文档之家› 股权转让协议中英文对照.pdf
商业登记证号码: 注册地址:
法定代表人: 代理人:
商业登记证号码: 注册地址:
____ (以下简称公司)于 2003 年 3 月 31 日成立,由甲方经转让后经营,注册资金为港币 ____,总资
产为港币 ____。甲方占 100%股权,但由于经营不善,现已资不抵债。甲方愿将其占公司的
2. Any of the parties under the Agreement shall equally bear all expenses related to examination and approval of the Agreement in accordance with the provisions of the laws and rules of China unless it is agreed otherwise in the Agreement.
All parties under the Agreement shall keep secret within ten years since the execution of the Agreement, and either party has no rights to disclose part or all of (including but not limited to) product, operation, instruction book, prospectus or concept, product information, expertise, design, business secret, market opportunity and commercial data related to the Company to any third parties, without written consent by the other party under the Agreement in advance, unless for the purpose for approval by competent authorities.
Article 1 Stock Equity Transfer
1. The registered capital of the Company is ____ (in words: HKD ____). Party A sells and transfers all its shares in the Companyto Party B, and Party B purchases and obtains the stock equity of Party A in the Company and the relevant rights and interests, in which there are no defects in equity, and the same will come into force as of the date of validity.
第九条 适用法律及争议解决
2、任何因本协议或其履行而发生的争议应首先由协议各方友好协商解决。若协议各方无法就争议达成一致,则该争 议须被提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会并依照其仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁庭之仲裁裁定书以中英文制作,具终局 效力,并对争议各方具有约束力。包括律师费在内的仲裁费用由败诉方承担或依仲裁庭之裁定支付。提交仲裁之争 议事项不影响协议各方履行与争议事项无关的其它义务。
4. Party A shall pay 50% of the compensation fund to Party A or to the bank account number in Hong Kong designated by Party A in cash or in the form of telegraphic transfer within 1 month after the execution
Article 3 Expenses and Taxes
1. Any of the parties under the Agreement shall bear all expenses and expenditures occurred in the stages of negotiation and preparation of the Agreement unless it is agreed otherwise in the Agreement.
Registered Address:
Legal Representative:
(hereinafter referred to as Party B for short)
No. of Business Registration Certificate:
Registered Address:
Legal Representative:
____ (hereinafter referred to as the Company for short), founded on March 31 of 2003, has been transferred
to and operated by Party A. The Company has registered capital of ____ and total assets of ____. Party A
of the Agreement, and the rest of the compensation fund shall be transferred after transaction of the procedures for business registration.
Article 2 Articles of Confidentiality
Transferer: Transferee:
Stock Equity Transfer Agreement Transferer: (hereinafter referred to as Party A for short)
Shenzhen, ____, 2008
No. of Business Registration Certificate:
第六条 陈述及保证
第八条 不可抗力
协议任一方无须对因任何在本协议签订时无法预见或以合理手段也无法避免或克服之原因造成的迟延或不履行本协 议之义务所造成的损失承担责任。
4、若本协议的任何条款成为无效或无法履行,则协议各方应本着善意原则通过协商合理地寻求在法律和经济实质上 与无效和不可执行条款最接近的一项有效和可执行的条款。
5、若由于任何法律或法规而导致的本协议某一条款的无效,且此项无效不影响本协议的实质履行,则不应解除协议 方因本协议其它条款而应承担的义务,也不应剥夺协议方因本协议其它条款而享有的权利。
第一条 股权转让
1、公司注册资本共计港币 ____(大写:港币 ____)。甲方现完全出售及转让其在公司中的全部股份给乙方,乙方现 购买和获取甲方在公司中的不存在任何权利障碍的全部股权及其所有权利和收益并自生效日起生效。
第四条 其他
2、本协议构成协议各方之间所有有关本协议主题事宜的全部协议,并且替代以前任何与本协议主题事宜有关的由协 议方达成的书面或口头的谈判、交流、陈述、任务及协议。
第二条 保密条款
本协议生效之日起十年内,协议各方应对本协议予以保密,除非仅为获取有关政府部门必需批准目的 之外,没有协议一方的事先书面同意,任一方无权将部分或全部包括但不仅限于与公司有关的产品、经营、说明书、 计划书或理念、产品信息、专有技术、设计、商业秘密,市场机遇和商业资料,向任何其它方披露。
第三条 费用及税费
2、在本协议签署及生效后,乙方将拥有公司 受相应权利并承担义务。
____(大写:人民币 ____)作为补偿金。
4、甲方须于本协议生效后一个月内将 50%补偿金以现金或电汇方式支付给甲方或汇至其指定香港银行帐号,其余部 分补偿金在办理完工商登记手续后完成划拨。
6、本协议任何一方未能执行本协议任何条款或行使与此相关的任何权利不应被视为对该条款或本协议其它条款或对 执行相同权利或任何其它权利的放弃。
第五条 违约责任
2、乙方如果未按本协议之规定按时足额向甲方支付补偿金,其须向甲方支付自应付而未付之补偿金,以及在依本协 议应当支付之日至实际支付之日期间,每日该补偿金额万分之五的违约金。
3. All debts arising from the operation of the Company shall be born by Party B, and Party A shall pay RMB ____ to Party B (in words: RMB ____) otherwise as compensation fund.
to Party B, and the following agreement is concluded for stock equity transfer, as approved by the Board
Leabharlann Baidu
of Directors of the Company and through negotiation between Party A and Party B:
2、除非本协议另有约定,协议方应平等地承担依照中国法律及法规的规定与审查及批准本协议有关的所发生的所有 费用。
holds 100% of its stock equity, and now the Company is insolvent due to poor management.
Party A is willing
to transfer 100% of its stock equity in the Company together with the debts of the Company and some cash
第十条 效力
1 、本协议经甲乙双方签订,深圳市公证机关公证后,经有关部门批复后,报深圳市工商局同意变更后生效。双方 应于办理股权转让协议公证之日起,三十日内到工商行政部门办理变更登记手续。
转让方: 转让方:
2. Party B will hold 100% of the stock equity of the Company after the Agreement is executed, and Party B will become the sole shareholder of the Company and enjoy corresponding interests and bear duties in accordance with the new Articles of Association and regulations of the Company.