当前位置:文档之家› 4.Conditiion Of Contract (合同条款)英文版招标文件

4.Conditiion Of Contract (合同条款)英文版招标文件

Conditions Of Contract



2)Inspection of Site

3)Time for Completion

4)Liquidated and Ascertained Damages


6)Defect Liability Period

7)Employer's and Building Owner's Indemnity

8)Insurance Against Injury to Persons and Property

9)Insurance of the Works Against fire, etc

10)Insurance Against Injury of Workmen

11)Statutory Obligations


13)Water and Electricity Supplies

14)Avoidance of Nuisance Due to the Works

15)Programmer of Works

16)Termination of the Contract

17)Design, Materials and Workmanship


19)As-Build Drawings and Records

20)Contractor's obligation


Conditions Of Contract


For the context of this contract, the following terms shall have the definitions as below:

Building Owner :All legal owners and/or Incorporated Owners of

the Premises

Employer : China Merchant Americold Ltd

Contractor : The person, firm or company appointed to

carry out the Works of this contract including

his heirs, executors or administrators.

Premises : Hutchison Logistics Centre, Container Port 4,

Kwai Chung

The Works : All works required as stipulated in the cope of

Works, Specification, Drawings and Schedule

of Rates in relation to this Contract.


The Contractor is required to visi (the site and verify the exact scope, nature and quality of the Works including all relevant information included in this document and allow all necessary for the carrying out of the Works in the Tender sum. Site visit can be arranged by advance appointment with the Project Manager.


a)The anticipated Date for Commencement and Date for

Completion of the Works are late November 2012 and before End of February 2013)but is subject to written confirmation by the Employer. No adjustment to the Contract Sum will be made if the date is different.

b)The Works is to be completed withir~90 calendar days>rom and

including the Date of Commencement of the Works."-

c)Working hours shall follow the relevant clauses stated in the

Scope of Work. The contractor shall allow everything necessary including overnight and overtime work to comply with such working hours restriction and no claim for extra time or cost shall be raised in this respect.

d)The Project Manager will issue a Certificate of Practical

Completion upon the satisfactory completion of the Works.


Liquidated and Ascertained Damages in the amount of HK$20,000.00 per calendar day for non-completion of the Works within the time for completion as stated in Clause 3 shall be applied to this Contract.

5) PAYMENT(付款)

a)Payment terms shall be follow as below

Upon Countersigning the Letter of Award : 0%

Upon Arrival of Site of All Major Materials : 30%

Upon Completion of the Works: 95%

Upon Expiry of the Defect Liability Period and making good all

defects, whichever is later : 5%

The Employer’s interest in any amounts so retained shall be

fiduciary as bene

b)Should the Contractor's work cannot comply with the

performance requirement stated in the contract documents,

the Employer is entitled to deduct any money due or become

due to the contractor.


The Defects Liability Period for the Works shall be twelve months

commencing from the date of completion of the Works.

During the Defects Liability Period, the Contractor will, if called

upon so to do, keep his work in repair or make good any faulty

work at his own expense within a period specified by the

Employer. Should the Contractor fail to perform any remedial

works within the time specified by the Employer, the Employer

reserves the right to carry out the rectification works himself and

deduct such costs from any payment due to the Contractor.


a)The Contractor shall be liable fro and shall fully indemnify the

Employer and the Building Owner against any expenses, liability, loss, claim, or proceedings whatsoever arising under any statute or at common law in respect of personal injury to or the death of any person whomsoever arising out of or in the course of or caused by the carrying out of the Works, expect to the extent that the same was due to any act or neglect of the Employer, the Building Owner or of any person for whom the Employer and the Building Owner is responsible.

b)The Contractor shall be liable for and shall fully indemnify the

Employer and the Building Owner against any expense, liability, loss, claim or proceedings in respect of any loss or damage whatsoever to any property real or personal (including the existing structure together with all the contents thereof owned by the Building Owner &/or Employer or for which they are responsible for) in so far as such loss or damages arises our of or in the course of or by reason of carrying out of the Works, except to the extent that the same was due to any act or neglect of the Employer, the Building Owner or any person for whom the Employer and the Building Owner is responsible.

c)From the commencement to the completion of the Works the

Contractor shall take full responsibility for the care of any work contained therein and in the case that any damage, loss or injury

shall happen to any work contained therein or to any part thereof from any cause whatsoever, the Contractor shall at his own cost repair and make good the same.


a)Without limiting the Contractor's obligations and responsibilities of

indemnifying the Employer and Building Owner under Clause 7 of these Conditions, the Contractor shall effect and maintain for the benefit of and in the joint names of the Employer, Building Owner, the Contractor and Sub-contractors of any tier a Third Party Liability Insurance

i.to cover the liability in respect of personal injuries or

deaths arising out of or in the course of or caused by the

carrying out the Works, and

ii.to cover the liability in respect of loss or damage to any property real or personal (including the existing structures

together with all the contents thereof owned by the

Building Owner &/or Employer or for which they are

responsible for) arising out of or in the course of or by

reason of the carrying out of the Works.

Notwithstanding that the liability to indemnify the Employer and the Building Owner is absolute, the limit of the Third Party Liability Insurance Policy shall not be less than HK$20,000,000.00 per any one

accident and unlimited in the aggregate for any one period of insurance. Such insurance policy shall contain a "Cross Liability Clause" and shall be placed with insurers to be approved by the Employer, such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.

b)The Contractor shall bear the cost of all excesses (deductibles),

exclusions or limitations applying under the said policy/policies (in so far as they concern risks for which he is responsible under the terms of the Contract) whether in respect of claims made against the Employer, the Building Owner, the Contractor, its sub-contractors of any tier or their employees or agent. The Employer may deduct any amounts payable by the Contractor under this clause from any monies due or which may become due to the Contractor. The Contractor shall not take or omit to take any step the taking or commission of which may result in any insurance policy or the cover under such policy becoming void or able to void.

c)If the Contractor considers the abovementioned limit of indemnity for

any one accident is inadequate to cover these contractual obligations he is at liberty to take out a policy with an increased limit of indemnity but any additional premium or differential in premium shall be at his own expense.

d)All insurances as required under these Conditions are to be taken out

with a company to be approved in writing by the Employer and the policies together with the premium receipt are to be deposited with the Employer prior to commencement of the Works. As and when he is reasonably required so to do by the Employer the Contractor shall produce for inspection by the Employer documentary evidence that the insurances required by these Conditions are properly maintained, but on any occasion the Employer may (but not unreasonably or vexatiously) require to have produced for his inspection the policy or policies and receipts in question.

e)The insurance policy shall cover the period from commencement of

the Contract until expiration of the Defect Liability Period or satisfactory completion of making good of all defects whichever is the later.


a)Without limiting the Contractor's obligations and the responsibilities

of indemnifying the Employer and the Building Owner under Clause 7 of these Conditions, the Contractor shall effect and maintain for the benefit of and in the joint names of the Employer, the Building Owner, the Contractor and his subcontractors of any tier a "Contractor's All Risks" insurance covering loss or damage to the Works up to the full reinstatement value thereof all work executed and all unfixed materials and goods delivered to, place on or adjacent to the Works

but excluding plant, tools and equipment owned or hired by the Contractor or any sub-contractor.

The said insurance policy shall also be extended to cover the cost of Removal of debris. The amount such cover shall be at the discretion of the Contractor but shall not be less than 1% of the Contract Sum. The Contractor shall bear the cost of all excesses (deductibles), exclusions or limitations applying under the said policy (in so far as they concern risks of which he is responsible under the terms of the Contract) whether in respect of claims made against the Contractor and/or the Employer and/or the Building Owner and should make due allowance therefore in this tender.

The Employer may deduct any amounts payable by the Contractor under this clause from any monies due or which may become due to the Contractor.

The Contractor shall not take omit to take and cause its sub-contractors not to take or omit to take any step the taking or omission of which may result in any insurance policy or the cover under such policy becoming void or voidable.

If the Contractor considers the required insurance policy is inadequate to cover these contractual obligations he is at liberty to take out a policy with an increased limit of indemnify but any additional premium or differential in premium shall be at his own


b)All insurances as required under these Conditions are to be taken out

with a company to be approved in writing by the Employer and the policies together with the premium receipt are to be deposited with the Employer prior to commencement of the Works.

c)The insurance of the Works shall cover the period from the

commencement of the Contract until the completion of the Works plus 12 months Defect Liability Period.

In the event of any incident occurring, the Contractor shall, upon request provide copies of his substantiated claims against the insurance company and any subsequent agreement relating to settlement of the claim to the Employer.

d)If there is a loss, injury or damage to the Works, the Contractor with

due diligence shall restore work damaged, replace or repair any unfixed materials or goods which have been destroyed or injured remove and dispose of any debris and proceed with the carrying out and completion of the Works. All monies received from such insurances in respect of the Works insured under this clause shall be used for the purposes of reinstatement, rebuilding, placement, repair or completion of the Works. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any payment in respect of the restoration of work damaged, the replacement and repair of any unfixed materials or goods, and the

removal and disposal of debris other than the monies received under the said insurance policy.


a)The Employer and the Building Owner shall not be liable for or in

respect of any damages or compensation payable under any statue, ordinance or at common law, in respect of or in consequence of any accident, illness, or injury to any employee or other person in the employment of the Contractor and/or his Subcontractors and the Contractor shall indemnify and keep the Employer and the Building Owner fully indemnified against all such damages or compensation, claims, demands, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect of or in relation thereto.

b)Without limiting the Contractor's obligations and responsibilities, the

Contractor shall effect and maintain such insurance policies as are necessary to cover all liabilities in respect of all employee and other persons who may be employed by him or his Sub-contractors in connection with the Works in accordance to the latest statutory requirements, ordinance or common law. The Employees' Compensation Insurance policies are to be taken out with a company to be approved in writing by the Employer and the policies and receipts are to be deposited with the Employer prior to commencement of the Works. The policies must be extended to

include an ' Indemnity to Principal' (the Employer and the Building Owner) Clause and shall be placed with insurers to be approved by the Employer, such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.

c)In respect of persons employed by any Sub-contractor, the

Contractor's obligation to insure under Clause (b) shall be satisfied if the Sub-contractor himself shall have effected such insurance endorsed with an "Indemnity to Principal Contractor" Clause. The Contractor shall require such Sub-contractor to produce when required all such policies and premium receipt for Employer's approval.

Should the Contractor make default in insuring or in continuing to insure asprovided in Clauses 9 of these Conditions the Employer may himself insure against any risk with respect of which the default shall have occurred and may deduct a sum equivalent to the amount paid in respect of premiums from any monies due or to become due to the Contactor.

It is expressly stated that no self-employed worker shall be allowed to be engaged for the Works.


The Works shall be carried out in accordance with the standard set by the Architectural Services Department or otherwise to be approved by the Employer and Project Manager. The Works shall be carried out in

conformity with the rules and regulations stipulated by the Government Authorities. In all cases, the Building Owner, the Employ and Project Manager or its agents reserves the right to reject any material or workmanship which in its opinion are not supplied, installed or completed to its satisfaction.


The Contractor shall comply with instructions issued by the Project Manager which may include the addition, omission or substitution of any works, the alteration of the kind or stander of any works, materials or goods executed which in opinion of the Employer or Project Manager are not carried out in accordance with the conditions of contact. The subsequent cost and time implication will be adjusted accordingly and is the Employ and Project Manager.


The Contract shall be entitled to use water and electricity supplies from supply points available on the site but the Employer the right to change for any electricity or water consumed by the Contract shall be responsible for all connections and the maintenance of the connections of the supply tee off points, if necessary, and subsequent removal cost upon completion of works including all necessary for the carrying out of the Works, removal on completion and marking good all works distributed.


All noisy works shall comply with the government regulations. Works shall be carried out in such a manner so as to cause only minimum disturbance, interference and nuisance to the user/occupants/tenants around. If work outside normal working hour is required, the Contractor shall obtain approval/permit from the Employer and Project Manager prior to his works and allow all costs in this respect in his tender.

The Employ or Project Manager shall have the right to instruct the Contractor to stop or change the sequence of operation and/or method of work is in the opinion of the Employ and Project Manager, causing undue noise, smell or other disturbance or inconveniences to the captioned premises. No additional cost or extension of time shall be allowed to the Contractor for compliance with such instruction. The Contractor shall bear all costs, claims, proceedings, etc. due to complaints/disturbance/inconvenience etc. from the residents of the Premises.


The Contractor shall submit the detail work program by calendar day with below item:

- A&A work submission and approval (if necessary)

-Production & delivery of sandwich PU insulation panel

- Production & delivery of coolers & condensing units

-Installation of sandwich PU insulation Dane

- Installation of coolers & condensing units

- Installation of FS sprinklers and related pipework

- Installation of steel structure for sandwich PU insulated pane

- Electrical installations

-Submission and approval of layout to/from Employer and Building Owner

- Testing & Commissioning for all installations

- Issuance of all statutory requirements


The Employer is entitled to terminate the contract at his sole discretion. The Contractor shall remove from the Works any temporary buildings, plant, tools, equipment, materials and goods belonging to or hired by him excluding all the items paid or to be paid by the Employer. The Employer is required to pay the Contractor the value of the works properly carried out by the Contractor. The Employer is entitled to deduct any amount due or become due to the Contractor due to cost incurred or to be incurred by the termination. The Employer shall not entertain any claim raised or to be raised by the by the Contractor for loss of profit and/or extra expenses incurred due to the termination. 17)DESIGN, MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP

The Contractor shall submit samples, catalogue, specification, test report, job reference etc. as requested for all materials to be used in the Works for Employer's or Project Manager's approval shall be at the Contractor's sole risk and if such work is disapproved subsequently, the Contractor shall remove such work immediately at his own expenses.

Should any discrepancies found in the contract documents, the Project Manager's jurisdiction is treated as final and conclusive.


The Contractor shall carry-out all necessary testing on site upon completion of the Works at no extra cost.


The Contractor shall submit catalogue shop drawings, as-built records, training exercises, operation and maintenance manual, etc. to the Employer and Project Manager upon completion of the Works.


This Contract is utilizing a Design and Build form of building procurement. The General Specification and Technical Specification consist of the project brief illustrating the outline spatial arrangements and finished appearance. These indicate the basic design elements only but not all the details. The Main Contractor shall be responsible for developing the project brief including the incorporation of all fittings and building

services installations to provide a fully considered final scheme with working drawings to satisfy the General Specification and Technical Specification.

The Main Contractor shall be fully responsible for the design of this Contract and he shall indemnify the Employer of any loss and damage which may be caused by design fault.

The Main Contractor should note that, under this Contract, it is his and his designers’duties and responsibilities to ensure the design is full compliance with the Building Ordinance and other statutory regulations. The consent/approval given by the Project Manager or his representatives will not relive the Main Contract of any of his duties or responsibilities will not relieve the Main Contractor of any of his duties or responsibilities under the Contract. If there is any contravention of these statutory regulation in the design discovered, the Main Contract shall bear all costs for correcting works.

The Main Contractor is required to carry out design checking of all of the Works throughout the contract period. The Main Contractor is fully responsible for providing his own construction checking and will also carry out the supervise compliance testing. The Project Manager's site supervision duties are essentially those of compliance check.

The Main Contractor shall ensure that the construction is in full compliance with the design duty approved by the Project Manager. The Main Contractor shall provide adequate resources on Site to carry out duties and responsibilities for site supervision and co-ordination.

The Main Contractor shall also provide a qualified engineer to be approved by the Project Manager for construction checking of all works including temporary works.


All correspondences relating to the project, including Payment Application and invoice, shall be addressed to the following:-



Attention:_______________________Mr. Rupert Chan


International Sales Contract 合同编号: C0110 (Contract No.): C0110 签订日期:2013年11月3日 (Date) : November 3th , 2013 签订地点: 中国上海水星家纺有限公司大楼 (Signed at) : Shuixing Home Textiles limited company Building,Shanghai,China 买方:美国纽约家得宝股份有限公司 The Buyer: Home Depot Incorporated, NewYork, America 电话(Tel): 01188745608002 卖方:中国上海水星家纺有限公司 The Seller:Shuixing Home Textiles limited company, Shanghai,China 电话(Tel): 86-021-******** 买卖双方同意按照下列条款签订本合同: The Seller and the Buyer agree to conclude this Contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below: 1.货物名称、规格和质量: (Name, Specifications and Quality of Commodity): (1)货物名称:水星鸭绒被 Name of Commodity:Shuixing eiderdown quilt (2)产品描述(Product description): Ⅰ.规格(Specifications):248×248 cm Ⅱ.填充:90%白鸭绒和其他毛类填充物 Fillers:90%white duck down and some other feather filling Ⅲ.重量(Weight):1500 g Ⅳ.面料:80支漂白全棉仿绒贡缎(抗菌仿绒处理) Plus material:80s bleach cotton anti-cashmere satin (Antibacterial


contract英文合同大全 买方 buyer 卖方 seller 项目名称 Project name 地址 address 电话 phone 本合同由买卖双方签订,根据本合同条款,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售以下产品。 This contract is made by and between the buyers and sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned. Commodities according to the terms and conditions stipulated below. 1.详细货物清单 Detail supply list 2.合同价格 Contract value 序号 item型号 model尺寸 size, dimension数量 amount, unit单价 unit price总价 total price备注 remark货物,运费 freight, transportation合同总额(含安装费与税金) Contract amount incl. VAT installation 3.付款条件 payment conditions, payment terms 4.交货地点 delivery place 5.发货期 delivery time 6.安装条款 installation clause 7.验收条款 inspection clause 8.保证条款 guarantee clause 9.不可抗拒条款 Force Majeure Clause 10.违约条款 Breach clause 11.其他条款 Miscellaneous clause 12.买卖双方信息 buyer and seller information 此合同一式二份,由双方各持一正本。This contract is made in two originals that should be held by each party. 涉外合同格式 涉外合同按繁简不同,尽管可以采取不同书面形式,如正式合同(Contract)、协议书(Agreement)、确认书(Confirmation)、备忘录(Memorandum)、订单(Order)等等,但


保密协议书 甲方: 乙方: 身份证号: 根据《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》和公司有关规定,双方在遵循平等自愿、协商一致、诚实信用的原则下,就甲方商业、技术秘密保密事项达成如下协议: 一、保密内容 1.甲方的交易秘密,包括但不限于商品产、供、销渠道,客户订单,买卖意向,成交或商谈的价格,商品性能、质量、数量、交货日期; 2. 甲方的经营秘密,包括但不限于经营方针,投资决策意向,产品服务定价,市场分析,广告策略; 3.甲方的管理秘密,包括但不限于财务资料、人事资料、工资薪酬资料、物流资料; 4.甲方的技术秘密,包括但不限于产品设计、产品图纸、生产机器、作业指引、工程设计图、生产制造工艺、制造技术、计算机程序、技术数据、专利技术、科研成果。 二、保密范围 1.乙方在劳动合同期前所持有的科研成果和技术秘密,经双方协议乙方同意被甲方应用和生产的; 乙方在劳动合同期内职务发明、工作成果、科研成果和专利技术; 2.乙方在劳动合同期前甲方已有的商业秘密; 3.乙方在劳动合同期内甲方所拥有的商业秘密。 三、双方的权利和义务 1.甲方提供正常的工作条件,为乙方职务发明、科研成果提供良好的应用和生产条件,并根据创造的经济效益给予奖励; 2.乙方必须按甲方的要求从事经营、生产项目和科研项目的研发,并将生产、经营、研发成果、资料交甲方,甲方拥有所有权和处置权; 3.未经甲方书面同意,乙方不得利用甲方的商业秘密进行新产

品的研发和撰写论文向第三者公布; 4.双方解除或终止劳动合同后,乙方不得向第三方公开甲方所拥有的未被公众知悉的商业秘密; 5.乙方必须严格遵守甲方的保密制度,防止泄露甲方的商业秘密; 6.双方协定竞业限止期的,解除或终止劳动合同后,在竞业限止期内乙方不得到生产同类或经营同类业务且有竞争关系的其他用人单位任职,也不得自己生产与甲方有竞争关系的同类产品或经营同类业务; 7.在劳动合同期内,甲方安排乙方任职涉密岗位,并给予乙方保密津贴;解除或终止劳动合同后,在竞业限止期内,甲方需继续支付乙方保密津贴。 四、保密期限 1.劳动合同期内; 2.甲方的专利技术未被公众知悉期内; 五、解密期限 1.因履行劳动合同约定条件发生变化,乙方要求解除劳动合同的必须以书面形式提前____个月通知甲方,提前期即为脱密期限,由甲方采取脱密措施,安排乙方脱离涉密岗位;乙方应完整办妥涉秘资料的交接工作; 2. 劳动合同终止双方无意续签的,提出方必须以书面形式提前___个月通知对方,提前期即为脱密期限,由甲方采取脱密措施,安排乙方脱离涉密岗位;乙方应该接受甲方的工作安排并完整办妥涉秘资料的交接工作; 3.劳动合同解除或期满终止后,乙方必须信守本协议,不损害甲方利益。 六、保密津贴 1、在劳动合同期内,甲方对乙方保守商业秘密予以保密津贴,甲方按月支付乙方保密津贴人民____ 元/月; 2、解除或终止劳动合同后,在竞业限止期内,经甲乙双方协定竞业限止期为____ 年;


****************** PURCHASE AND SALE CONTRACT Contract No.: ************** This PURCHASE AND SALE CONTRACT made on May 15, 2009 in Beijing city BETWEEN BUYER: ******** Add.: ******* Tel: ****** Fax: ****** AND SELLER: ************* Add.: ************* Tel: ***** Fax: ******* The BUYER is desirous of buying all such molybdenum concentrate from the SELLER. The BUYER confirmed the purchase of the contracted amount from the SELLER in this contract. And where as the BUYER, is desirous of purchasing all such molybdenum concentrate offered by the SELLER. The SELLER is willing to give all his productions and sales in this contract to the BUYER. ----------THE SELLER AND THE BUYER HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS----------- 1.DEFINITIONS Unless specifically stated the following terms in this contract shall refer to and will have the following meaning: Goods shall mean molybdenum concentrate; DMT shall mean dry metric ton; MMT shall mean metal metric ton; MTU shall mean metric ton unit; "Metric Ton" shall mean a ton of 1,000 kilograms or 2,204.62 pounds avoirdupois wet or dry basis as stated; PPM shall mean part per million or 1 gram per Metric Ton. Inspectorate shall mean independent inspectorate as CGL (Central Geological Laboratory, Mongolia) and/or its correspondenc; CIQ (China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Association) and/or its correspondence, CCIC[China Certification & Inspection (Group)Co., LTD] and/or its correspondence, or any independent inspectorate accepted by both parties; T/T shall mean Telegraphic Transfer;

CONTRACT 中英文对照 外贸合同 模板[001]

合同 CONTRACT NO.: DATE: THE BUYER: ADDRESS : TEL: FAX: 买方:地址:THE SELLER: ADDRESS: TEL: FAX: This contract is made by and only works between the buyer and seller, which means the buyer agrees to buy and the seller agrees to sell the product according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 买方与卖方就以下条款达成协议: 1. COMMODITY: Please refer to the detailed breakdown as attached.(as in the appendix)详见清单.(附页)名称及规格单位平均单价数量总价Description UnitAverage unit QtyAmount price (JPY) FOB PORT TOTAL VALUE FOB OSAKA PORT OR KOBE PORT 2. PACKING: The commodity is supposed to be packed with infrangible Export standard packaging that suitable for long distance ocean and land transportation and well protected against dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage or rust damage to the goods that caused by improper packing, and pay for all cost and loss caused by the damage. 包装:必须采用坚固的出口标准包装, 适合于长途海运和陆运,防


保密协议 甲方(员工): 乙方(企业): 鉴于甲方在乙方任职,并获得乙方支付的相应报酬,双方当事人就甲方在任职期间及离职以后保守乙方商业秘密的有关事项,订立下列条款以便共同遵守: 第一条双方确认,甲方在乙方任职期间,因履行职务或者主要是利用乙方的物质技术条件、业务信息等产生的发明创造、技术秘密或其他商业秘密,有关的知识产权均属于乙方享有。乙方可以在其业务范围内充分自由地利用这些发明创造、技术秘密或其他商业秘密,进行生产、经营或者向第三方转让。甲方应当依乙方的要求,提供一切必要的信息和采取一切必要的行动,包括申请、注册、登记等,协助乙方取得和行使有关的知识产权。 上述发明创造、技术秘密及其他商业秘密,有关的发明权、署名权(依照法律规定应由乙方署名的除外)等精神权利由作为发明人、创作人或开发者的甲方享有,乙方尊重甲方的精神权利并协助甲方行使这些权利。 第二条甲方在乙方任职期间所完成的、与乙方业务相关的发明创造、技术秘密或其他商业秘密,甲方主张由其本人享有知识产权的,应当及时向乙方申明。经乙方核实,认为确属于非职务成果的,由甲方享有知识产权,乙方不得在未经甲方明确授权的前提下利用这些成果进行生产、经营,亦不得自行向第三方转让。 甲方没有申明的,推定其属于职务成果,乙方可以使用这些成果进行生产、经营或者向

第三方转让。即使日后证明实际上是非职务成果的,甲方亦不得要求乙方承担任何经济责任。 (详细内容,下载后可以查阅) 甲方申明后,乙方对成果的权属有异议的,可以通过协商解决;协商不成的,通过××市仲裁委员会仲裁解决。 第三条甲方在乙方任职期间,必须遵守乙方规定的任何成文或不成文的保密规章、制度,履行与其工作岗位相应的保密职责。乙方的保密规章、制度没有规定或者规定不明确之处,甲方亦应本着谨慎、诚实的态度,采取任何必要、合理的措施,维护其于任职期间知悉或者持有的任何属于乙方或者虽属于第三方,但乙方承诺有保密义务的技术秘密或其他商业秘密信息,以保持其机密性。 第四条除了履行职务的需要之外,甲方承诺,未经乙方同意,不得以泄露、公布、发布、出版、传授、转让或者其他任何方式使任何第三方(包括按照保密制度的规定不得知悉该项秘密的乙方的其他职员)知悉属于乙方或者虽属于他人但乙方承诺有保密义务的技术秘密或其他商业秘密信息,也不得在履行职务之外使用这些秘密信息。 第五条双方同意,无论甲方因何种原因离职,甲方离职之后仍对其在乙方任职期间接触、知悉的属于乙方或者虽属于第三方,但乙方承诺有保密义务的技术秘密和其他商业秘密信息,承担如同任职期间一样的保密义务和不擅自使用有关秘密信息的义务。 甲方离职后承担保密义务的期限为自离职之日3年内。甲方认可,乙方在支付甲方的工资报酬时,已考虑了甲方离职后需要承担的保密义务,故而无须在甲方离职时另外支付保密费。 第六条甲方承诺,在为乙方履行职务时,不得擅自使用任何属于他人的技术秘密或其他商业秘密,亦不得擅自实施可能侵犯他人知识产权的行为。 若甲方违反上述承诺而导致乙方遭受第三方的侵仅指控时,甲方应当承担乙方为应诉


买方buyer 卖方seller 项目名称Project name 地址address 电话phone 传真fax 联系人contact person 详细货物清单Detail supply list 合同价格Contract value 付款条件payment conditions,payment terms 交货地点delivery place 发货期delivery time 安装条款installation clause 验收条款inspection clause 保证条款guarantee clause

不可抗拒条款Force Majeure Clause 违约条款Breach clause 其他条款Miscellaneous clause 买卖双方信息buyer and seller information a long-term contract 长期合同 a short-term contract 短期合同completion of contract 完成合同contract for future delivery 期货合同contract for goods 订货合同 contract for purchase 采购合同 contract for service 劳务合同 labor contract劳动合同 contract note 买卖合同(证书) contract of arbitration 仲裁合同

contract of carriage /Carriage Contract运输合同Passenger Carriage Contract 客运合同 Cargo Carriage Contract货运合同Technology Contract技术合同 Technology Development Contract技术开发合同Technology Transfer Contract技术转让合同Technical Consulting Contract技术咨询合同Technical Service Contract技术服务合同Safekeeping Contract 保管合同Warehousing Contract仓储合同 Agency Appointment Contract 委托合同Trading-Trust Contract 行纪合同 Brokerage Contract 居间合同 Multi-modal Carriage Contract多式联运合同contract of employment 雇佣合同 contract of insurance 保险合同 contract of sale 销售合同


外贸合同 Contract( sales confirmation) 合同编号(Contract No.): _______________ 签订日期(Date) :___________ 签订地点(Signed at) :___________ 买方:__________________________The Buyer:________________________ 地址:__________________________Address: _________________________电话(Tel):___________传真(Fax):__________ 电子邮箱(E-mail):______________________ 卖方:___________________________The Seller:_________________________地址:___________________________Address: __________________________电话(Tel):_________传真(Fax):___________ 电子邮箱(E-mail):______________________

买卖双方同意按照下列条款签订本合同: The Seller and the Buyer agree to conclude this Contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below: 1. 货物名称、规格和质量(Name, Specifications and Quality of Commodity): 2. 数量(Quantity): 允许____的溢短装(___% more or less allowed) 3. 单价(Unit Price): 4. 总值(Total Amount): 5. 交货条件(Terms of Delivery) FOB/CFR/CIF_______ 6. 原产地国与制造商(Country of Origin and Manufacturers): 7. 包装及标准(Packing): 货物应具有防潮、防锈蚀、防震并适合于远洋运输的包装,由于货物包装不良而造成的货物残损、灭失应由卖方负责。卖方应在每个包装箱上用不褪色的颜色标明尺码、包装箱号码、毛重、净重及“此端向上”、“防潮”、“小心轻放”等标记。 The packing of the goods shall be preventive from dampness, rust, moisture, erosion and shock, and shall be suitable for ocean transportation/ multiple transportation. The Seller shall be liable for any damage and loss of the goods attributable to the inadequate or improper packing. The measurement, gross weight, net weight and the cautions such as "Do not stack up side down", "Keep away from moisture", "Handle with care" shall be stenciled on the surface of each package with fadeless pigment. 8. 唛头(Shipping Marks): 9. 装运期限(Time of Shipment):


This contract is concluded on the 1th day of July 2012 (the “Effective Date”) between(the “Buyer”) and (the “Seller”). (买方)与(卖方)于二零一二年七月一日(生效日期)订立本合同。 1.SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT 合同目的 The Seller agrees to sell and deliver Coal in bulk and the Buyer agrees to purchase and accept delivery of Coal in bulk at the terms and conditions set out below: 根据下述条款与条件卖方同意售卖和运送散装煤炭而买方同意购买及接受散装煤炭。 2.DEFINITIONS 定义 Actual Calorific Value means:实际热值意即the calorific value of the Coal as stated in the final certificate of analysis basis kcal/kg (NAR);载明于最后检验证的煤炭热值 Affiliates means:分支机构意即in relation to any company or corporation, a Subsidiary or Holding Company of that company or corporation or any other Subsidiary of that company or corporation or of that Holding Company; Banking Day and Business Day mean:银行工作日和营业日意即any day except a Saturday or Sunday on which banks in the city of New York, New York, USA, are generally open for the conduct of business; Calorific Value (CV) means:热值(CV)意即 the calorific value of the Coal expressed in BTU/lb or kcal/kg; Holding Company:控股公 司 has the meaning given to it in the definition of Subsidiary; INCOTERMS 2010 means:贸易术语2010意即the 2010 edition of the standard trade definitions published by the International Chamber of Commerce; Kcal/kg means:大卡/公斤 意即 the heating value of coal expressed in kilo-calories per kilogram; Laytime means:装卸时间 意即 the time allowed for discharging the vessel; Laycan means:受载期意即the agreed days during which the vessel shall arrive at the port of discharge for the commencement of discharge; Metric Ton (MT) means: 公吨(MT)意即 1 metric ton of 1,000 kilograms or 2204.6 2 lbs; NAR means:收到的净值Net As Received; Subsidiary means:子公司意即a company or corporation which, in relation to another company or corporation (a “Holding Company”): (a) is controlled, directly or indirectly, by the Holding Company; (b) more than half the issued share capital of which is beneficially owned, directly or indirectly by the Holding Company; or (c) which is a Subsidiary of another Subsidiary of the Holding Company; and for this purpose, a company or corporation shall be treated as being controlled by a Holding Company if the Holding Company is able to direct its affairs and/or to control the


劳动合同保密协议范本 合同编号: 甲方: 法定代表人: 乙方: 身份证号: 甲乙双方就乙方在任职期间及离职以后的保密及竞业限制事宜,达成以下条款,以共同遵守: 注意事项: 用人单位有权采取措施保护商业秘密,但在订立保密协议时应注意不能侵犯劳动者的合法权利劳动者有择业的自由,但在行使权利时同样不得损害用人单位的商业秘密。保密协议跟其它协议一样,首先必须遵循公平、平等原则,才具有法律效力,否则该协议无效。第一条秘密信息 甲乙双方确认:秘密信息是指甲方及其关联公司未曾公开的商业秘密、技术信息和财务信息等,包括但不限于设计、程序、制作工艺、制作方法、管理诀窍、产品或服务的销售网络、销售状况、客户名单、市场开发及售后服务情况、产销策略、招投标中的标底及标书内容。 乙方承认在为甲方工作期间可能直接或间接地通过书面、口头、图表、音像资料等获得或通过观察全部或部分设备、产品等获得这些秘密信息。 甲乙双方同意,上述秘密信息不包含那些非因乙方过错而进入公众领域的公开信息。 第二条保密责任 除履行职务需要之外,未经甲方事先书面同意,乙方不得泄漏、传播、公布、发表、传授、转让、交换或者以其他任何方式使任何第三方(包括无权知悉该项秘密的甲方职员)知悉属于甲方或者属于第三方但甲方承诺有保密义务的商业秘密,也不得在履行职务之外使用这些秘密信息。

第三条保密期限 注意事项: 很多企业通常约定保密期限为任职期间及离职后2至3年,这样的约定会给员工造成误解即离职后过了2至3 年后,可公开或使用商业秘密了,这样的约定是不可取的。因此,企业应区别约定,对商业秘密的保密期限应约定保密期限做为直至该保密信息通过正常途径进入公知领域为止,而不做具体的年限约定;对于一般的保密信息宜约定2年或3年保密期限。双方同意本协议规定的保密期限为自本协议签署之日起至双方劳动关系终止或解除后年内有效。 在保密期限内,乙方无论因何种原因从甲方或甲方关联公司离职,仍须承担如同任职期间一样的保密义务;乙方认可,甲方及甲方关联公司在支付工资报酬时,已考虑了乙方离职后需要承担的保密义务,故而无须在乙方离职时另外支付保密费。 第四条违约责任 注意事项: 根据劳动合同法规定,除了员工违反培训服务期约定或违反竞业限制义务两种情形之外,企业不得与员工约定由员工承担违约金的条款。因此,保密协议中不得约定员工泄露企业商业秘密时应当支付违约金,只能要求员工赔偿由此给企业造成的损失。如果乙方违反本协议的规定,应赔偿甲方全部损失。赔偿范围包括但不限于甲方的名誉损失、直接损失和可得利益的损失,以及调查费用和诉讼费用、律师费用。 乙方违约后还应采取各种合理方法挽回泄密造成的影响,尽可能使秘密信息继续处于保密状态;同时,本协议继续有效。 乙方违反本协议任何条款的行为均视为严重违反劳动纪律和甲方规章制度,无论违约金及损失赔偿金给付与否,甲方均有权不经预告立即解除与甲方的聘用关系。 第五条协议的生效与效力 1、本协议自甲、乙双方签字之日起生效。 2、双方就履行中产生的任何争议,应通过友好协商解决,协商不成,任何一方有权向人民法院提起诉讼。


编号:_____________ 外贸合同 买方:________________________________________________

卖方:___________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日 THE BUYER: 买方: THE SELLER: 卖方: This contract is made by and only works between the buyer and seller, which means the buyer agrees to buy and the seller agrees to sell the product according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 买方与卖方就以下条款达成协议: 1. COMMODITY: Please refer to the detailed breakdown as attached.(as in the appendix)详见清单.(附页)

2. PACKING: The commodity is supposed to be packed with infrangible Export standard packaging that suitable for long distance ocean and land transportation and well protected against dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage or rust damage to the goods that caused by improper packing, and pay for all cost and loss caused by the damage. 包装:必须采用坚固的出口标准包装, 适合于长途海运和陆运,防潮、防震、防锈、耐粗暴搬运。由于包装不良所发生的损失, 由于未采用充分,或不妥善的防护措施而造成的任何锈损, 卖方应负担由此而产生的一切费用和/或损失。 3. SHIPPING MARK: The Sellers shall mark on each package with fadeless paint the package number, gross weight, net weight, measurement and the wordings: "KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE" "HANDLE WITH CARE" "THIS SIDE UP" etc. and the shipping mark: 唛头:卖方应用不褪色的颜料在每个箱子外部 刷上箱号、毛重、净重、尺寸,并注明“防潮”、 “小心轻放”、“此面向上”等,唛头为: 4. TIME OF SHIPMENT(装运期):After 80%T/T Payment


Contract(合同)和Agreement(协议) Contract(合同)和Agreement(协议)是不是可以互换呢? 合同的成立必须具备几个主要因素。它们(要约和承诺构成的)协议、约因、设立法 律关系的愿望和缔约能力四大部分组成。 L.B Curzon编著的“A Diction of Law”提到“Contract generally involves” 1. offer and absolute and unqualified acceptance (要约和绝对接受) 2. consensus ad idem (意思表示一致,也叫meeting of minds) 3. intention to create legal relations (建立合同关系的意愿) 4. genuineness of consent (同意的真实性) 5. contractual capacity of the parties (合同当事人的缔约能力) 6. legality of object(标的物的合法性) 7. possibility of performance (履行的可能性) 8. certainty of terms(条款的确定性) 9. valuable consideration(等价有偿) Black “Law Dictionary” 中解释道:Although often used as synonyms with "contract", agreement is a broader term, e.g. an agreement might lack an essential element of a contact." 即“协议”和“合同”经常用作同义词,但“协议”这一术语含义更广,例如协议可能缺乏合同的必备条款(essential clauses/provisions)。 实际使用当中,协议可不受必备条款的限制,而称为合同的文体肯定少不了必备条款,有的合同将其单列,称为一般条款(General provisions)。 1999中国《合同法》第十二条规定了八项一般条款,分别是: 1. title or name and domicile of the parities(当事人的名称或姓名和住址) 2. contract object(标的) 3. quantity(数量) 4. quality(质量) 5. price or remuneration(价款或者报酬) 6. time limit, place and method of performance (履行期限、地点和方式) 7. liability for breach of contract(违约责任) 8. methods to settle disputes (解决争议的方法) 上述解释说明,contract(合同)和agreement(协议)的概念虽然接近,但使用范围不同,不能互换使用。合同是协议的重要组成部分,所有合同一定是协议,而协议不见得都 是合同。可以说具备合同成立要求的具有强制执行力的协议才是合同。 5.5 如发生对其履行本合同项下还款义务产生重大影响的任何事件(包括但不限于离、结婚,对外投资,承担民事、行政、刑事责任等),应当立即书面通知乙方。 乙方不能将本工程转包、倒卖。一经发现,乙方无条件退出,协议终止,所造成的损 失及法律责任均由乙方承担。

Contract Law 合同法

Contract, as we will use that term, ordinarily connotes an agreement between two or more persons—not merely a shared belief, but a common understanding as to something that is to be done in the future by one or both of them. Sometimes, the term contract is used also to refer to a document—the set of papers in which such an agreement is set forth. For lawyers, contract usually is used to refer to an agreement that has legal effect; that is, it creates obligations for which some sort of legal enforcement will be available if performance is not forthcoming as promised. Thus, it will sometimes be necessary to distinguish among three elements in a transaction, each of which may be called a “contract”: (1) the agreement-in-fact between the parties, (2) the agreement-as-written (which may or may not correspond accurately to the agreement-in-fact), and (3) the set of rights and duties created by (1) and (2). Without trying at this point to state a short but comprehensive definition of law (if that were possible), it is perhaps sufficient to suggest that we will be surveying the ways in which such agreements are made and enforced in our legal system—the role of lawyers and judges in creating contracts, in deciding disputes that may arise with respect to their performance, and in fashioning appropriate remedies for their breach. 当我们使用“合同”一词的时候,通常是说它是一份存在于两方或三方之间的契约。它不是一种简单的信任,而是通常理解为合同的一方或双方在将来要去做的某种事情。有时候,“合同”也用来指一套包括协议的文件。对于律师而言,合同通常是指具有法律效力的协议,即设置了一种法律义务,当某行为没有按照预先约定的那样去履行时,可以依照合同去依法强制履行。因此,有时候,在一次交易中,区分三种不同的因素就变得非常必要,这些因素中的每个因素都可以叫做合同:(1)双方之间的事实合同(2)书面合同,它可能与事实合同不完全一致(3)基于前(1)、(2)两项中合同所产生的权利和义务。 在权利义务问题上,如果情况可以允许,我们可做到不用去努力阐明这种短少但包含法律意义的界定情况,那么它就强烈建议我们在早己设定好的合同和现行法律柜架下的去审视在(订立)创制合同中律师和法官的(角色)作用,他们会解决各方行为引发的争执以及对违约行为以恰当的形式进行补偿。 In the Anglo-American legal system, a great number of things—both tangible and intangible—are susceptible of “ownership.” A bull dozer, a diamond ring, the Empire State Building, “Gone With the Wind”—all may be the “property” of one person or group of persons, which means that the state will protect the right of the“owner” to use, enjoy, and even consume that thing, to the exclusion of all other persons. The first-year property course traditionally focuses on the detailed rules that in Anglo-American law govern the ownership of “real property” (land and the buildings on it), as well as some types of “personal” property, such as “goods” (tangible moveable property). Later you will have the opportunity to explore bodies of law relating to ownership of other, less tangible kinds of property such as copyrights, patents, shares of corporate stock, and negotiable instruments. 在英美法律体系中,很多事物—有形的和无形的—都涉及“所有权”问题。一台推土机、一枚钻戒、帝国大厦、小说《飘》,都可能是一个人或者一些人的财产。这意味着国家将保护所有权人对其所有物的使用、享受甚至是毁灭的权利,同时排除他人对此行为的干涉。按照惯例,第一年的财产课程会侧重于英美法律对财产保护的详细规定,诸如土地和地上物等不动产的所有权的细化性规定。然后,你将会学习到基本是对版权、专利权,股权,可转让票据等无形财产的所有权的法律保护。
