当前位置:文档之家› 框架合同中英文对照





Contract No. :


The Buyer




The Supplier




Following friendly discussions and based on the principle of mutual interest, the Buyer agrees to purchase from the supplier the under mentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below.

I General terms of Purchasing



1.Issue of orders:

Our orders shall only be legally binding when issued in writing on the basis of these purchasing conditions. Different conditions contained in the order acceptance shall only be legally valid if we approve these differences in writing. The acceptance of the order or the delivery shall indicate that the supplier has recognized these purchasing conditions. The parties undertake to confirm forthwith any particular verbal agreement in writing.



2.Acceptance of orders:

Our orders must be acknowledged in writing within 2 working days of their receipt by the supplier, unless other conditions were agreed for a specific contract. Electronic orders do not require an explicit






All prices are fixed prices and including all delivery to the buyer’s factory (________________) packaging cost, as well as transport insurance charges and the statutory VAT shall all be paid by the sdeller.



4.Delivery times:

The agreed deadlines and time limits shall be binding, excluding the intervention of force majeure. The arrival of the goods at the specified delivery address shall be decisive in determining whether the delivery deadline or time limit has been met. If there is a delay in the supplier’s services, then, if we so choose, we are entitled, having set a reasonable period of grace and after expiration of the same, asserting our rights. If the supplier realizes any delay in deliveries, he must inform us without delay.




Only the ordered quantities may be delivered. Excess deliveries may be returned by us without notice at the expense of the supplier and the appropriate deductions may be made from his invoice. In all cases we shall be obliged to make appropriate payment on the basis of the agreed

delivery time. If there are differences in quantity or weight, then the quantities or weights determined in our Incoming Goods

Department shall be decisive.

III Payments and Invoicing





We will effect payment as agreed - provided that the goods/services have previously been received and approved formally.

All the incoming goods data will be checked by both party by end of each month, if no disagreements, Ibex will arrange payment by 20th of next month. Measurements / Craftsmanship / Raw material properties and reports are critical points. Ibex reserve its right to hold payment in case of complain from the final customer.




A single copy of a precisely itemized dispatch note containing our order data should be sent to the buyer.




Original VAT Invoices should be released to the buyer, and sent after the monthly incoming check by both arty. Invoices must include our order description and our order number. Deliveries made to different plants may not be grouped together for invoicing purposes; separate invoices should be issued in each case. Only the dimensions, weights and quantities determined by us shall be decisive for invoicing purposes.

V Confidentiality, Warranty, Breach of Contract




1.Notice of defects/Warranty:

The Supplier is committed to apply in-process quality control during manufacturing and conduct final Inspections, accordingly checking the products to be delivered thoroughly for their compliance with the quality requirements. Defects in delivery shall be communicated to the supplier in writing as soon as they are detected in accordance with the conditions under which orderly business is conducted. The supplier therefore waives the right to invoke the provisions concerning late notices of defects. He accepts legal liability for all complaints made by us within 36 months of putting the goods supplied into commission unless agreed otherwise. This provision shall not affect any further liability. Materials that are processed by us shall only be accepted by us in a legally binding way if they have proven to be in accordance with conditions after processing.

Rejected items as a result of errors in workmanship, materials and construction as well as other errors are to be replaced on request immediately and free-of-charge with freight paid or the defect on the goods is to be repaired. If the goods deviate from what was contractually agreed, e.g. in respect of dimensions, rigidity and hardness, then the values determined by us, or if the supplier expressly requires this, the values determined by an agreed neutral expert appointed at the expense of the supplier, shall be held valid in the event of a dispute. The supplier releases us from any claims by third parties, as far as in external relationships the supplier is liable to us himself. If agreed with the supplier the re-working may be done by us or by a third party. The

supplier is liable for the cost incurred. In the event of urgency and after informing the supplier we are entitled to do the re-working ourselves or let the re-working be done by a third party, not waiving other rights. We reserve the right to charge to the supplier in addition to the external cost and expense our internal cost and expenses caused by the notice of defects.



2.Production resources:

Models, drawings, samples, dies, tools, gauges and/or other technical resources and documents provided to the supplier or produced by the supplier according to our specifications may not be sold, mortgaged or otherwise disposed of to third parties or used for third parties without our written approval. The same shall apply to objects produced using these production resources. These may only be supplied to us, unless we have expressly agreed in writing to another use. Drawings and models remain our non-saleable, material and intellectual property and must be returned on completion of the contract without further request. The supplier shall be liable for any infringement of these provisions.



3.Property rights:

The supplier shall be liable for any claims resulting from the infringement of third party’s property rights involved by the contractual use of the product developed by him or by a party subcontracted by himself and he will release us from any respective third party’s claims. In so far as the supplier is responsible for product damage he is committed to release us from any third party’s claims for damages as far as he is himself liable in the external relationship.

V Jurisdiction


Place of performance and place of jurisdiction:


1.The place of performance for all rights and obligations arising from the contract for both

parties is



对于实施本合同而发生的任何争议,双方首先通过友好协商解决, 如在30天内协商不成,任何一方均可将争议提交法院处理.

2. Gentleman agreement clause

For any dispute during the implementation of the contract, Buyer and Supplier need settle friendly first. If can’t settle within 30 days, each party can submit the dispute to the court.


The contract goes into effect from the date of signature and seal.


The buyer:






The supplier:












购销合同 FRAME CONTRACT AGREEMENT 合同编号: Con tract No.: BETWEEN The Buyer 甲方:_公司 Tel: Fax: The Supp lier 乙方: ______ 公司 Tel: 经甲、乙双方相互交流,友好协商,本着诚实,守信的原则达成本合同条款,以供双方共同遵守。 Follow ing frie ndly discussi ons and based on the principle of mutual in terest, the Buyer agrees to pu rchase from the supp lier the un der men ti oned goods on the terms and con diti ons stated below. I General terms of Purchasing 1.订单发出: 以此采购条款为依据发出的我公司的书面订单才具有法律约束力。订单中所包含的其它不同条款必须经我公司书面批准后,方具有法律效力。认可订单或交货条件表明供应商已认可这些采购条款。当事人保证以书面形式确认特定的口头协议。 1.Issue of orders: Our orders shall only be legally binding whe n issued in writ ing on the basis of these p urchas ing con diti ons. Different con diti ons contained in the order acce ptance shall only be legally valid if we app rove these differe nces in writ ing. The acce ptance of the order or the delivery shall in dicate that the supp lier has recog ni zed these pu rchas ing con diti ons. The p arties un dertake to confirm forthwith any p articular verbal agreeme nt in writi ng. 2.接受订单 供应商收到订单后必须在2个工作日内以书面形式确认,除非具体合同中规定了其它条款。电子定 单不需另外确认。 2.Acceptance of orders: Our orders must be ack no wledged in writ ing withi n 2 work ing days of their rece ipt by the supp lier, uni ess other con diti ons were agreed for a sp ecific con tract. Electr onic orders do no t require an exp licit con firmati on. 3.价格 除非交货条件另有说明,所有价格都是固定且有效的,包括所有交付买方工厂 ( ______________________ )和包装费用,运输保险费和法定增值税,均由乙方负责。 3.Prices: All prices are fixed prices and including all delivery to the buyer 'factory ( _________________________________ ) packaging cost, as well as transport in sura nee charges and the statutory VAT shall all be p aid by the sdeller. 4.交货时间: 约定的期限和限期有法律约束力,不可抗力除外。货物是否到达指定交付地址决定交货期是否被满足。如果供应商出现



8. BREACH OF CONTRACT违约 9. FORCE MAJEURE不可抗力 10. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES争议的解决 11. APPLICABLE LAW 适用法律 12. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS其他规定 THIS CONTRACT(“Contract”)is made in [city and province], China on this day of ,200 by and between [Party A name],[Party A entity form] established and existing under the laws of China, with its legal address at [address] (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”), and [Party B name], [Party B entity form] organized and existing under the laws of [Party Bjurisdiction of incoporation] with its legal address at [address] (hereinafter referred to as “Party B”). Party A and Party B shall hereinafter be referred to individually as a “Party ” and collectively as the “Parties”. 本合同于年月日由以下两方在[地点]签订: [甲方名称],一家根据中华人民共和国法律组建及存续的[甲方组织形式],法定地址为[甲方法定地址](以下简称“甲方”): [乙方名称],一家根据[乙方所在国]法律组建及存续的[乙方组织形式],法定地址为[乙方法定地址](以下简称“乙方”)。 甲乙双方以下单独称为“一方”,合称为“双方”。 PRELIMINARY STATEMENT 前言 [add background information if appropriate][视交易具体情况决定是否应介绍合同背景] After friendly consultations conducted in accordance with the principles of equality and mutual benefit, the Parties have agreed to [describe subject matter of the Contract] in accordance with Applicable laws and the provisions of this Contract. 双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,依照[相关法律名称]以及其他有关法律,同意按


1.Sales Agreement The agreement, (is) made in Beijing this eighth day of August 1993 by ABC Trading Co., Ltd., a Chinese Corporation having its registered office at Beijing, the People’ Repubic of China (hereinafter called “Seller”) and International Tradi ng Co., Ltd., a New York Corporation having its registered office at New York, N.Y., U.S.A. (hereinafter called “Buyer”). 2.WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Seller is engaged in dealing of (product) and desires to sell (product)to Buyer, and WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase(product) from Sellers, Now, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 3.Export Contract This Contract is entered into this 5th day of August 1993 between ABC and Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Seller”) who agrees to sell, and XYZ Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Buyer”) who agrees to buy the following goods on the following terms and condition. 4.Non-Governmental Trading Agreement No. __This Agreement was made on the_day of_19_, BETWEEN _ (hereinafter referred to as the Seller) as the one Side and _ (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) as the one other Side. WHEREAS, the Seller has agreed to sell and the buyer has agreed to buy _ (hereinafter referred to as the Goods ) the quantity, specification, and price of which are provided in Schedule A. IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 5.Contract For Joint-Operation Enterprise __ COMPANY LTD., a company duly organized under the Law of __ and having its registered office at (hereinafter called “Party A”) AND __ COMPANY LTD., a company duly organized under the Law of __ and having its registere d office at (hereinafter called “Party B”) Party A and Party B (hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”) agree to jointly form a Co-operation Venture Company (hereinafter referred to as the “CVC”) in accordance with “the Laws of the People’s Republic of C hina on Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment” and the “Regulations for the Implementation of the Laws of the People’s Republic of China on Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment” and other applicable laws and regulations. 6.MODEL CONTRACT Contract No. Date: Seller: Signed at: Address: Cable Address: Buyer: Address: Cable Address: The Seller and the Buyer have agreed to conclude the following transactions according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: http://biz.doczj.com/doc/8610299577.html, of Commodity: 2.Specifications: 3.Quantity: 4.Unit Price: 5.Total Price: U.S.$: 6.Packing: 7.Time of Shipment: days after receipt of L/C. 8.Loading Port & Destination Port: From via to . 9.Insurance:


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 英文合同格式 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

NO.11 ZHONGSHAN STREET XIAMEN FUJIAN CHINA SALES CONFIRMATION [打印预览][保存][诅出] 销货合同(Sales Confirmation) 国际货物买卖合同一般金额大,内容繁杂,有效期长,因此许多国家的法律要求采用书面形式。书面合同主要有两种形 式,即正式合同(CONTRACT )和合同确认书(CONFIRMATION ),虽然其繁简不同,但具有同等法律效力,对买卖双方均有约束力。大宗商品或成交额较大的交易,多采用正式合同;而金额不大,批数较多的小土特产品或轻工产品,或者已订立代理、包销等长期协议的交易

多采用合同确认书(亦称简式合同)。 无论采哪种形式,合同抬头应醒目注明SALES CONTRACT 或SALES CONFIRMATION (对销售合同或确认书而言) 等字样。一般来说出口合同的格式都是由我方(出口公司)事先印制好的,因此有时在SALES CONFIRMATION 之前加上 出口公司名称或是公司的标志等(我外贸公司进口时也习惯由我方印制进口合同)。交易成立后,寄交买方签署 (countersign ),作为交易成立的书面凭据。 在SimTrade 中,买卖双方都可以起草合同,填写时只需将名称、地址等内容作相应变化既可。如合同由买方起草时,上方空白栏则填入进口商公司名称及地址,以此类推。 报表上方两行空白栏 为出口商公司抬头,须分别填写出口商的英文名称及地址。 如:GRAND WESTERN FOODS CORP. Room2501, Jiafa Mansion, Beijing West road, Nanjing 210005, P. R. China Messrs 详细填列交易对象(即进口商)的名称及地址。 在SimTrade 中,进口商的详细资料请在淘金网”的公司库里查询。 如:Dynasty Furniture Manufacturing Ltd. 3344-54th Avenue S. E. Calgary, Alberta T2C OAS Canada No. 销货合同编号,由卖方自行编设,以便存储归档管理之用。 在SimTrade 中,该编号已由卖方在起草合同时填入,单据中不能再更改。 Date 填写销货合同制作日期。 如:2005年2月18日,可以有以下几种日期格式填法: 1.2005-02-18 或02-18-2005 2. 2005/02/18 或02/18/2005 3. 050218 (信用证电文上的日期格式) 4. February 18, 2005 或Feb 18, 2005 Product No. 填写货号,销货合同上应记明各种货物编号,以求联系沟通方便。 在SimTrade 中,货号必须选择淘金网”的产品展示”里已有的商品编号。 Description 品名条款。此栏应详细填明各项商品的英文名称及规格,这是买卖双方进行交易的物质基础和前提。对商品的具体描述说明是合同的主要条款之一,如果卖方交付的货物不符合合同规定的品名或说明,买方有权拒收货物、撤销合同并提出损害赔偿。 在SimTrade 中,商品的详细资料请在淘金网’产品展示”里查找,此栏目填写必须与淘金网的商品详细资料里商品英 文名称及英文描述完全一致。 例1 :产品01005 的商品描述: CANNED SWEET CORN 3060Gx6TINS/CTN 例2:产品04001 的商品描述:WOODEN TEA SERVICE


Strategic Co-operation Agreement 战略合作框架协议 This Strategic Co-operational Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and effective the [XX, 2016] 本战略合作框架协议(以下简称“协议”)于[2016年X月X日]签订并生效 AMONG: 【company name】(the “Party A”), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, with its head office located at: [company address] Provice,P.R.China AND: 【company name】(the “Party B”), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the REPUBLIC OF China, with its head office located at: XXXXXXXX, P.R.China AND: 【company name】(the “Party C”), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Kingdom of Cambodia, with its head office located at: [company address] 签订协议各方有:[公司名字](以下简称“甲方”),一家依据中华人民共和国法律组建并续存的公司,其营业地址位于: 中国,( 地址 ) 及:公司名字(以下简称“乙方”),一家依据中华人民共和国法律组建并续存的公司,其营业地址位于: 中国,(地址 ) 以及:公司名字(以下简称“丙方”),一家依据柬埔寨王国法律组建并续存的公司,其营业地址位于: 公司地址 In consideration of the terms and covenants of this agreement, and other valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: 鉴于本协议所含之相互约定和承诺,订约双方协议如下: 1. RECUTALS


编号:_______________ 本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打 印,感谢您的下载 国际贸易合同中英文对照版 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

英文进口合同范本-- 合同编号(Contract No.): 签订日期(Date) : ________________

m 甘售 inr (signed a ° ________ __ The Buyer _________________________________________

Address- C >5H (T E _) -—— ________ f 火客a (E —ma=H ___________________________

卖方: The Seller: 地址: Address: 电话(Tel):_ 传真(Fax): 电子邮箱(E-mail):

买卖双方同意按照下列条款签订本合同: The Seller and the Buyer agree to conclude this Contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below: 1. 货物名称、规格和质量( Name, Specifications and Quality of Commodity ): 2. 数量(Quantity ): 允许的溢短装( % more or less allowed ) 3. 单价(Unit Price ): 4. 总值(Total Amount ):


英文销售合同_中英文对照销售合同范本英文销售合同_中英文对照销售合同范本(一) SALES CONTRACT 合同编号: Contract NO: 签订地点: Signed at: 签订日期: Date: 买方: The Buyers: 卖方: The Sellers: 双方同意按下列条款由买方售出下列商品:

The Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the following goods on terms and conditions as set forth below: (1)商品名称、规格及包装 (1)Name of Commodity ,Specifications and Packing (2)数量 (2)Quantity (3)单价 (3)Unit Price (4)总值 (4)Total Value (装运数量允许有 %的增减) (Shipment Quantity %more or less allowed) (5)装运期限:

(5)Time of Shipment: (6)装运口岸: (6)Port of loading: (7)目的口岸: (7)Port of Destination: (8)保险;由方负责,按本合同总值110%投保_____险。 (8)Insurance:To be covered by the___for 110% of the invoice value against_______. (9)付款:凭保兑的、不可撤销的、可转让的、可分割的即期有电报套汇条款/见票/出票____天期付款信用证,信用证以_____为受益人并允许分批装运和转船。该信用证必须在______前开到卖方,信用证的有效期应为上述装船期后第15天,在中国______到期,否则卖方有权取消本售货合约,不另行通知,并保留因此而发生的一切损失的索赔权。


销售合同 SALES CONTRACT 编号:Contract No: 日期: Date: 签约地点:Signed at: 卖方:Sellers: 地址:Address: 邮政编码:Postal Code: 电话:Tel:传真:Fax: 买方:Buyers: 地址:Address: 邮政编码:Postal Code: 电话:Tel:传真:Fax: 兹确认售予买方下列货品,其成交条款如下: The Seller hereby confirms selling the following goods on terms and conditions (3)公差:数量及总值均有_____%的增减,由卖方决定 Tolerance: With _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the sellers option. (4) 原产地

Country of Origin: (5) 付款方式:30%预付,70%发货前一周付清 Payment terms: 30% deposit, 70% payment within one week before delivery. (6) 交货时间:收到预付款后15天内完成装运。 Time of shipment: Within15 days after deposit received. (7) 贸易方式:FOB Shanghai Terms of Shipment: FOB Shanghai (8) 包装:胶合板木盘外封铁皮 Packing:Plywood drum with steel sheet cover. (9) 保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。 Insurance:To be effected by seller for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _____ only. (10) 装运口岸:中国上海港 Port of Loading: Shanghai Port, China (11) 转运:允许 Transshipment: Allowed (12) 分批装运:允许分批装运 Partial Shipment: Allowed (13) 目的口岸: Port of Destination: (14) 唛头:Shipping Marks: (15) 单据:Documents: (16) 品质与数量、重量的异义与索赔:Quality/Quantity Discrepancy and Claim: (17) 逾期发运:如果由于买方原因造成逾期发运,买方承担责任。造成自签订合同之日起超过45天不能发运的,卖方将每日按货物金额的3%收取保管费;如果由于买方原因造成逾期发运超过6个月,卖方有权自行处置定金和货物。如果是卖方原因造成的逾期


投资框架协议 INVESTMENT FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT 本投资框架协议(以下简称“协议”)由下述双方于2013年____月____日签订: THIS INVESTMENT FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT(“Agreement”) is entered into as onthis [Date], 2013 between: 出售方:[ ](以下简称“[ ]”或“甲方”); The Vendor:[ ] (“[ ]” or “Party A”); 投资方:ABC有限公司(以下简称“ABC”或“乙方”)。 The Investor:LAP WAI INTERNATIONAL LTD. (“LWI” or “Party B”). 鉴于: WHEREAS: A.香港联港投资有限公司(以下简称“目标公司”)为一家依据中华人民共和国香港特别行政区法律成立的公司,甲方拥有目标公司[100%]的股份。 UNION HARBOUR INVESTMENT LIMITED (“Target Company”) is a company established under the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. Target Company is owned as to [100%] by Party A. B.目标公司在中国(仅为本协议之目的,中国不包括香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾)境内拥有XXX有限公司(以下简称“XXX”)90%的股权。 XXX与舟山市民政局合作成立了YYY(以下简称“YYY”)(XXX以及YYY 合称为“目标公司中国子公司”) Target Companyowns 90% of equity interests of XXX(“XXX”)in PRC (for the purpose only of this Agreement, PRC shall exclude Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macau Special Administrative Region and Taiwan).


S ALES CONTRA C T NOo : BS0812 5 DATE: NOV. 6 , 2008 THE S ELLER: BLUE SKY INTE R NATI0 NAL TRADING CO o ,LTD ? 118# 5TH NORTH RI NG ROAD, BE I GINQ P.R. CHINA THE BUYER: STAR CORPORATION 5 KINGROA D DU BAI, UAE T h i s C o ntra c t is made by and b e tw e e n the Buyer and S e llei; wh e reby the Buy e r agree to bu y and the Seller a gree to sell the un d ermen tioned c ommodity a c c ording to t lie term s a nd co n ditions st i pulat e d b e 1 o w 数量和金额可以上下浮动5% P A C K I NG: 2 0 piece s of Baby B 1 anke t s a r e p acked i n one

expo r t sta n dar d c a rt o n, solid co 1 or and s ize i n the s a me c a r ton. 包装:2 0条童毯被装进-项输出品标准硬纸盒、一样颜色利尺寸的装在相同的硬纸盒。 MAR KS: Shipping m a rk i n c 1 udes S TAR ,S/C No。,sty 1 e No o , port o f des tina t ion and c a r t on N o .陵头:运输吱头包括S TA R (公司名)、合同(sal e s contract)号码,款式号码,目的港和纸箱号码 Side mark m u st s how the co 1 o r t the s i ze of c a rton and p i ece s p e r carto n ? 侧唆头必须显示纸箱颜色,规格和每箱(童毯)条数 T I ME OF SHIPMENT:装运期 Wi t liin 60daysupon receip t o f the L / C wh i c h acc ord with relevant c buses o ft h i s Contract。收到符合合同的信用证^六十天内 POR T OF LOADI NG AND DESTINAT I ON:FromTianj i n, Chi nato Dub a i, UAE 装运港目的港 T r an s shipment i s all owed an d p artial shipme nt i s pro h i b i te d o 转运被允许,而且分批装运被禁止. IN S URANCE: To beeffecte d b y the Sei 1 e r for 1 1 0% o f inv o i c e value c ov e r in g Al 1 Ris k s and War Risk s a s p er CIC o f PICC d ated 01/01/1981.保险:卖方按合同金额的110%投保包含的一切险和战争险依照1981年的P I CC规则的CIC条约。 TERMS OF PAYMENT: By irrev o c able Let t er of Cre d i t at 60 d ay s a f t er s igh t, reaching the S e 1 1 er not 1 a te r t han Nov.30, 200 8 an d rem a in i ng v a li d f or n e gotiation in Ch i n a fo r f ur t her 15 days after th e a ffected s hipment o I n c a se of late ar r i v al of the L/C, the Se 1 1 er s hall not be liable for any d e lay i n ship me n t and shall ha v e the right t o res c i n d the c o ntra c t and / o r c 1 aim for damages0付款期限:不可撤销信用证,见票后6 0天付款.卖方收到信用证不得晚于08年月30号.偿付通知议付在中国装船后15天内提交单据,如果信用证迟到,卖方将不负责装船中的任何延迟而且将有权利废止合同和I或损害要求(赔偿)。 DOCUMENTS:文件 +Si g n e d invoice i n t r ipli cate, one or i g i nal o f w hicli s lioul d b e c ertifiedby Chamber of Com mere e o r CCPIT an d legalize d b y UAE em b ass y/co n su 1 ate in sei 1 er's country ? +签署的单据一式三份,一份正本应该被商会或CC PIT (贸促会)检定而且在卖方的国家被阿拉伯联合大公国大使馆I领事法律上认为正当。 +Ful 1 set (3/3) of c 1 ean on board o cean b i 11 o f lading ma r k e d <4fr e ight pr e paid" made out t o orde r blank en d o r sed n o t i fying th e app 1 icant. +全套(3 I 3)清洁海运提单标记"船货预付”空白抬头提单通知申请人。 +In s u r a n ce polic y i n dup lica te end o r s ed in b 1 a nk. +保险单一式两份空白背书。 +P a c k ing list i n t r i p 1 i c ate o +包装目录一式三份 + Cer t if i c at e of ori g in c erti f i e d by Cham b er of C o mmerce o r C CP I T and 1 e ga 1 i zed by U AE em b as s y/consulate in s e lie r "s countr y ?


工程施工合同 Contract 合同编号( Contract NO. ): 签订日期( Date ): 发包方(简称甲方) Party A: 承包方(简称乙方): Party B: 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》以及其他有关法律法规规定的原则,结合本工程的具体情况,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上达成如下协议,共同遵守。 According to “P.R.C Contract Law”,and other relevant laws and regulations to the specific circumstances of this project, parties A and B have hereby equally and voluntarily entered into the following agreement executed on the basis of mutual respect. 1.工程概况 Project overview 1.1工程名称: Project name: 1.2工程地点: Project location: 1.3工程范围: A. 新研发中心和新厂房的网络综合布线系统的施工; B. 数据中心的建设,主要包含:数据中心的装饰工程、电气系统、空调系统、机房闭路监控系统、机房门禁系统、消防系统改造、机柜系统等。 Project contents: A. The new R & D and new plant construction of network cabling systems; B. Data Center, mainly includes: data center decoration and electrical systems, air-conditioning systems, CCTV systems, access control systems, firefighting system reform, server rack systems. 1.4开工条件:合同生效后,甲方预付款到位和现场具备开工条件。 Start conditions: After the commencement of the contract, Party A has started advance and on-site conditions in place.


合同编号:YT-FS-8920-88 英文版合同范本 Clarify Each Clause Under The Cooperation Framework, And Formulate It According To The Agreement Reached By The Parties Through Consensus, Which Is Legally Binding On The Parties. 互惠互利共同繁荣 Mutual Benefit And Common Prosperity

英文版合同范本 备注:该合同书文本主要阐明合作框架下每个条款,并根据当事人一致协商达成协议,同时也明确各方的权利和义务,对当事人具有法律约束力而制定。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 contract no: date: the buyer: the seller: the contract, made out, in chinese and english, both version being equally authentic, by and between the seller and the buyer whereby the seller agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods subject to terms and conditions set forth hereinafter as follows: 1 name of commodity and specification 2 country of origin & manufacturer 3 unit price (packing charges included)


采购合同 (Purchasing Contract) 合同编号(Contract NO.): 合同签订地点(Signed At):东营 签订时间(Date):年月日出卖人(Seller): 买受人(Buyer): 鉴于:根据【中华人民共和国合同法】及相关法律法规,本着平等自愿、等价有偿、诚实诚信的原则,经双方协商一致,订立本合同。 According to the Contract law of the People's Republic of China and relevant laws and regulations,we conclude the contract on the basis of equality, voluntariness,compensation of equal value and sincerity. 第一条标的、数量、价款及交(提)货时间 Item 1 (object)Quantity Price and Delivery time 物资编码名称及规格型号Commodity code and type 生产厂家 Manufacture r 计量单位 Unit 数量 Quantity 单价(元) Unit Price 总金额(元) Total Amount 备注 Note 不含税总金额(人民币) Total Amount (V AT excluded) 交提货时间、数量:年月日至年月日全部交货。 Delivery time: From to 第二条质量标准:标准代号、编号和标准名称:GB150-98. Item 2 Quality standard: standard code,serial number and standard name:GB150-98. 第三条出卖人对质量负责的条件及期限 Item 3 Conditions and time limits that Sellers shall be held responsibility for 1. 质量负责条件和期限按正常运行12个月止执行。 1. Quality responsible conditions and time limits shall not be valid until the product has been functioning properly for 12 months 2. 出卖人对标的物的质量负责,产品均附质检报告单,质量保证书。如果出卖人知道或 者应当知道所处卖产品存在质量缺陷,所承担的质量保证期限不受前款质量负责期限的约束,应依法承担相应责任。 2. Sellers shall be responsible for the quality of the marks.The products should include the Quality Inspection Report and Quality Guarantee.If the sellers know or should know the products they sell with defects in quality,the quality assurance time limits should not be subject to the previous quality responsibility deadline and they should be held due responsibility for it. 第四条包装标准:标准包装,产品所需包装由出卖人合理包装,适合水运和长途内陆运输,防潮,防湿,防锈,防震。 Item 4 Packaging standard: Standard packaging, the sellers should package the products properly, it should be suitable for shipment and long distance inland transportation. The packaging of the products should be resistant of dampness, moisture, rust and shock. 第五条随机的必备品、配件、技术资料、工具数量及供应方法:随设备交货一起交齐。 Item 5 The accompanied necessary materia l, accessories, technical information ,quantity of
