当前位置:文档之家› 三方代理协议英文



________________________________________________ _

________________________________________________ _


___________________________________________ Among

[ Factory]


[ Abroad Agency]


[ Domestic Agency]

Month , Year

CONSULTANCY SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT ___________________________________

This Consultancy Service Agreement reached on Month Date, Year (hereinafter

referred to as this “Agreement”)


[Factory] (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”), a limited liability company incorporated

and registered in the People's Republic of China with legal address of

____________________________________, represented by its president _____________


(hereinafter referred to as “Party B”) a company incorporated and registered [Abroad Agency]in ______________________________, legal represented by______________

[Domestic Agency](hereinafter referred to as “Party C”) a company incorporated and

registered in the People's Republic of China with legal address of , ________________ legal

represented by its General Manager ____________

Party A , Party B and Party C shall be hereinafter individually referred to as a “Party”and

collectively referred to as the “Parties”.


intends to appointand as its local Consultant for the Party B AWHEREAS Party CParty



“___________________________________________________________________ __________

(hereinafter referred to as Project),conducted by


(hereinafter referred to as Project Owner), to be executed in ________(hereinafter referred to

as the “Place”),and Party B and Party C intends to accept such appointment from Party A。

WHEREAS the Parties wish to set forth certain detailed rules of cooperation between them

in a binding written document;

NOW THEREFORE, the Parties hereby agree to be bound by the following terms and

conditions in the course of their cooperation under this Agreement:

Clause 1

Nature of relationship between the Parties

1.1 It is expressly understood and agreed between the Parties that by entering into this

Agreement, it does not mean to form or establish any partnership or other form of business

association between the Parties hereto and each Party shall remain a separate entity from

the other Party.

1.2 During the validity period of this Agreement, Party B and party C shall not work for any

third party that intends to win the bid for the Contract or otherwise pursuit the Contract of

the same Project agreed by the Parties to be pursuit by Party A.

Clause 2

Scope of Consultancy Service

2.1 Party A hereby appoints Party B and part C to act as its Consultant for”CONSULTANCY

”project ___________________________________________SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR ”

and Party B and part C accepts such appointment from Party A in accordance with the

terms and conditions specified under this Agreement。

Clause 3

Obligations of Party B

3.1 In this Agreement, and during the tender, Party B shall:

a.) Advise on the strategies and tactics of its participation in the public tendering process,or selected invitation for contract negotiation so as to enable Party A to develop a

competitive and viable qualification application or tender for the Project. 2) During the

bidding stage and bid evaluation stage, Party B shall be responsible for communicating with

project office, providing guidance to technical and commercial documents and assist in

winning the bid.

b. Provide Party A with timely advice as to the best and possible actions to be taken or

followed by Party A at different stages so as to enable Party A to respond to the requirements of the Project owner (hereinafter referred as the “Employer”) and/or

different situations in a timely and correct manner, during the tender process. c) Collect, gather and provide Party A for its consideration all available information in

respect of the tender process from various sources, including but not limited to information

relating to the Employer, the government authorities involved, and the local or other

international participants.

d) Review and assist Party A in completion of the formats (Annexes to be filled by Tenderers) included in the Tender Documents issued by the Employer to ensure the

formats, as completed by Party A, comply with the Contractor's requirements and practices.

However, Party A may, if it deems necessary, contract an external attorney to verify whether

Party A's documentation in this respect satisfies the tender requirements and conforms to

the laws and regulations of the territory, in which case, Party A will directly cover this

attorney's fees.

e) Assist Party A to collect and sort out price, market and legal information (regulations,

laws, by-laws and decrees, etc.) on customs clearance, import & export of equipment, plant

and materials, land transportation and marine shipment, etc. Party B recommends to hire

specialists for this purpose. Party B will assist in recommending these specialists to Party A,

and also provide its opinion when requested. Costs will be on Party A.

f) Assist Party A to collect and sort out information related to recruitment, employment and

dismissal of local staff and laborers (including but not limited to laws and regulations and

trade practices on salary, wages, overtime compensations, welfare, social insurance and

medical insurance, income taxes, etc.); Party B will assist in the manner of recommending

the specialist for this purpose, and will provide its opinion when requested. Costs will be on

Party A.

g) Assist Party A to collect and sort out information and regulations on expatriate staff

working in the territory for similar project (including but not limited to entry visa,

work/residence permit, income and other taxes, fees and dues to be paid by the expatriate

employees and the company, etc.); Party B will assist in the manner of recommending the

specialist for this purpose, and will provide its opinion when requested. Costs will be on

Party A.

h)Assist Party A to collect and sort out information of local taxations including custom

duties, royalties, stamp dues, income taxes and any other taxes, fees, dues or levies imposed

by governmental agencies, semi-governmental entities or non-governmental bodies in

relation to the performance of the Contract for the Project. Party B will provide basic

information. Specific information may be provided by specialists, or specific local personnel

hired by Party A.

i)Assist Party A to collect and sort basic out price information of fuel, gas, electricity, water

and local materials, equipment and products, etc. as per the requirement of Party A;

j)Assist Party A to obtain basic information on project insurance, including identifying,

recommending local insurance companies, collecting law, by-law and regulations in respect

of insurance for execution and performance of Contract for the Project;

K)Promote Party A to the Employer and relative government authorities of the Territory as

well as local engineering and construction communities so as to gain Party A a favorable

and positive position to pursue the Contract for the Project.

l) Coordinate and keep close contact with the Employer and Party A so as to keep Party A

updated of the developments and/or changes in the tendering process;

m) Track and keep Party A informed of the actions of the Employer and, if possible, of

potential participants and competitors.

n) Advise Party A and providing Party A with business intelligence in its negotiations with

the Employer, the relevant government authorities of the Territory and any other relevant

parties in the tendering process for the Project.

0) Support in the actions for opening the technical and financial proposals. Party

B shall

participate with Party A in these events and advice Party A as to responses to any Employer's questions or concerns;

P) Assist Party A as to printing, binding and packaging of Party A's tender documentations;

q) Advise Party A to get the necessary formalities and documents to come to the territory,

including entrance visa, labor visas and work permits, recommend travel plans. r) Coordinate visits and schedule meetings for Party A's executives in the Territory, as well

as public relations activities. It is stated that this duty has begun; Party B has

provided the


s) Advising the Party A in having any bank guarantee or other forms of guarantees, issued

by Party A relating to Project.


In addition to the above, Party B shall also render business intelligence services concerning the tendering process and concerning signing of Contract with the Contractor in

relation to the Project. Before the Contractor or any governmental and


agencies or entities intervene in the Project, advise Party A in advance to take prompt

actions and damage/risk-control strategies, and assist Party A by continuously providing

liaison services in connection with the different stages of the Project. Services to be

rendered to Party B by Party A under this Agreement will be hereinafter referred to as the

“Consultancy Services”.


Unless otherwise expressly stipulated herein, all costs and expenses incurred by Party B in the course of providing Consultancy Services under this Agreement shall be


costs certain incur to B Party entrusts A Party if However, B. Party by born solely expenses with express prior written consent to reimburse Party B, Party A will subsequently reimburse Party B according to such consent. For the avoidance of doubt, in

the absence of such express prior written consent, no subsequent reimbursement will be

made by Party A.


Party B shall, and shall ensure that its employees through whom it provides the Consultancy Services will, comply strictly with all applicable laws, national and local

regulations in connection with the provision of the Consultancy Services. Party A shall not

be responsible for any acts of Party B , which violate laws of Ethiopia(place). In the event

of Party A incurs any loss or cost due to illegal act above of Party B, Party B shall


独家代理协议 Exclusive Age ncy Agreeme nt 本协议于_______ 年_____ 月____ 日在_______ (地点)由有关双方在平等互利基础上 达成,按双方同意的下列条件发展业务关系: This agreeme nt is made and en tered into by and betwee n the parties concerned on ____________ (Date) in ________ (Place) on the basis of equality and mutual ben efit to develop bus in ess on terms and con diti ons mutually agreed upon as follows: 1. 协议双方 1. The Parties Concerned 甲方:乙方: Party A: Party B: 地址:地址: Add: Add: 电话:86-21-31335237 电话: Tel: 86-21-31335237 Tel: 传 真:86-21-31335248 传真: Fax: 86-21-31335248 Fax: 2. 委任 2. Appointment 甲方指定乙方为其独家代理,为第三条所列商品从第四条所列区域的顾客中招揽订单,乙方接受上述委任。 Party A hereby appo ints Party B as its Exclusive Age nt to solicit orders for the Commodity stipulated in Article 3 from customers in the Territory stipulated in Article 4, and Party B accepts and assumes such appo in tme nt. 3. 代理商品: 3. Commodity: 4. 代理区域:仅限于韩国 5. Territory: In _Korea only. 4. 价格与支付 6. Price and Payment 每一笔交易的货物价格应由乙方与买主通过谈判确定,并须经甲方最后确认。 付款使用保兑的、不可撤销的信用证,由买方开出,以甲方为受益人。信用证须在装运日期前_30_天到达甲方。 The price for each in dividual tran sact ion shall be fixed through n egotiati ons between Party B and the buyer, and subject to Party A's final confirmation.


LOGO 出口代理合同(二) WORD模板文档中文字均可以自行修改 ××××有限公司

编号:_____________出口代理合同(二) 甲方:___________________________ 乙方:___________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日

甲方(出口货物供货人):_________ 乙方(出口代理人):_________ 甲乙双方经友好协商,就乙方代理甲方出口货物一事,达成以下条款:第一条代理协议的订立: (一)乙方代理甲方出口的货物的状况: 1.品名:_________ 2.数量:_________ 3.质量:_________ 4.规格:_________ 5.包装:_________ 6.成交条件:以经乙方确认的、甲方在_________网上交易平台上与外商成交的条件为准。 (二)代理协议的形式:协议的订立及修改均需以书面形式(含传真),否则不发生效力。 (三)甲方义务: 1.如实提供与订立协议有关的主要事实和情况; 2.对本协议以及乙方根据本协议与国外买方签订的外销合同的条款进行充分的了解,对各方的权利义务,各方免除或者限制各自责任的条款有充分的注意。 (四)乙方义务: 1.如实提供与订立协议有关的主要事实和情况;

2.采取合理的方式提请甲方注意免除或限制其责任的条款,并按甲方的要求,对该条款予以说明。 第二条双方责任: (一)甲方的义务: 1.对外销合同承担的义务: (1)接受乙方现采用的商品外销标准正本合同的固定条款。承认乙方代表甲方承担这些合同条款对“卖方”权利和义务的规定。 (2)收到乙方交来的外销合同副本后,立即进行核对。如发现与其原要求有不符点,在收到合同后3个工作日内以传真或电报通知乙方。否则,视为甲方已接受该外销合同,承担该外销合同的权利和义务。2.出口货物: (1)甲方提供的货物应符合本协议规定的数量、质量、和规格,并须按照协议规定的方式进行包装。 (2)提供货物的品质证明文件。 (3)在_________年_________月_________日前将协议约定的全部货物运到_________。 3.费用: (1)承担乙方因代理出口产生的运输费、商检费、港口运杂费、仓储费、报关费、保险费及银行手续费等有关费用。 (2)根据实际出口货物的数量计算总货款,并根据此总货款向乙方支付_________%的代理费。相关的合同样本 ·房地产代理合同·委托购房合同·财务代理委托合同

独家代理协议模板 中英文对照版

编号:_____________ 独家代理协议 卖方:___________________________ 代理商:___________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日

本协议于20XX年月日,由有限公司(一家根据中国法律组建并存在的公司,其主营业地在,以下简称卖方)与XXX公司(一家根据南非法律组建并存在的公司,其主营地在南非,以下简称代理商)共同签定并一致约定如下: This agreement is made and entered into on 20XX- by and between Plastic Industry Co., Ltd. a corporation duly organized and existing under the the laws of People's Republic of China, with its principal place of business at (hereinafter called seller) and XXX a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of South Africa, with its principal of business at South Africa (hereinafter called agent) , Whereby it's mutually agreed as follows: 第一条委任与接受 在本协议有效期内,卖方指定代理商为本协议第四条项下商品的独家代理商,在第三条规定的区域内招揽订单。代理商同意并接受上述委任。 Article 1 Appointment and Acceptance During the effective period of this agreement, seller hereby appoints agent as its exclusive agent to solicit orders for products stipulated in Article 4 from customers in the territory stipulated in Article 3 and agent accepts and assumes such appointment. 第二条代理商的义务 代理商应严格遵守卖方随时给予的任何指令,而且不得代表卖方作出任何担保、


编号: 代理协议英文版 甲方: 乙方: 签订日期:年月日

合同签订注意事项 一、甲乙双方应保证向对方提供的与履行合同有关的各项信息真实、有效。 二、甲乙双方签订本合同书时,凡需要双方协商约定的内容,经双 方协商一致后填写在相应的空格内。 三、签订本合同书时,甲方应加盖公章;法定代表人或主要负责人应本人签字或盖章;乙方应加盖公章;法定代表人或主要负责人应本人 签字或盖章。 四、甲乙双方约定的其他内容,合同的变更等内容在本合同内填写不下时,可另附纸。 五、本合同应使钢笔或签字笔填写,字迹清楚,文字简练、准确,不得涂改。

Exclusive Agency Agreement 本协议于______年____月____日在______(地点)由有关双方在平等互利基础上达成,按双方同意的下列条件发展业务关系:This agreement is made and entered into by and between the parties concerned on ___________(Date) in _______ _(Place) on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually ag reed upon as follows: 1. 协议双方 The Parties Concerned 甲方:_______ 乙方:__________ Party A:________ Party B:________ 地址:__________ 地址:___________ Add:____________ Add:______________ 电话:__________ 电话:____________ Tel: ___________ Tel: _____________ 传真:_________ 传真:____________ Fax:___________ Fax:______________

独家代理协议 - 中英

Exclusive Agency Agreement 独家代理协议 甲方(委托人):乙方(代理商): Party A(Client):Party B(Distributor): 法定代表人:法定代表人: Legal Representative: Legal Representative: 地址:电话:地址:电话: Address: Telephone: Address: Telephone: 本协议系于______年______月______日,由当事人一方广州海山娱乐科技有限公司公司按中国法律组建并存在的公司,其主营业地在广州, 番禺(以下简称甲方)与他方当事人Mondial Pools 公司,按埃及国法律组建并存在的公司,其主营业地在开罗(以下简称乙方)签订,经双方协商,订立以下条款,以资共同遵守。 This agreement is made and entered into this _____ day of _____ , by Guangzhou Haisan Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd. a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of peoples republic of china, with its principal place of business at Panyu District, Guangzhou City (hereinafter called Client) and Mondial Pools a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of ____,with its principal of business at ____(hereinafter called agent). Through mutual discussion, Party A and Party B have agreed the following terms to be observed: 第1条定义 1. Definition 1.1产品:本协议中所称“产品”,系指由甲方制造并以其商标销售的(游乐设备)和随时经双方以书面同意的其他商品。 1. 1 Product: The “product” covered under this agreement is expressly confined to the amusement equipment manufactured by Party A 1.2地区:本协议中所称“地区”;系指:埃及。


合同编号:YT-FS-4431-48 进出口代理合同(完整版) Clarify Each Clause Under The Cooperation Framework, And Formulate It According To The Agreement Reached By The Parties Through Consensus, Which Is Legally Binding On The Parties. 互惠互利共同繁荣 Mutual Benefit And Common Prosperity

进出口代理合同(完整版) 备注:该合同书文本主要阐明合作框架下每个条款,并根据当事人一致协商达成协议,同时也明确各方的权利和义务,对当事人具有法律约束力而制定。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 甲方:__市___进出口有限公司 乙方:(自然人) 一、甲方责任义务: 1、甲方同意乙方以__市___进出口有限公司名义对外开展业务活动。 2、甲方有义务根据乙方的要求对外签订外贸合同,对内与供应商签订购销合同。合同签订后,即时将合同副本送交乙方。 3、甲方将无偿为乙方提供谈判场所;提供通讯便利,但其实际发生的费用应在乙方业务收入中扣减。 出口代理协议书甲方:__市___进出口有限公司乙方:(自然人)一、甲方责任义务: 1、甲方同意乙方以__市___进出口有限公司名义对外开展业务活动。

2、甲方有义务根据乙方的要求对外签订外贸合同,对内与供应商签订购销合同。合同签订后,即时将合同副本送交乙方。 3、甲方将无偿为乙方提供谈判场所;提供通讯便利,但其实际发生的费用应在乙方业务收入中扣减。无偿提供出口业务及法律法规咨询;按时提供全套公司单证;在乙方指定地点办理海关、商检备案手续。 4、甲方保证维护乙方的商业秘密。并通过自己的渠道协助乙方扩大业务。 5、甲方保证乙方运用资金的安全,承诺不挪用,不拖付乙方资金往来,并在安全收汇后2--3个工作日,按照当日牌价结算人民币货款给乙方或由乙方指定的生产厂商。甲方保证乙方的利润所得,并根据双方商定的时间方式,向乙方支付。 二、乙方责任义务: 1、遵守法律和国家外贸、外汇、海关方面的政策。 2、维护甲方的声誉和利益,遵守甲方及其它双方商定的工作程序。


International Agent Contract Principal: Address: Post Code: Tel: Fax: E-Mail: Agent: Address: Post Code: Tel: Fax: E-mail: Contract Number: Signature Date: Signature Place:

CONTENTS 1 Scope of Authority: (2) 2 Rights and obligations of the Agent (2) 3 The rights and obligations of the Principal (4) 4 Non-exclusive agency /Exclusive agent (5) 5 Commission and Reimbursement (5) 6 Confidentiality and Intellectual Property Right (7) 7 Termination of this Contract (8) 8. Unconcluded business (8) 9. Damages (8) 10 Force Majeure (9) 11 Return of documents and samples (9) 12 No Partnership (9) 13 Severability (9) 14 Non-Waiver (10) 15 Governing Language (10) 16 Applicable Law (10) 17 Arbitration (10)


外贸单证:《国外独家代理EXCLUSIVE AGENT协议》 评论:0 条查看:4644 次songzihou发表于2011-01-19 14:03 MoreMore A/S&GuangDong Swimming Pool and Spa Equipments Co.,LTD. 2011 Agreement MOREMORE和广东泳池水疗设备有限公司 2011年协议 This is an official agreement made on January 10,2001 between MoreMore A/s(Herein after “MoreMore”) and GuangDong Swimming Pool and Spa Equipments Co.,LTD.(Herein after “ShengSheng”) for business partnership cooperation. 这是MoreMore A/S(在此简称为“MoreMore”)与广东泳池水疗设备有限公司(在此简称为“盛盛”)于2011年元月十日签订的合作协议。 Statement of Agreement 协议内容: 01. Area of the sole agent: Only Denmark. 独家代理区域:丹麦整个国家;

02. Period of validity for the sole agent: from January 1,2011 to December 31 2011 独家代理期限:2011年1月1日至2011年12月31日 03. Term and condition of the sole agent: 独家代理条件和条款: Sales Volume: CNY EURO 销售额要求:人民币元,欧罗。 If MoreMore’s annual sales volume in the year of 2011could not reach the sales volume as above, ShengSheng has the ri ght to cancel MoreMore’s sole agent right in Denmark. 如果丹麦MOREMORE客户在2011年的销售额达不到以上要求,盛盛公司有权取消其在丹麦国家之内的独家代理权。 01. FOB Zhongshan Port EURO. FOB中山港(欧罗); 02. Regarding the parts from other factories, MoreMore will pay for the corresponding labour cost of unloading and loading the cargo in


代理出口协议书(一) 本协议各方当事人 甲方:______________________ 协议编号: _________________________ 法定代表人:___________________________ 签订地址:_________________________ 乙方:______________________ 签订日期: ________ 年___ 月___ 日 法定代表人:___________________________ 鉴于:公司原与______ 集团下属的_______ 有限公司签署的《代理出口协议》已超过________ 年,按照交易所的有关要求,需要重新履行审议程序;现公司根据实际情况将原协议进行订并于年月日重新签署如下: 甲乙双方本着诚实信用, ______ 互惠互利的原则,经过友好协商,根据《中华人民共和国合 同法》的有关规定,就代理出口事宜,在共同受益的基础上达成以下协议,并承诺共同遵守。 一、合作事项 出口区域 乙方委托甲方代其向中国大陆以外的市场上出口_____________ 系列家电产品。 代理出口的商品说明: 有效期 有效期自生效之日起 _______ 年。 二、甲方的权利和义务:甲方同乙方指定的外方签订外销协议,该协议内容需要由乙方在签订前确认并负责,并经甲方同意。 甲方同乙方指定的供货方签订购货协议或三方购货协议,该协议内容需由乙方在签订前确认并负责,并经甲方同意。 按照乙方提供的货物数据及时制作出口报关运输及随寄需要的发票、装箱单、货运委托书、保险单等单据。 在自身能力允许的情况下,对需办理出口配额和许可证等的货物,在受到乙方委托后应该积极予以办理各种手续及时取得有关单证,但免除不能及时取得有关单证的责任。 货物若需甲方负责商检,甲方则应及时认真作好商品的商检通关工作,以免延误通关等后续工作的进行。 在甲方负责报关运输的方式下,积极联络货运代理公司进行定仓保险等事务,保证出口货物安全、及时顺利的出口清关,不延误指定装船日期,但对货物的真实性由乙方负责。 及时做好货款在各种方式下的结汇工作,按约定的结算方式同乙方进行结算并规定比例收取代理费。 作好货款的核销工作,催促乙方在指定的期限内收到外汇货款,及时收回外汇核销单及出口报关单,在规定的期限内完成外汇核销。 若货物需退税的,在收到乙方提供的按退税机关规定的完整的退税凭证后应及时完成退税工作,按协议的结算款项同乙方结算。 积极协助应由乙方完成的各项其他工作,在外贸上给予能力范围内的各种支持。 三、乙方的权利和义务: 对甲方同外方及供货方签订的协议内容负责,并承担不能完成协议的一切后果。按时、按量、按质准备货物,货物备妥后及时把规格、数量、质量、包装、毛净重等数据告诉甲方,以便甲方及时制作各种单据。 对需要出口配额及许可证的货物,应办理相关的申请手续,甲方予以协助完成。也可以委托甲方在能力范围内予以全权办理。但承担甲方不能及时取得该些单证的后果。 若由乙方负责货物的商检、订仓、保险及海关清关等工作,乙方应同时承担由此所产生的各种费用。并保证报关单据上的货物与实际装船出口的货物在品质、规格、数量上的完全 一致,负责承担由此产生的一切责任和后果。


出口代理协议书 出口代理协议书 出口代理协议书范本文章来源:11464网作者:11464网点击数: 1 发布201X-08-05 出口代理协议书范本 甲方: _________ 乙方: _________ 甲乙双方经友好协商,就甲方委托乙方代理皮革进料加工,皮革制品出口业务达成如下协议: 一、甲方委托乙方代理皮革进料加工,皮革制品出口至_________业务,乙方接受甲方委托。 二、合同标的: _________ 产品名称: _________ 数量: _________ 合同金额: _________ 拟出运日期: _________

出运港: _________ 到货港: _________ 外方付款结算方式: _________ 三、双方责任及义务: 甲方职责: 1.负责与外商签订所有出口合同,并对合同的全部内容负责; 负责安排生产、出运、交货; 3.负责向乙方提供工厂开具的增值税发票、纳税缴款书及运费等正式发票; 4.承担业务的全部费用及风险,保证按合同条款的全部内容执行,并向乙方支付出口代理手续费。 乙方职责: 1.负责按甲方提供的合同内容对外签订出口合同; 提供出口货物商检、报关、出运和结汇等工作所需的单据; 3.负责出口结汇; 4.结汇后一周内,将货款转付甲方帐户。 四、违约责任: 如因任何一方未履行本协议规定的责任而给对方造成的经济损失,由违约方承担。 五、甲方出具的担保函是本协议不可分割的一部分。

六、本协议一式两份,双方各执一份。自签字之日起生效,具有同等法律效力。甲方: _________乙方: _________代表: _________代表: __________________年____月____日_________年____月____日第二篇: 出口代理协议书 出口代理协议书 甲方: 乙方: **********公司 甲、乙双方本着平等互利、共同发展的原则,经友好协商,自愿签定本协议: 一、甲方委托乙方代理出口产品,具体购付汇等,并承担乙方按照其指示或经其同意而进行操作的一切后果。 二、甲方应在实际出口之前*—*个工作日内将出口详细计划告之乙方,并提供产品的品名、数量、重量、价格、产地、贸易国及hs编码,以便乙方及时开始准备工作。甲方应保证上述资料完整准确,并做到单货相符、单单相符、单证相符。若因甲方提供信息有误或延迟而造成额外费用,甲方应承担全部责任。 三、甲方应积极配合乙方做好通关手续(随时提供海关所需资料),并提供必要协助。商检和其他相关证明等由乙方负责办理.


代理协议书英文版范本 代理协议书英文版是怎么样的,怎么写英文版的代理协议书?下面是小编为大家收集的关于代理协议书英文版范本,欢迎大家阅读! Exclusive Agency Agreement 本协议于______年____月____日在______(地点)由有关双方在平等互利基础上达成,按双方同意的下列条件发展业务关系: This agreement is made and entered into by and between the parties concerned on ___________(Date) in ________(Place)on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows: 1. 协议双方 The Parties Concerned 甲方:_______ 乙方:__________ Party A:________ Party B:________ 地址:__________ 地址:___________ Add:____________ Add:______________ 电话:__________ 电话:____________ Tel: ___________ Tel: _____________ 传真:_________ 传真:____________ Fax:___________ Fax:______________ 2. 委任

Appointment 甲方指定乙方为其代理,为第三条所列商品从第四条所列区域的顾客中招揽订单,乙方接受上述委任。 Party A hereby appoints Party B as its Exclusive Agent to solicit orders for the commodity stipulate in Article 3 from customers in the territory stipulated in Article 4,and Party B accepts and assumes such appointment. 3. 代理商品 Commodity 4. 代理区域 Territory 仅限于_______(比如:广州) In __________(for example: Guangzhou)only. 5. 最低业务量 Minimum turnover 乙方同意,在本协议有效期内从上述代理区域内的顾客处招揽的上述商品的订单价值不低于_______人民币。 Party B shall undertake to solicit orders for the above commodity from customers in the above territory during the effective period of this agreement for not less than RMB_________.


国际销售独家代理合同协议(中英文对照) EXCLUSIVE AGENCY AGREEMENT 本协议系于______年______月______日,由当事人一方A、B、C公司按中国法律组建并存在的公司,其主营业地在_______(以下简称卖方) 与他方当事人X、 Y、 Z公司,按______国法律组建并存在的公司,其主营业地在______(以下简称代理商)所签订。 This Agreement is made and entered into this _____ day of _____ ,19 - by and between A.B.C.Co. Ltd. a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of Peoples Republic of China,with it s principal place of business at ____ (hereinafter called Seller) and X.Y.Z.Co.Ltd. a corporation du ly organized and existing under the laws of ____,with its principal of business at ____(hereinafter called Agent). 双方一致同意约定如下: Whereby it is mutual agreed as follows: 第一条委任与接受 Article 1. Appointment 在本协议有效期内,卖方指定代理商为本协议第四条项下商品的独家代理商,在第三条所规定的区域内招揽顾客的订单。代理商同意并接受上述委任。 During the effective period of this Agreement. Seller hereby appoints Agent as its exclusive agent to solicit orders for products stipulated in Article 4 from customers in the territory stipulated in Art icle 3 and Agent accepts and assumes such appointment. 第二条代理商的义务 Article 2. Agents Duty 代理商应严格遵守卖方随时给予的任何指令,而且不得代表卖方作出任何担保、承诺以及订立契约、合同或作其他对卖方有约束力的行为。对于代理商违反卖方指令或超出指令范围所用的一切作为或不作为,卖方都将不承担任何责任。 Agent shall strictly conform with any and all instructions given by Seller to Agent from time to ti me and shall not make any representation,warranty,promise,contract,agreement or do any other act binding Seller. Seller shall not be held responsible for any acts or failures to act by Agent in exces s of or contrary to such instructions. 第三条代理区域 Article 3. Territory


出口代理三方协议 甲 方: ________________________ 乙 方: ________________________ 丙 方: ________________________ 签订日期: ____ 年 ____ 月 ____ 日 甲方(委托方): 地址: 编号 号:

法定代表人: 乙方(受托方): 地址: 法定代表人: 丙方(工厂): 地址: 法定代表人: 业务联系人: 姓名: 电话: 一总则 1.1 甲、乙、丙三方本着互惠互利的原则,经友好协商达成一致,同意由甲方向丙方购买由丙方生产及/ 或销售的本协议项下的货物(以下简称“出口货物”),并由乙方代理甲方将出口货物出口销售给甲方, 由甲方委托乙方办理出口货物的出口至福田保税区加工厂事宜。 1.2 本协议为建立甲、乙、丙三方间法律关系的总协议。在本协议有效期内,任何两方签订的所有法律文件(见本协议 2.2 款)均受本协议的约束,如有冲突,以本协议为准。 1.3 甲、乙、丙三方之间所发生的一切具体业务行为的法律性质,均应按照本协议的规定予以理解并执行。 1.4 甲、乙、丙三方均知悉并同意上述情况及做法。现甲、乙、丙三方同意按照下述条款签订本协议。 法律关系及法律文件 2.1 法律关系 2.1.1 甲、乙双方依据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律、法规,就执行本协议项下的货物代理采购及代理出口事宜建立“委托代理”法律关系: 甲方根据本协议的规定,委托乙方以自身名义向丙方采购货物,并代理出口相关货物给指定外商,乙方根据甲方的委托提供代理采购及报关、运输、结汇、退税等出口代理服务。

2.1.2 甲方与丙方之间为货物买卖关系,由甲方向丙方购买由丙方生产及/ 或销售的货物。 2.1.3 乙方以甲方受托代理人的身份、以自身名义与丙方签订买卖合同(以下简称“内贸合同” );与指定外商建立为办理相关货物出口事宜所需的一切法律关系,必要时,以自身名义与指定外商 签订出口合同(以下简称“出口合同”)。 2.2 法律文件 2.2.1 本协议及相关补充协议、修改协议。 2.2.2 委托出口货物确认单。 甲方以《采购清单》的形式向乙方确认代理采购及代理出口委托事项的基本内容(格式见本协议 附件1);在本协议有效期内,甲方就每一批出口货物所发出的《采购清单》均作为本协议的附件,为本协议不可分割的一部分。乙方根据甲方向乙方出具的《采购清单》代理甲方与丙方签订内贸合同。 2.2.3 出口货物运输委托单甲方根据自身的需要,可以以《出口货物运输委托单》的形式,向乙方确认委托乙方办理出口货物运输的基本内容(格式 __________________ );在本协议有效期内,甲方就委托乙方运输 出口货物所发出的《出口货物运输委托单》均作为本协议的附件,为本协议不可分割的一部分。乙方根据甲方向乙方出具的《出口货物运输委托单》,为甲方提供代理出口货物运输服务。 2.2.4 出口合同 甲方负责与丙方的业务联系及业务谈判,确认出口合同条款,并根据出口合同内容向乙方出具《委托出口货物确认单》。如有必要,乙方根据甲方的书面授权,以自身名义与甲方签订出口合同,在此情形下,乙方应在与甲方签订出口合同后 ____________________________________________________ 个工作日内,将所签出口合同传真给 甲方备案,并及时通知甲方相关联系人;若甲方在乙方发出传真后 ________________________ 小时内未提出异


英文独家代理合同篇一:独家代理协议 Agreement for Exclusive Agency 独家代理协议 This Agreement, made and entered into this _th day of __ 200_, by and between The RAINBOW Trading Company, Inc., of New York, , Party of the first part, and FLORIST & Co., of Tokyo, Japan, its duly appointed agent Party of the Second part, witnesses: 此协议于200__年__月__日,在美国纽约州纽约市“彩虹贸易有限公司”(第一方),和日本东京“FLORIST公司“,第一方所任命的独家代理机构(第二方)之间签署订立,见证如下: Party of the first part hereby grants to the Party of the second part the

exclusive right to sell the GYROCOMPASS in Tokyo, Japan for the period of three years from the date hereof. 第一方(此后称为“公司“)在此许可第二方(此后称为”代理“)独家权利在日本东京销售陀螺罗盘,期限为从此日起三年。 Agent covenants that it will use every reasonable diligence in executing all orders placed with it by the Company and will not, without the consent of the Company, deviate from any instructions given by the Company in regard to its orders and shipment. 代理承诺它会使用所有合理的努力来完成公司所下的定单,并在没有公司同意的前题下,背离公司有关此订单和出运的任何指令。 all orders executed by the Agent during the continuance of this contract, the Agent shall be paid the following commissions:


本协议双方为了发展贸易,在平等互利的基础上,按下列条件签定本协议。 This agreement is entered into between the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows: 1 订约人: Contracting Parties: 供货人: Supplier:( hereinafter called " Party A ") 销售代理人: Agent:( hereinafter called " Party B ") 甲方委托乙方为销售代理人,推销下列商品。 Party A hereby appoints party B to act as his selling agent to sell the commodity mentioned below. 2 商品及数量或金额 Commodity and Quantity or amount 双方约定,乙方在协议有效期内,承销不少于_____的上述商品。 It is mutually agreed that Party B shall undertake to sell not less than _____ of the aforesaid commodity in the duration of this Agreement. 3 经销地区只限在_____销售。 Territory In_____only. 4 定单的确认 关于协议所规定的上述商品的每笔交易,其数量、价格及装运条件等须经甲方确认,并签定销售确认书,对交易做具体规定。 Confirmation of orders The quantities, prices and shipment of the commodities stated in this Agreement shall be confirmed for each transaction, the particulars of which are to be specified in the Sales Confirmation signed by the two parties hereto. 5 付款 订单确认后,乙方须按照有关确认书所规定的时间开立以甲方为受益人的保兑的、不可撤消的即期信用证。乙方开出信用证后,应立即通知甲方,以便甲方准备交货。Payment After confirmation of the order, Party B shall arrange to open a confirmed, irrevocable L/C a vailable by draft at sight in favour of Party A within the time stipulated in the relevant S/C. Party B shall also notify Pary A immediately after L/C is opened, so that Party A can get prepared for delivery. 6 佣金 在本协议期满时,乙方完成了第二款所规定的数额,甲方当按装运货物所受到的全部发

委托出口代理合同协议书范本 完整版

甲方(出口货物供货人):__________________ 乙方(出口代理人):__________________ 甲乙双方经友好协商,就乙方代理甲方出口货物一事,达成以下条款: 第一条代理协议的订立: (一)乙方代理甲方出口的货物的状况: 1.品名:__________________ 2.数量:__________________ 3.质量:__________________ 4.规格:__________________ 5.包装:__________________ (二)代理协议的形式:协议的订立及修改均需以书面形式(含传真),否则不发生效力。(三)甲方义务: 1.如实提供与订立协议有关的主要事实和情况; 2.对本协议以及乙方根据本协议与国外买方签订的外销合同的条款进行充分的了解,对各方的权利义务,各方免除或者限制各自责任的条款有充分的注意。 (四)乙方义务: 1.如实提供与订立协议有关的主要事实和情况; 2.采取合理的方式提请甲方注意免除或限制其责任的条款,并按甲方的要求,对该条款予以说明。 第二条双方责任: (一)甲方的义务: 1.对外销合同承担的义务: (1)接受乙方现采用的商品外销标准正本合同的固定条款。承认乙方代表甲方承担这些合同条款对“卖方”权利和义务的规定。

(2)收到乙方交来的外销合同副本后,立即进行核对。如发现与其原要求有不符点,在收到合同后_________个工作日内以传真或电报通知乙方。否则,视为甲方已接受该外销合同,承担该外销合同的权利和义务。 2.出口货物: (1)甲方提供的货物应符合本协议规定的数量、质量、和规格,并须按照协议规定的方式进行包装。 (2)提供货物的品质证明文件。 (3)在_________年_________月_________日前将协议约定的全部货物运到_________。 3.费用: (1)承担乙方因代理出口产生的运输费、商检费、港口运杂费、仓储费、报关费、保险费及银行手续费等有关费用。 (2)根据实际出口货物的数量计算总货款,并根据此总货款向乙方支付_________%的代理费。相关的合同样本 (3)上述的费用及代理费需在代理协议签订后_________日内交付。 (二)乙方义务: 1.对外成交后,及时将外销合同副本送交甲方。 2.办理出口所需的商检、报关、对外运输、并对外议付。 3.根据外销合同收到外商的付款后,在_________个工作日内按照付款当日银行公布的外汇买入价,将外汇折算成人民币支付给甲方。 第三条违约责任: (一)甲方必须严格执行本协议:若由于甲方原因未能在港口当局规定期限内办理报关、纳税、商检、发运等有关手续,由此引起的一切后果由甲方自行负责。因甲方违约给乙方造成损失的,需向乙方给付总货款_________%的违约金。若违约金不足补偿乙方的损失,甲方还需向乙方补足不足部分的损失。 (二)乙方必须严格执行本协议:因外商原因导致外销合同延迟履行、不完全履行或不能履行时,使乙方不能履行本代理协议的,乙方不承担责任。但在甲方书面提出要求并提供费用及协助下,
