当前位置:文档之家› 房屋租赁合同中英文



Apartment Rental Contract

一、出租(Landlord): (以下简称甲方referred as Party A in the contract body

below):___________ 身份证号(ID Card#):____________________;

二、承租方(Tenant): (以下简称乙方referred as Party B in the contract body below):

__________________________ 护照号(Passport#): _____________;

为保障甲、乙双方的合法利益,经双方同意,签订合同。In order to protect the legal advantage for both parties, the Landlord (Party A) and the Tenant (Party B) have reached the agreements as below.


甲方同意将大连市_______________________________________的房屋(建筑面积_____平方米)及其设备(详见附件家具清单)在可以正常使用的情况下租给乙方作为居住使用。Party A has agreed to rent out the apartment #______________________ ,

_________________________________(Location) (floor space is approximately _____ square meters), as well as the furniture to Party B for living purpose. Furniture details should be referred to the separate list.

四、租赁期限(Rent Term/Period)

1. 租赁期限为_____年。自_____年____月__日起至___年___月____日止。Rent Term/Period is ______ year(s), starting from _______________till _______________.

2. 租赁期满,甲方有权收回房屋,乙方应如期交还;如乙方欲继续承租该房屋,须

在租赁满一个月前以书面形式向甲方提出续租申请,甲乙双方可另行协商续租事宜。After the Rent Term/Period, Party A has full rights to take back the apartment, and Party B should move out with personal belongings. If Party B wants to renew the

rental contract of the apartment, Party B needs to formally contact Party A one

month in advance for further discussion.


1. 该房屋的月租金为人民币(大写)__________圆整。The Rent for this apartment is RMB ________ per month.

2. 租赁期间,该房屋的取暖费和物业费由甲方承担;水、电、煤气、数字电视、宽




房租里扣除。Party A will afford the heating fee and management Fee; Party B will

afford the water, gas, electricity, internet, TV, telephone fees if there is any during

the Rent Term/Period. During the Rent Term/Period of this apartment, if there is any fee which is not listed in the contract, but collected by the government and is related to Party B’s livi ng purpose, Party B will afford.

For any other fee that occurred before the contract period that should be afforded

by Party A but paid by Party B, Party B should deduct the amount of money from the rent.

3. 租金的结算方式(Rent settlement)


The payment method for the rent is agreed as per option __ below:

1)支付方式为乙方在合同规定缴纳房租日期之前现金当面支付甲方;Cash payment in person no later than the below agreed timeline.


号:)Payment will be processed through bank transfer no later than the below agreed timeline. Party A Bank name ___________________ Party A Beneficiary name __________________ Party A Bank Account number


共分______次付款______________ (Payment schedule: ____________________)


_______日的租金,总共合计(大写)__________________圆整(¥________元)Payment time: Payment Period: Payment



_______日的租金,总共合计(大写)__________________圆整(¥________元)Payment time: Payment Period: Payment



_______日的租金,总共合计(大写)__________________圆整(¥_________元)Payment time: Payment Period: Payment



_______日的租金,总共合计(大写)__________________圆整(¥_________元)Payment time: Payment Period: Payment


六、履约保证金(Security Deposit)


Security deposit is One month’s rent and the amount is ________________.

2. 该保证金用作保证乙方履行本合同所确定的相关义务,如乙方违反合同约定,甲



到甲方通知后十日内补足,否则甲有权解除合同。The Security Deposit is to make sure Party B fulfill the relevant obligations identified in the contract. If Party B

breaches the contract terms, Party A could use the Security Deposit for the unpaid

rent,damages, compensation and other related costs.

