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瑞士聖博爾國際集團《中國》授权The Swiss Dayu International Group "China" project authorization

The Swiss Dayu International Group "China" project authorization

Introduction the Swiss Dayu international group

The Swiss Dayu international group by Zhang's international investment group jointly "South Africa" built of Bern in Switzerland, has more than thirteen thousand employees, as the world's leading bio antibiotics manufacturer, our products are widely used in research, the agricultural sector. The temperature fluctuation ofDayu International Group R & D test equipment temperature regulator 0.005degrees Celsius, the scope of work for the minus 100 ° to 400 °. Through effective cooling and heating, can make the production process to accelerate as possible. In this experiment, the research products Dayu international group to the temperature difference, with environmental protection, green, pollution-free,the use of primary energy. Research Laboratory of surface tension of advanced instrument can accurately determine the boundary layer and the surface tension,viscosity and fluid viscosity meter can measure liquid, obtained the unprecedented support for production use.

Department of scientific research also has the same leading position, used in R & D equipment through the semiconductor wafer layered link, the determination ofthree-dimensional structure of biological macromolecules in solution resistanceusing nuclear magnetic resonance, more perfect, the effect is more obvious.

Dayu international scientific research system as the core, product testing,advanced equipment, scientific research department of biology of the sample is cooled to minus 45 ° in the laboratory, the problem of product use effect. The authority in the international evaluation of Swiss Dayu International Group won the "green bio antibiotics", Bangkok in Thailand to obtain the practical new technology achievement award, award of achievement of science and technologyachievements and practical technology, innovation award.

Through continuous technical improvements and continuous investment, DayuInternational Group has made great achievements in Switzerland, India, Mexico,Italy, American, South Korea, France, Canada, New Zealand, Holland, Pakistan,Thailand, Russia, Australia, Singapore, South Africa and other countries, to open up a huge international market. From here to the world.

In the future development strategy of Dayu International Group, adhering to thestanding in the forefront of consciousness, tough tackling tough broad mindedness quality sincere cooperation of team spirit, all rivers run into sea,mood, Si Yuan, Zhi Xing thousands of miles of philosophy, with a strategic foresight on the first execution, struggling to implement the protection of the ecological environment "green pollution-free" image, with the scientific and technological strength service world agriculture. Let the earth more green, more blue.

Dayu International Group has always stood in the forefront of the times, follow the footsteps of the times, front running times to lead the industry's attentionenterprise spirit. Running in the sun times on the road, let us dance the most ictus, time to make the world more wonderful!

The sunny road flags flying, Swiss Dayu international innovation ides a sing, go off together, at the foot of the road extension, keep in mind the point to the futureof the compass, we shoulder the mission of hope, era of responsibility, vigorously carry forward the Scientific Outlook on Development, unyielding and benefit the society, the benefit of mankind, for the people, to the future development. Let mebe of one heart and one mind, make efforts, to complete the Dayu responsibility of international society with more outstanding achievement and responsibility.

Trust is from the responsibility of Swiss Dayu International Group -- your preferred














The Swiss Dayu International Group "Chinese" project department hereinafter referred to Party A


The Swiss Dayu International Group "China" project department authorized district designated partners hereinafter referred to Party A


Party A hereby appoints people Party B entrusts man;


Where the address Where the address


The client phone; The client phone;


Sign the start date: Years Month Day


The deadline: Years Month Day 根据《中华人民共和国农业部》和其他相关法律、法规的规定并充分协商签订本合同。

According to the "Regulations" of Ministry of agriculture of the people's Republic of China and other relevant laws, regulations and full consultation and the signing of this contract. 1、瑞士聖博爾國際集團《中國》授权安徽阜阳市代理《经营聖博爾國際集團研发产品》

The Swiss Dayu International Group "China" project department authorized designated partners "central business Dayu International Group R & D products"


according to the listed Swiss Dayu group international "project department survey data show," in America, Switzerland, South Korea, Pakistan, and other classic case, has been the subject of much attention and recognition, appearing in marketing problems in the market, Chinese "project" marketing management system, accurate, meticulous, thorough management system, provisions "project" China all "dealers, service providers must authorize" belong to "the project department designated authorized cooperation unit", shall not be unauthorized operation, the authorization of the "dealers, service providers" commodity business shall be the normal Swiss Dayu International Group regular products, is the "Swiss Dayu International group project department designated cooperative units have the right to recover the right to operate". Shall not be unauthorized to operate, authorized dealers, service providers "project department designated partners" to prevent fake, changing, better protection of the authorized business interests.


"Authorized dealers, service providers, the project department designated partners" to the Swiss Dayu International Group "project" advance payment or deposit, Swiss Dayu group international "project" will be considered as a waiver of rights


According to the "PRC Contract Law" and other relevant laws, regulations, in full consultation by both parties signing this agreement, Party B shall pay to Party A, both parties shall negotiate the authorized deposit deposit decision. Both parties shall not reject the matters both sides can together to reach a common agreement.


Any breach of the other party may bring a lawsuit to the people's court.


Name and trademark, the 6 parties for their own intellectual property rights, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, or both sides are not in any product to use each other's trademark or application of each other in the products of intellectual property rights.


the performance of the contract process, both parties shall provide information related to the other party, product information and other business information. The information provided will be treated as confidential commercial information, the ownership belongs only to provide information, information receiving side can put another provides information for the execution of the contract obligations and responsibilities. In addition to this contract allows, both parties have no right to use confidential information without the written permission of the other party before in any way or for any purpose except with the consent of the requirements, or the written consent of the other party the national law enforcement agencies, any party should be disclosed confidential information to the other third. Both parties shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including those related to environmental protection, health and safety laws and regulations..


Party B to the party providing the service concerns, opinions and suggestions to the project department may disclose.


The rights and obligations of both parties to the contract agreement relates to make the detailed explanation to both sides, both parties to the contract before signing with reading and understanding.


two copies of this contract, both parties hold a.


This contract comes into force since the date signed by both parties, the contract is not terminated if one party to terminate the contract, the party shall pay the liquidated damages to the other party 30%, did not pay a month of each other will bring a lawsuit to the people's court China..


After the termination of the contract, the parties will bear all the responsibility and obligation of both parties of the contract provisions before the termination of the contract shall perform the obligations of but not yet performed. 13、授权后经营瑞士聖博爾國際集團正规产品。

Business Switzerland Dayu International Group normal product authorization


Party a signed authorization to provide products for the Swiss Dayu International Group production of regular products, responsibilities and obligations of Party B has the right to terminate the contract and Party A should do and sue.

15、甲方保证产品在使用中出现的一系列自然反应,由于人为性操作失误的不负责任何的法律责任,所有责任自行处理解决。Party A guarantees that a series of natural reaction products in use, due to human errors is not

responsible for any legal liability, responsibility to solve all the.


Party A provides advertising, support, marketing and other problems in marketing and cost problem. 17、乙方有权享受集團所有的福利待遇《包括福利返利》

Party B has the right to enjoy all the benefits the group including rebate "welfare"


Party A Party B to do regional protection may not be in the project department authorized cooperation units without the consent of goods.


Natural disasters caused by both Party A and Party B shall not be responsible for any legal liability. The event of force majeure include: fire, explosion, cause the flood, earthquake, typhoon, corrosion, pollution, storm, natural factors, rebellion, violence, chaos or similar are beyond the reasonable control of the.



The Swiss Dayu International Group "China" project authorization


The Swiss Dayu International Group "China" project authorization 开户银行:中银香港《外企》


开户账号:22407 815 132402 888




开户账号:621098 7910038951949


瑞士聖博爾國際集團《中國》授权The Swiss Dayu International Group "China" project authorization
