根据《中华人民共和国律师法》第[ ]条的规定,[ ](简称甲方)为依法维护本单位的合法权益,特聘请[ ]律师事务所(简称乙方)担任常年法律顾问。乙方接受聘请。经双方协商,订立下列各条款,共同遵照履行。
Under Article 2 of the Law of Lawyers of the People’s Republic of China, [ ] (hereinafter called P arty A), hereby engages [ ] Law Firm (hereinafter called Party B) to be its permanent legal adviser to help Party A to protect its legal rights. Party B hereby accepts the employment. Both Parties agr ee to enter into and be subject to the following provisions:
一、乙方指派[ ]律师为甲方的法律顾问,根据法律给甲方提供法律帮助,维护甲方的合法权益。
Party B appoints [ ], an attorney at law, to be the legal adviser of Party A to provide legal services t o and to protect the legal rights of Party A.
The legal services to be rendered by Party B to Party A are as follows:
1. 为甲方业务上的法律问题提供咨询;
To give legal advice on questions pertaining to the business affairs of Party A;
To sign or examine economic contracts made with other parties on the authorization of Party A;
To examine legal papers made in Chinese, Japanese, English, German, Russian and French or dra w Chinese legal papers for Party A;
To advocate socialist legal system while providing aforesaid services.
三、乙方所派律师只为甲方法人提供法律帮助,无义务为甲方的职工提供法律帮助。Except providing Party A (the corporation) with legal services, the attorney appointed by Party B h as no duty or obligation to render any legal service to the employees of Party A.
四、乙方律师在[ ]办公,平时有事可随时联系。
The office of the attorney appointed by Party B is located at [ ] and it is ready to get contact with h im.
Party A shall offer chances to the attorney appointed by Party B of attending business meetings co ncerned and provide every convenience for the attorney to perform his/her duties.
Party A shall assign a person in charge of its own specific legal affairs and such a person so assign ed shall maintain close ties with the attorney employed by Party B.
七、每年由甲方向乙方付给法律顾问酬金[ ]元,自合同生效之日起三十天内一次付清。Each year Party A shall pay to Party B RMB[ ]for legal services which shall be of a lump sum pay ment made within 30 days from the date on which this contract comes into force.
八、乙方律师为甲方担任代理人进行诉讼或非诉讼事件活动,按[ ]物价局、财政局[ ]发[ ]号文件规定的收费办法另行收费。
Where the attorney appointed by Party B litigious or non-litigious matters on behalf of Party A, th e fees shall be computed in accordance with the provisions of No.[ ].by [ ] and [ ].
九、乙方律师为履行本合同的义务所需的法律顾问交通费应由甲方负担。其金额为[ ]元。The travel expenses generated by the attorney appointed by Party B in performing the duties hereu nder shall be born by Party A, the sum of which is RMB[ ]
十、本合同有效期为[ ]年。从[ ]年[ ]月[ ]日起生效。
The term of this contract is [ ]years, commencing from [ ] (Date).
十一、如合同的一方违反合同约定,对方有权解除合同,但应提前一个月通知对方。Where ant party hereto breaches any agreement hereof, the Non-breaching party is entitled to canc el this contract, in this case, however, one mon th’s advance notification shall be given to the other party.
This contract is made out in duplication and each party holds one.
Party A
Authorized Signature: 乙方:[ ]律师事务所
Party B: [ ] Law Firm
Authorized Signature