必备条款essential clauses / provisions provisions
般条款general 特殊条款special provisions 章、条、款、项、目(英文合同
25)首部non-operative part (当事人部分parties 陈述部分recital )正文operative part
陈述部分recital (包括:鉴于条款whereas clause 和约因consideration)尾部closing part (证明部分attestation 签字signature 附件appendix )当事人的名称、姓名和住所name and domicile of the parties
适格主体competent parties 标的contract object , subject matter
数量quantity 质量quality 价款或者报酬price or remuneration
履行时效、地点和方式time limit, place and method of performance
违约责任default / liability for breach of contract
除外规定exception 解决争议的方法methods to settle disputes
变更modification 终止termination 撤销cancellation 解除rescission
主体的变更或权利义务的整体转让novation 通知notice
违约责任default / breach of contract 救济remedies
责任的免除exception 的解决
settlement of disputes
不可抗力force majeure 争议
合同的生效effectiveness / validity
合同的整体性entirety 合同的完整性entirety 合同的可分割性severability
法律适用applicable law /
governing law
副本copies / counterparts
性别与单复数gender and singular / plural
合同尾部closing clauses / final clause
(包括:证明条款attestation 签字部分testimonium / signature 附件部分addendum)
1、要约和绝对接受offer and absolute and unqualified acceptance
2、意思一致consensus and idem 或者meeting of minds
3、建立合同关系的意愿intention to create legal relations
4、同意的真实性genuineness of consent
5、当事人的履约能力contractual capacity of the parties
6、标的物的合法性legality of object
7、履行的可能性possibility of performance
8、条款的确定性certainty of terms
9、等价有偿valuable consideration
[ 温馨提醒:合同协议是经验性极强的领域,无法思考和涵盖全面,最好找专业律师起草或审核后使用。范文供参考,期待你的好评与关注]