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《国外独家代理EXCLUSIVE AGENT议》外贸单证:

《国外独家代理EXCLUSIVE AGENT议》评论:0条查看:4644 次sngzihu 发表于201X-01-19 14:03 MreMre A/S GuangDng Simming Pl and Spa Equipments C.,LTD. 201X Agreement MREMRE 和广东泳池水疗设备有限公司

201X 年协议This is an fficial agreement maden January 10,201X beteen MreMreA/s(Herein after “MreMre”) and GuangDng Simming Pl and Spa Equipments C.,LTD.(Herein after “ShengSheng”) fr business partnership

cperatin. 这是MreMre A/S (在此简称为“ MreMrW')与广东泳池水

疗设备有限公司(在此简称为“盛盛”)于201X年元月十日签订的合作协议。Statement f Agreement 协议内容:

1.Area f the sle agent: nly Denmark. 独家代理区域:


2.P erid f validity fr the sle agent: frm January 1,201X t December 31 201X 独家代理期限:

201X 年1月1日至201X年12月31日0

3.Term and cnditin f the sle agent: 独家代理条件和条款:

Sales Vlume: CNY EUR 销售额要求:

人民币元,欧罗。If MreMre 's annual sales vlume in the year f 201Xculd nt reach the sales vlume as abve, ShengSheng has the right t cancel MreMre 's sle agent right in Denmark.



需求而导致的用料增减或工艺变化而导致价格上的变化。(02) ShengSheng has the right t adjust the price if the related materials ' cst fluctuates greatly and affects the prducts ' hle cst greatly. 当原材料价格波动过大而对产品的整体成本影响过大时,盛盛公司有权根据形势对产品价格进行相应的调整。0

4.All the prducts ' EUR prices are valid fr per half a year that base n the average exchange rate f the previus half a year, fr example: The CNYprice is A, and during the perid frm January 1, 201X t June 30, 201X, the exchange rate is B, therefre the EUR price C fr the next half year ill be C=A/B. 所有产品的欧


人民币价格为A, 201X年上半年的平均汇率为B,那么201X下半年的欧元价格C即为C=AB先通过电汇支付货款全款的20%乍为定金,盛盛公司开始订单评审和生产加工, 余款在货物到达目的港的前十个工作日内通过电汇方式予以支付, 在收到余款后, 联系公司再将提单原件等相关文件寄出给M R E M R。EShengSheng ill try the utmst best t fulfill the delivery time fr MreMre 's rders. Nrmally

ShengSheng needs 15-20 days fr materials preparatin, and then 1 cntainer by t days. MreMre ill prvide ShengSheng ith the preliminary purchasing rder, s ShengSheng can prepare sme materials in advance and save in time in sme degree t finish the rder. 盛盛公司将尽最大的努力来达成丹麦MREMF的交货期。

通常来说,备料需要15-20 天的时间,然后每个柜再加上两天的时间, 如:一个柜需要17-22 天的时间,两个柜需要19-24天的时间,三个柜需要21-26天的时间。丹麦MREMR可提前告知盛盛公司的采购计





国际销售独家代理合同协议国际销售独家代理合同协议(中英文对照)EXCLUSIVE AGENC Y AGREEMENT 议系于______________________ 年_______

月_______ 日,由当事人一方A、B、C公司按中国法律组建并存在的公

司,其主营业地在__________ (以下简称卖方)与他方当事人X、Y、Z

公司,按_______ 国法律组建并存在的公司,其主营业地在____________ (以

下简称代理商)所签订。This Agreement is made and entered int this day f ___ ,19 - by and beteen A.B.C.C.Ltd. a

crpratin duly rganized and existing under the las f Peples Republic f China,ith its principal place f business at ________

(hereinafter called Seller) and X.Y.Z.C.Ltd. a crpratin duly rganized and existing under the las f ,ith its principal

f business at __ (hereinafter called Agent). 双方一致同意约


hereby it is mutual agreed as flls: 第一条委任与接受Article

1.Appintment 在本协议有效期内,卖方指定代理商为本协议第四条项下商品的独家代理商,在第三条所规定的区域内招揽顾客的订单。代理商同意并接受上述委任。During the effective perid f this Agreement. Seller hereby appints Agent as its exclusive agent t slicit rders fr prducts stipulated in Article 4 frm custmers in the territry stipulated in Article 3 and Agent accepts and assumes such appintment. 第二条代理商的义务Article

2.Agents Duty 代理商应严格遵守卖方随时给予的任何指令,而且不得代表卖方作出任何担保、承诺以及订立契约、合同或作其他对卖方有约束力的行为。
