当前位置:文档之家› 委托持股协议-中英文对照模板



Shareholding Entrustment Agreement


Party A (Entrusting Party):


Legal Representative:


Registered Address:


Party B (Entrusted Party):




Document No.:




Party A (hereinafter referred to as the “Entrusting Party”) and Party B (hereinafter referred to as the “Entrusted Party”) have conducted friendly consultations and concluded the following agreement concerning the subject matter of entrusted shareholding on (MM/DD/YY).


I. Shareholding Entrustment and Equity Ownership


1. The Entrusting Party hereby agrees to comply with the terms and conditions stipulated in this Agreement and entrust the Entrusted Party with the ownership of the Company’s equity (hereinafter referred to as “Designated Equity”) which is owned by the Entrusting Party and will be owned in the name of the Entrusted Party, while the Entrusted Party agrees to own the Designated Equity in its own name and accept the entrustment of the

Entrusting Party in compliance with the terms and conditions stipulated in this Agreement.


2. Both Parties hereby confirm the following:


(1) Since (MM/DD/YY), the Entrusting Party shall enjoy all the shareholder’s rights and interests and assume all the obligations and responsibilities arising from the ownership of the Designated Equity; the Designated Equity will not belong to part of the proprietary property of the Entrusted Party. The Entrusted Party will only serve as the nominal shareholder of the Company and will neither be entitled to the corresponding shareholder’s interests nor bear losses and responsibilities arising from the ownership of the Designated Equity.


(2) In case that the Designated Equity may be frozen, sealed up, auctioned, sold off or many undergo any other loss due to any dispute or litigation arising from the Entrusted Party’s own debt problems, the Entrusted Party shall notify the Entrusting Party of the foregoing incident or loss and inform relevant creditor and court of the nature of the Designated Equity to ensure that the Designated Equity will not be frozen, sealed up, auctioned, sold off or undergo any other loss.


II. Exercise of Shareholder’s Rights


1. All the shareholder’s rights and obligations for the Company arising from the Designated Equity will be enjoyed or assumed by the Entrusting Party. The shareholder’s rights include but are not limited to the following rights enjoyed by the Company’s shareholder: (1)以转让、赠与、出资、质押、抵押、托管、租赁等可能使指定股权所有权发生转移或受到限制的任何方式处置指定股权;

(1) The disposition of the Designated Equity in such ways as transfer, betrothal, financing, pledge, mortgage, trusteeship or lease that may change or constrain the ownership of the Assigned Equity;


(2) The rights of attendance, assembly and voting at the shareholders’meeting of the Company;


(3) The right of submitting proposals at the shareholders’ meeting;


(4) The right of nominating the directors and supervisors of the Company;


(5) The right of profit-sharing;


(6) The right of distributing the remaining property of the Company;


(7) Other rights the shareholder shall enjoy according to relevant laws, regulations and the Articles of Association of the Company.


2. While the Entrusting Party is exercising its rights as the shareholder of the Company, the Entrusted Party shall render support and assistance unconditionally (including but not limited to the issuance of power of attorney or all relevant legal documents required by the law and regulations to the Entrusting Party or any other Party designated by the Entrusted Party) with a view to transferring the foregoing shareholder’s rights to the Entrusting Party or any other Party designated by the Entrusted Party.


3. If the Entrusting Party transfers the Designated Equity and the Company distributes dividends, presents shares or increases the capital stock during the term of entrustment, such rights and benefits shall be entitled to the Entrusting Party. The Entrusted Party shall issue a power of attorney to authorize the Company and Payer to directly transfer the dividends for profit-sharing, equity transfer or cash bonus to the account of the Entrusting Party. If the Company and Payer directly pay the foregoing dividends to the Entrusted Party, the Entrusted Party shall transfer the full amount of the dividends to the account designated by the Entrusting Party in three (3) working days. The shares presented or capital stock increased will be used as

the entrusted property and held by the Entrusted Party in accordance with the regulations of this Agreement.


4. Without the written consent of the Entrusting Party, the Entrusted Party shall not exercise the rights as the Company’s shareholder at its discretion or authorize any organization or individual other than the Entrusting Party to exercise such rights.


5. When the Entrusted Party is unable to or, for any other reason fails to, exercise the shareholder’s rights corresponding to the Designated Equity, the Entrusting Party, as the actual investor of the Assigned Equity, will be entitled to directly exercise the corresponding shareholder’s rights according to this Agreement without the additional authorization of the Entrusted Party.


III. Disposition of Equity


1. The pledge, trusteeship, transfer (including presentation) and other matters of the Designated Equity shall be determined by the Entrusting Party. Without the consent of the Entrusting Party, the Entrusted Party will not be entitled to pledge, entrust or transfer the Designated Equity to any organization or individual other than the Entrusting Party or to dispose of the Designated Equity in any other ways including investment and trade-off.


2. When the Entrusting Party plans to transfer the Designated Equity, the Entrusted Party shall offer support unconditionally by providing relevant legal documents and assisting the Entrusting Party in handling the formalities for the transfer of equity ownership.


3. When the Entrusting Party plans to pledge the Designated Equity, the Entrusted Party shall offer support unconditionally by signing a pledge contract and relevant legal documents with the pledger as required by the Entrusting Party and assisting the Entrusting Party in handling the formalities for the pledge registration.


4. When the Entrusting Party plans to pledge the Designated Equity, the Entrusted Party shall offer support unconditionally by signing a pledge contract and relevant legal documents with the pledger as required by the Entrusting Party and assisting the Entrusting Party in handling the formalities for the pledge registration.


IV. Term of Entrustment


The term of entrustment commences from the day of validation of this Agreement and terminates on the day when any of the following events occurs:


(1) The formalities for the transfer of equity ownership have been completed for all the Designated Equity which has been registered in the name of the Entrusting Party or any other Party designated by the Entrusting Party.


(2) In compliance with the instructions of the Entrusting Party, the Entrusted Party has sold out the Designated Equity and transfer the equity transfer payment to the account designated by the Entrusting Party.


(3) This Agreement is revoked by the Entrusting Party.


V. Confidentiality Clause


1. The Parties agree and promise that unless otherwise expressly defined in this Agreement or agreed by the other Party, either Party shall not disclose any information or matters on this Agreement to any other organization or individual and the disclosure of any information on this Agreement, if necessary, shall be subject to the consultation and consent by both Parties.


2. At present and in the future, both Parties shall be obliged to disclose, by mistake or on

purpose, any business secret obtained during negotiations or performance of this Agreement unless:


(1) The business secret has been disclosed by its owner and known by the public.


(2) The disclosure of the business secret has been proved with the written consent of the owner of the business secret.


(3) The disclosure is aimed to execute a ruling of an unappealable court or an arbitration award.


(4) The disclosure is aimed to perform certain obligations expressly stipulated by the state laws or provisions.


VI. Liability for Breach of Agreement and Disclaimer Clause


1. Both Parties shall comply with this Agreement in good faith. If either Party breaches this Agreement, it shall bear the liability for breach of agreement and compensate the other for all the loss thus incurred.


2. If the Entrusted Party refuses to perform its obligations of rendering support and assistance to the Entrusting Party (including but not limited to: the refusal to issue a power of attorney or any other legal documents required by relevant laws, regulations and equity-related files, the refusal to sign a new entrusted shareholding agreement with the Entrusting Party, etc) while the Entrusting Party is exercising the shareholder’s rights stipulated by the second article of this Agreement, the Entrusted Party shall pay the Entrusting Party a compensation for each breach in an amount of 5% of the Designated Equity’s fair value, indemnify the Entrusting Party for any loss thus incurred, and proceed to perform such obligations.


3. In case that any force majeure event occurs or relevant laws and provisions change dramatically so that either Party or both Parties to this Agreement fail to perform the obligations specified in this Agreement, the Party which has been affected by a force majeure event or a change of state laws or provisions will be exempt from the liability for the breach of agreement if it has notified the other Party in writing and provided valid documents within ten (10) working days since the day of such occurrence.


VII. Validity of Agreement and Miscellaneous Clauses


1. This Agreement will come into effect since the day when it is signed by the Entrusting Party and the Entrusted Party. Once it becomes effective, neither Party shall have the right to unilaterally revoke this Agreement or terminate the performance hereof. Otherwise, the responsible Party shall bear the liability for breach of agreement.


2. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China. Any disputes arising from the performance of this Agreement shall be settled by the two Parties to this Agreement through friendly consultations. In case they fail to settle the dispute through consultations, either Party shall be entitled to file a lawsuit to the People’s Court with jurisdiction.


3. This Agreement can be altered, terminated or revoked in written form after the Entrusting Party and the Entrusted Party have negotiated and reached a consensus.


4. This Agreement is prepared in three counterparts with the same legal force. One counterpart is held by Party A, Party B and Sany Group Co., Ltd. respectively.


Party A: (Official Seal) Party B: (Signature)


Signed by Legal Representative


(or Authorized Representative):


Date: (MM/DD/YY) Date: (MM/DD/YY) 青年人首先要树雄心,立大志,其次就要决心作一个有用的人才


合同编号: 公司保密协议(中英文 对照版) 签订地点: 签订日期:年月日

公司保密协议Confidentiality Agreement XX Co., Ltd 甲方: XX信息发展股份有限公司 Party A: XX Co., Ltd. 乙方: Party B: 鉴于: Whereas: 甲乙双方正在就进行会谈或合作,需要取得对方的相关业务和技术资料,为此,甲乙双方本着互惠互利、共同发展的原则,经友好协商签订本协议. Exchanging of relevant business and technological information is required for the ongoing business discussions or cooperation between Party A and Party B with respect to , this agreement is entered into by and between Party A and Party B through friendly consultations and

under the principle of mutual benefit and joint development. 第一条保密资料的定义 Article One Definition of Confidential Information. 甲乙双方中任何一方披露给对方的明确标注或指明是“保密资料”的相关业务和技术方面的书面或其它形式的资料和信息(简称:保密资料),但不包括下述资料和信息: Confidential information refers to data and information with respect to relevant businesses and technologies, whether in written or other forms, that have been disclosed by either Party A or Party B to the other party with clear label or designation of “confidential information”(hereinafter referred to as “confidential information”), excluding the following data and information: 1、已经或将公布于众的资料,但不包括甲乙双方或其代表违反本协议规定未经授权所披露的; 1.Information that is already or to be make public available, except those disclosed by either Party A or Party B or their representatives in violation of this


一、报价单的头部(Head) 01,卖家基本资料(举例) 工厂标志(Factory Logo) 公司名称(Company) 详细地址(Detailed Address) 邮政编码(Post Code) 联系人名(Contact) 职位名称(Job title) 电话号码(Telephone No.) 传真号码(Fax No.) 手机号码(Mobile No.) 邮箱地址(E-mail Address) 聊天方式(Messenger Online) 公司网址(Website Address) 02,买家基本资料(举例) 工厂标志(Factory Logo) 公司名称(Company) 详细地址(Detailed Address) 邮政编码(Post Code) 联系人名(Contact) 职位名称(Job title) 电话号码(Telephone No.) 传真号码(Fax No.) 手机号码(Mobile No.) 邮箱地址(E-mail Address) 聊天方式(Messenger Online) 公司网址(Website Address) 03,报价单的抬头: 报价单标题(Quotation/Quotation Form/Price List)参考编号(Reference No.) 报价日期(Date) 有效日期(Valid date) 外观颜色(Colors)

光源类型(Type of Lamp-house) 光源数量(Nos. of lamp-house) 光源颜色(Colors of lamp-house) 三、产品技术参数(Product’s Technical Parameters) 01,电力类产品技术参数: 电流、电压、电阻、电弧、功率、频率、负载等。 02,光源、光学类产品技术参数: 光源类型、光源功率、中心光强、色度、光通量、光中心高度、发光颜色、流明维护系数、有效光照范围、发光效率、光源色粉、波长、色轮型 号、照明面积、日照时间、阴雨天数等。 03,机械、力学类产品技术参数: 结构、封装形式、结构高度、连接结构标记、分断能力、安装形式、可插拔次数、耐压特性、耐压强度、插拔力、零插拔力、拉伸强度、抗张强度 等。 04,热学类产品技术参数: 色温、最低启动温度、耐温性、环境温度、耐热温度、环境湿度。 05,加工工艺、防护性能类产品技术参数: 表面处理、导电体材质、屏蔽壳材质、基材、胶系、阻燃性、防护等级、防火等级、防潮等级、防水等级等。 06,配件类产品技术参数: 灯头、灯座、保险丝、镇流器、变压器、灯罩、玻壳、灯管、支架、外壳、壳体、灯盘、灯杆、套管等。 07,产品使用寿命: 平均使用寿命、机械寿命、电寿命等。 08,用途及使用范围: 适用范围、车灯适用车型、主要用途等。 四、价格条款(Price Terms) 贸易方式(EXW,FOB,CFR,CIF) 装运港,目的港(Loading Port,Destination Port)货币种类,中银汇率(Currenc y, Exchange Rate),单位价格,货币单位(Unit Price/PCS,Unit) 实例一:FOB Zhangshan Port USD4.58USD/PCS (1USD=8.0350RMB)离岸价(中山装运港船上交货,单价4.58美元/支,汇率:1美元=8.0350元)


保密协议 Confidentiality Agreement 鉴【】有限公司(下称“甲方”)与【】(下称“乙方”)拟就【】(下称“项目”)业务开展合作为保障甲乙双方商业秘密不受侵害,双方达成如下保密协议,以资共同遵守: Whereas 【】Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”) is considering cooperating with【】(hereinafter referred to as “Party B”) for【】(hereinafter referred to as “the Project”).Therefore, the Parties hereby enter into this Confidential Agreement as follows for the purpose of safeguarding the business secret of the Parties: 一、定义 Article 1 : Definition 1、信息披露方:在本协议中是指保密信息的提供方; Information Discloser: In this agreement, it means the Party who provide confidential information to the other Party. 2、信息接受方:在本协议中是指保密信息的接收方。 Information Receiver: In this agreement, it means the Party who receive confidential information from the other Party. 二、保密信息的组成 Article 2: Composition of Confidential Information 本协议所称保密信息是指由信息披露方提供给信息接受方的任何与信息披露方经营业务或行为有关的、信息披露方尚未公开的信息,无论该信息采用何种形式提供给信息接受方,保密信息接受方或其工作人员均应合理认为其为保密信息。 Confidential Information referred in this Agreement means any information provided by information discloser to the information receiver which is related to the business or activity of the information discloser or any information that has not been publicized by the information discloser. The information receiver or the personnel of the information receiver shall reasonably deem such information as confidential information disregarding the form in which such information is provided to the information receiver.


NON-DISCLOSURE A GRE EMENT 保密协议 This Non-Disclosure Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of the later of the two signature dates below by and between xxxxxxx., a Delware corporation, and _________________. 本保密协议(以下称“协议”)自xxxxxxx(一个位于Delware(特拉华)的公司)与_________________签订之日起生效。 IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL PROMISES AND COVENANTS CONTAINED IN THIS A GRE EMENT AND THE MUTUAL DISCLOSURE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, THE PARTIES HERETO A GRE E AS FOLLOWS: 以本协议的双方相互承诺和保证以及双方不(对外)公开保密信息为对价,双方约定如下: 1. Definition of Confidential Information and Exclusions. 保密信息的定义及除外条款 (a) "Confidential Information" means nonpublic information that a party to this Agreement (“Disclosing Party”) designates as being confidential to the party that receives such information (“Receiving Party”) or which, under the circumstances surrounding disclosure ought to be treated as confidential by the Receiving Party. "Confidential Information" includes, without limitation, information in tangible or intangible form relating to and/or including all business, technical, and financial information (including, without limitation, specific customer requirements, customer and potential customer lists, marketing and promotional information, trade secret, copyright, and trademark information, and information concerning a party’s employees, agents, divisions, practices, policies, operations, and pricing information), as well as information received from others that Disclosing Party is obligated to treat as confidential. Except as otherwise indicated in this Agreement, the term “Disclosing Party” also includes all Affiliates of the Disclosing Party and, except as otherwise indicated, the term “Receiving Party” also includes all Affiliates of the Receiving Party. An “Affiliate” means any person, partnership, joint venture, corporation or other form of enterprise, domestic or foreign, including but not limited to subsidiaries, that directly or indirectly, control, are controlled by, or are under common control with a party. (a)“保密信息”意为本协议的一方(以下称“公开方”)向接收此等信息的一方(以下称“接收方”)指明信息为机密的非公开的信息,或应被接收方视为机密信息的信息。“保密信息”包括但不限于相关的有形或无形的信息,和/或包括所有业务信息,技术信息和金融信息(包括但不限于特定客户的需求,客户和潜在客户名单,营销和促销信息,商业秘密,版权,商标信息以及有关一方的雇员,代理人,下属各部门,业务领域,政策,经营和价格信息),以及虽来自于他人但公开方有义务将其作为机密的信息。除非本协议另行约定,“公开方”还包括公开方的所有附属公司,除非另行约定,“接收方”还包括接收方的所有附属公司。“附属公司”意为国内或国外的任何个人,合作企业,合资企业,公司或其他形式的企业,包括但不限于直接或间接控制,被控制或与一方共同控制的子公司。 (b) Confidential Information shall not include any information, however designated, that: (i) is or subsequent ly" target="_blank" title="a.其次,接着">subsequently becomes publicly available without Receiving Party's breach of any obligation owed Disclosing Party; (ii) became known to Receiving Party prior to Disclosing Party’s disclosure of such information to R eceiving Party pursuant to the terms of this Agreement; (iii) became known to Receiving Party from a source other than Disclosing Party other than by the breach of an obligation of confidential ity owed to Disclosing Party; or (iv) is independently developed by Receiving Party. (b)保密信息不应包括如下任何信息,除非被明确指定的:(1)在接收方未违反公开方的任何责任的情况下,信息随后为大众所知的信息;(2)依照本协议的条款,在公开方未向接收方公开该等信息之前就被接收方知晓的信息;(3)接收方从别处而非公开方得知,并且在未违反公开方的保密责任的情况下,被接收方知晓的信息;或(4)由接收方自主研发的信息 2. Obligations Regarding Confidential Information. 有关保密信息的义务


合同编号:________ 保密协议 confidentiality agreement 鉴【】有限公司(下称“甲方”)与【】(下称“乙方”)拟就 【】(下称“项目”)业务开展合作为保障甲乙双方商业秘密不受侵害,双方达成如下保密协议,以资共同遵守: whereas 【】 co., ltd (hereinafter referred to as “party a”) is considering cooperating with【】 (hereinafter referred to as “party b”) for【】 (hereinafter referred to as “the project”).therefore, the parties hereby enter into this confidential agreement as follows for the purpose of safeguarding the business secret of the parties: 第一条定义 article 1 : definition 1、信息披露方:在本协议中是指保密信息的提供方; information discloser: in this agreement, it means the party who provide confidential information to the other party. 2、信息接受方:在本协议中是指保密信息的接收方。 information receiver: in this agreement, it means the party who receive confidential information from the other party. 第二条保密信息的组成 article 2: composition of confidential information 本协议所称保密信息是指由信息披露方提供给信息接受方的任何与信息披露方经营业务或行为有关的、信息披露方尚未公开的信息,无论该信息采用何种形式提供给信息接受方,保密信息接受方或其工作人员均应合理认为其为保密信息。 confidential information referred in this agreement means any information provided by information discloser to the information receiver which is related to the business or activity of the information discloser or any information that has


影视制作费用明细: 令狐采学 客户Client 产品Product 篇名Title 长度Length 语言Language 中文 拍摄周期No. Shooting Day 导演Director 制片Producer Curre ncy Unit 货币单位: RMB 人民币 A. B. Prod’n Crew Expenses 制作人员费 Executive Producer 监制 Director 导演 Production Crew 制片组 DOP/Cameraman 摄影师 Camera Assistant 摄影助理 Gaffer 灯光师 Lighting Crew 灯光组 Art Director 美术指导 Art Assistant 美术助理 Wardrobe Master 服装师 Make Up/Hair Style 化妆/发型 Grip 场务 Grip Assistant 场务助理 Soundman 录音人员 Editor/Post Director 剪接师/后期导演 Stunt Men 特效人员 Insurance/Tax 保险 Pre-prod’n Expenses 前制费 Pre-prod’n Preparation 前制工作(创意费) Casting 试镜 Location Scouting 勘景 Art Work 美术工作 Sub Total 小计:

Sub Total小计: C. Equipment Rental器材费 Camera Set-35mm Film摄影器材capro-500 Lighting Equipment灯光器材Electricity发电机 Grip Equipment场务器材 Sound Equipment现场录音器材 Sub Total小计: D. Films & Processing底片及冲印 Film Stock/Video Tape底片/录影带Processing冲片 Prints印片 Sub Total小计: E. Location & Build Set 场地及搭景Studio Rental摄影棚租金 Set Construction搭景 Air Shooting航拍 A/C & Electricity空调及电费Location Rental场地租金 Sub Total小计: F. Props & Wardrobe道具及服装 Props Purchase道具购买 Props Rental道具租金 Props Construction特殊道具工程Wardrobe服装 Sub Total小计: G. Video Post Production画面后期 Film to Video Transfer转带 Off Line Editing粗剪


尊敬的客户: 由于贵司的快件所要寄往的目的地国家海关要求提供正本发票,为了您的快件能够顺利清关,请按以下要求制作发票:有发票字样及寄件人的公司抬头(英文) 有寄件人的公司名称、地址(英文)及电话 有收件人的公司名称、地址(英文)及电话 有分运单号码和发票号码 有贸易术语(如FOB,CFR,CIF), 货物重量及尺寸 物品名称的详细描述(中英文) 货物数量,单价及申报总价(注明货币单位:美金) 原产地 有寄件人的公司章 此发票必须是打印原件(不可手写),复印件、传真件无效;不得有修改痕迹(修改后须盖章) 烦请将制作好发票与快件一同备妥,我们将尽快为您收取。 非常感谢您对DHL的支持与合作! (附件:空白发票样板)


贸易方式(如CIF、FOB等,如需要): COUNTRY OF ORIGINAL(原产地,如需要): I/We hereby certify that the information on this invoice is true and correct and that the contents of this shipment are as stated above.(填写声明) Name and Title of Authorized Person(签名) Date(日期) Signature of Authorized Person(授权人签名/盖公章)


中文: 共同保密协议 ABC公司(以下称为ABC),其总部设于—,与XYZ(以下称为XYZ),其总部设于—,鉴于本协议的共同契约条款,谨达成如下协议: 1.在协议双方有关策略性联盟(此后称为“主题事项事项”)的磋商问题上,本协议一方可以在保密的基础上向另一方披露其专有资讯(此后称为“资讯”),披露方可以认为该等资讯具有专有性,因为披露方是在协议双方内部披露了该资讯,或因为披露方在接受“资讯”的同时已经承担了为“资讯”继续保密的义务,或由于其它的原因。 2.当被视为专有的“资讯”以载体的形式被提供时,披露方须以对“资讯”进行标记的方式,指出该资讯的专有性或机密性,或者把该资讯的传布局限在协议所规定的范围里。当“资讯”被口头提供时,提供方在披露的同时,应明确声明其专有性或机密性,或者把该资讯的传布限制在协议规定范围里,或者,事后立即书面确认该资讯的专有性和机密性。此外,该协议之实体和条款,双方就“主题事项事项”所进行磋商的事实和内容以及相关“主题事项事项”的通信都被将认为具有专有性。 3.关于该协议所披露的“资讯”,获披露“资讯”的一方,其职员及其附属公司的职员应该做到: a.对该资讯保密,其采取的谨慎程度不少于披露方为保护其不愿披露的专有机密资讯所采取的谨慎程度,并且,在任何情况下,以合理的谨慎程度进行保密。 b.把资讯的披露范围仅仅局限于董事会、公司高级职员、职员和/或有必要知道的代理/顾问,不得将资讯披露给其他任何人。 c.建议获披露该“资讯”之人士履行对该资讯的保密义务。 d.仅仅将该资讯用于有关“主题事项事项”的通信和磋商上,除此以外使用该资讯必须经双方书面同意。 4.获披露“资讯”一方想要将“资讯”披露给非附属的顾问和代理,必须首先经由“资讯”原本披露方的书面认可,并且与该顾问和代理签署有关保密协议,其形式必须为“资讯”原本披露方所满意。 5.“资讯”应被视为资讯披露方的财产,一旦该方要求,另一方应以载体的形式把所有“资讯”归还给披露方,或者按照资讯披露方的指示销毁该资讯。如另一方丢失了“资讯”或者在未经授权的情况下披露了“资讯”,应立即通知对方并作合理的努力来追回丢失或错误地泄露了的资讯。 6.在下述情况下,获披露“资讯”的一方没有任何义务来保持该资讯的专有性: a.此前已为不受保密性义务约束的一方获知,或 b.即便不存在未经授权的披露该资讯也可以或者将可以逐渐为公众所悉,或


MUTUAL NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT 互相保密协议 This Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement, effective as of ________, 2005, is being entered into between ____________________________ and ________ [insert correct company name and address] (“Company”) relative to ________ Confidiential Information supplied to Citect Pty. Ltd’s China operations (“Citect”) for the ______________________ Contract No. _________:Contract 003 for Software Supply and Services effective October 15, 2003. 根据《______________》(合同编号:_______________)之三——即《_____________》(有效日期为_____________)的约定,________________(_____,以下简称为“ESI”)向________________ (以下简称为“____________”) 提供______保密信息,现____和_____ [插入公司名称和地址](以下简称为“公司”)就该ESI保密信息的有关事宜经过友好协商,共同达成本互相保密协议,协议自2005年___月__日正式生效。 1. The Company and ESI each agree not to divulge to third parties, without the prior written consent of the other, any confidential information obtained from or through the other in connection with the performance of this Agreement (the “Confidential Information”), including the terms of this Agreement. Confidential Information may include, without limitation, trade secrets, processes, formulae, source code materials, specifications, programs, software packages, test results, technical know-how, methods and procedures of operation, business or marketing plans, customer lists, proposals, and licensed documentation. The Company and ESI hereby confirm that they will not use any Confidential Information of the other party, except in furtherance of the purpose(s) set forth hereinabove, and agree that each will also take all reasonable steps to prevent its employees and consultants from using or disclosing any of the other party's Confidential Information except as required for the performance of their duties hereunder. ESI and the Company will mark all Confidential Information with the word "Confidential" and will instruct their employees to identify as confidential any such information which is not in written form. Any information disclosed orally shall be followed by a written confirmation thereof, specifying the date and subject of the disclosure, within thirty (30) days. 公司和______双方一直同意:未经对方事先书面同意,不得将其在履行本协议过程中从对方处或通过对方而获得的任何保密信息(包括本协议中的条款,以下简称为“保密信息”)泄露给任何第三方。保密信息包括但不限于商业秘密、工艺流程、配方、源代码资料、规格说明、程序、软件包、测试结论、技术性专有决窍、操作方法和规程、业务或营销计划、客户名单、建议书和许可性文件。公司和ESI特此确认如下:除为实现本协议上述各项目的之外,任何一方不得擅自使用对方的保密信息,此外,上述双方还一致同意:双方应采取所有的合理的措施,防止其各自的员工和顾问擅自使用或披露对方的保密信息,但是,该等员工或顾问为履行其在本协议项下之职责所必须使用或披露的情形除外。ESI和公司双方将对其各自的保密信息明确标识为“保密”字样,并且,还应指示其员将任何非以书面形式存在的此等信息划分为保密信息的范畴。以口头形式披露的任何信息应在披露后的三十(30)天内向信息接收方发出书面确认书,明确与披露信息的数据和对象有关的事宜。 2. Information shall not be considered confidential if it: 符合下列情形之一的,则不属于保密信息的范畴:


外贸常识:一份完整的报价单内容(z中英文对照)一、报价单的头部(Head) 01,卖家基本资料(举例) 工厂标志(Factory Logo) 公司名称(Company) 详细地址(Detailed Address) 邮政编码(Post Code) 联系人名(Contact) 职位名称(Job title) 电话号码(Telephone No.) 传真号码(Fax No.) 手机号码(Mobile No.) 邮箱地址(E-mail Address) 聊天方式(Messenger Online) 公司网址(Website Address) 02,买家基本资料(举例) 工厂标志(Factory Logo) 公司名称(Company) 详细地址(Detailed Address) 邮政编码(Post Code) 联系人名(Contact) 职位名称(Job title) 电话号码(Telephone No.)

传真号码(Fax No.) 手机号码(Mobile No.) 邮箱地址(E-mail Address) 聊天方式(Messenger Online) 公司网址(Website Address) 03,报价单的抬头: 报价单标题(Quotation/Quotation Form/Price List)参考编号(Reference No.) 报价日期(Date) 有效日期(Valid date) 二、产品基本资料(Product’s Basic information)序号(No.) 货号(Item No.) 型号(Type) 产品名称(Product’s Name) 产品图片(Photo) 产品描述(Description) 原材料(Materials) 规格(Specification) 尺寸(Size) 长度(Length) 宽度(Width) 高度(Height)


confidential disclosure agreement 保密协议 this confidential disclosure agreement (the “agreement”) is made between [ ] whose registered address is [ ] (“party a”) and [ ] whose registered address is[ ], (“party b”). 本保密协议(“本协议”)由注册地址为[ ]的[ ](“甲方”)和注册 地址为[ ]的[ ](“乙方”)订立。 witnesseth 双方见证如下 whereas, prty a and party b intend to discuss potential business arrangements between each other relating to [ ] and other services, including, without limitation, [ ]. (the“project”); 鉴于,甲方和乙方有意讨论双方潜在的与[ ]有关的业务安排,包括但不限 于[ ](“项目”); whereas, party a and its corporate affiliates possess certain confidential information and assets relating to the project, including, without limitation, documents, materials, reports, instructions, inventions, software, and data (collectively, “party a’s confidential information”); 鉴于,甲方和其关联公司拥有与项目相关的特定机密信息和资产,包括但不限 于文件、材料、报告、说明、发明、软件和数据(“甲方的机密信息”); whereas, party b and its corporate affiliates possess certain confidential information and assets relating to the project, including, without limitation, documents, materials, reports, instructions, inventions, software, and data (collectively, “party


保密协议 NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT 项目名称(P r o j e c t): 合同编号(C o n t r a c t N o.): 签订地点(P l a c e o f s i g n i n g): 签订时间(D a t e o f s i g n i n g):

甲方(Party A): 乙方(Party B): 鉴于甲、乙双方在项目(“项目”)中互相披露保密信息,为了促进双方间的洽谈以及项目有关合同的签订与履行,明确协议双方的保密责任,甲、乙双方经平等、友好协商,签订本协议,以共同信守。 Whereas, Party A and Party B may mutually disclose the confidential information and materials for the project (the “Project”); Whereas, to facilitate the discussion, execution and implementation of the Project related contracts by both parties and to clarify the confidential obligations thereof, Party A and Party B wish to sign this Agreement after equal and friendly negotiation. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, do hereby agree as follows: 1.名词释义 (Definition) 1.1披露方:指基于此协议披露保密信息的一方。 The Disclosing Party shall mean the party who disclose confidential information under this agreement. 1.2接收方:指基于此协议获取保密信息的一方。 The Receiving Party shall mean the party who receives confidential information under this agreement. 1.3本协议中甲方或乙方基于本协议既可能是披露方,也可能是接收方。 Both parties under this agreement could be either the Disclosing Party or the Receiving Party. 1.4保密信息:指不为公众所知的、披露方向接收方披露的所有信息、


影视制作费用明细: 欧阳家百(2021.03. 07) 客户Client 产品Product 篇名Title 长度Length 语言Language 中文 拍摄周期No. Shooting Day 导演Director 制片Producer Currency Unit 货币单位: RMB 人民币 A. B. Prod’n Crew Expenses 制作人员费 Executive Producer 监制 Director 导演 Production Crew 制片组 DOP/Cameraman 摄影师 Camera Assistant 摄影助理 Gaffer 灯光师 Lighting Crew 灯光组 Art Director 美术指导 Art Assistant 美术助理 Wardrobe Master 服装师 Make Up/Hair Style 化妆/发型 Grip 场务 Grip Assistant 场务助理 Soundman 录音人员 Pre-prod’n Expenses 前制费 Pre-prod’n Preparation 前制工作(创意费) Casting 试镜 Location Scouting 勘景 Art Work 美术工作 Sub Total 小计:

Editor/Post Director剪接师/后期导演Stunt Men特效人员 Insurance/Tax保险 Sub Total小计: C. Equipment Rental器材费 Camera Set-35mm Film摄影器材capro-500 Lighting Equipment灯光器材Electricity发电机 Grip Equipment场务器材 Sound Equipment现场录音器材 Sub Total小计: D. Films & Processing底片及冲印 Film Stock/Video Tape底片/录影带Processing冲片 Prints印片 Sub Total小计: E. Location & Build Set 场地及搭景Studio Rental摄影棚租金 Set Construction搭景 Air Shooting航拍 A/C & Electricity空调及电费Location Rental场地租金 Sub Total小计: F. Props & Wardrobe道具及服装 Props Purchase道具购买 Props Rental道具租金 Props Construction特殊道具工程Wardrobe服装 Sub Total小计: G. Video Post Production画面后期
