用You attitude。从对方的立场考虑问题,使收信人更容易接受信函中的建议。例如:You would greatly oblige me by obtaining for me information as to the prices of your various qualities of the woolen blankets. ④语气上多采用积极肯定语气,避免消极否定语气。积极肯定的语气会给对方心情带来愉悦和减少对方的挫折感。建立贸易往来的良好基础,减少了观点上的不一致。例如: A.We cannot understand why you have had trouble with this matter. B.We presume there must be some reasons for this matter. A句直接表达不理解,有抱怨的含义,而B句使用肯定句语气和缓,理解对方的难处。两句在表达效果上大不一样。 ⑤语言多使用模糊语和委婉语。模糊语指的是为了实现一定的交际目的,不直接告诉对方结果,使用含糊的语言表达语义。模糊语起到缓和语气、照顾对方面子、维持贸易往来的作用。例如:I am afraid I can not send this order until March 3. 委婉语指的是为了实现一定的交际目的,在不改变表达内容的情况下,换一种表达方式。例如:We hope the order will be made according to schedule. “We hope…”弱化了命令的语气,避免了引起对方的反感。另外还可以使用一些副词来弱化语气。比如rather, almost,slightly。 ⑥采用虚拟语气表达意见。虚拟语气与陈述句、祈使句相比,语气委婉,特别是在表达不利消息的情况下,有利于缓和危机,效 或损失时,最好的选择就是主动诚恳地致以歉意;如果过错已经发生,最好在对方发现之前就向对方道歉,这样不但能及时挽回损失,还能提高信誉度;对于那些比较严重的问题或错误,登门道歉是个很好的选择。总之,诚恳而开诚布公的道歉很有礼貌,更易得到不同地域文化的合作伙伴的理解和宽容。 (7)谈判中恰当地赞扬对方。正如前人所说: “人是渴望赞美的动物”。适当的赞美可以缩短谈判双方的心理距离,融洽谈判气氛, 以利于达成协议。另外,赞美的话语一定要具体明确,泛泛的赞美会使之大打折扣。如You’re a good person.(你是个好人。)You have done a wonderful job.(你干得不错。)类似的话语由于太笼统,缺乏令人信服的因素,对方听了可能会产生窘迫甚至反感。最后还要注意,并不是所有的谈判对象都乐于接受赞美,就是同一个谈判者,在不同的谈判环境中,对同一赞美也会有完全不同的反应。因此,赞美还要尊重谈判对方人员的个性,考虑对方的个人意识,讲求赞美的实际效果。 (8)真心地向对方致谢。商务交往中,对对方所作的努力或予自己的便利表示感谢。但表示感谢的内容应为实际上已发生的事情。若对对方尚未付诸于实践的事情表示预先的感谢是不礼貌的,因为,这样会强迫对方会理所当然地按自己的想法去行事,有违其本意。 涉外商务谈判中,谈判双方若能熟练掌握以上八点礼貌策略,就能避免伤害对方的尊严,创造融洽的谈判氛围,促成谈判的成功,最终达到双赢的目的。 参考文献 [1] 彭倩倩.英语商务谈判中礼貌策略的运用[J].中国电力教育,2008,(12). [2] 周洁.英语商务谈判中的礼貌策略研究[J].商场现代化,2008,(5). [3] 王晓.商务谈判英语中的礼貌原则[J].重庆工商大学学报,2003,(12). 238《中国商贸》 CHINA BUSINESS&TRADE Business Mandatory商务必读

最标准、实用商务英语写作 语气 态度 常用语 Business English writing

Tone & Style in Business Writing Tone is the element in your writing which says something about the relationship you have with your reader/audience and the attitude you have towards the subject. The tone you adopt in your business communications is therefore very important. For example, in a business letter or spoken presentation, your tone will normally be respectful and cooperative. Your tone will reflect your position within the company. A respectful, uncertain tone is usually used with your superiors, a more commanding tone is used with your subordinates, while with your colleagues a more friendly, helpful tone is used. Style is the way you use words and expressions to achieve a certain effect or overall impression. Quite often, styles in writing can be seen as formal, neutral or informal.. Achieving a tone to suit the business audience Good readers in the business world know how to choose their words. The communication must achieve its aim or time and energy are wasted. If you want to be a good writer and speaker, good grammar and spelling are necessary but not enough. Your words must be chosen with care and tested for their suitability for each particular writing task. Good writers can write upwards, horizontal or downwards without offending their readers. They use the most suitable words for their position and particular business. The idea of tone is very important to the business communicator. Since readers can be insulted or offended not by the message but be the manner of expression, an otherwise perfect memo or letter could quite possibly cause a breakdown in communication. It is therefore important for you to be able to analyze your relationship with you readers(s) and then to choose the appropriate language and tone for your message. 2008 ITS Corporate Training 1

商务英语函电 王维平 Chapter 8参考译文及课后答案

Chapter 8 Learning Aims 学完本章,学生应能: 1.识别装船指示和装船通知; 2.熟悉一些模具产品名称; 3.掌握装运方面信件的结构以及相关术语和表达方式; 4.学会案例分析,并撰写与装运相关的信函。 Background Information 在国际贸易中,在装运前,买方通常把他们的装运需求发送给卖方,告知他们包装和标志,运输方式等,此为装运指示。 卖方在装运货物后应立即向买方发送装船通知,告知他们装运情况。装船通知通常包含以下内容: (1)预计出发时间;预计到达时间 (2)装船货物 (3)船名 (4)集装箱号 (5)铅封号 (6)所附单证 装运当事人有三方,即货主,承运人和收货人。 提单可被看作为货物收据、运输合同证明和物权凭证。 Letter 1


Letter 2 Letter 3 Letter 4

Letter 5 Letter 6

Exercises I.Fill in the following blanks. 1. importance; urgent; advance; co-operation 2. circumstances; compelled; an alternative/alternatives; 3. extended; expired 4. pleasure; informing 5. in duplicate II.Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1.我们很高兴在此通知,贵方所订的车灯模具已由“魅力”号货轮发出,将于5月15号抵达宁波。 2.我们很奇怪至今尚未收到于8月1号所订的螺钉,我方客户要求予以解释,因为他们急需此批货物。 3.由于交货长期延误,给我们带来不便。我们要求立即发货,否则,我们将不得不按合同规定取消订单。 4.请尽快安排装运我方所订的货物。 5.这艘货船将于7月20号左右驶往上海。 III.Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Upon receipt of the L/C, please effect shipment of the goods booked by us as soon as possible. 2. We are informed by ABC shipping company that S.S. “Beauty” is due to sail from your city to our port on or about 6th this month. 3. We are very much obliged for your kind cooperation. 4. We hope that these goods will reach you in time and turn out to your entire satisfaction. 5. We are in urgent need of the goods and have to request you to ship them without any further delay.


合同 CONTRACT 日期:合同号码: Date: Contract No.: 买方:(The Buyers) 卖方:(The Sellers) 兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品: This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter: (1) 商品名称: Name of Commodity: (2) 数量: Quantity: (3) 单价: Unit price: (4) 总值: Total Value: (5) 包装: Packing: (6) 生产国别: Country of Origin : (7) 支付条款: Terms of Payment: (8) 保险: Insurance: (9) 装运期限: Time of Shipment: (10) 起运港: Port of Lading:

(11) 目的港: Port of Destination: (12)索赔:在货到目的口岸45天内如发现货物品质,规格和数量与合同不符,除属保险公司或船方责任外,买方有权凭中国商检出具的检验证书或有关文件向卖方索赔换货或赔款。 Claims: Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, should the quality, Specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable. The Buyers shall, have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the C.C.I.C and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the Sellers. (13)不可抗力:由于人力不可抗力的原由,发生在制造、装载或运输的过程中导致卖方延期交货或不能交货者,卖方可免除责任。在不可抗力发生后,卖方须立即电告买方及在14天内以空邮方式向买方提供事故发生的证明文件,在上述情况下,卖方仍须负责采取措施尽快发货。 Force Majeure: The sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-deli-very of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above the within fourteen days there after. The Sellers shall send by airmail to the Buyers for their acceptance certificate of the accident. Under such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods. (14)仲裁:凡有关执行合同所发生的一切争议应通过友好协商解决,如协商不能解决,则将分歧提交中国国际贸易促进委员会按有关仲裁程序进行仲裁,仲裁将是终局的,双方均受其约束,仲裁费用由败诉方承担。 Arbitration: All disputes in connection with the execution of this Contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case then may be submitted for arbitration to the Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedure promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission. The Arbitration committee shall be final and binding upon both parties. And the Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing parties.


商务英语写作合同翻译 商务英语是以适应职场生活的语言要求为目的,内容涉及到商务活动的方方面面。下面我为大家带来,欢迎大家阅读! : 一.hereby 英文释义:by means of , by reason of this 中文译词:特此,因此,兹 用法:常用于法律文件、合同、协议书等正式文件的开头语;在条款中需要强调时也可用。 语法:一般置于主语后,紧邻主语. 例1: The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the time and in the manner prescribed by the Contract. 参考译文: 业主特此立约保证在合同规定的期限内,按合同规定的方式向承包人支付合同价,或合同规定的其它应支付的款项,以作为本工程施工、竣工及修补工程中缺陷的报酬。

注释: (1)hereby: by reason of this 特此 (2)covenant: v. make a formal agreement 立约,签订合同、条约; n. legal agreement具有法律约束的正式合同 (3)completion of the Works: 工程的竣工 (4)therein: in the Works在本工程中 (5)the Contract Price: 合同总价,指工程的总造价 (6)such...as: 关系代词,相当于that, which (7)under: in accordance with 根据,按照 (8)the provisions of the Contract: terms and conditions of the Contract合同条款 例2: We hereby certify to the best of our knowledge that the foregoing statement is true and correct and all available information and data have been supplied herein, and that we agree to provide documentary proof upon your request. 注释: (1)hereby:特此 (2)to the best of our knowledge:as far as we know据我们所知 (3)foregoing statement:above-mentioned statement上述声明 (4)herein:in this, in the statement在声明中


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 中美家庭教育比较—文化差异对家庭教育的影响 2 法语给英语带来的影响 3 自救或被救: 小说《红字》分析 4 托马斯?哈代《无名的裘德》中的书信研究 5 从《厄舍古屋的倒塌》看爱伦坡写作的哥特式风格 6 Cultural Influences on Business Negotiation between China and Japan 7 《飞屋环游记》的人物设置特色分析 8 人名名词词汇化问题 9 A Comparative Study on the Tw o Chinese V ersions of Tess of the D’urbervilles from the Perspective of Nida’s Dynamic Equivalence 10 研究简奥斯汀的婚姻观---根据分析她的著作《傲慢与偏见》 11 浅谈英语科技文献汉译时应注意的几个方面 12 艾米莉?狄金森诗歌中的动物意象研究 13 中西方大学中第二课堂的角色研究 14 试析《推销员之死》中威利?洛曼的美国梦 15 中西方数字“九”的文化对比分析与翻译 16 多丽丝·莱辛的《金色笔记》中的怀旧情绪 17 An Analysis on Feminism from the Perspective of Music in Little Women 18 艺术与现实之间的冲突--解读毛姆的《月亮和六便士》 19 “面子”文化与中西方为人处世观 20 Translation Strategies about Vacant Words in Dreams of the Red Mansion 21 广告翻译中功能对等的研究 22 从《看不见的人》中透视美国黑人寻找自我的心路历程 23 从《去吧,摩西》中的“熊”看福克纳对人性的探讨 24 英语新词的发展研究 25 论中美商务谈判风格的差异 26 商务信函翻译技巧初探 27 世纪美国男权社会下女性的成长——解读《觉醒》中埃德娜的觉醒过程和原因 28 浅析《老人与海》中桑提亚哥的性格 29 《红楼梦》中文化词的翻译 30 中英数字词语文化内涵对比研究 31 英汉基本颜色词的文化内涵对比研究 32 On Translation Strategies of Animal Idioms between English and Chinese 33 《哈姆雷特》与《夜宴》中人物塑造的比较研究 34 《喜福会》中的中美文化冲突 35 用陌生化理论阐述《红色手推车》的悲剧色彩 36 文化碰撞和融合——探讨少数裔文化在美国主流文化下的生存 37 从美国梦看美国社会流动机制 38 Effects of First Person Narration on Thematic Expression in Araby 39 从Salsa舞解析墨西哥人的性格 40 吸血鬼传说对英国文化的影响 41 浅析亨利詹姆斯小说《螺丝在拧紧》中的哥特成分 42 黑人英语克里奥起源论
