当前位置:文档之家› 股权协议(中英)





This Equity Interest Transfer Agreement (“this Agreement”), dated this __ day of [insert month] 2009 (the “Execution Date”) is entered into by and between:

本股权转让协议(下称“协议”)于2009年_ [请填写月份] __日由下列各方签署:

1. Sino Dutch Water Investment Group Ltd., a limited liability company organized

and existing under the laws of Hong Kong, with its registered address at Suite 2311, Shell Tower, Times Square #1, Matheson Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong (“SDWIG”); and

1. 中荷水务投资集团有限公司,一家根据香港法律成立并存续的有限责任公司,其注册地址位于香港铜

锣湾勿地臣街1 号时代广场蚬壳大厦2311号套间(以下简称“中荷水务”);与

2. Berlinwasser China Holdings Limited, a limited liability company organized and

existing under the laws of Hong Kong, with its registered address at 15/F OTB Building, 160 Gloucester Road,Hong Kong (“BCH”).


In this Agreement, each of SDWIG and BCH is individually referred to as a “Party” and both SDWIG and BCH are collectively referred to as the “Parties”.




(a)Whereas Yuanping Sino-Dutch Water Industry Ltd., a limited liability company

organized under the laws of China, with its current legal address at No. 2812, Jingyuan Road (S), Yuanping City, Shanxi Province, PR China (the “Target Company”), is a Chinese wholly foreign owned company established by SDWIG;



(b)Whereas SDWIG is the legal and beneficial owner of 100 % of the shares in the

Target Company (the “Shares”);


(c)Whereas the registered capital of the Target Company is currently

72,000,000 RMBY, and SDWIG has – up to the Execution Date – contributed 31,073,150 RMB (ThirtyOneMillionAndSeventyThreeThousandOne HundredAndFifty Renminbi) to the registered capital of the Target Company;



(d)Whereas SDWIG desires to transfer to BCH, and BCH desires to acquire from

SDWIG, 50% of the Shares (hereinafter the “Transfer”), in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and in compliance with the provisions of the Target Company’s articles of association;

(d) 遵照本协议条款及目标公司的章程,中荷水务拟向柏林中国转让股权,柏林中国拟收购中荷水务 50%的股份(下称“转让”)

(e)Whereas in the meeting of the board of directors of the Target Company held on

[insert month and date], 2009, the board of directors have approved the Transfer (with a copy of such resolution being attached to this Agreement as Annex 1);



决议的复印件作为附录1 附在本协议后);

(f)Whereas within this Agreement, “Closing Date” shall mean the date on which

the new business license is issued by the PRC State Administration for Industry and Commerce or its authorised delegate (“SAIC”), showing that SDWIG and BCH are the equal shareholders of the Target Company.



Therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants, representations, warranties and agreements herein contained, the Parties agree as follows:


Article 1 Transfer of the Shares and Corporate Documents


1.1On the terms and subject to the conditions hereof, SDWIG agrees to transfer to

BCH, and BCH agrees to acquire from SDWIG, all rights (including, without limitation, the right to receive dividends, starting with dividends for the financial

year 2009, if any), title and interest of SDWIG in and to 50% of the Shares, free and clear of any and all liens, pledges, claims, and encumbrances.

1.1遵照协议条款以及规定的条件,中荷水务同意向柏林中国转让股份,柏林中国同意向中荷水务收购其 50%的股份以及由此附带的所有权利(应包含但不限于自2009财年开始如有股利即收取应有股利的权利)、所有权及利益,并且在其上不附有任何留置、质押、权利要求和产权负担。

1.2 With respect to the transfer of the 50% of the Shares there shall be no consideration

and no transfer price payable.


1.3 Together with this Agreement, the Parties sign the Target Company’s amended

articles of association (attached as Attachment A to Annex 1 to this Agreement, the “AOA”) as well as the shareholders agreeme nt (attached as Attachment B to Annex 1 to this Agreement, the “SHA”). SDWIG and BCH shall observe the AOA and the SHA, as soon as these documents enter into force respectively. In particular, they shall make the according contributions to the registered capital of the Target Company as set forth in the AOA.



Article 2 Representations and Warranties of BCH


BCH hereby represents and warrants to SDWIG as set forth below:


2.1BCH is an enterprise with independent legal status and duly registered and validly

existing under the laws of Hong Kong. BCH has full and complete legal power and capacity to enter into, deliver and perform this Agreement and can be sued as an independent party. No action has been taken or threatened (whether by BCH or any third party) for or with a view to its liquidation, receivership or analogous process;

as per the Execution Date, no circumstances exist which would require BCH to apply for bankruptcy proceedings or similar.




2.2BCH has full corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement

and all other documents executed or to be executed by BCH in connection with the transaction contemplated hereby and to consummate the transaction contemplated hereby. The execution and delivery by BCH of this Agreement and each other document contemplated hereby, the performance of BCH of its obligations

hereunder, and the consummation by it of the transaction contemplated hereby have been duly authorized. This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by BCH. This Agreement constitutes, and each other document to be executed by BCH in connection with the transaction contemplated hereby when so executed and delivered will constitute, a valid and binding obligation of BCH, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms.



2.3No litigation or administrative or arbitration proceeding before or of any court,

judicial, administrative or governmental authority, arbitrator(s) or other body is taking place, pending or threatened against BCH or against any of its assets which might have a material adverse effect on its business, assets, condition or operations taken as a whole, or might adversely affect its ability duly and punctually to perform and observe all its material obligations under this Agreement.



2.4 BCH shall make its first equity contribution to the Registered Capital of the Target

Company within thirty (30) days after the Closing Date.


Article 3 Representations and Warranties of SDWIG


SDWIG represents and warrants to BCH as set forth below:


3.1 SDWIG is a limited liability company with independent legal status and duly

registered and validly existing under the laws of Hong Kong. SDWIG has full and complete legal power and capacity to enter into, deliver and perform this Agreement and can be sued as an independent party. No action has been taken or threatened (whether by SDWIG or any third party) for or with a view to its liquidation, receivership or analogous process; as per the Execution Date, no circumstances exist which would require SDWIG to apply for bankruptcy proceedings or similar.

3.1 中荷水务是一家根据香港法律合法成立、有效存续并拥有独立法律地位的有限责任公司。中荷水务拥



3.2SDWIG has full corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this

Agreement and all other documents executed or to be executed by SDWIG in connection with the transaction contemplated hereby and to consummate the transaction contemplated hereby. The execution and delivery by SDWIG of this Agreement and each other document contemplated hereby, the performance of SDWIG of its obligations hereunder, and the consummation by it of the transaction contemplated hereby have been duly authorized. This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by SDWIG. This Agreement constitutes, and each other document to be executed by SDWIG in connection with the transaction contemplated hereby when so executed and delivered will constitute, a valid and binding obligation of SDWIG, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms.

3.2 中荷水务享有充分的公司权力和授权签署和交付本协议以及与本协议所述的交易相关的已签署或即将


3.3No litigation or administrative or arbitration proceeding before or of any court,

judicial, administrative or governmental authority, arbitrator(s) or other body is taking place, pending or threatened against SDWIG or against the Target Company or against any of the assets of SDWIG or the Target Company which might have a material adverse effect on SDWIG’s or the Target Company’s business, assets, condition or operations taken as a whole, or might adversely affect SDWIG’s ability duly and punctually to perform and observe all its material obligations under this Agreement.

3.3 之前及现在均未在法院、司法机构、行政及政府机关,仲裁机构或其他组织进行任何诉讼、行政争议


3.4Up to (and on) the Execution Date, the Target Company is not in receipt of any

letter or notice from any relevant authority notifying revocation of any permits or licenses issued to it for non-compliance or the need for compliance or remedial actions in respect of the activities carried out directly or indirectly by the Target Company.

3.4 截至本协议签署之日(包括签署之日),目标公司未收到来自任何相关机关的任何信函或通知,告知


3.5There are no pre-emptive rights, options or other rights of third parties to acquire

any of the Shares. SDWIG does not infringe the rights of any third party when transferring 50% of the Shares to BCH.

3.5 第三方无优先认购权、期权或其他权利以收购股份。中荷水务向柏林中国转让其50%股份的行为未侵


3.6The Shares are owned of record and beneficially by SDWIG, free and clear of any

and all liens, pledges, claims and encumbrances. By this Agreement, BCH will acquire good title to 50% of the Shares, free and clear of all liens, pledges, claims and encumbrances.

3.6 中荷水务是股份的法定和受益所有人,股份上不附有任何留置、质押、债务和抵押。按照此协议,柏


3.7Up to (and on) the Execution Date, the Target Company has entered into the

contracts and agreements listed in Annex 2 (each contract and agreement being individually included and attached to Annex 2 as Attachment 2.1 through 2.12) to this Agreement (jointly the “Project Agreements”). Insofar as SDWIG has entered into any of the Project Agreements on behalf of the Target Company, these shall have full legal effect on the Target Company, and the Target Company has confirmed that it has undertaken all rights and obligations (as resolved by the board of directors of the Target Company, a copy of such resolution being attached to this Agreement as Annex 3).

3.7 截至本协议签署之日(包括签署之日),目标公司订立的合同和协议列示在本协议的附录2中(每一个

合同和协议作为附件2.1至2.12被单列在附录2中)(总称为“项目协议”)。在项目协议的范围内,中荷水务以目标公司的名义订立的任何协议都对项目公司有充分的法律效力,目标公司确认其承担所有的权利和义务(目标公司的董事会已作出决议,此决议的复印件作为附录3 附在本协议后)。

3.8All Project Agreements have been executed in good faith and are valid and binding

for all parties thereto under Chinese law and have been duly approved and authorized. Up to (and on) the Execution Date, no litigation or other proceeding is taking place or pending against the Target Company regarding the validity of the Project Agreements or their termination, and SDWIG has no knowledge of any circumstances which are likely to give rise to such litigation or proceeding.

3.8 所有的项目协议均遵照中国的法律被予以善意履行,合法且对所有合同方具有约束力,并已得到充分


3.9U p to (and on) the Execution Date, the Target Company is not in material default

under any provision of any of the Project Agreements and no event has occurred

which constitutes a material default.

3.9 截至本协议签署之日(包括签署之日),目标公司对项目协议中的任何协议的任何条款不存在实质不履


3.10 Up to (and on) the Execution Date, the Target Company has not entered into

any agreement or contract or commitment other than those listed and individually included in Annex 2 hereto.

3.10 截至本协议签署之日(包括签署之日),除附录2中单个列示的协议外,目标公司未订立任何其他的协


3.11 Up to (and on) the Execution Date, the Target Company has not granted any

loans, guarantees, pledges, mortgages, charges, liens securities or warranties, letters of comfort or similar instruments other than those listed in Annex 2B hereto.

3.11 截至本协议签署之日(包括签署之日),除列示在附录2B中的文书外,目标公司未承担任何债务、担保、


3.12 Neither the execution and delivery by SDWIG of this Agreement nor the

performance or observance of any of its obligations there under does conflict with, or result in any breach or violation of, any judgment, order or decree, indenture, mortgage, trust deed, agreement (including, but not limited to the Project Agreements) or other instrument, arrangement, obligation or duty by which it or the Target Company is bound.

3.12 中荷水务对于此协议的签署和交付,或对协议下其任何义务的履行或遵守,均不抵触或导致对其或


3.13 Up to the best of SDWIG’s knowledge, the Target Company has conducted its

business in compliance with applicable Chinese laws (including –without limitation –Chinese environmental laws) and within the permitted scope of business.

3.13 依中荷水务的最大认知,目标公司遵照适用的中国法律并在被允许的经营范围内开展业务(包括不限


3.14 The assets owned by the Target Company are free of any liens, pledges or other

encumbrances or any other rights of third parties.

3.14 目标公司拥有的资产不附有第三方的任何留置权、质押权、其他产权负担或任何其他权利。

3.15 The Target Company is a limited liability company with independent legal

status and has been duly established and is validly existing under the laws of the PR China. The Target Company has duly obtained its business license, a copy of which is attached to this Agreement as Annex 4. Up to (and on) the Execution Date, no action has been taken (whether by the Target Company or any third party) for or

with a view to its liquidation, receivership or analogous process; as per the Execution Date, no circumstances exist which would require the Target Company to apply for bankruptcy proceedings or similar.



3.16 Up to (and on) the Execution Date, the board of directors of the Target

Company (the “Board”) has taken the resolutions listed in Annex 5 to this Agreement. The Board has not taken any resolution other than those listed in Annex 5. Up to the best of SDWIG’s knowledge, the resolutions listed in Annex 5 are valid and have not been challenged or threatened to be challenged.

3.16 截至本协议签署之日(包括签署之日),目标公司的董事会(以下简称“董事会”)已通过本协议附录 5列示的决议。除此之外,董事会没有通过其他决议。依中荷水务的最大认知,附录5列示的决议是合法有效的且未受到质疑或有受到质疑之威胁。

3.17 Up to the Execution Date, SDWIG has paid an amount of RMB 31,073,150.

(in words: Renmimbi Thirty One Million Seventy Three Thousand One Hundred Fifty) into the registered capital of the Target Company, as verified by the official government certification, a copy of which is attached to this Agreement as Annex 6.

3.17 截至本协议签署之日,中荷水务已出资目标公司注册资本人民币31,073,150元(人民币三千一百零


3.18 The Target Company does not have any subsidiaries or branches and does not

hold any participation, shares or equity interest in any joint venture, company or other legal entity. The Target Company is not a party to any enterprise agreement,

i. e. an agreement through which it obtains the control over a third entity.

3.18 目标公司无任何子公司或分支机构,未参与任何合资企业、公司或任何法人实体、或拥有任何上述实


3.19 The books, accounting and other records of the Target Company are in all

material respects up to date and have been maintained in accordance with the applicable Chinese laws and are located at the Target Company.

3.19 目标公司的账册、账单或其他纪录等所有重大方面的文件均更新至最近,且遵照适用的中国法律被保


3.20 Up to the Execution Date, the Target Company does not have any liabilities or

obligations, whether accrued, contingent or otherwise, other than those derived from the Project Agreements listed in Annex 2.

3.20 至本协议签署之日,除列示在附录2中来自项目协议的责任外,目标公司无任何债务或义务,无论是


3.21 Annex 7 to this Agreement contains a complete and correct list of all

employees currently employed by the Target Company.

Up to the best of SDWIG’s knowledge, and up to (and on) the Execution Date the Target Company has complied with the applicable Chinese laws, rules and regulations, including without limitation, laws, rules and regulations pertaining to welfare funds, social benefits, medical benefits, insurance, retirement benefits, pensions or the like. Up to the best of SDWIG’s knowledge there are no pending funds or benefits to be paid by Target Company for any employees.

Up to the best of SDWIG’s knowledge, no (current or former) employee of the Target Company has started or threatened to start a litigation or other proceeding against the Target Company.

3.21 本协议附录7 包含一个完整正确的目标公司现有所有雇员的名单。依中荷水务的最大认知,截至本协



3.22 Up to the best of SDWIG’s knowledge and up to the Execution Date, the

Target Company has paid all wages, social security contributions and any other amounts payable under applicable Chinese laws, in full when due (and SDWIG ensures that the same applies until the Closing Date).

3.22 依中荷水务的最大认知,截至本协议签署之日,目标公司依照适用的中国法律已全部支付所有到期的


3.23 Up to the best of SDWIG’s knowledge, the Target Company and their

respective directors and employees have neither directly nor indirectly used any funds for bribes, other unlawful purposes or political contributions in violation of applicable laws.

3.23 依中荷水务的最大认知,目标公司和其每一个董事、雇员未违反适用的法律,出于行贿、其他非法目


3.24 Up to the Execution Date, the Target Company has not given any powers of

attorney and no other express authority which is still outstanding or effective to any person to enter into any contract or commitment on behalf of it. SDWIG ensures that up to (and on) the Closing Date the Target Company may only give any such power of attorney or other express authority with the prior written consent of BCH (which shall not be unreasonably withheld and with BCH’s reply to be given without undue delay).

3.24 截至本协议签署之日,目标公司无任何对他人的委托或明示授权仍未结束或仍有效,使得他人有权利



3.25 Up to the best of SDWIG’s knowledge, the documents submitted by SDWIG

to BCH (including, but not limited to copies of the Project Agreements) are authentic, materially correct and true and not misleading.

3.25 依中荷水务的最大认知,中荷水务向柏林中国提交的文件(包括但不限于项目协议的复印件)是真实


Article 4 Remedies for Breach of Warranties


4.1 In the event of breach of any of the representations or warranties set forth in

Article 2 or Article 3 of this Agreement (jointly the “Warranties”), this shall be deemed as breach of contract. The Party in breach (“Defaulting Party”) shall remedy such breach by all possible means. If the Defaulting Party fails to remedy the breach within thirty (30) days, the Defaulting Party shall compensate the other Party (“Non-Defaulting Party”) for all direct expenses, costs, and damages which the Non-Defaulting Party incurs (including without limitation legal or other costs associated with the enforcement of realization of the breached representation/warranty). However, the Non-Defaulting Party shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to prevent or reduce any increase in the losses.

4.1 对本协议第二条或第三条规定的任何陈述或保证(总称为“保证”)的违反将被视为对协议的违反。


4.2 If due to the breach of any of the Warranties the Target Company cannot implement

the project (as defined in the Project Agreements) and provided that such breach occurs prior to December 31, 2011, the Non-Defaulting Party shall be entitled to a call- or put option.

4.2 如果因为违反保证,目标公司未履行此项目(项目协议中对“此项目”有定义)且对于保证的违反发


4.3 The rights, powers and remedies provided in this Agreement are cumulative. Any

Non-Defaulting Party may claim damages against the Defaulting Party notwithstanding the former’s exercising of its rights to seek other remedies under this Agreement and the applicable laws.



4.4 Each of the representations and warranties shall be separate and independent and

shall not be limited by reference to or inference from any other representation or warranty. However, with regard to the same damage even if based on the breach of different representations and warranties, the Defaulting Party shall be held liable only once.

4.4 所有的陈述和保证应为分开的、独立的,不因参照其他陈述或保证或由其他陈述或保证推导出而受到


4.5 The respective Defaulting Party may not take any recourse against the Target

Company. SDWIG and BCH hereby waive any and all claims they may have against the Target Company in this respect.

4.5 各违约方对目标公司无追索权。特此中荷水务及柏林中国放弃在此方面针对目标公司的所有权利要求。Artikel 5 Costs


5.1 Except for the costs referred to in clause 5.2 below, each Party shall bear its own

costs associated with the Transfer, including but not limited to legal counsel fees.

5.1 除5.2条约定的成本外,各方均应承担与此次转让相关的各自成本,包括但并不限于法律咨询费。5.2 All governmental and administrative fees, taxes and levies (jointly the “Fees”) in

connection with the Transfer (if any) shall be borne by the Parties in accordance with the relevant Chinese law. In case no specific allocation is made there under, the Parties shall share the Fees equally, i. e. each Party bearing half.

5.3 各方应遵照相关的中国法律承担与此次转让相关的所有政府和行政费用、税款和征款(总的称之为


Article 6 Effectiveness


6.1 The Parties agree that this Agreement will take effect immediately after all

conditions listed below have been satisfied:

6.1 双方同意当下列所有条件均满足后,本协议将立即生效:

(a)This Agreement has been executed by duly authorized representatives of the

Parties and delivered to each other;

(a) 本协议已由双方合法授权的代表签署,并已交付对方;

(b)The Xinzhou Commercial Bureau has issued its approval of this Agreement

and the transaction contemplated hereby, and both SDWIG and BCH have

received such approval; and



(c)The new business license for the Target Company is issued by SAIC showing

that SDWIG and BCH are the equal shareholders of the Target Company (i. e.

the Closing Date has occured).


Article 7 Miscellaneous Provisions


7.1 This Agreement may be amended, modified or supplemented by a written

instrument signed by the Parties. The Annexures form an inseparable part of this Agreement.

7.1 本协议可由双方以书面协议的方式加以修订修改或补充。附录表是本协议不可分割的部分

7.2 Any failure of BCH, on the one hand, or of SDWIG, on the other hand, to comply

with any obligation, covenant, agreement or condition contained herein may be waived in writing by SDWIG or BCH, respectively, but such waiver or failure to insist upon strict compliance with such obligation, covenant, agreement or condition shall not operate as a waiver of, or estoppel with respect to, any other failure.

7.2 柏林中国或中荷水务未遵守本协议项下任何义务、约定、协议或条件,可由中荷水务或柏林中国分


7.3 The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not

affect the validity or enforceability of any other provisions of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect.

7.3 本协议任何条款的无效或不可执行不应影响本协议其他任何条款的效力和可执行性;本协议其他任


7.4 This Agreement shall be binding upon and, except as otherwise provided herein,

inure solely to the benefit of each Party (including its legal successors), and nothing in this Agreement, except as otherwise set forth herein, express or implied, is intended to confer upon any other person any rights or remedies and to create for any other person any responsibilities and obligations of any nature whatsoever under or by reason of this Agreement.

7.4 本协议对每一方具有约束力,并且除非本协议另有约定,仅每一方(包括其法定继受者)可受益于


7.5 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws

of China.

7.5 本协议受中国法律管辖,并应当根据中国法律进行解释。

7.6 Any disputes, claims or controversies (the “Dispute”) arising out of or in

connection with this Agreement shall first be amicably settled by the Parties. If no such settlement can be reached within five (5) days after the occurrence of the Dispute, either Party shall have the right to submit the Dispute to arbitration in Hong Kong under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules in accordance with the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre Procedures for the Administration of International Arbitration in force at the Execution Date. There shall be only one arbitrator. The arbitral award shall be final and binding on both Parties.

7.6 由本协议引起或与本协议有关的任何争端、诉求或争议(“争端”)应由各方协商解决。如果争议


7.7 This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall

be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same agreement.

7.7 本协议可以签署一式两份或多份,每一份都应当被视为正本;但是所有正本应共同构成同一份协议。

7.8 This Agreement shall not be assigned by operation of law or otherwise without

prior written consent of the opposing Party.

7.8 本协议不得通过法律的实施或其他未经相对方事先书面同意的方式转让。

7.9 This Agreement is being executed in both English and Chinese language versions.

In the event of inconsistencies between both versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

7.9 本协议以中、英文两种语言文本签署。如果两种文本之间存在不一致,以中文文本为准。

In witness hereof, each of the Parties has caused this Agreement to be signed on its behalf.


Hong Kong, _____________, 2009 Hong Kong, ______________, 2009


By: _________________________ By: ________________________


Name: ……………Name:


Position: …..Position:


Sino Dutch Water Investment Berlinwasser China Holdings

Group Ltd. Limited


Annex 1: Copy of the Resolution of the BOD of the Target Company from March xx, 2009 regarding the Transfer


Attachment 1A: AoA


Attachment 1B: SHA


Annex 2: Comprehensive List of the Project Agreements


Attachment 2.1 to 2.12 Individual Project Agreements

附件2.1 to 2.12 单个项目协议

Attachment 2B: Comprehensive List of all loans, guarantees, pledges, mortgages, charges, liens securities or warranties, letters of comfort or similar



Annex 3: Copy of the Resolution of the BOD of the Target Company from March xx, 2009 regarding the Concession Contract


Annex 4: Copy of the Business License of the Target Company


Annex 5: Comprehensive List of Resolutions adopted by the Board


Annex 6: Copy of the certification showing SDWIG’s payment into the registered capital of the Target Company


Annex 7: Comprehensive List of the Target Company’s employees


Annex 1 to the Equity Interest Transfer Agreement:


COPY of the Board Resolution (signed!, date must be prior to the date of the Transfer Agreement), which should have the following content:


Yuanping Sino-Dutch Water Industry Ltd..


Written resolution in lieu of a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yuanping Sino-Dutch Water Industry Ltd. (“the Company”).




Upon the written consent of all members of the Board of Directors of the Company as set out below, pursuant to Article 8 and Article 15.1 of the Articles of Association of the Company,




1. that the transfer of 50% of the shares in the Company by Sino-Dutch Water

Investment Group Ltd. to Berlinwasser China Holding Ltd. has been approved;

1. 同意中荷水务投资集团有限公司将其拥有的50%的股份转让给柏林水务中国控股有限公司

2 that the new version of the Articles of Association (as attached hereto as

Attachment A) and the Shareholders Agreement (as attached hereto as

Attachment B) have been approved;


3.that the Company authorizes Mr. XXX to apply for relevant approvals from the

Commerce Bureau of Yuanping City and register the above share transfer with the local bureau of the PRC State Administration for Industry and Commerce on behalf of the Company.

3. 本公司授权XXX先生代表公司向原平市商务局申请相关批准,并将上述股份转让在国家工商行政管理局的下设单位作登记

Signatures of Directors: 董事签字


Bernardus Johannes Gerardus Janssen Eric Zhang Chairman, Date Director, Date 主席,日期董事,日期


Ronald Jan Martin Maria Meersschaert

Director, Date


Date: March __, 2009


Attachment A: (new) Articles of Association 附件A: (新)章程:

Attachment B: Shareholders Agreement


Annex 2 to the Equity Interest Transfer Agreement:


Comprehensive List of all Contracts and Agreements entered into by the Target

Company until the Execution Date


Please add number for each contract and agreement to be individually attached as

Attachment 2.1 through 2.12

Annex 3 to the Equity Interest Transfer Agreement:


COPY of the Board Resolution (signed!, date must be prior to the date of the Transfer Agreement), which should have the following content:


Yuanping Sino-Dutch Water Industry Ltd..


Written resolution in lieu of a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yuanping Sino-Dutch Water Industry Ltd. (the “Compa ny”).




Upon the written consent of all members of the Board of Directors of the Company as set out below, pursuant to Article 15.1 of the Articles of Association of the Company, IT IS HEREBY UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED



1.that it has been approved that Sino Dutch Water Investment Group Ltd.

(“SDWIG”) has entered on behalf of the Company into the “Concession Contract on Sewage Treatment Project Yuanping City, Shanxi Provin ce” (the “Concession Contract”) with the Yuanping Municipal Government on March 26, 2008. As soon as the Concession Contract enters into force, the

Concession Contract shall have legal effect on the Company, and the Company shall undertake all rights and obligations under the Concession Contract.

1.认可中荷水务投资集团有限公司(简称“中荷水务”)代表公司和山西省政府于2008年3月26 日订立的“山西省原平市污水处理项目特许权合同”(“特许权合同”)。特许权合同一旦生效,将对公司产生法律效力,公司应承担起该合同下所有的权利和义务。

2.that it has been approved that SDWIG has entered on behalf of the Company

into the “Supplementary Agreement on the Sewage Treatment Project Yuanping City, Shanxi Province”(the “Supplementary Agreement”) with the Yuanping Municipal Government and Beijing GreenTech Engineering Co., Ltd.

on November 10, 2008. As soon as the Supplementary Agreement enters into force, the Supplementary Agreement shall have legal effect on the Company,


公司内部股权认购协议书 甲方(出让方): 工商注册编号: 注册地址: 乙方(受让方): 身份证号: 公司职务: 住所地址: 鉴于:甲方是符合《中华人民共和国公司法》及相关法律法规成立的,具有合法经营资格的企业法人,总投资额万元(大写:万元整)。 鉴于:乙方是按照《中华人民共和国劳动法》与甲方缔约的正式员工并长期服务于甲方。 现为提高乙方工作的积极性和忠诚度,并使其能够以股东的身份参与企业决策、分享利润、承担风险。经甲方董事会决议放弃优先购买权的前提下,由甲方出让部分股权在职员工自愿认购的基础上作为员工持股用途。相关方案详见《杭州春纪贸易有限公司股改政策》。为明确甲、乙双方权利义务,根据《中华人民共和国公司法》及相关法律法规规定,双方本着自愿、平等、诚实信用的原则,就股权转让事宜协商一致,达成如下协议: 一、认购股权基本情况 1. 认购股权标的:乙方自愿认购甲方股权。乙方已在签署本协议前签署《股权认购确认单》,该《股权认购确认单》做为本协议的一部分。

2. 认购股权单位及价格:以每1股交纳股金壹元为计算标准,由乙方自愿认购股权,以万股为单位份额。 3. 乙方自愿认购(大写)万股,认购款为(大写)万元人民币。此部分乙方出资购股的股权,除本合同另行约定外,将按实际持股比例分享利润、承担风险,与其他投资者权益平等,按照相关法律法规、公司章程和本协议书享受权利及承担义务。 4. 如甲方未来计划上市,员工股权视为发起人原始股,按证监会有关规定执行。 二、出资方式和期限 1. 乙方认购股份的全部资金应于为年月日前由乙方以银行转账的形式一次性转入到甲方指定的银行账户: 账户名称:开户银行:银行账号: 2.甲方依照上述约定方式收到款项后,给乙方出具相应的收款证明及《股权出资证明》。 三、员工股权管理 1. 员工持股由董事会指派负责统一对员工的股权进行管理,履行相关忠实勤勉义务。 2. 乙方如因辞职、离职、解聘、开除、死亡等情形脱离公司的,需立即退还持股的股权(如有分红,当年年终不享有分红),该部分股权按照本合同签订时乙方实际出资金额由甲方购回。 3. 乙方在达到法定退休后仍然保持甲方股权的持有。 4. 未经甲方同意,乙方不得将所持有股权转让给任何第三方。 5. 未尽事宜,详见《福州葆丰牧业有限公司股改政策》。 四、利润分配时间及分配方式 1.净利润:是指在利润总额中按规定缴纳了所得税以后的利润留存,一般也称为税后利润或净收入。每月收入扣除税费、成本(材料、人工、制费)、费用(管理费用、销售费用、财务费用)等应支出后,视为当月纯利润。 2分红日期:每年月底前。


编号:_____________股权代持协议书 甲方:________________________________________________ 乙方:___________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日

甲方: 乙方: 甲、乙双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,就甲方委托乙方代为持股事宜达成协议如下,以兹共同遵照执行: 第一条委托内容 甲方自愿委托乙方作为自己对有限公司人民币万元出资(占公司注册资本的%)的名义持有人,并代为行使相关股东权利,乙方愿意接受甲方的委托并代为行使该相关股东权利。 第二条委托权限 甲方委托乙方代为行使的权利包括:由乙方以自己的名义将受托行使的代持股份作为有限公司股东名册上具名;在工商机关予以登记;以股东身份参与相应活动;代为收取股息或红利;出席股东会并行使表决权;行使公司法与有限公司章程授予股东的其他权利。 第三条甲方的权利与义务 1、甲方作为代持股份的实际出资者,对有限公司享有实际的股东权利并有权获得相应的投资收益;乙方仅以自身名义代甲方持有该代持股份所形成的股东权益,而对该等出资所形成的股东权益不享有任何收益权或处置权(包括但不限于股东权益的转让、质押、划转等处置行为)。 2、在委托持股期限内,甲方有权在条件具备时,将相关股东权益转移到自己或自己指定的任何第三人名下,届时涉及到的相关法律文件,乙方须无条件同意,并无条件承

受。 3、甲方作为代持股份的实际所有人,有权依据本协议对乙方不适当的受托行为进行监督与纠正,并有权基于本协议约定要求乙方赔偿因受托不善而给自己造成的实际损失。 4、甲方认为乙方不能诚实履行受托义务时,有权依法解除对乙方的委托并要求依法转让相应的代持股份给委托人选定的新受托人。 第四条乙方的权利与义务 1、未经甲方事先书面同意,乙方不得转委托第三方持有上述代持股份及其股东权益。 2、作为有限公司的股东,乙方承诺其所代为持有的股权受到本协议内容的限制。乙方在以股东身份参与公司经营管理过程中需要行使表决权时应通知甲方并取得甲方授权。在未获得甲方授权的情况下,乙方不得对其所持有的代持股份及其所有收益进行转让、处分或设置任何形式的担保,也不得实施任何可能损害甲方利益的行为。 3、乙方承诺将其未来所收到的因代持股份所产生的任何全部投资收益(包括现金股息、红利或任何其他收益分配)均全部转交给甲方,并承诺将在获得该等投资收益后3日内将该等投资收益划入甲方指定的银行账户。如果乙方不能及时交付的,应向甲方支付等同于同期银行逾期贷款利息之违约金。 4、在甲方拟向公司之股东或股东以外的人转让代持股份时,乙方必须对此提供必要的协助及便利。 第五条委托持股期间 甲方委托乙方代持股份的期间自本协议生效开始,至乙方根据甲方指示将代持股份转让给甲方或甲方指定的第三人时终止。


COMPANY EQUITY TRANSFER AGREEMENT 公司股权转让协议 CONTENTS 1 Transfer of the Transferred Equity协议股权的转让 2 Payment of the Transfer Price转让价款的支付 3 Closing交割 4 Conditions Precedent to the Closing交割的先决条件 5 Representations and Warranties陈述与保证 6 Rights and Obligations权利和义务 7 Amendment and Termination of the Agreement协议的变更及终止 8 Liability for Breach of Contract违约责任 9 Expenses费用的负担 10 Confidentiality保密 11 Indemnification赔偿 12 Applicable laws and Dispute Resolutions适用法律及争议解决 13 Miscellaneous其他条款

This Equity Transfer Agreement (this “Agreement”) is entered into on in , People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”), by and between: 本股权转让协议(“本协议”)由以下当事方于日在中国签署: Transferors:转让方: Transferee:受让方: The Transferors and the Transferee will be individually referred to as “Each Party” and collectively referred to as “the Parties”. 转让方、受让方单独称为“一方”,合称为“各方”。 Whereas, 1.Weihai China Glass Solar Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) is a Sino-foreign equity joint venture company established and validly existing under the laws of the PRC. Solar Thin Films, Inc. contributed USD1,500,000 to the Company, accounting for 15% of the registered capital of the Company; Renewable Energy Solutions, Inc. contributed USD500,000 to the Company, accounting for 5% of the registered capital of the Company;


编号:_______________ 本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 公司股权代持协议 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

甲方(委托方):____________ 身份证号码:__________________ 电话:________________________ 乙方(受托方):____________ 身份证号码:__________________ 电话:________________________ 甲乙双方根据《民法典》、《公司法》等相关法律规定,就乙方代甲方持有XX公司股权事宜达成如下协议,以资遵守。 一、XX公司目前基本情况 XX公司系于_______年_______月_______日在______工商行政管理局注册成立的有限责任公司,法定代表人为______________,注册资本为人民币 ______________元,住所地为_____________________,经营范围为 _____________________________ 二、委托事项 甲方委托乙方以乙方名义对XX公司出资人民币_______元、占XX公司 _______股权。上述出资及持股比例以乙方名义记载于公司章程和工商登记等相关文件中,但实际所有人为甲方。 三、双方权利义务 1、乙方对XX公司出资款由甲方提供。乙方收到甲方的出资款后,应在法定期限内履行对XX公司的出资义务,并向甲方出具收条。 2、自XX公司成立之日起,甲方根据其对__________公司的出资及持股比例,享有股东权利,承担股东义务。 3、乙方应按月向甲方提交公司财务资料,包括但不限于资产负债表、利润表、现金流量表。如甲方有疑问,乙方有做出合理解释的义务。 4、每次召开股东会或董事会之前的五日,乙方应向甲方报告会议内容。提请表决时,乙方应按照甲方指示行使表决权。


员工股权激励认购协议书范本 市汽车服务有限公司 员工股权认购协议书 甲方(原始股东姓名或名称): _______________________________________ 乙方(员工姓名): _______________________________________ 身份证号: _______________________________________________ 甲乙双方本着自愿、公平、平等互利、诚实守信的原则,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国公司法》等规定,甲乙双方就股权期权购买、持有、行权等有关事项达成如下协议:第一条甲方及公司基本状况 甲方为(以下简称“公司”)的原始股东,公司设立时注册资本为人民币_ _________________ 元,甲方的出资额为人民币____ 元,本协议签订时甲方占公司注册资本的 _________ %,是公司的实际控制人。甲方出于对公司长期发展的考虑, 为激励人才,留住人才,甲方授权在乙方符合本协议约定条件的情况下,有权以优惠价格认购甲方持有的公司 ____________ %股权。 第二条股权认购预备期 乙方对甲方上述股权的认购预备期共为二年,乙方与公司建立劳动协议关系连 续满三年并且符合本协议约定的考核标准,即开始进入认购预备期。 第三条预备期内甲乙双方的权利 在股权预备期内,本协议所指的公司—%股权仍属甲方所有,乙方不具有股东资格,也不享有相应的股东权利。但甲方同意自乙方进入股权预备期以后,让渡部分股东分红权给乙方。乙方获得的分红比例为预备期满第一年享有公司—股东分红权,预备期第二年享有公司 _____________________ %股权分红权,具体分红时间依照公司 股东会决议、董事会决议执行。 第四条股权认购行权期 1.乙方持有的股权认购权,自两年预备期满后进入行权期,行权期限为两年。


股权代持协议书15篇 股权代持协议书15篇 在学习、工作生活中,很多地方都会使用到协议书,签订协议书可解决或预防不必要的纠纷。我们该怎么拟定协议书呢?以下是精心整理的股权代持协议书,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 股权代持协议书1 甲方: 身份证号码: 电话: 乙方: 身份证号码: 电话: _________________________有限公司,根据中国法律合法设立并存续。公司注册资本人民币_______万元。现甲方实际出资人民币_______万元,占公司注册资本的_______%。基于以上条款所述,甲、乙双方本着平等自愿的原则,经友好协商,在中华人民共和国的相关法律规定范围框架下,双方就甲方委托乙方代为持有上述目标公司_______%的股份的有关事宜,经协商一致,达成如下协议: 一、股份代持关系的界定 1、为明确代持股份的所有权,甲、乙双方通过本协议确认,代

持股份实际由甲方所有并实际出资,并由乙方以自己的名义持有。 2、乙方以自己的名义,代理甲方对外持有股份,并依据甲方意愿对外行使股东权利,并由甲方实际享受股权收益。 3、根据本协议,甲方委托乙方并以乙方名义代为行使的股东权利包括: 在股东名册上具名。 按照甲方意愿,参与公司股东会并依据甲方意愿行使表决权利。 代理甲方行使公司法、公司章程项下的其他股东权利。 代领或代付相关利润款项、投资款项。对外以股东名义签署相关法律文件。 4、股份代持关系,可以理解为隐名股东、隐名代理等类似法律概念,但均需遵照最高人民法院《公司法》司法解释的相关规定。 二、代持股份 1、代持股份:甲方将其拥有的_______有限公司_______%的股权,计出资金额_______万元人民币,通过本协议作为“代持股份”。 2、代持股份将通过工商变更登记程序,登记至乙方名下,并委托乙方以自己名义对外代为持有。 3、甲方作为实际出资人,在设立_______有限公司时对代持股份已完成了实际出资。乙方作为名义股东,仅为代持目的,在工商变更登记时不再支付相关股权转让款。 4、乙方应根据本协议的委托目的,按照甲方的意愿代持股份,未有甲方指令,乙方不得将其名义下的代持股份进行转让、质押以及


公司股权出售转让协议书(中英文对照) 本股权转让协议(以下称本协议)由以下各方于 2018年月日在北京签署: This Equity In terest Tran sfer Agreeme nt (here in after referred to as this Agreeme nt) is made on , by and betwee n the followi ng parties: 甲方:Party A 乙方:Party B 以上甲方称转让方,乙方称受让方,各签署方单独称为各方。 The above parties here in after are referred to as Parties collectively and as Party in dividually. Party A here in after is referred to as Tran sferor, Party B here in after is referred to as Tran sferee. 鉴于:WHEREAS (1) 甲方于年月日投资设立北京幸运南风餐饮管理有限公司,公司注册资本为100.01万元人民币,已全部缴清。 1. Party A established Beiji ng Xinyunnanfeng Restaura nt ManagementCo., Ltd on . The registered capital of the company is 100,000,001RMB, which has been fully paid-up. Party A holds 50% of the shares in the compa ny respectively. (2) 甲方拟出售其现持有的公司股权;受让方愿意购买转让方欲


代持股份协议 股权委托代持方(甲方): 身份证号码: 住址: 股权受托代持方(乙方): 身份证号码: 住址: XXXXXX科技有限公司(以下简称“目标公司”),依中华人民共和国公司法合法新设立并存续;甲方承诺按如下表日期和金额足额缴纳出资来实现持有目标公司5%的股份。 基于前款所述,甲、乙双方本着平等自愿的原则,经友好协商,在中华人民共和国相关法律规定范围框架下,就甲方委托乙方代为持有前款所述目标公司的5%股份(以下简称“代持股份”)的有关事宜,经协商一致,达成如下协议: 一、代持股份关系界定 1、依公司法及甲方自我意愿判断,乙方具有甲方前款所述目标公司股份的代持资质,甲方也愿委托乙方持有前述目标公司股份,间接行使股东表决权。 2、甲乙双方约定股份代持时间4年,自协议签订日起生效。约定代持时间过后:如果甲方提出继续代持的需求时可以与乙方续签代持协议;如

果甲方考虑股权转让并依法确定了受让方时,乙方同意配合甲方进行转让。 3、为明确代持股份的所有权,甲、乙双方通过本协议确认,代持股份由甲方实际拥有,由乙方以自己的名义持有。 4、乙方以自己的名义,代理甲方对外持有股份,并依据甲方意愿对外行使股东权利,并由甲方实际享受股权收益。 5、根据本协议,甲方委托乙方并以乙方名义代为行使的股东权利包括:在股东名册上具名;按照甲方意愿,参与公司股东会并依据甲方意愿行使表决权利;代理甲方行使公司法、公司章程项下的其他股东权利;代领或代付相关利润款项、投资款项;对外以股东名义签署相关法律文件。 6、股份代持关系,可以理解为隐名股东、隐名代理等类似法律概念,但均需遵照最高人民法院《公司法》的相关规定。 二、代持股份 1、甲方将其拥有的目标公司5%的股权,通过本协议作为“代持股份”委托乙方代持。 2、代持股份通过工商注册登记程序,登记至乙方名下,并委托乙方以自己名义对外代为持有。 3、甲方作为实际股权人,代持股份应按前面款项承诺的日期和金额完成实际出资。乙方作为名义股东,仅为代持目的,在工商注册、变更登记时不支付相关股权转让款。甲方的出资应经乙方账户注入,如甲方未按期足额缴纳出资造成的损失及股权纠纷由甲方承担。 4、乙方应根据本协议的委托目的,按照甲方的意愿代持股份,未有甲方指令,乙方不得将其名义下的代持股份进行转让、质押以及进行增、减资等处分行为。 三、股份收益权利 1、甲方实际拥有被代持股份项下的股份收益和监督权;实际拥有被代持股份所应有的其它权利。 2、乙方按照甲方真实意思或指令,对目标公司的利润分配等重大事宜,以股东名义在股东会行使表决权。


金家律师修订 本协议或合同的条款设置建立在特定项目的基础上,仅供参考。实践中,需要根据双方实际的合作方式、项目内容、权利义务等,修改或重新拟定条款。本文为Word格式,可直接使用、编辑或修改 股权认购协议书 甲方:____________ 乙方:____________ 在自愿、平等、互利的基础上,经甲乙双方友好协商,就乙方认购甲方增资扩股股份,根据有关法律,特制定本协议,以供双方共同遵守。 鉴于: 1、甲方有限公司是符合《公司法》及相关法律法规成 立的,具有合法经营资格的企业法人,注册资本万元。 2、根据甲方____年____月第一次股东会议审议通过的《关于 有限公司增加注册资本的决议》,决定本次增资万元扩股总额为万元,本次增资完成后,甲方注册资本为万元,公司股本总额达到万股。 3、乙方已对甲方进行了考察和了解,自愿按照本协议规定条款和条件认购新增股本。 第一条、认购及投资目的: 甲、乙双方同意以发挥各自的优势资源为基础,建立全方位、多功能长期合作关系,保证双方在长期合作中共同发展,利益共享。 第二条、认购增资扩股股份的条件: 1、参与本次增资扩股的新股东,以占甲方增资扩股后总股本的 %的比例为份额进行认购,但认购总份额不得超过甲方增资扩股后总股本的 %;

2、参与本次增资扩股的新股东认购的股份价格,以甲方经审计后的201年会计报表中每股净资产为基数进行适当溢价认购。最终认购每股价格经双方协商后以书面确认为准; 3、本次增资扩股全部以现金认购,如用外币认购则以外币到达甲方开户银行账户之日的中国人民银行当日挂牌外汇价格进行兑换折算为人民币; 4、新股东的认购资金必须在规定日期之前到位,过期不再办理叫入股手续。 第三条、甲乙双方同意,乙方以现金方式向甲方认购万股整,计人民币万元。 第四条、甲乙双方同意,乙方用于认购股份的全部资金应于20____年月日之前汇至甲方开户银行的制定银行账户中。 第五条、甲、乙双方同意,在甲方收到乙方汇入的股份认购款项当日,向乙方出具认购股份资金收据。 第六条、甲方权利义务: 一、甲方权利: 1、在乙方投资入股前,甲方有权就乙方的入股比例根据相关规定进行变更; 2、若乙方在本次募股中存在虚假行为,甲方有权单方取消乙方入股资格,并追究其法律责任。 二、甲方义务: 1、甲方应依法、合规经营; 2、甲方应保证乙方汇入的认购股份资金的用途,不得挪作他用; 3、甲方有义务在其法律、法规允许的范围内,为乙方投资实现利益最大化; 4、在本次认购股份的资金全部到位后30个工作日内,完成召开新老股东大会,修改公司章程,办理工商注册变更等工作程序及必办手续。 第七条、乙方的权利义务: 一、乙方权利: 1、出席股东大会,对公司的重大事项及决策行使表决权;


股权代持协议书 甲方(隐名股东;委托代持人): 身份证号: 住所地: 联系方式: 乙方(显名股东;受托代持人): 身份证号: 住所地: 联系方式: 甲、乙双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,就甲方委托乙方代为持股事宜达成协议如下,以兹共同遵照执行: 第一条委托内容 甲方自愿委托乙方作为名义持股人代持甲方对公司(以下简称“”)人民币贰拾万元出资所形成的股份(该出资占“”总注册资本的%。以下简称“”),并代为行使相关股东权利。 乙方自愿接受甲方的委托并代为行使该相关股东权利。 第二条委托权限 甲方委托乙方代为行使的权利如下: 1、乙方以自己的名义,将受托行使的代持股份作为公司股东在(某公司)股东登记名册上具名,并在工商机关予以登记。 2、乙方以该代持股份的股东身份参与(某公司)相应的经营活动,

并代为收取股息或红利。 3、乙方代为出席股东会并代为行使表决权。乙方在行使该代持股部分的表决权时,须先取得甲方的书面授权后方能参与表决。乙方在没有取得甲方书面授权的情况下,行使该部分表决权的,该部分的股权表决无效。 4、代为行使《公司法》所规定的及(某公司)章程赋予股东的其他权利。第三条甲方的权利与义务 1、在委托持股期限(见第八条其他事项)内,甲方有权在条件具备时,将相关股东权益转移到自己或自己指定的任何第三人名下,届时涉及到的相关法律文件,乙方须无条件同意且承受。 2、在乙方代为持股期间,因代持股份产生的相关费用及税费(包括但不限于与代持股相关的投资项目的律师费、审计费、资产评估费等)由甲方承担;在乙方将代持股份转为以甲方或甲方指定的任何第三人持有时,所产生的变更登记费用也应由甲方承担。 3、甲方作为实际出资人及乙方代持股份的实际所有人,有权依据本协议对乙方不适当的受托行为进行监督与纠正,并有权基于本协议约定要求乙方赔偿因受托不善而给自己造成的实际损失。 第四条乙方的权利与义务 1、乙方仅得以自身名义代持甲方实际向(某公司)出资的人民币贰拾万元所形成的股东权益,而对该部分出资所形成的股东权益,不享有任何收益权或处置权(包括但不限于股东权益的转让、质押)。 2、乙方有权以代持股份的名义股东身份对(某公司)的经营管理、


公司股权转让合同样本中英文公司股权转让合同样本一:中文 本协议由以下各方于20xx年7月3日在上海市松江工业区共同签署: 出让方:公司(以下称甲方) 住所: 受让方: (以下称乙方) 住所: 公司(以下称标的公司)注册资本元人民币,甲方出资元人民币,占90%。根据有关法律、法规规定,经本协议各方友好协商,达成条款如下: 第一条股权转让标的和转让价格 一、甲方将所持有标的公司90%股权作价元人民币转让给乙方; 二、附属于股权的其他权利随股权的转让而转让。 三、受让方应于本协议签定之日起30日内,向出让方付清全部股权转让价款。 第二条承诺和保证 甲方保证本合同第一条转让给乙方的股权为甲方合法拥有,甲方拥有完全、有效的处分权。甲方保证其所转让的股权没有设置任何抵押权或其他担保权,不受任何第三人的追索。 第三条违约责任 本协议签定后,任何一方违反本协议条款,即构成违约。违约方应向对方赔偿因违约而造成的一切经济损失。

第四条解决争议的方法 本协议受中华人民共和国相关法律的羁束并适用其解释。 凡因本协议引起的或与本协议有关的任何争议,双方应友好协商解决。协商不成,应提交上海仲裁委员会仲裁。 第五条其他 一、本协议一式三份,协议各方各执一份,标的公司执一份,以备办理有关手续时使用。 二、本协议各方签字后生效。 甲方签章: 乙方签字: 公司股权转让合同样本二:英文 本股权转让协议(以下称“本协议”) 由以下各方于20xx年月日在北京签署: This Equity Interest Transfer Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “this Agreement”) is made on , by and between the following parties: 甲方:Party A 乙方:Party B 以上甲方称“转让方”,乙方称“受让方”,各签署方单独称为“各方”。


股权代持协议 本协议于年月日由下述各方签订。 甲方: 法定地址: 乙方: 号: 丙方:(以下称“丙方”) 号: 鉴于: 1.某某公司(以下称“某某公司”)是一家依照中国法律成立的有限责任公 司。 2.乙方及丙方是具有完全民事行为能力的中国籍自然人,其各自持有某某 公司100%的股权。 3.甲方拟购买乙方及丙方所持有的某某公司共计100%的股权(以下称“代 持股权”),并于购买后,由乙方代甲方持有50%某某公司的股权,由丙方代甲方持有50%某某公司的股权。

4.甲、乙、丙各方一致同意,将通过上述代持股权,以某某公司的名义持 有ABC公司(以下称“ABC公司”)34%的股权。ABC公司是一家依照中国 法律成立的有限责任公司。 有鉴于此,甲方基于对乙方、丙方的信任,各方经协商一致,根据《中华人民国合同法》等相关法律法规,达成如下协议(以下称“本协议”)。 一、代持股权 1.甲方拟向乙方以及丙方各自以人民币元整(小写:¥ RMB) (“股权转让款”)购买乙方以及丙方所各自持有的代持股权。于甲方依 本协议支付乙方及丙方上述款项后,甲方委托乙方及丙方代甲方持有共 计100%的代持股权。乙方及丙方接受甲方的委托作为代持股权的名义 持有人。 2.就本条第1款所约定的股权转让款的支付方式,甲、乙、丙各方一致同 意如下: 甲方以等同于股权转让款的等额美元支付至经过甲、乙及丙方一致认可的第三方机构账户,通过该第三方机构以人民币将甲方的股权转让 款支付至乙方及丙方各自指定的个人账户。乙方及丙方应在收到甲方通 过第三方汇入的股权转让款后1日,向甲方出具相关收款通知(标明收 款时间及收款金额)。乙方及丙方应于收受上述股权转让款后的三个工 作日,将上述资金作为出资款项支付至某某公司的资本金账户,并应于 完成出资后的3个工作日,向甲方提供相关汇款凭证以及合法出资证明 的原件供甲方查核,并提供复印件供甲方留存。


编号:_____________股权认购协议书 甲方:________________________________________________ 乙方:___________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日

合同由以下双方于年月日在签署 甲方:乙方: 身份证号: 发起人身份证号: 住址: 住址: 联系电话:联系电话: 鉴于: 1、乙方是依法注册成立的企业法人,依法享有民事权力、承担民事责任。椿萱乐中医养生中心(以下简称“椿萱乐项目”)是乙方发起设立的投资项目,乙方对椿萱乐项目的前期创意、融资、运营公司的注册及后期运营管理全权负责。 2、甲方已经详细了解与椿萱乐项目有关的信息和事宜,完全认同椿萱乐项目的价值理念、运营模式及利润分配机制。甲方愿意在本协议及其他相关协议、章程、承诺的约束下,参与椿萱乐项目的投资。 经甲、乙双方友好协商,在自愿、平等、公正、诚实的原则基础上,就甲方参与认购椿萱乐项目股权协议如下,以昭信守: 第一条、认股及投资目的 甲、乙双方同意以充分发挥资源优势,促进项目发展,在长期的合作中以推广健康生活理念和利益共享为目的。 第二条、椿萱乐项目投资额度 ________项目拟投资万元(人民币大写:万元整)。万元每股,股起投。 第三条、甲方认购金额 甲方以现金方式认购万元 (人民币大写:万元整)。 第四条、甲方入资时间 甲方于年月日之前,将本协议第三条约定的认购资金一次性缴存于本协议第五条所列示的账户内。 第五条、入资账户 户名: 开户行:

帐号: 第六条、到账通知 甲方应在完成缴款后的日之内,向乙方出具电子汇款收据,乙方签字确认后,回传至甲方。 第七条、甲方承诺 1、甲方在签订此协议时,已知悉认购股权的行为所带来的风险和损益。 2、甲方用于认购股权的资金来源合法、正当。 3、遵守乙方关于认购股权的条件和要求,积极配合乙方完成创意椿萱乐的投资及运营活动。 4、若甲方原因致使股权认购及设立登记手续无法完成的,后果由甲方自负。 第八条、乙方承诺 1、对于甲方缴付的股权认购资金,除作为注册资本缴存于拟设公司的账户外,不得随意动用。 2、在本次认购股权的资金全部到位后的个工作日内召开股东会、制定公司章程、选举公司执行董事和监事、聘请公司高级管理人员及财务负责人、办理工商注册手续等。 3、由于乙方的原因致使股权认购及设立登记手续无法完成的,乙方应全额退还甲方的认购款,并按银行同期利率支付甲方利息(自甲方付款之日起计算)。 4、公司成立一年后,甲方有权将股权转让他人,同等条件下乙方有优先购买权。 5、第一个经营年度完成时,如有亏损,甲方有权要求乙方原价购买期初股权或由乙方补亏。 第九条、协议生效与变更 本协议自甲、乙双方签字、盖章后生效。本协议未尽事宜,双方经协商一致可另行签订补充协议。补充协议与本协议具有同等法律效力。 第十条、争议解决 本协议履行如发生争议,双方应协商解决;协商不成,任意一方均可向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。 第十一条、其他 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。


股权转让协议书中英文对照版 发布日期:2010-07-08 作者:范宏伟律师 凡因履行本协议所发生的或与本协议有关的一切争议,各方应通过友好协商解决;如果协商不能解决,应提交中国国际贸易仲裁委员会根据该机构的仲裁规则进行仲裁。 股权转让协议书中英文对照版 A公司股权转让协议 签订协议各方: 出让方:G公司 受让方:P公司 ‘A’ Company’s Equity Assignment Agreement dated as of __________, 2008, by and between G Company, the Assignor P Company, the Assignee A公司是由G公司投资设立的一家外资企业。A公司在杭州市工商行政管理局登记,投资总额为XX万美元,注册资本为XX万美元。现经转让方与受让方友好协商,在平等互利,协商一致的基础上,达成协议如下: ‘A’ Company, a foreign-funded company, was established with investment from G Company. ‘A’Company was registered in the Administrative Bureau for Industry and Commerce of Hangzhou with a registered capital of USD xxx, the total paid up capital is USD xxx.

Whereas, the Assignor desires to sell and assign the equity interests of ‘A’ Company, and the Assignee desires to acquire and accept assignment from the Assignor, the legal ownership of ‘A’Company's shares. Now, therefore, after amicable negotiation, the parties hereby agree as follows: 第一条、出让方和受让方的基本情况 出让方: 1.1、G公司,法定地址:_________________;法定代表人:________;职务:__________;国籍:_________。 受让方: 1.2、P公司,法定地址:_________________;法定代表人:________;职务:__________;国籍:_________。 1. Basic particulars of the Assignor and Assignee The Assignor: G Company’s official address:_________________________; Legal representative:_____________ Position:______________________________; Nationality:____________________________________ The Assignee: P Company’s official address:_________________________; Legal representative:_____________ Position:______________________________; Nationality:____________________________________ 第二条、股权转让的份额及价格 2.1、G公司将其所持A公司的全部股份,转让给P公司,转让价格为__________,


股权代持协议 签署地: 名义投资人(甲方):身份证号码: 住所: 联系方式: 实际投资人(乙方):身份证号码: 住所: 联系方式: 丙方:身份证号码: 住所: 联系方式: 甲、乙、丙双方经友好协商,为了能够引入第三方投资,本着互利互惠、共 同发展的原则,现就乙方委托甲方代持有限公司(以下简称“目 标公司”)的相关出资及股权、利益分配等问题达成协议如下: 1、公司基本信息 1.1 公司名称为:有限公司; 法定地址为:; 注册资本为人民币:万元; 法定代表人为:; 2、股东出资额、股权比例 2.1 甲方实际投资目标公司人民币元整(¥),占目标公司的 股权。乙方实际出资人民币万元整,占注册资本的 %;丙方实际投资 目标公司人民币万元,占目标公的股权;上述出资已经实缴到位。 2.2 现甲乙双方约定,乙方占目标公司的的股权全部委托甲方代持即 该 %的股权挂在甲方名下,另的股权中甲方同意无偿给公司员工所有 并委托甲方代持,乙方留在自己名下。因此在目标公司的章程、股东名册、 工商登记中体现的股东身份比例如下:乙方股份为,甲方股份为, 丙方股份为。 3、表决权的行使

3.1 在目标公司经营管理过程中如需股东作出相关决议或者决定,甲方作为乙方股权的代持方享有决定权,无需经过乙方同意,为此乙方无异议。且目标公司交由甲方全权管理,乙方不得干预。 4、本协议各方的权利义务 4.1 甲方的权利义务 4.1.1 以股东身份出现在目标公司章程、股东名册和工商登记材料中。 4.1.2 在目标公司股东会决议或者目标公司经营管理过程中依本协议 确定的程序表达意见、作出表决、签署文件等。 4.1.3 按约履行双方另行签订的《引入投资及转让股权协议》。 4.2 乙方的权利义务 4.2.1 有权了解目标公司的经营状况和财务状况以及其它《公司法》赋 予股东的知情权。 4.2.2未经甲方书面同意,不得将所持股份转让、质押给第三人或者进 行任何权益的处理。 4.2.3按约履行双方另行签订的《引入投资及转让股权协议》。 4.3 丙方的权利义务 4.3.1 丙方保证配合甲乙双方履行本协议,在实施本协议中将放弃受让 乙方的股权以及优先购买权利。 5、利益分配和责任承担 5.1甲、乙双方以各自实际出资比例享有公司的利润,承担公司的责任。 6、违约责任 6.1 如因甲方个人债务原因导致甲方在公司的股份被强制执行,甲方需赔偿乙方及公司由此产生的损失。 6.2 如因乙方个人债务原因导致甲方代持的股份被强制执行,乙方需赔偿乙方及公司由此产生的损失。 7、适用法律及争议的解决 7.1本协议的订立、效力、解释、履行和争议的解决均受中华人民共和国法律的管辖。 7.2 因执行本协议而发生的争议,各方可协商解决,协商不能解决,任何一方有权向本协议签署地法院提起诉讼。 8、其它


住址: 甲、乙双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,就甲方委托乙方代为持股事宜达成协议如下,以兹共同遵照执行: 一、委托内容 1.甲方与共同投资设立公司。 2.甲方自愿委托乙方作为自己对公司人民币万元出资(该出资占公司注册资本的%)的名义持有人,该出资为甲方实际出资。 3.乙方同意以自己的名义代甲方持有相应的股权,并不收取报酬。 二、委托权限 甲方委托乙方代为行使的权利包括:由乙方以自己的名义将受托行使的代表股份作为出资,在股东登记名册上具名、以股东身份参与公司相应活动、代为收取股息或红利、出席股东会并行使表决权、以及行使公司法与公司章程授予股东的其他权利。 三、甲方的权利与义务

1.甲方作为上述投资的实际出资者,享有实际的股东权利并有权获得相应的投资收益;乙方仅得以自身名义将甲方的出资向公司出资并代甲方持有该投资所形成的股东权益,而对该出资所形成的股东权益不享有任何收益权或处置权(包括但不限于股东权益的转让、质押)。 2.在委托持股期限内,应甲方要求,乙方应当将相关股东权益转移到甲方或甲方指定的自然人或法人名下,所得的股权转让款项由甲方所有。届时涉及到的相关法律文件,乙方须无条件同意,并无条件承受。 3、在乙方解除与公司的劳动合同关系后,乙方有义务配合甲方及公司,将所代持的股权,以甲方认可的方式转由甲方指定的人持有。乙方违反上述义务,甲方有权要求乙方承担因此造成的损失。 4.作为委托人,甲方负有按照公司章程、本协议及公司法的规定以人民币现金进行及时出资的义务,并以其出资额限度内承担投资风险。 5.甲方作为股权的实际所有人,有权依据本协议对乙方不适当的受托行为进行监督与纠正,并有权基于本协议约定要求乙方赔偿因受托不善而给自己造成的实际损失。 四、乙方的权利与义务 1.乙方有权以名义股东身份参与公司的经营管理或对公司的经营管理进行监督,但不得利用名义股东身份为自己牟取任何私利。 2.未经甲方书面同意,乙方不得转委托第三方持有上述代表股份及其股东权益。 3.作为公司的名义股东,乙方承诺其所持有的公司股权受到本协议内容的限制。在未获得甲方书面授权的条件下,乙方不得对其所代为持有的股权及其所得收益进行转让、处分或设置任何形式的担保,也不得实施任何可能损害甲方利益的行为。 4.公司召开股东会时,乙方作为股东的意见与甲方的意见不一致,应无条件支持和按照甲方意见作出表决。


股权转让协议(中英文) 股权转让合同书 Share 'IraiLsferAgreenieiit 合同当事人各方: Hie parlies hereinafter include: 甲方:xx公司 Piirty A; xx Investment Co. 乙方:xx有限公司 卩牡rfy:xx Limited 丙方:xxx先生 Party (;:Mr. xxx 身份证号ID NO: xxxx 住址Address:xx省xx市xx路xxx号xxx房。 Room :<xx ,xxx#,xxx Road,xxx city , xxx Provinee。 鉴于甲方合法拥有在xxx岛注册的xxxx公司(以下简称“xx公司”)百分之百的 股权; Whereas Parly A legally owns % shares of xx investments V Ltd. (" xx"), which is registered in the xx Isla n ds; 鉴于xx公司是xx年xx月xx日,于xxx岛依法注册成立,其合法拥有xx有限公司(下称“公司”)百分百的股权; Whereas x沁,registered in 曲乂Iskmds on 沁沁、legally owns 沁乂 % shares of xxx Braking System ( xxx ) Co., Ltd. (the ; “Company”) 鉴于甲方现有意出让其xx公司合法拥有的百分之百的股权,

Where^ Party A intends to sell the legally-owned xx% shares of xxx 鉴于Dana Global Holdings Inc.拥有甲方的xx%的股权且其拥有对xx公司的优先购买权, Wherecis Party A is 曲%owned by Dana Global Holdings Inc., and they have certain pre-emptive rights regard ing the tran sfer of shares in xx;x 鉴于丙方拟受让甲方在xx公司的全部股权,现合同各方经友好协商,本着平等互利的原则,应上述股权转让事宜达成如下条款: Whereas Party C intends to buy Hie u-liole shares of 號心held by Party A, adliering to the principals of equalily and mutual beneliL ilie parties Iwve reached ilie following agrcemeni(llie ''Agreement" Jailer friendly c-onsulutions regarding Hie 弓hare transfter matters: 股权转让价款 Article 1 Price ofThe Shares 在公司向乙方或其指定代理人归还欠款人民币xxx万元后,甲方同意按本俩所规定的条件,将其在xx公司拥有的全部股权以x美元的价格转让给丙方,丙方同意以此价格受让甲方在xx公司拥有的全部股权;同时乙方也同意将其在公司的剩余债权以x美元的价格转 让给丙方,丙方同意以此价格受让乙方在公司剩余的全部债权。 After ill亡Company 代卩?x million of payable due to Party B or its desig ned age nt, subject to the lerms and conditions in the Agreement, Parly A hereby agrees iliat i( will transfer and convey to Purty C the whole shares of at the price of x US [dollar und Part}- C agrees to purchase the whole shares of xx held by Party A at this price. At the same time, Party B agrees to transfer to Party C the title of its remaining receivable from the company at the price of x US Dollar and Party C agree 第二条保证 Article 2 Representations and Wa rranties 甲方保证本合同第一条转让给丙方的股权为其合法拥有,并有完全、有效的处分权。甲方保证其将在转让前取得股份转让所需的认可且转让的股权在转让之时没有设置任何抵押权或其他担保权,并免遭任何第三人的追索。
