当前位置:文档之家› 股权转让协议(中英文)




Share 'IraiLsferAgreenieiit


Hie parlies hereinafter include:


Piirty A; xx Investment Co.


卩牡rfy:xx Limited


Party (;:Mr. xxx

身份证号ID NO: xxxx


Room :<xx ,xxx#,xxx Road,xxx city , xxx Provinee。



Whereas Parly A legally owns % shares of xx investments V Ltd. (" xx"), which is registered in the xx Isla n ds;


Whereas x沁,registered in 曲乂Iskmds on 沁沁、legally owns 沁乂 % shares of xxx Braking System ( xxx ) Co., Ltd. (the ; “Company”)


Where^ Party A intends to sell the legally-owned xx% shares of xxx

鉴于Dana Global Holdings Inc.拥有甲方的xx%的股权且其拥有对xx公司的优先购买权,

Wherecis Party A is 曲%owned by Dana Global Holdings Inc., and they have certain

pre-emptive rights regard ing the tran sfer of shares in xx;x


Whereas Party C intends to buy Hie u-liole shares of 號心held by Party A, adliering

to the principals of equalily and mutual beneliL ilie parties Iwve reached ilie following

agrcemeni(llie ''Agreement" Jailer friendly c-onsulutions regarding Hie 弓hare transfter matters:


Article 1 Price ofThe Shares



After ill亡Company 代卩⑪x million of payable due to Party B or its desig ned age nt, subject to the lerms and conditions in the Agreement, Parly A hereby agrees iliat i( will transfer and

convey to Purty C the whole shares of at the price of x US [dollar und Part}- C agrees to purchase the whole shares of xx held by Party A at this price. At the same time, Party B agrees to transfer to Party C the title of its remaining receivable from the company at the price of x US Dollar and Party C agree 第二条保证

Article 2 Representations and Wa rranties


Parly A represents and warrants to Parly C that ii legally owns ilie Shares subject to Article 1, as w ell as the right to deal with the shares entirely and effectively; and that prior to any

transfer it will obtain 汕necessary consents such that the Shares can be transferred to Partv

C at the effective time of the transfer, fi^ee and clear of all liens and encumbrances whatsoever.

丙方保证依本合同第一条规定,在XX年XX月XX 日之前,安排公司向乙方或其指定的代理人归还人民币XXX万元。剩余的人民币XXX万元还款,公司应分三次分别在XX



Party C consents to and agrees that he shall arrange the Company to pay RMB x Million in

accorda nee with in the Article 1 to Party B or the desig nated age nt before the date of X >X, XX, and the remaining RMB Milli X of the repayment of payable dues referred in Article 1 shall be paid to Party B or the desig nated age nt in three equal in stallme nts of RMB XXX before X X

XX ,XX,XX XX , XX XX,XX and XX XX , XX respectively. Party C consents to pay Party A and Party B the purchase price of X US Dollar respectively before XX XX , XX .

s Io purchase the said receivable at this price.


Article 3 Allocati on of Shareholder Rights and In debted ness

本合同由各方法定代表人或委托代理人签字、盖章,在乙方及其代理人收到公司人民币XXX万元还款及Dana Global Holding Inc.放弃其优先购买权后生效。

'l he Agreeineiii sliall b亡signed by ilie Legal represemalives and. authorized people of all parlies. It shall become effective after Party B or its desig nated age nt receives the RMB million as referred iiiArlicle 1: and Dana Global iioldings Inc, have waived their

卩用-emptive rights.


