当前位置:文档之家› 索道合同(中英文)


__ 索道合同Contract for ______ Project




Date: Sep, 2013



地址Address : 电话Tel: 传真Fax:



地址 Address : 109, rue Aristide Berges- Centr' A-p38340 Voreppe- France 电话 Tel: +33 4 76 28 71 00 传真 Fax : +33 4 76 28 71 91


Poma (Beijing) Ropeway Co., Ltd.

地址 Address :

电话Tel: 传真Fax :


Contents of the Con tract


Clause 1 Defin iti ons


Clause2 Scope of Con tract


Clause 3 Country of Origin


Clause 4 Sta ndards


Clause 5 Use of Con tract Docume nts and In formatio n


Clause 6 In tellige nee Property


Clause 7 Desig n and Desig n Liais on


Clause 8 TheC on tract Price


Clause 9 Country of Origin and Manu facturers


Clause 10 In sura nee and Risks on the Way of Tran sportati on


外贸经纪人佣金合同 Commissio n Agreeme nt of Foreig n Trade Age nts 甲方: (生产厂家) 乙方: (中间人) Party A: Party B: (ma nu facturer ) (in termediary ) 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》 和有关法律法规的规定, 乙方接受甲方的委托,为甲方产品 开拓海外市场,双方经协商一致,签订本合同。 Accord ing to "People's Republic of Ch ina Con tract Law" and the provisi ons of releva nt laws and regulati ons. Party A hereby appo ints Party B to develop overseas market. Both Parties have agreed to sig n this agreeme nt. 第一条:委托事项 1. THE ENTRUSTED MATTERS 甲方委托乙方发展海外市场为甲方营销其产品。 Party A hereby appoints Party B to develop overseas market and promote its products. 第二条:委托事项的具体要求 2. OBLIGATION (1) 甲方应保证所生产产品的合法性及保证产品质量。 Party A shall ensure the legality of the products and ensure product quality. (2) 甲方与海外客商交易的具体价格、 交货方式、支付方式等由甲方与海外客商双方协商 约定。 All the trade terms including price, payment term, delivery, etc are negotiated by Party A and customers. (3) 甲方应严格按国家的“ FOB C&F 或CIF 条款”执行与海外客商所签定的合同。 Party A shall be in strict accordanee with the " FOB, C & F or CIF terms in the con tracts. (4) 乙方承诺每年给甲方介绍 1000万美元的销售额。 Party B promise that the turnover will be more than USD10 ,000,000 per year through Party B. (5) 乙方应协助甲方收回全额货款及提供最新的市场信息。 Party B should assist Party A to receive the full payme nt as per the sales con tracts. Party B will provide the update market information to Party A. (6)乙方应协助甲方处理售前、售中和售后一系列事务。 Party B should assist Party A to deal with all the matters during before-sales, selli ng and after-sales. (7)乙方不能将甲方营业范围内的海外客户关系等商业机密泄露给第三方,否则甲方会按 盗窃公司机密对乙方提起公诉。 Party B should not disclose the trade secret such as customer in formatio n to a third party. Otherwise Party A will indict Party B.


EMPLOYER’S NAME: 公司名称: ADDRESS: 地址: This statement is issued in accordance with the current employment legislation and sets out the terms and conditions of your employment with the Employer. 本合同符合现行劳动法规,阐明了用工期间的各项条件条款。 EMPLOYEE'S NAME: 员工姓名: EMPLOYEE'S ADDRESS 通讯地址: Your employment will begin on: 到岗时间: JOB TITLE: 职位: From time to time the Management may consider it necessary for you to do other jobs within your skill and competence. 根据现实需要,管理者有时会要求你做能力范围内的其他工作 PAY:

薪酬: Your wages will be paid at monthly intervals and will be paid directly into your Bank account on the last day of each month. 工资实行每月结付,会在每月最后一天打入你的银行账户。 Your basic hourly rate is £ per hour per hour week and will be subject to review from time to time but not less than annually. 基本时薪为英镑/时;小时/周;可能会有微调,但年薪不变。When it is required for you to work overtime this will be compensated at the Employer's discretion either by time off in lieu or by payment at a rate no less than your basic hourly rate. 如需加班,则公司根据加班时间或不少于基本时薪的方式给付加班费。 NORMAL HOURS OF WORK: 正常工作时间: Monday to Friday 周一至周五 09.00 hours to 17.00 hours 9:00—17:00 HOLIDAY ENTITLEMENT AND PAY: 休假及薪酬 The Employee is entitled to working hours holiday per year. 员工每年享有个工作时的假期。 The holiday year will commence on 1st January and end on 31st December of the same year.


妙文翻译公司翻译样稿 服务协议 本服务协议由xxx与xxx,于下面最后写明的日期(“生效期”)签订。 鉴于,买方可能会不定期的要求卖方提供服务,而卖方希望提供该服务; 因此,考虑到以下双方商定的协议,以及可接受的法律限定,双方同意: 1.定义 1.1“协议”指的是本服务协议,该协议的附录、任意任务订单及其适当修订。 1.2 “费用”指的是相关任务订单中规定的服务费用。 1.3 “服务”指的是本协议项下的所有服务和产品。 2.服务 2.1 任务订单项下的服务。卖方应当依照对本协议的补充协议(“任务订单”)所规定的要求, 履行服务与交付。除本协议7.2节(出于便利考虑的协议终止)、9.3节(责任限制)和13.1节(转让)部分的规定之外,如果本协议任何条款与限定条件与任意任务订单的某些条款与限定条件相冲突,该任务订单的条款与限定条件只对该任务订单所涵盖的特定服务有效。 2.2 报告。经对方要求,卖方应当向买方提供一份书面报告,总结卖方所履行的所有协议项下的 工作,并详细阐述在该历年期间的总支出、进度和该工作的计划完成日期,以及任何买方合理要求获悉的其它信息。 3.保密 3.1 保密信息。“保密信息”指的是(1)所有有关买方及其分公司、客户或第三方业务的、卖 方在提供服务的过程中需要获知的口头、书面、图示或是机读形式的相关信息;(2)所有的工作产品;(3)卖方或其任何代表在本协议存续期间或在此之后的任何时间所做的、含有第三条所表述的任何信息的所有注释、分析和研究;(4)本协议的条款。 3.2 限定。卖方应当对保密信息保守秘密。卖方可以向其有必要获知保密信息的代表披露仅限于 与本协议有关的保密信息。卖方应当要求其代表遵守本协议的规定,并就该代表的任何行为或过失承担完全的责任。未事先征得买方书面许可,且第三方根据合同没有义务(依据该第


IRREVOCABLE COMMISSION AGREEMENT 佣金协议 本佣金协议书于2013年08月日在中国北京由双方在平等互利基础上达成,按双方同意的下列条件发展业务关系: This Commission Agreement ("Agreement" is between the parties concerned on August , 2013 in Beijing, China on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follow: In consideration of the mutual agreements and covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 合约号码: Contract No. : 1. 协议开始日期: AGREEMENT INITIATION DATE: 本协议从 ___________ , 2013开始生效。 This agreement enters into force on _______________ , 2013. 2. 协议方: PARTIES: 本协议涉及以下各方: This agreement is made and entered by and between: 甲方: PARTY A: 公司: COMPANY: 地址: ADDRESS: 国家: COUNTRY: 电话: TEL: 传真: FAX: 电子邮件: E-MAIL: AND 和 乙方: PARTY B:


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 香港雇佣合同范本英文 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

This contract of employment is entered into between (hereinafter referred to as ' Employe (hereinafter referred to as ' Employee') on under the terms and conditions of employment below : Effective from until either party terminates the contract. for a fixed term contract for a period of * day(s) /week(s) / month(s)/ year(s), ending on . Travelling allowance of $ per * day / week/ month 1. Commencement of Employment ? 2. Probation Period ? No 3. Position and Section Employed ____ Yes * day(s) / week(s)/ month(s) 4. Place of Work 5. Working Hours 6. Meal Break 7. Rest Days Fixed, at days per week, hours per day from *am/pm to * am/pm and * am/pm to * am/pm Shift work required, hours per day from* am/pm to * am/pm or * am/pm to * am/pm Shift work required, at working day(s) per * week/ month, totalling hour(s). Others _________________________________________________________________ (details of the arrangement on working hours and total working hours) Fixed, from *am/pm to *am/pm, *with/without pay Not-fixed, at *minutes/hour(s) per day, *with/without pay Meal break *is/ is not counted as working hour(s). On every, *with / without pay On rotation, day(s) per *week/month, *with / without pay (The employee is entitled to not less than 1 rest day in every period of 7 days) 8. Wages (a) wage rate ? Basic wages of $ per * hour/ day /week/month; plus the following allowance(s): Meal allowance of $ per * day / week/ month


销售合同 SALES CONTRACT 编号:Contract No: 日期: Date: 签约地点:Signed at: 卖方:Sellers: 地址:Address: 邮政编码:Postal Code: 电话:Tel:传真:Fax: 买方:Buyers: 地址:Address: 邮政编码:Postal Code: 电话:Tel:传真:Fax: 兹确认售予买方下列货品,其成交条款如下: The Seller hereby confirms selling the following goods on terms and conditions (3)公差:数量及总值均有_____%的增减,由卖方决定 Tolerance: With _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the sellers option. (4) 原产地

Country of Origin: (5) 付款方式:30%预付,70%发货前一周付清 Payment terms: 30% deposit, 70% payment within one week before delivery. (6) 交货时间:收到预付款后15天内完成装运。 Time of shipment: Within15 days after deposit received. (7) 贸易方式:FOB Shanghai Terms of Shipment: FOB Shanghai (8) 包装:胶合板木盘外封铁皮 Packing:Plywood drum with steel sheet cover. (9) 保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。 Insurance:To be effected by seller for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _____ only. (10) 装运口岸:中国上海港 Port of Loading: Shanghai Port, China (11) 转运:允许 Transshipment: Allowed (12) 分批装运:允许分批装运 Partial Shipment: Allowed (13) 目的口岸: Port of Destination: (14) 唛头:Shipping Marks: (15) 单据:Documents: (16) 品质与数量、重量的异义与索赔:Quality/Quantity Discrepancy and Claim: (17) 逾期发运:如果由于买方原因造成逾期发运,买方承担责任。造成自签订合同之日起超过45天不能发运的,卖方将每日按货物金额的3%收取保管费;如果由于买方原因造成逾期发运超过6个月,卖方有权自行处置定金和货物。如果是卖方原因造成的逾期


外贸经纪人佣金合同 Commission Agreement of Foreign Trade Agents 甲方:(生产厂家) 乙方:(中间人)_______________________________ Party A: (manufacturer) Party B: (intermediary )_______________________________ 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》和有关法律法规的规定,乙方接受甲方的委托,为甲方产品开拓海外市场,双方经协商一致,签订本合同。 According to "People's Republic of China Contract Law" and the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, Party A hereby appoints Party B to develop overseas market. Both Parties have agreed to sign this agreement. 第一条:委托事项 1. THE ENTRUSTED MATTERS 甲方委托乙方发展海外市场为甲方营销其产品。 Party A hereby appoints Party B to develop overseas market and promote its products. 第二条:委托事项的具体要求 2. OBLIGATION (1)甲方应保证所生产产品的合法性及保证产品质量。 Party A shall ensure the legality of the products and ensure product quality. (2)甲方与海外客商交易的具体价格、交货方式、支付方式等由甲方与海外客商双方协商约定。 All the trade terms including price, payment term, delivery, etc are negotiated by Party A and customers. (3)甲方应严格按国家的“FOB、 C&F或 CIF条款”执行与海外客商所签定的合同。 Party A shall be in strict accordance with the " FOB, C & F or CIF terms in the contracts. (4)乙方承诺每年给甲方介绍1000万美元的销售额。 Party B promise that the turnover will be more than USD10 ,000,000 per year through Party B. (5)乙方应协助甲方收回全额货款及提供最新的市场信息。 Party B should assist Party A to receive the full payment as per the sales contracts. Party B will provide the update market information to Party A. (6)乙方应协助甲方处理售前、售中和售后一系列事务。 Party B should assist Party A to deal with all the matters during before-sales, selling and after-sales. (7)乙方不能将甲方营业范围内的海外客户关系等商业机密泄露给第三方,否则甲方会按盗窃公司机密对乙方提起公诉。


雇佣合同(兼职) Employment Contract 甲方因工作需要,需聘用乙方。根据双方协商,特签订本协议,以便共同遵守执行。 第一条用人单位基本情况:Base on the needs of first party, hire second party. In accordance with negotiation of two parties, hereby draw up this compact with the terms and conditions as follows 甲方first party(用人单位employer)名称:______ 法定代表人legal representative:______ 甲方地址address:______ 联系电话:______ 第二条劳动者基本情况Second part: 乙方second party(受聘人员employee)姓名name:______ 性别gender:______ 年龄age:______ 国籍nationality:____________ 护照号码passport NO:____________ 住址address:____________ 宅电home telephone:____________ 手机号码mobile phone number :____________ 紧急联络人emergency contact person:____________ 与劳动者关系relationship with emergency contact person:______ 联系电话emergency contact phone number:______ 第三条本协议自______年______月______日起至______年______月______日止。This compact apply during the period commencing on the date of ______ and ending on the date of . 第四条根据甲方工作需要及任职要求,乙方同意以兼职形式为甲方提供如下服务: Base on the needs and requirement of first party, second party provide part-time service as follows: 1,与甲方指定客户进行约见和面谈,依甲方要求、协助甲方处理相关事宜;meet appointed costumers, according to the requirement from first party, provide correlative assistance. 2,根据甲方要求协助甲方处理紧急事件;Base on the needs of first party, provide assistance on emergency. 3, 第五条甲方每月日(公历,遇节假日顺延)支付乙方上月服务报酬,乙方服务报酬(税前) ,乙方的报酬为税前,大写: By the th day of each month(the Gregorian calendar, postpone in the case of holidays ) Party B’s salary is in the probationary period. 第六条甲方制定的劳动纪律和规章制度应当符合法律、法规的规定,并向乙方公示,乙方应当在


Both parties jointly acknowledge and abide by their responsibilities and obligations and reach an agreed result. 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 时间:___________________ 中英文合同

编号:FS-DY-20628 中英文合同 建筑合同architecture confirmation 甲方:party a:乙方:party b: 合同编号:contract no 日期:date: 签约地点:signed at: 特约定: 甲方基于下文所列各种因素,特与乙方达成了协议并一致同意:由甲方在订约日期之翌日起_____天之内为乙方建造并完成_____(涉约建筑)。涉约建筑之规模及所需的钢筋、水泥、砖块、石子和其它建筑材料之数量,均在作为合同附件的设计图和施工细则中予以说明。 witnesses that the party a for considerations hereinafter named, contracts and agrees with the party b that party a will, within_____ days, next following the date hereof, build and

finish a libarary building for party b. (the building hereinafter is referred to as the said building.)the said building is of the following dimensions, with reinforced concrete, brick, stones and other materials, as are described in plans and specifications gereto annexed. 基于上述情况,乙方及其法定代表郑重承诺向甲方支付人民币_____元整。支付方法商定如下: in consideration of the foregoing, party b shall, for itself and its legal representatives, promise to pay party a the sum of one million rmb yuan in manner as follows, to wit: 在上述工程开工之日,支付人民币_____元整 在_____年_____月_____日,支付人民币_____元整 在_____年_____月_____日,支付人民币_____元整 在_____年_____月_____日,支付人民币_____元整 在_____年_____月_____日,支付人民币_____元整 余额人民币_____元整于工程完成之日付清。 rmb_____at the beginning of the said work. rmb_____on _____/ _____/_____(for example:3/21/XX)


会员服务协议中英文对照 [作者:中国法律英语网转贴自:中国法律英语网点击数:448 更新时间: 2006-01-10 文章录入:admin ] 会员服务协议 AGREEMENT 根据中华人民共和国合同法及相关法律法规规定,北京$$$有限公司(以下简称“本公司”)及会员根据本协议所列条文,以及同意此协议受法律所约束的情况下,一致达成如下协议﹕ Beijing $$$ Co., Ltd. (“the Company”) and the Member, intending to be legally bound, and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, agree as follows: 1. 服务 Service 本协议所指的服务,是指本公司将自己所有或第三方合法所有并授权的法律资料置于互联网上,会员通过账号及密码登录本公司网站数据库,按照《会员章程》及《订阅表格》所列的权限查询各类资料。 The “Service” herein referred to, is the search and retrieval service through which the member can read on the Internet the Company’s own legal information or legal information legally obtained from third parties. The right to access to the Service is through a set of login name and password provided by the Company to the Member. 2. 适用 Application 2.1


Irrevocable Master Fee Protection Agreement 佣金保护协议 Contract No.合同号:NCND-NBT/URW/04/07 Seller’s Name卖家名称: Mr.FFFF for LLLLLL (Pty) Ltd (Cape Town/South Africa) Address地址: Po Box ###5 Vlaeberg 8018, Cape Town (South Africa), Phone Number电话号码: Fax Number传真号码: Signatory签字人: Title职务: CEO/General Director Commodity商品:Indonesia Steam Coal 印度尼西亚电煤 Quantity数量:MT Duration有效期: 5 years (till last delivery of 6.000.000 Mt) Delivery交货日期: as for NBT contracts Price Basis价格: USD$2 commissions Contract Value: 1)This Fee Protection Agreement (FPA) is issued to the Paymaster involved in the sale of the Commodity identified by the above Contract Number. Commission payments will be made after the delivery and payment for each shipment, as agreed between the Seller and the beneficiary Paymasters. The commission will be paid to the beneficiary Paymaster named in the F.P.A. for all contracted quantity including all extensions and rollovers on shipment by shipment basis as per the following proceeds. 本佣金保护协议由付款方根据以上合同号码所采购的商品签发。根据卖方和佣金受益人的协议规定,佣金将于每批货物交货后支付。 1.1 The entitlements herein specified will be transferred in full compliance with articles 48 and 49 of ICC N0. 500, as amended, in favor of the paymaster herein been named. 1.2 Payable automatically, upon payment for each and every shipment, by swift wire transfer. 1.3 The payments will be made without protest, delay, or deductions (other than normal Bank wire transfer fees). 1.4 The entitlement under this F.P.A. covers the entire transaction identified and defined herein including all extensions and rollovers. 2) I, the undersigned, with full corporate authority and legal responsibility, under penalty of perjury, on behalf of the Seller, do hereby irrevocably and conditionally undertake to pay the commission specified in this F.P.A. in United States Dollars, in favor of the beneficiary Paymaster named herein. A commission of $20 Per MT will be paid to the Paymaster. The said commission becomes payable if the referenced transaction has successfully been concluded and the payment of the commodity has been made by the Buyer


全日制劳动合同 Full-time Employme nt Con tract 甲方(用人单位)名称:Name of Party A (Employer): 住所Address: 法定代表人(或主要负责人):Legal Represe ntative (or Prin cipal Resp on sible Pers on): 乙方:(劳动者)姓名Name of Party B (Employee): 性别:Sex 居民身份证号:ID Card No: 文化程度:Education Background 住址:Address 根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》等法律、 法规、规章的规定,在平等自愿,协商一致的基础上,同意订立本劳动合同,共同遵守本合同所列条款。 The Parties, intending to be bound hereby, agree to en ter into this Employme nt Con tract on the basis of equality, free will and mutual con sultati on pursuant to the Labor Law of the People ' s Republic of Ch“PR(” , the Employme nt Con tract Law of the PRC and other laws, regulati ons and rules. 第一条劳动合同类型及期限 Article 1 Type and Term of the Employme nt Con tract 一、劳动合同类型及期限按下列第项确定。 1. The type and term of the Employme nt Con tract shall be determ ined as set forth in Item ___ b elow: 1、固定期限:自年月日起至年月日止。 (1) Fixed Term: From ___ to ________ ; 2、无固定期限:自年月日起至法定的解除或终止合同的条件出现时止。



8. BREACH OF CONTRACT违约 9. FORCE MAJEURE不可抗力 10. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES争议的解决 11. APPLICABLE LAW 适用法律 12. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS其他规定 THIS CONTRACT(“Contract”)is made in [city and province], China on this day of ,200 by and between [Party A name],[Party A entity form] established and existing under the laws of China, with its legal address at [address] (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”), and [Party B name], [Party B entity form] organized and existing under the laws of [Party Bjurisdiction of incoporation] with its legal address at [address] (hereinafter referred to as “Party B”). Party A and Party B shall hereinafter be referred to individually as a “Party ” and collectively as the “Parties”. 本合同于年月日由以下两方在[地点]签订: [甲方名称],一家根据中华人民共和国法律组建及存续的[甲方组织形式],法定地址为[甲方法定地址](以下简称“甲方”): [乙方名称],一家根据[乙方所在国]法律组建及存续的[乙方组织形式],法定地址为[乙方法定地址](以下简称“乙方”)。 甲乙双方以下单独称为“一方”,合称为“双方”。 PRELIMINARY STATEMENT 前言 [add background information if appropriate][视交易具体情况决定是否应介绍合同背景] After friendly consultations conducted in accordance with the principles of equality and mutual benefit, the Parties have agreed to [describe subject matter of the Contract] in accordance with Applicable laws and the provisions of this Contract. 双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,依照[相关法律名称]以及其他有关法律,同意按


编号:_____________技术服务合同 甲方:___________________________ 乙方:___________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日

项目名称: project name: 签订时间: Signing time: 签订地点: Signing location: 委托方(甲方): consignor: 电话: Tel: 通讯地址: Adress: 传真: Fax: 受托方(乙方): Consignee: 通讯地址: Adress: 电话: Tel: 本合同甲方委托乙方就项目进行专项技术服务,并支付相应的技术服务报酬。双方经过平等协商,在真实、充分地表达各自意愿的基础上,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》的规定,达成如下协议,并由双方共同恪守。

JingQi bio-nanotechnology . Technical service remuneration. Two parts agree as follows according to the provisions of the contract law of the People's Republic of China , on the basis of fully express their will. 第一条甲方委托乙方进行技术服务的内容如下 The content of the technical service 技术服务的内容: Content: 乙方应按下列要求完成技术服务工作 complete technical services as required 1.技术服务地点: Location of technical service: 2.技术服务期限:个月 Technical service period: 第二条为保证乙方有效进行技术服务工作,甲方应当向乙方提供下列工作条件和协作事项 JINGQI should offer some working conditions to assure RU could complete the job perfectly 1.提供技术资料; Provide technical information 2.提供工作条件; Provide work condition
