public policy material alters attorney fees has the right to in the absence of successor assignee assign assigner parties in interest terminate the performance of its obligation commercially impracticable the event of force majeure prescribed period of time without instrument limited partnership agreement in case of an assign clause will be enforced unless incurred by in connection with any judicial or other proceeding reimburse not latter than promptly and expeditiously in accordance with fee expenditure expenses arbitration expenses out-of-pocket expenses legal fees legal expenses plural vice versa masculine feminine neutral entire agreement a part of this agreement parol evidence rule final agreement supercedes to be followed by against the drafting party counterpart photo copy
for evidentiary purpose note construction indemnity indemnitification potiential ambigunity disclaim performance of its obligations beyond their control commercially impracticable temporarily suspend event of force majeure a prescribed period of time The International Court of Arbitration of International Chamber of Commerce American Arbitration Association China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission The London Court of International Arbitration The International Center for The Settlement of Investment Disputes The Arbitration Institute of The Stockholm of Commerce Hong Kong International Arbitration Center Singapore International Arbitration Center for purposes of this agreement whenever the contest requires singular number plural masculine gender feminine gender neutergender shall not be deemed to terms of limitation words without limitation signed by the Paaties Bilateral Amendment clause in writing Amendment to this agreement Unilateral Amendment clause amend reasonable notice including without limitation shall be binding upon the Party against whom the amendment is enforced evidentiary purpose This agreement may be executed in counterparts each of which shall be deemed to be an original but all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement be signed by each of the parties and delivered to the other party operational execution date
英文 be executed in counterparts all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same agreement effective date effective day become operational representations understandings written or oral transaction documents exhibits and schedules signed by the Parties amendament to this agreement it is in writing this End-User Lisence Agreement at any time including without limitation posting revised terms on shall be binding upon authorized person by or on behalf of amendment amendment clause conditions terms and conditions the terms of agreement Executor Administrators Personal representative Construction Interpretation Construction and interpretation constitutes between the parties with respect to subject matter constitutes and supersedes prior agreement representation understanding written or oral by or on behalf of board(s) of directors respective effective time effective date provided adoption
the parties hereto the parties authorized person written agreement exected by title changed modified supplemented rescined terminated discharged enforceability upon notice suspend terminate force majeure usage of the trade inconsistence to inducement merge into earlier negotiations together with referred to listed on exhibit A successoor assign aasignee assigner parties in interest by operation of law subcontract are entitled to the benefits of are subject to the obligations created by Parties in interest Interested party should not be interpreted against when ever the contest respairs vice versa singular number force majeure suspend terminate the performance of its obligation a prescribed period of time state
本协议各方 协议双方 获授权人员 书面协议 经签署 职位;所有权 经修改的 修订的 补充的 撤销 终止的 解除 强制履行性 经通知 中止 终止 不可抗力 行业惯例 与…不一致 立约诱因 合并 先前谈判 连同 提及的 所列 附件A 继受人;继承认 转让;受让人 受让人 转让人 利害关系人 根据法律规定 分包合同 有权… …的利益 受制于… …产生的义务 厉害关系人 不得做出对 的不利的解释 如文意要求 反之亦然 单数 不可抗力 中止 终止 履行义务 规定期间 说明
Employment Agreement the date shown at the top of the first page last signature on the signature pages
中文 一式多份签署 所有文本视为同一同一份协议 生效日期 生效日 生效 陈述 备忘 书面或口头 交易文件 附件及附表 经双方签署 对本协议的变更 书面签订 本终端用户许可协议 随时 包括但不限于 将修订的条款发布在……上 应对……具有约束力 获授权人员 由或代表 变更 变更条款 条件 条款和条件 协议条款 遗嘱执行人 遗产管理人 遗产代理人 解释 合同解释 建构和解释 构成 本协议双方的 就 标的 构成并取代 先前协议 陈述 备忘 书面或口头的 由或代表 董事会 各自的 生效时间 生效日期 但 通过;批准
公共政策 实质性变更 律师费 有权 在没有 的情况下 继受人;继承人 受让人 转让人 转让人 利害关系人 终止 义务的履行 商业不可行性 不可抗力事件 特定期间 未经 文具 有限合伙协议 就 而言 除以下情形,转让条款可强制执行 由。。。负担 与。。。相关 任何司法程序或其他程序 偿付 不迟于 及时迅速地 根据 费 支出 花费 仲裁费用 现金费用 诉讼费用 法律支出 复数 反之亦然 阴性 阳性 中性 完整协议 本协议的一部分 口头证据规则 最终协议 替代 后接 不利于起草方 副本 复印件
基于证据目的 注释 解释 赔偿 赔偿 潜在模糊 否认 履行其义务 超出其控制 商业上不现实 暂时中止 不可抗力事件 规定期间 国际商会仲裁院ICC 美国仲裁协会AAA 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会 CIETAC 伦敦国际仲裁院LCIA 解决国际投资争端中心ICSID 斯德哥尔摩商会仲裁院SCC 香港国际仲裁中心HKIAC 新加坡国际仲裁中心 SIAC 在本协议中 如上下文要求 单数 复数 阳性 阴性 中性 不得被视为 限制性条款 非限制性词语 经各方签署 双方变更条款 书面 对本协议的变更 单方变更条款 变更 合理通知 包括但不限于 应对……具有约束力 变更履行相对方 基于证据目的 本协议可一式多份签署 各文本应被视为正本 但所有文本合并应构成同一份协议 于各方签署并交付给对方时生效 生效 签署日期