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铁矿石交易合同Iron ore trade contract


Contract Number:


Iron ore trade contract


Contract Number:












For two sides willing to make a deal, buyer and seller sign this contract conforming to following items.


Chapter one: Pricing system


Clause one: For pricing system, both sides agree to use seasonal pricing system (both sides confirm to use seasonal pricing system in 2011).


Chapter two: Price and mount

第二条:双方同意按照同品种---同价格的惯例交易,不按照品位进行分类定价Clause two: Both sides agree to conform to Same breed---Same price, not Same purity---Same price.


Clause three: For iron ore price, both sides agree to increase the price of the 1th quarter in 2011 by 7% on the base of $147/ton in the 4th quarter in 2010. The price is $157.29/ton.


Clause four: The price of clause 3 is FOB price, this price is suitable for shipping lines between Perth port and each one of Tian jin port, Qing dao port and Ri zhao port.


Clause five: Both sides negotiate that buyer import 50 million tons iron ore whose purity is between 62 and 63.5 during the 1 th quarter in 2011。


Chapter three: Shipping cost


Clause six: For shipping cost, both sides hold sino-modle, and cancel financial system; there is increase on the base of the shipping cost of the 4th quarter in 2010, the price keep at $10/ton.


Clause seven: According to clause 6, on discount of shipping cost, the seller will not give discount to the buyer, and the discount will be zero.


Clause eight: The goods will be shipped in batches. The seller decides how many batches.

Goods must be shipped to ports of china during the 1th quarter. The seller assumes the stevedore charges.


Clause nine: The insurance of goods in transportation is assumed by the buyer, the seller won’t assume any responsibilities for the damage made in the transportation.


Chapter four: Price discount

第十条:关于价格涨幅补贴,卖方给予买方优于发达国家多1.5%的优惠Clause ten: For the price increase discount, the seller will give the buyer a favorable discount that is 1.5% higher than that given to developed countries.


Chapter five: Duty to break a contract


Clause eleven: If each one of two sides of contract broke each clause of above-mentioned clauses, deal with it conforming to Contract of penalty.


Clause twelve: If both sides can’t deal with dilemma properly, then submit it to China Maritime Arbitration Committee (CMAC), both sides should accept the arbitration result with no conditions.


Chapter six: Appendix


Clause thirteen: The Contract of penalty belong to this contract, and it also has legal authority.


Buyer : Seller:


Authorized delegate signature Authorized delegate signature


Date Date


Contract Date : 合同日期 Contract Number : 合同编号 SALE & PURCHASE CONTRACT FOR BRAZIL IRON ORE FINES 巴西铁矿石购销合同 This contract (“Contract”) is made and entered into by and between: 这个合同(“合同”)是由以下双方达成: Seller : 卖方 Buyer : 买方 Whereas, the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the below-mentioned goods for Asia, on the terms and conditions stated below: 在此,在下述的情况条件下,买方同意购买,卖方同意销售下文提及的货物,: CLAUSE 1 : DEFINITION 第一条:定义 In this contract, the following terms shall, unless otherwise specifically defined, have the following meanings:在本合同中,除非另有特指,词语均定义如下, (A) "Ore" means Iron Ore Fines of Brazil Origin. “矿石”指的是产地巴西的铁矿石 (B) "U.S. Currency" means the currency of the United States of America freely transferable from and payable to an external account. “美元货币”指的是美国的自由可转让的且可支付外国帐户的货币 (B) "Metric Tonne or MT" means a tonne equivalent to 1,000 Kilogram. 公吨或MT 指的是等于1000千克的一吨。 (D) "Wet basis" means Ore in its natural wet state. “湿吨”指的矿石的自然重量 (E) "Dry basis" means Ore dried at 105 degrees Centigrade. “干吨”指的是105摄氏度干燥后的矿石。 (F) “DMT” means dry Metric Tonne “DMT”指的是干吨重。


合同模板 Contract 合同签订及履约地: Place and Arbitration: 时间 Date and Time: 本合同由买卖双方订立,根据本合同规定的条款,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售下列商品。 This contract is made by the buyer and seller, the purchaser agrees to purchase and the seller agrees to sell the following goods under the terms of this contract. 1.卖方Seller******** 地址Address: Tel: Fax: 2.买方Buyer******** 地址Address:

Tel: Fax: 3.合同标的Subject of the Contract 4. 合同价格Contract Price

5. 支付条款Terms of Payment 5.1. 合同总价,xxxx,000.00 将按下述方式支付给卖方: The total CONTRACT PRICE of xxxx,000.00 shall be paid to SELLER as follows:

合同和发货时间表,允许分批发货。 The L/Cs shall be opened in favor of the SELLER by international commercial banks accepted by the SELLER. Partial shipments shall be allowed according to CONTRACT and delivery schedule. ?涵盖合同金额75 %(百分之柒拾伍)的L/C1将在收到合同项下预付款后5个月内开出,有效期为开证日后23个月。 The L/C1 for 75 % (eighty five) of the CONTRACT PRICE shall be opened within 5 months after receipt of the down payment under this CONTRACT at the latest


进口铁矿石合作协议 协议编号: 甲方:签订时间: 乙方:签定地点: 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律、法规的规定,甲乙双 方本着诚信为本、和谐共赢的原则,在平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的 基础上,经协商一致,就甲方(委托方)委托乙方(受托方)进口铁矿石,达成如下协议: 一、词语定义 1.“本协议”是指经双方签署并生效的协议编号为号进口铁矿石合作协议。 2.书面形式:是指根据协议发生的任何手写、打印、印刷的各种通知、函件、电传、传真和电子邮件等可以有形地表现所载内容的形式。 3.违约责任:是指协议一方不履行协议义务或履行协议义务不符合约定所应承担的责任。 4.不可抗力:是指不能预见、不能避免并不能克服的客观情况。 5.风险:是指由于不可归责于双方当事人的事由而致使货物受毁损、灭失的情形。 6.本协议“元”除另有约定外,均指人民币元。 7.乙方香港关联公司:是指 二、合作模式

甲方委托乙方代理采购进口铁矿石,由甲方指定国外供应商和进口 铁矿石品种和货物规格。甲方负责采购、清关、堆存和销售等实际操作 环节。乙方不承担铁矿石市场的价格波动风险,负责运输至武安保税 区。根据甲方付款方式,乙方或乙方香港关联公司与供应商签订合同。 甲方提货时向乙方支付所提货物全额货款和资金使用费,乙方收取约定 的资金使用费作为收益,收益在货物购销差价中体现。 三、货物详情 供应商、货物名称、产地、货物规格(合同典型值指标,干基)、价格、合同数量、装运期及卸货港(卸货港不可变更地为黄骅港)均由甲方指定并经乙方同意。 四、甲方权利与义务(不以所列责任为限) 1. 甲方授权并同意乙方或乙方香港关联公司签署开立信用证所需的对应进口合同,甲方对乙方或乙方香港关联公司与供应商签订的贸易合同条款负全部责任,对应进口合同所有条款均适用于本协议。 2. 甲方确保本协议所述全部代购事项合法,对乙方依本协议规定所有的代理采购行为承担法律责任;承担本协议以及购货合同履行过程中的货物风险(包括但不限于代购货物市场跌价风险,代购货物毁损、灭失风险等);承担在本协议及购货合同履行过程中产生的,非由乙方重大过错引起的一切损失;对乙方因依本协议规定所有的代理采购行为而产生的损失负全额赔偿责任。同时甲方享有货物相关的所有相应收益权。 3. 供货商(初步拟定为淡水河谷、FMG和印度BAGADIYA BROTHERS PVT LTD.)及货源是由甲方指定,甲方应自行对该供货商资信、代购货物质量以及代购货物的所有权等权利状况负责,并无条件按代购货物采购后的现状接受代购货物,且应自行承担代购货物流通过程


铁矿石购销合同 篇一:矿石买卖 铁矿石买卖合同 合同编号:2010(41)甲方(需方):工贸集团有限公司 乙方(供方):有限公司 双方依据平等互利的原则,经协商达成如下矿石买卖合同。 一、产品名称、发货地点、数量、品味、矿价、运费表一 二、交货地点、费用的负担: 1 ?交货地点:到甲方指定料场 2 ?费用负担:由乙方承担运费。 三、验收方式及提出异议期限: 1?矿石质量以乙方发货料场化验分析的数据为准,若对方化验分析的数据持有异议,应在收到数据后五天内提出,并附样品送昆钢质检中心检验,所产生的费用由提出的异议方承担。 四、供矿要求: 1 ?计量以乙方发货料场内的电子磅秤过磅数量为准。 2 ?因由乙方组织运输,若在运输过程中发生各种事故及由此造成的一切损失,责任由乙方承担。 五、结算方式: 1 ?每月以乙方发货数量统计,经双方核对签字认可后,按10%水份扣除后以干 基量结算一次。 2 ?自合同签发后乙方实行先发货后收款原则。 六、违约责任: 1 ?甲、乙双方应严格履行合同,一方违约,对方有权单方终止合同,并要求对方支付本合同总金额15%勺违约金。 2.产品质量异议,双方协调处理。 七、解决合同纠纷方式:

1 ?甲、乙双方协商处理。 2 ?通过诉讼解决,但凡因本合同引起的诉讼由甲方所在地法院管辖。 八. 其他: 1.因市场情况发生变化,合同双方可另行协商并签订补充协议进行调整,补充 协议及传真件与本合同具有同等法律效力。 2 ?本合同由双方签字后生效,有效期为2010年8月14日至2011年8月 14日,本合同一式俩份,甲乙双方各执一份。 甲方(盖章):集团有限公司乙方(盖章):有限公司 法人(或委托代理人)签字:法人(或委托代理人)签字:单位地址:单位 地址: 电话:电话:开户行:开户行:账号:账号: 篇二:中英文对照铁矿砂购销合同 sale & purchase con tract for iron ore 铁矿砂购销合同 con tract no. / 合同号:2012-lkb con tract date / 合同日期: ___________________ royal world in ternatio nal ltd. 皇华国际有限公司 a compa ny fully registered and addressed at unit 202, 2nd fl., block b, chung mei cen tre, 15 hing yip street, kwun tung, kowlo on, hong kong) represented by its chairman ceo and full power of attorney mr. roger m.t. chong. 以董事长roger m.t. chong 代表该公司,并作为卖方,其注册地址位于香港 九龙兴业街,15号,中美中心b座,2 楼202室)。 xx xxx limited () a compa ny fully registered and addressed at xxxxxx, represe nted by its chairma n ceo and full power of attor ney mr. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. 以董事长xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 代表该公司,并作为卖方,其注册地址位xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx this con tract ( here in after known as “ con tract ” / 以下称为“合同”)


中英文进口合同范本 以下是关于《中英文进口合同范本》,供大家学习参考! Purchase Contract 合同编号(Contract No.): _______________ 签订日期(Date) :___________ 签订地点(Signed at) :___________ 买:__________________________ The Buyer:________________________ 地址:__________________________ Address: _________________________ 电话(Tel):___________传真(Fax):__________ 电子邮箱(-mail):______________________ 卖:___________________________ The Seller:__________________

_______ 地址:___________________________ Address: __________________________ 电话(Tel):_________传真(Fax):___________ 电子邮箱(-mail):______________________ 买卖双同意按照下列条款签订本合同: The Seller and the Buyer agree to conclude this Contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below: . 货物名称、规格和质量: . 数量: 允许____的溢短装 . 单价: . 总值: . 交货条件(Terms of Delivery) FOB/CFR/CIF_______ . 原产地国与制造商(Country of Origin and Manufacturers):


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 代理铁矿进口协议 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________ 说明:本合同资料适用于约定双方经过谈判、协商而共同承认、共同遵守的责任与 义务,同时阐述确定的时间内达成约定的承诺结果。文档可直接下载或修改,使用 时请详细阅读内容。

甲方(委托人):乙方(受托人): 甲乙双方经友好协商,签订本委托代理合同。 第一条委托与接受 在本合同的有效期内,甲方全权委托乙方作为在越南采购本合同第二条项下货物的代理人,乙方同意接受上述委托,代表甲方对外签订和执行本合同项下货物的进口合同。 第二条代理货物 )丁与代理货物名称含量 |数量 (吨) 价格(元/ 吨)] 1褐铁矿 Fe > 50% SiO2< 3.5% AL2O3= 2.0% SV 0.03% PV 0.04% AsV 0.01% 1000吨以上 2磁铁矿 Fe > 55% SiO2< 3.5% AL2O3= 2.0% SV 0.03% PV 0.04% AsV 0.01% 1000吨以上 第三条双方的权利和义务 (一)甲方的权利和义务 1、负责海关通关、活关等手续,货物到达中国口岸后产生的一切费用包括税、费均有甲方自行负责。 2、负责办理本合同项下货物的有效进口手续和批件。 3、明确商务条款的有关条款(包括货物的价格、运输方式、交货时间、交货地点的选择等) 4、负责协助乙方在越南采购铁矿石的价格指导及质量鉴定。 5、负责在货物到达中国后支付由乙方垫付的货款及代理费。 5、负责货物在中国境内的一切事宜,包括运输、票据、货款支付等。 (二)乙方的权利和义务: 1、负责与越方签订进口订单,并对所供货物的质量负责。 2、负责执行进口合同中的商务工作,办理对外支付货款等有关事宜。 3、负责向甲方及时报告对外业务的进展情况,履行相关的通知义务。 4、在执行合同的过程中,负责与外商联系并在与甲方协商后处理与商务有关的事宜。 5、负责处理合同执行过程中索赔事宜。 6、负责货物在越南境内的一切事宜,包括运输、货款支付等。货物到达中国境内的相关事宜由第四条货款 乙方与越方协商相应的货款,货款需由甲方确认,并由乙方先行代甲方支付,货物


YOUR LOGO 铁矿石买卖合同范本正式版 After The Contract Is Signed, There Will Be Legal Reliance And Binding On All Parties. And During The Period Of Cooperation, There Are Laws To Follow And Evidence To Find 专业合同范本系列,下载即可用

铁矿石买卖合同范本正式版 使用说明:当事人在信任或者不信任的状态下,使用合同文本签订完毕,就有了法律依靠,对当事人多方皆有约束力。且在履行合作期间,有法可依,有据可寻,材料内容可根据实际情况作相应修改,请在使用时认真阅读。 卖方:____________ 地址:____________ 电话:_____________ 传真:____________ 开户行:___________ 帐号:____________ 税号:_____________ 买方:____________ 地址:____________ 电话:_____________ 传真:____________ 开户行:___________ 帐号:____________ 税号:_____________ 买卖双方本着平等自愿、公平互利的原则,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律、法规的规定订立本合同,经双方友好协商,卖方同意销售,买方同意购买由卖方提供的铁矿粉,并且双方一致同意严格履行本合同如下条款: 一、品名:铁矿粉 技术指标:Fe 64。5%(最小) 水份:10%(最大) 二、交货期:款到交货。 三、数量:5000吨(+/-10%) 四、交货地点:卖方货场。 五、价格及价格调整:


合同书 Contract 甲方: Party A: 乙方: Party B: 合同名称: Name of contract: 合同编号: Contract No.:

此合同由如下双方签定 The contract shall be signed by two parties as following: 1、(以下简称甲方) (hereinafter referred to as Party A) 2、(以下简称乙方) (hereinafter referred to as Party B) 此项目经甲乙双方友好协商,按国家经济合同法,现达成协议,其条款如下:The project is friendly negotiated by two parties according to national economic contract law. Now the agreement is reached with articles as following: 一、合同价格Contract amount 合同总金额为人民币(含17%增值税)xxx元。(大写:xxx)。 The total amount of the contract is xxxRMB (including 17% VAT) (in words: xxx). 二、工作范围Working scope 三、付款方式与条件Payment terms and conditions 3.1、合同生效后,甲方预付合同总价的30%。 Party A shall pay 30% of the total contract amount as down payment after the contract is signed and valid. 3.2、完成预验收后,乙方向甲方开具相应的发票,甲方预付合同总价的30%。 After the pre-acceptance, Party A shall pay 30% of the total amount against the invoice issued by Party B. 3.3、在最终客户完成终验收,甲方预付合同总价的30%。 Party A shall pay 30% of the total contract amount after the final customer’s final acceptance. 3.4、质保期为1年,年满后付合同总价的10%。 After the warranty period of 1 year, the last 10% of the total amount shall be paid. 3.5、合同金额包含往来运费。 The total contract amount shall include all transportation fees.


编号:_______________ 本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打 印,感谢您的下载 国际贸易合同中英文对照版 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

英文进口合同范本-- 合同编号(Contract No.): 签订日期(Date) : ________________

m 甘售 inr (signed a ° ________ __ The Buyer _________________________________________

Address- C >5H (T E _) -—— ________ f 火客a (E —ma=H ___________________________

卖方: The Seller: 地址: Address: 电话(Tel):_ 传真(Fax): 电子邮箱(E-mail):

买卖双方同意按照下列条款签订本合同: The Seller and the Buyer agree to conclude this Contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below: 1. 货物名称、规格和质量( Name, Specifications and Quality of Commodity ): 2. 数量(Quantity ): 允许的溢短装( % more or less allowed ) 3. 单价(Unit Price ): 4. 总值(Total Amount ):


编号:HL202055298 进口铁矿石代理合同协议书模板 The content of this contract is only a reference for both parties. You must read the listed terms carefully when using it. The content of the contract will be adjusted according to the actual situation of both parties and should not be directly applied. 甲方:_______________________ 乙方:_______________________ 签订日期:_____年____月_____日

进口铁矿石代理合同 甲方:____冶金有限责任公司 乙方:________________公司 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关规定,经甲、乙双方认真友好协商,双方本着自愿、平等、公平、信用、互利互惠的原则达成共识,为明确双方的 权利和义务关系。现就甲方向乙方出让进口铁矿代理事项,特订立如下代理合同: 一、合作方式和期限 1.甲方向乙方保证十万吨铁矿石进口海关报关指标,供乙方向缅甸进口铁矿石使用,甲方每吨进口指标向乙方收取60元的手续费。合同总价款为600 万元。 2.合作方式委托代理,甲方与缅甸第一特区政府合作开采铁矿石,委托乙方办理境外通关事宜及境内报关报检手续,首批为一万吨,可以分次入境。 3.期限自本协议签字之日起至十万吨铁矿报关运输完止,如甲、乙双方合作愉快,可继续合作,但需另行签字代理协议。 二、甲方的权利和义务 1.甲方拥有进口铁矿石的所有权及独立的开采权、销售权。


Sale & Purchase Contract for Iron Ore 铁矿砂购销合同 Contract No. / 合同号: 2012-LKB Contract Date /合同日期: _______________ The Seller / 卖方( hereinafter known as “Seller” / 以下称为“卖方” ): Royal World International Ltd.皇华国际有限公司 A company fully registered and addressed at Unit 202, 2nd Fl., Block B, Chung Mei Centre, 15 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tung, Kowloon, Hong Kong) represented by its Chairman CEO and full power of attorney Mr. Roger M.T. Chong. 以董事长Roger M.T. Chong 代表该公司, 并作为卖方, 其注册地址位于香港九龙兴业街, 15号, 中美中心B座, 2 楼202室)。 The Buyer/ 买方( hereinafter known as “Buyer” / 以下称为“买方” ): XX XXX Limited () A company fully registered and addressed at xxxxxx, represented by its Chairman CEO and full power of attorney Mr. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. 以董事长xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 代表该公司, 并作为卖方, 其注册地址位xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx。 This Contract ( hereinafter known as “Contract” / 以下称为“合同” ) is made by and between the Seller and the Buyer whereby the Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the under mentioned Product, on the terms and conditions stated below: 买卖双方同意按照本合同下列规定条款和条件交易: Clause-1 Commodity / 条款-1 商品名称 Latin American / el Salvador and Honduras iron ore ( hereinafter known as “Product” / 以 下称为“货物” ) according to the specifications in clause three(3): Iron ore of Fe 63.5% on dry basis. 拉丁美洲/ 薩爾瓦多和洪都拉斯铁矿砂按条款(3)所定之品质规格: 铁矿砂含铁量为63.5%干基。 Clause- 2 Order Quantity and Shipment / 条款-2 合同数量和装船 Total quantity: 50,000 DMT ( Fifty Thousand Dry Metric Tons +/-5%) 合同总数量: 50,000干公吨± 5%。


汉译英 1.卖方将尽力在交货期内包装好所有货物。 The seller will endeavor to complete all packaging within time for the delivery date. 2.买方承担在货物运输和销售中的成本和费用。32 The buyer is responsible for the costs and charges incurred in the sale and transport of the goods. 3.卖方将一次性发送货物。到交货地的运输方式将由卖方决定。33 The seller will deliver the goods in a single shipment. The mode of transport to the point of delivery is at the seller’s discretion. 4.卖方应尽一切努力启运货物以便能及时交货。 The seller will make every effort to commence transport of the goods so that they will arrive by the delivery date. 5.如果推迟交货,卖方应立即告知买方推迟交货,预定的交货期和耽搁的理由。 If there is any delay, the seller will immediately notify the buyer of the delay, the expected time for delivery, and the reason for the delay. 买方有权就新的交货日期与卖方进行重新磋商,双方将以书面形式在协议上写下所做出的修改。或者,买方有权通知卖方终止合同。 The buyer will then have the option to renegotiate with the seller for a new delivery date, which the parties will confirm in writing as a modification to this agreement, or to notify the seller that the agreement is terminated. 6.为了自己的利益,买方将为运输中的货物投保。34 The buyer will obtain and pay, on its own account, for all insurance on the goods while in transit. 7.在货物运输前,保险人将把保险证明,如保单或由保险人所出具的其他证明交给买方。 Evidence of this insurance, in the form of a copy of the policy or other statement provided by the insurer, will be provided to the buyer before the goods are shipped. 8.买卖双方为自己的利益为货物所投保的险种将由其自行负担费用。 Each party is responsible for obtaining on its own account any other insurance coverage for the goods that he may desire. 9.如果买方已向卖方付款,在货物到达纽约港时货物的所有权将转移至买方。 Title to the goods will pass to the buyer at the time the goods are delivered to New York port provided the buyer has transmitted payment to the seller by that time. 10.如果延迟装运是由于买方无法及时提供此类证据,在这种情况下,卖方不违约。 If shipment is delayed because the buyer fails to furnish such proof timely, the seller will not be deemed to have breached the contract. 11.买方同意货物被运送到美国,并同意货物不会被运往其它国家。买方也不会在货物到达美国后再出口。 The buyer covenants that the goods will be shipped to and delivered in US and that the buyer will not ship or deliver the goods to any other country, nor will the buyer re-export the goods after delivery in US. 12.买方有权在卖方的营业地检验或让其代理人检验货物。36 The buyer is entitled to inspect, or to have its agent inspect, the goods at the seller’s place of business. 13.在交货后90天内,卖方可免费为买方换任何有瑕疵的货物,由此所产生的运输费用由卖方承担。 Within 90 days after delivery, the seller will replace free of charges, including the cost of transportations, any part of the goods found defective. 14.卖方应补偿买方任何由此类诉讼所承担的责任、支付的赔偿、花费及诉讼费用。37 The seller will indemnify the buyer against any liability, damage, or expenses incurred in connection with any such suit and will pay any judgment entered against the buyer in such suit. 15.这一协议的生效条件是:买方获得美国政府部门签发的进口许可证,卖方获得中国政府部门签发的出口许可证。38 This agreement is subject to the issuance of an import license to the buyer by the appropriate agency of US government and the issuance of an export license to the seller by the appropriate agency of China government. 16.如果任何一方通知另一方不想或不能履行协议,收到通知的一方有权撤销协议。 If either party notifies the other party that it will not, or is unable to, perform this agreement the party receiving notices is entitled to cancel the agreement. 17.为了使撤销有效,撤销的一方应通知另一方协议已撤销。撤销的日期是收到不履行协议通知的日期。 To make the cancellation effective, the party seeking to cancel must give notice to the other party that the agreement is deemed canceled. The date of the cancellation will be the date on which the party receives the notice of the nonperformance.


CONTRACT 合同号Contract 日期Date: 地点:Place: 卖方:The Seller: 地址:Address: TEL: FAX: 买方:The Buyer: 地址:Address: TEL: FAX: 本合同由买卖双方缔结,按照下述条款,卖方同意售出,买方同意购进以下商品: The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the under mentioned goods subject to terms and conditions set forth hereinafter as follows: 1.商品名称及规格NAME OF COMMODITY AND SPECIFICATION: 2.数量QUANTITY: 3.单价(包装费包括在内)UNIT PRICE (PACKING CHARGES INCLUDE): 4.总值: TOTAL VALUE: USD 5.包装(适于海洋运输)PACKING (SEAWORTHY):

6.生产国别及制造商COUNTRY OF ORIGIN & MANUFACTURE: 7.装运时间:TIME OF SHIPMENT: 8.装运口岸:PORT OF LOADING: 9.目的口岸:PORT OF DESTINATION: 10.装运唛头:SHIPPING MARKS 11.付款条件:Terms of Payment A. 买方于装运时间前天通过银行开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的信用证,卖方在装船启运后凭本合同条款12所列单据在开证银行已付货款。信用证有效期为装船后15天截止。 A. days prior to the time shipment, the Buyer shall open with the Bank of , an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favour of the Seller payable at the issuing Bank against presentation of the shipping documents as stipulated under Clause 12 of this Contract after departure of the carrying vessel. The said Letter of Credit shall remain in force till the 15th days after shipment. B. L/C AT SIGHT 见票即付信用证(或者根据实际情况改为TT) 12.装运单据Shipping Documents: DETAILED IN THE L/C 按信用证所列 13.延期交货及罚款:除不可抗拒原因外,如卖方不能如期交货,买方有权撤销或解除该订单,或经买方同意在卖方缴纳罚款的条件下延期交货。买方可同意给予卖方天优惠期。每迟延一天卖方需向买方支付订单总价款%的违约金。罚款自第天起计算。 Delayed Delivery and Penalty: Should the Sellers fail to effect delivery on time as stipulated in this Order owing to causes other than Force Majeure as provided for in Clause 11 of this Order, the Buyers shall have the right to cancel or terminate the order .The Sellers may, with the Buyers’consent, postpone delivery on payment of penalty to the Buyers. The Buyers may agree to grant the Sellers a grace period of days. Delay each day, the Seller need to pay % of the price (the compensation)to the Buyer. Penalty shall be calculated from the 16th day. 13、仲裁:凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,均应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会天津国际经济金融仲裁中心,按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。 Arbitration: Any dispute arising from or in connection with this CONTRACT shall be submitted to CIETAC Tianjin International Economic and Financial Arbitration Center for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission’s arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral awards is final and binding upon all parties 。 14. 商检条款INSPECTION:


铁矿石交易合同 Iron ore trade contract 合同编号:宝钢集团---力拓集团1118 Contrac tNumber:BAOSTEEL---Rio Tindo1118

合同编号:宝钢集团---力拓集团1118 Contract Number: BAOSTEEL---Rio Tindo1118 日期:2011年11月18日 Date: 11/18/2011 卖方:澳大利亚力拓集团 Seller:Rio Tindo group Australia 电话(Tel):86-22-66201637 传真(Fax):86-22-66201640 买方:宝钢集团 Buyer: BAOSTEEL 电话(Tel):86-21-63333322 传真(Fax):86-21-62875068 鉴于买方同意购买且卖方同意销售下述商品,买方和卖方根据下列条款签订本合同: For two sides willing to make a deal, buyer and seller sign this contract conforming to following items.

第一章定价模式 Chapter one: Pricing system 第一条:关于定价模式,双方同意以季节定价模式成交,即双方确定2011年度第四季度采用季节定价模式。 Clause one: For pricing system, both sides agree to use seasonal pricing system (both sides confirm to use seasonal pricing system in the 4th quarter in 2011). 第二章价格和成交量 Chapter two: Price and mount 第二条:双方同意按照同品种---同价格的惯例交易,不按照品位进行分类定价Clause two: Both sides agree to conform to Same breed---Same price, not Same purity---Same price. 第三条:关于铁矿石价格,双方同意在2011年第四季度价格在2011年第三季度__美元/吨的基础上涨__%,即价格为__美元/吨。 Clause three: For iron ore price, both sides agree to increase the price of the 4th quarter in 2011 by __% on the base of $__/ton in the 3th quarter in 2011. The price is $__/ton. 第四条:就第三条款达成的价格是离岸价,该价格应用于澳大利亚伯斯港与中国天津港,青岛港,日照港任一港口之间的航线。 Clause four: The price of clause 3 is FOB price, this price is suitable for shipping lines between Perth port and each one of Tian jin port, Qing dao port and Ri zhao port. 第五条:双方商定买方于2011年第四季度进口__万吨品位在62到63.5之间的铁矿石。 Clause five: Both sides negotiate that buyer import __million tons iron ore whose purity is between 62 and 63.5 during the 4 th quarter in 2011。 第三章:海运费 Chapter three: Shipping cost 第六条:关于海运费,双方认同中国模式,取消金融机制;在2011年第三季度的海运费基础上不再涨价,价格维持在__美元/吨。 Clause six: For shipping cost, both sides hold sino-modle, and cancel financial system; there is increase on the base of the shipping cost of the 3th quarter in 2011, the price keep at $__/ton. 第七条:根据第六条,在海运费补贴上,卖方不再予以卖方海运费补贴,即海运费补贴比零。 Clause seven: According to clause 6, on discount of shipping cost, the seller will not give discount to the buyer, and the discount will be zero. 第八条:货物分批次发运,批次由卖方决定,货物在第四季度内发运至中国港口,港口装卸费用由卖方承担。 Clause eight:The goods will be shipped in batches. The seller decides how many batches. Goods must be shipped to ports of china during the 4th quarter. The seller assumes the stevedore charges. 第九条:货物运输途中保险由买方承担,卖方不承担货物途中造成损失的任何责
