当前位置:文档之家› 聘请常年法律顾问合同(中英文双语版)




根据《中华人民共和国律师法》第[ ]条的规定,[ ](简称甲方)为依法维护本单位的合法权益,特聘请[ ]律师事务所(简称乙方)担任常年法律顾问。乙方接受聘请。经双方协商,订立下列各条款,共同遵照履行。

Under Article 2 of the Law of Lawyers of the People’s Republic of China, [ ] (hereinafter called P arty A), hereby engages [ ] Law Firm (hereinafter called Party B) to be its permanent legal adviser to help Party A to protect its legal rights. Party B hereby accepts the employment. Both Parties agr ee to enter into and be subject to the following provisions:

一、乙方指派[ ]律师为甲方的法律顾问,根据法律给甲方提供法律帮助,维护甲方的合法权益。

Party B appoints [ ], an attorney at law, to be the legal adviser of Party A to provide legal services t o and to protect the legal rights of Party A.


The legal services to be rendered by Party B to Party A are as follows:

1. 为甲方业务上的法律问题提供咨询;

To give legal advice on questions pertaining to the business affairs of Party A;


To sign or examine economic contracts made with other parties on the authorization of Party A;


To examine legal papers made in Chinese, Japanese, English, German, Russian and French or dra w Chinese legal papers for Party A;


To advocate socialist legal system while providing aforesaid services.

三、乙方所派律师只为甲方法人提供法律帮助,无义务为甲方的职工提供法律帮助。Except providing Party A (the corporation) with legal services, the attorney appointed by Party B h as no duty or obligation to render any legal service to the employees of Party A.

四、乙方律师在[ ]办公,平时有事可随时联系。

The office of the attorney appointed by Party B is located at [ ] and it is ready to get contact with h im.



Party A shall offer chances to the attorney appointed by Party B of attending business meetings co ncerned and provide every convenience for the attorney to perform his/her duties.


Party A shall assign a person in charge of its own specific legal affairs and such a person so assign ed shall maintain close ties with the attorney employed by Party B.

七、每年由甲方向乙方付给法律顾问酬金[ ]元,自合同生效之日起三十天内一次付清。Each year Party A shall pay to Party B RMB[ ]for legal services which shall be of a lump sum pay ment made within 30 days from the date on which this contract comes into force.

八、乙方律师为甲方担任代理人进行诉讼或非诉讼事件活动,按[ ]物价局、财政局[ ]发[ ]号文件规定的收费办法另行收费。

Where the attorney appointed by Party B litigious or non-litigious matters on behalf of Party A, th e fees shall be computed in accordance with the provisions of No.[ ].by [ ] and [ ].

九、乙方律师为履行本合同的义务所需的法律顾问交通费应由甲方负担。其金额为[ ]元。The travel expenses generated by the attorney appointed by Party B in performing the duties hereu nder shall be born by Party A, the sum of which is RMB[ ]

十、本合同有效期为[ ]年。从[ ]年[ ]月[ ]日起生效。

The term of this contract is [ ]years, commencing from [ ] (Date).

十一、如合同的一方违反合同约定,对方有权解除合同,但应提前一个月通知对方。Where ant party hereto breaches any agreement hereof, the Non-breaching party is entitled to canc el this contract, in this case, however, one mon th’s advance notification shall be given to the other party.


This contract is made out in duplication and each party holds one.


Party A


Authorized Signature: 乙方:[ ]律师事务所

Party B: [ ] Law Firm


Authorized Signature




外籍员工聘用合同英文版 篇一:外籍员工雇佣合同--中英文 编号(No.) 雇佣合同 Employment Contract 甲方:北京深白色文化传播有限公司 Party A:乙方Party B: 签订日期Date:: 甲方:北京深白色文化传播有限公司 Party A:地址:北京市西城区广安门南街80号中加大厦Address: 乙方Party B: 性别Gender:___ 国籍Nationality: 护照号码Passport No.:_____________________ 在京居住地址Address (Beijing): 联系方式Contact:

______________________________________ 其他紧急联络人Contact person in case of emergency:甲、乙双方遵循合法公平、平等自愿、协商一致、诚实信用的原则,签订本合同,并承诺共同遵守。 Party A and Party B agree to sign this contract and pledge to fulfill all the obligations stipulated hereinafter, in line with the principles of legality, justice, equality, voluntariness and mutual agreement. 一、雇佣期限 ⅠEmployment term 雇佣期限为1年,自2015年7月1日起至2016年6月30日止,其中试用期为1月,自2015年7月1日起至2015年8月1日止。 The employment term is1 year, lasting from 1stJul 2015 to 30th Jun 2016. The probation period is one month, lasting from 1stJul 2015 to 1stAug 2015. 二、雇佣内容及工作时间 ⅡContent and working hours 2.1 甲方根据工作需要,安排乙方完成以下内容的工作任务: Party A gives Party B the following work assignments according to its operating requirements:


EMPLOYER’S NAME: 公司名称: ADDRESS: 地址: This statement is issued in accordance with the current employment legislation and sets out the terms and conditions of your employment with the Employer. 本合同符合现行劳动法规,阐明了用工期间的各项条件条款。 EMPLOYEE'S NAME: 员工姓名: EMPLOYEE'S ADDRESS 通讯地址: Your employment will begin on: 到岗时间: JOB TITLE: 职位: From time to time the Management may consider it necessary for you to do other jobs within your skill and competence. 根据现实需要,管理者有时会要求你做能力范围内的其他工作 PAY:

薪酬: Your wages will be paid at monthly intervals and will be paid directly into your Bank account on the last day of each month. 工资实行每月结付,会在每月最后一天打入你的银行账户。 Your basic hourly rate is £ per hour per hour week and will be subject to review from time to time but not less than annually. 基本时薪为英镑/时;小时/周;可能会有微调,但年薪不变。When it is required for you to work overtime this will be compensated at the Employer's discretion either by time off in lieu or by payment at a rate no less than your basic hourly rate. 如需加班,则公司根据加班时间或不少于基本时薪的方式给付加班费。 NORMAL HOURS OF WORK: 正常工作时间: Monday to Friday 周一至周五 09.00 hours to 17.00 hours 9:00—17:00 HOLIDAY ENTITLEMENT AND PAY: 休假及薪酬 The Employee is entitled to working hours holiday per year. 员工每年享有个工作时的假期。 The holiday year will commence on 1st January and end on 31st December of the same year.


顾问聘用协议 Employment Agreement 甲方: Party A: Shanghai BU Cultural Development Co., Ltd. 法定代表人: Legal representative: 地址: Address: 电话: Tel: 乙方:韩升洙 Party B: Han Seung-soo 护照号码: Passport number: 住址: Address: 电话: Tel: 鉴于: Whereas, 对中国乃至全球青年企业家成长的关注与支持,上海彼友文化发展有限公司(以下简称“BU资本”)在未来两年内将在中国上海青浦区发起“全球青年企业家高峰论坛”。就此高峰论坛,经双方深入交流,BU资本与第56届联大主席韩升洙总理本着友好协商的原则,就甲方聘请乙方担任顾问所涉事宜,签订本协议。 Party A, Shanghai BU Cultural Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as BU Capital), will sponsor the Global Summit Forum for Young Entrepreneurs in the Qingpu District of Shanghai, China in the next two years in an effort to support young entrepreneurs both in China and around the world ,and intends to hire Party B, Han Seung-soo, former Prime Minister of Korea and President of the 56th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, to serve as the Chief Advisor to the event. The two parties have entered into the following agreements regarding the aforementioned matters after friendly consultations: 1、甲方聘请乙方担任“全球青年企业家高峰论坛”总顾问,并向 乙方颁发《聘书》(见附件)。 Party A shall appoint Party B as Chief Advisor to the Global Summit Forum for Young Entrepreneurs and issue a Letter of Appointment to Party B (see the Annex).


After reaching a consensus through equal consultation, the agreement stipulates the obligations that must be performed and the rights that should be enjoyed by each other.聘请律师合同正式版

聘请律师合同正式版 下载提示:此合同资料适用于日常场景中,在经过平等协商而达成一致意思后订立的协议,规定了相互之间的必须履行的义务和应当享有的权利,如若自身权益受到损害,可通过正当手段来维护自己的利益。文档可以直接使用,也可根据实际需要修订后使用。 合同编号:_______________ _________(以下简称“甲方”)同意聘请_________事务所(以下简称“乙方”)为其设立__________公司(以下简称“公司”)提供本合同约定的法律业务,经双方协议,订立以下条款,共同遵守履行: 一、乙方接受甲方的聘请,指派 _________律师、_________律师(以下简称“承办律师”)具体办理。 二、在设立公司过程中能够提供的法律服务包括

2.1参与设计公司成立方案; 2.2就公司成立过程中的问题提供法律咨询; 2.3起草与公司设立有关的法律文件,如公司章程、公司股东协议等; 2.4根据需要提供书面的律师意见和法律意见书; 2.5完成与公司登记有关的其他法律事务。 三、法律服务期限自_________起至公司设立登记完成之日止。 四、收费 4.1经双方协商同意,甲方按乙方实际工作小时支付委托律师费。_________律师的小时费率为_________元/小时,


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 香港雇佣合同范本英文 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

This contract of employment is entered into between (hereinafter referred to as ' Employe (hereinafter referred to as ' Employee') on under the terms and conditions of employment below : Effective from until either party terminates the contract. for a fixed term contract for a period of * day(s) /week(s) / month(s)/ year(s), ending on . Travelling allowance of $ per * day / week/ month 1. Commencement of Employment ? 2. Probation Period ? No 3. Position and Section Employed ____ Yes * day(s) / week(s)/ month(s) 4. Place of Work 5. Working Hours 6. Meal Break 7. Rest Days Fixed, at days per week, hours per day from *am/pm to * am/pm and * am/pm to * am/pm Shift work required, hours per day from* am/pm to * am/pm or * am/pm to * am/pm Shift work required, at working day(s) per * week/ month, totalling hour(s). Others _________________________________________________________________ (details of the arrangement on working hours and total working hours) Fixed, from *am/pm to *am/pm, *with/without pay Not-fixed, at *minutes/hour(s) per day, *with/without pay Meal break *is/ is not counted as working hour(s). On every, *with / without pay On rotation, day(s) per *week/month, *with / without pay (The employee is entitled to not less than 1 rest day in every period of 7 days) 8. Wages (a) wage rate ? Basic wages of $ per * hour/ day /week/month; plus the following allowance(s): Meal allowance of $ per * day / week/ month


合同编号:YT-FS-1412-58 英文雇佣合同模板(完整 版) Clarify Each Clause Under The Cooperation Framework, And Formulate It According To The Agreement Reached By The Parties Through Consensus, Which Is Legally Binding On The Parties. 互惠互利共同繁荣 Mutual Benefit And Common Prosperity

英文雇佣合同模板(完整版) 备注:该合同书文本主要阐明合作框架下每个条款,并根据当事人一致协商达成协议,同时也明确各方的权利和义务,对当事人具有法律约束力而制定。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 Employment Contract 甲方(用人单位) Party A: 地址: 法定代表人: 乙方(劳动者) Party B: 身份证号码: ID No: 住址: 依照《中华人民共和国劳动法》有关规定,结合本公司实际,甲乙双方本着平等、自愿、协商一致的原则达成如下协议 According to the Labor Law of PRC China,

Party A and Party B agree as follows: 一、合同期限 Contract Period 本合同期____年__ 月__日起至____年___月___日或本合同约定终止条件出现时止。 This agreement is valid from (Y/M/D) until (Y/M/D) or terminated by either party 二、工作内容和工作时间Responsibility & working hours 1. 甲方聘请乙方担任部门职务,详见职务说明书。 Party B's Department: Party B's position:Please refer to the job description for details. 2. 乙方须完成甲方安排的生产(工作)任务 Party B must accomplish his/her regular work and additional assignments on time 3. 每天工作8小时,每周工作共40小时。 There are 8 working hours a day, 40 working


律师事务所律师聘用合同 律师事务所(以下简称甲方),现根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》和相关律师管理法规及其他有关法律、法规、甲方章程以及甲方有关规章制度,聘用(以下简称乙方)作为甲方的合同制律师。 乙方确认乙方是在充分了解甲方的营业性质、业务范围、章程、规章制度以及甲方对工作的要求的前提下,本着自愿、平等的原则与甲方协商一致,签订本合同:第一条工作部门和职务 甲方聘用乙方担任部门职务。 第二条聘用期限 甲方聘用乙方的期限为年月。自年月日起至年月日止。 第三条工作时间 乙方每周工作五日,每天工作8小时,上下班时间按甲方规定执行。 第四条工作报酬及职务职称晋升 (一)甲方根据乙方受聘的工作部门和工作职务,以及甲方规定的相应职务的工作级别确定乙方的工资水平。 (二)甲方每月付给乙方基础工资不低于人民币元。并将根据甲方规定的《工资制度》等考核办法,对工作突出者给予适当的奖励(以物质奖励为主),工资总额不可低于元。 (三)甲方因行政方面的特殊情况,需要乙方延长工作时间的,按每小时元付给报酬,休息日安排乙方工作且不安排补休的,按每日元付给报酬,元旦、春节、国际劳动节、国庆节安排乙方工作的按每日元付给报酬。

(四)乙方在奖惩、职务考核和提拨方面,按甲方有关规定进行。 (五)乙方在专业技术职称资格的评定方面,按国家和本市司法行政管理部门的有关规定执行。 第五条福利待遇 (一)乙方在医疗、伤残抚恤费、休假、养老金等方面的待遇按甲方有关规定执行。 (二)乙方在节假日、婚丧假、产假、探亲假方面的待遇按甲方有关规定执行。 (三)根据乙方的实际情况,甲方视具体情况给予乙方特殊福利待遇。但当乙方享受这种待遇的情况发生变化或消失时,甲方可以减少、停止或取消收回给予乙方的特殊待遇。 (四)甲方应自己方受聘之日起,依法为乙方办理社会保险。 第六条乙方责任 (一)乙方必须认真履行甲方所规定的工作职责,完成甲方所分配的工作任务。 (二)乙方必须遵守国家法律、法规和甲方的章程、《员工守则》、《考勤制度》、《财务制度》、《福利制度》等规章制度,以及商务惯例业务操作规程。 (三)乙方应保持身体健康,加强业务学习,能够胜任本职工作。 (四)乙方在本合同生效至合同期满或解聘、辞聘后的一年半内(即整个在岗期和下岗后的547日内)负有保守甲方商业秘密的义务。 (五)乙方应爱护由甲方提供的办公、交通、房屋、设备、工具和物品及甲方的其他财产。


编号:_____________外国人劳务合同 甲方:___________________________ 乙方:___________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日

甲方: Party A: 地址: Address: 乙方Party B: 性别Gender: 国籍Nationality: 护照号码Passport No.: 在华居住地址Address (Beijing): 联系方式Contact: 其他紧急联络人Contact person in case of emergency: 一、雇佣期限 Ⅰ Employment term 雇佣期限为年,自年月日起至年月日止The employment term is year(s), lasting from to . 二、雇佣内容及工作时间 Ⅱ Content and working hours 2.1 甲方根据工作需要,安排乙方完成以下内容的工作任务: Party A gives Party B the following work assignments according to its operating requirements:

工作内容Job responsibilities: 工作地点Place: 2.2 工作时间:乙方每日工作时间不超过8小时,平均每周工作不超过40小时,每周休息日为周六、日。 Party B works no more than 8 hours per day, no more than 40 hours per week, and Saturday and Sunday are set as weekly rest days. 三、报酬及其他福利 Ⅲ Remuneration and other welfare benefits 3.1 乙方的报酬为税前元/月,大写: Party B’s salary is RMB 3.2 甲方应于每月号以货币或转帐形式足额支付乙方上述报酬。 Party A shall pay salary to Party B before the day of every month in the form of cash or bank-transfer. 3.3 乙方应遵守国家及地方的税法制度,自行缴纳其个人收入的个人所得税,甲方无义务为其代缴。 Party B shall pay personal income tax voluntarily according to the state’s tax law. Party A doesn’t shoulder the responsibility to withh old and remit taxes for Party B. 3.4 乙方在合同期内享受中国法律规定的节日,公休假日。 Party B is entitled with all legal holidays in accordance with the state’s regulations 四、雇佣合同的解除和终止


雇佣合同(兼职) Employment Contract 甲方因工作需要,需聘用乙方。根据双方协商,特签订本协议,以便共同遵守执行。 第一条用人单位基本情况:Base on the needs of first party, hire second party. In accordance with negotiation of two parties, hereby draw up this compact with the terms and conditions as follows 甲方first party(用人单位employer)名称:______ 法定代表人legal representative:______ 甲方地址address:______ 联系电话:______ 第二条劳动者基本情况Second part: 乙方second party(受聘人员employee)姓名name:______ 性别gender:______ 年龄age:______ 国籍nationality:____________ 护照号码passport NO:____________ 住址address:____________ 宅电home telephone:____________ 手机号码mobile phone number :____________ 紧急联络人emergency contact person:____________ 与劳动者关系relationship with emergency contact person:______ 联系电话emergency contact phone number:______ 第三条本协议自______年______月______日起至______年______月______日止。This compact apply during the period commencing on the date of ______ and ending on the date of . 第四条根据甲方工作需要及任职要求,乙方同意以兼职形式为甲方提供如下服务: Base on the needs and requirement of first party, second party provide part-time service as follows: 1,与甲方指定客户进行约见和面谈,依甲方要求、协助甲方处理相关事宜;meet appointed costumers, according to the requirement from first party, provide correlative assistance. 2,根据甲方要求协助甲方处理紧急事件;Base on the needs of first party, provide assistance on emergency. 3, 第五条甲方每月日(公历,遇节假日顺延)支付乙方上月服务报酬,乙方服务报酬(税前) ,乙方的报酬为税前,大写: By the th day of each month(the Gregorian calendar, postpone in the case of holidays ) Party B’s salary is in the probationary period. 第六条甲方制定的劳动纪律和规章制度应当符合法律、法规的规定,并向乙方公示,乙方应当在


聘用合同 聘方(聘请单位) 单位名称: 法定代表人: 委托代理人: 地址: 电话: 传真: 受聘方(外国专家、外籍专业人员) 姓名: 性别: 出生日期: 国籍: 证件号码: 境外住址: 电话: 传真:

一、双方本着合法、公平、平等自愿、协商一致、诚实信用的原则和友好合作的精神,自愿签订本合同并保证认真履行合同约定的各项义务。 二、合同期自年月日起至年月日止,其中第一个月为试用期。 三、受聘方的工作任务见附件。 四、受聘方的税前月薪为人民币元,其中 %可按月兑换外汇。其他有关待遇见附件。 五、聘方的义务: (一)向受聘方介绍中国有关法律、法规和聘方有关工作制度,以及有关外国专家的管理规定。 (二)对受聘方的工作进行指导、检查和评估。 (三)向受聘方提供必要的工作和生活条件。 (四)配备合作共事人员。 (五)按时支付受聘方的报酬。 六、受聘方的义务: (一)遵守中国的法律、法规,不干预中国的内部事务。 (二)遵守聘方的工作制度和有关外国专家的管理规定,接受聘方的工作安排、业务指导、检查和评估。未经聘方同意,不得兼职。 (三)按期完成工作任务,保证工作质量。 (四)尊重中国的宗教政策。不从事与身份不符的活动。 (五)尊重中国人民的道德规范和风俗习惯。 七、合同的变更、解除和终止: 双方应信守合同,未经双方一致同意,任何一方不得擅自变更、解除和终止合同。 (一)合同的变更。经当事人双方协商同意后,可以变更。在未达成一致意见前,仍应当严格履行合同。 (二)合同的解除。经当事人双方协商同意后,可以解除合同。在未达成一致意见前,仍应当严格履行合同。 1、聘方在下述条件下,有权以书面形式通知受聘方解除合同: (1)受聘方不履行合同或者履行合同义务不符合约定条件,经聘方指出后,仍不改正的; (2)根据医生诊断,受聘方在病假连续30天后不能恢复正常工作的。 2、受聘方在下述情况下,有权以书面形式通知聘方解除合同:


律师聘用合同(一) 甲方(用人单位)名称: 地址: 乙方(受聘人)姓名: 居民身份证号码: 根据《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》、《中华人民共和国律师法》以及司法行政机关有关律师事务所聘用律师的管理规定,经甲乙双方平等协商,就聘用应聘事项订立本合同: 一、合同期限。按下列第一项确定: (一)本合同有固定期限,从年月日起至年月日止。其中试用期从 / 年/ 月 / 日起至从/ 年 / 月 / 日止。 (二)本合同无固定期限,从 / 年 / 月 / 日起至法定或约定的解除(终止)合同的条件出现为止。其中试用期从 / 年 / 月 / 日起至从/ 年 / 月 / 日止。 二、工作岗位。甲方经考核,同意聘用乙方为甲方的专职律师;乙方同意按甲方的工作需要,在专职律师岗位工作,完成该岗位所承担的各项工作内容。 三、劳动报酬。按下列第(一)项确定: (一)乙方试用期的月工资为元,试用期满的月工资为 3500 元。工资发放日为每月 6 日。 乙方工资的增减,奖金、津贴、补贴、加班加点工资的发放,以及特殊情况下的工资支付等,均按相关法律、法规、规章、政策以及甲方依法制定的规章制度执行。 (二)双方议定: 四、乙方受聘期间的权利。 (一)了解对律师的权利和义务有影响的甲方规章制度,对相关规章制度的补充、修订享有建议权; (二)享有必要的培训和教育; (三)取得规定的报酬及福利待遇; (四)因甲方的不当行为损害了乙方的利益,可以要求甲方赔偿; (五)遇到法定或约定的解除(终止)合同的条件出现,可以要求解除本合同; (六)享受法定权利和双方约定的其他权利。 五、乙方受聘期间的义务。

(一)遵守《律师法》以及律师执业纪律的规定,接受甲方的日常管理; (二)按时完成承办的工作任务或工作目标; (三)自觉维护甲方的形象和利益,保守甲方的商业秘密,爱护甲方的财产; (四)仅由甲方同意签订委托代理合同,接受甲方指派开展律师业务; (五)未经允许不得从事公民代理。 六、甲方聘用期间的权利。 (一)依照法律法规和甲方的规章制度对乙方行使管理权,督促乙方依法执业、依法纳税; (二)乙方完不成工作任务或工作目标,甲方有权提议修改聘用合同的部分内容;遇到法定或约定的解除(终止)合同的条件出现,可以解除本合同; (三)乙方的违法、违纪或者其它不当行为给甲方造成损失的,可以要求乙方承担相应的赔偿责任; (四)有权拒绝乙方违反法律法规和律师执业规范的不当要求。 七、甲方聘用期间的义务。 (一)支付规定的报酬及兑换相关福利待遇; (二)为乙方提供必要的办公场所和工作条件; (三)维护乙方的合法权益; (四)对乙方违法违纪和不当行为承担相应的责任; (五)法律法规规定的其它义务。 八、社会保险和福利待遇。 (一) 缴纳养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险和生育保险 ; (二)(三) 九、双方需要约定的其它事项。 (—) 无 ; (二) ; (三) ; 十、本合同的生效及变更。 (一)本合同经双方签字、盖章后生效,至期限届满时终止。 (二)本合同经双方协商一致,可以就有关条款加以修改、补充。 十一、本合同续签及终止。合同期限届满,经双方协商一致,另行签订聘用合同。如果乙方要求离所,应当在合同期限届满一个月前向甲方提出,甲方在合


全日制劳动合同 Full-time Employme nt Con tract 甲方(用人单位)名称:Name of Party A (Employer): 住所Address: 法定代表人(或主要负责人):Legal Represe ntative (or Prin cipal Resp on sible Pers on): 乙方:(劳动者)姓名Name of Party B (Employee): 性别:Sex 居民身份证号:ID Card No: 文化程度:Education Background 住址:Address 根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》等法律、 法规、规章的规定,在平等自愿,协商一致的基础上,同意订立本劳动合同,共同遵守本合同所列条款。 The Parties, intending to be bound hereby, agree to en ter into this Employme nt Con tract on the basis of equality, free will and mutual con sultati on pursuant to the Labor Law of the People ' s Republic of Ch“PR(” , the Employme nt Con tract Law of the PRC and other laws, regulati ons and rules. 第一条劳动合同类型及期限 Article 1 Type and Term of the Employme nt Con tract 一、劳动合同类型及期限按下列第项确定。 1. The type and term of the Employme nt Con tract shall be determ ined as set forth in Item ___ b elow: 1、固定期限:自年月日起至年月日止。 (1) Fixed Term: From ___ to ________ ; 2、无固定期限:自年月日起至法定的解除或终止合同的条件出现时止。


聘用(劳务)合同(中英文)Employment Contract 甲方Party A: 地址Address: 乙方Party B: 性别国籍Gender/Nationality: 护照号码Passport No: 居住地址Permanent residence address: 联系方式Contact Information: 其他紧急联络人Emergency Contact Person: 甲乙双方遵循平等自愿、协商一致、诚实信用的原则,签订本合同,并承诺共同遵守。 Party A and Party B should follow the principle of equality, willingness, consensus and good faith, sign this contract and promise to abide by it. 一、聘用期限Term of Employment 雇佣期限为___ __年,自______年___月___日起至______年___月__日止。 Term of Employment:___ __Years,From______DD___M__Y to______DD___M__Y 二、雇佣内容及任务Employment content and tasks

2.1甲方根据工作需要,安排乙方完成以下内容的工作任务: Party A shall arrange Party B to finish the following tasks according to the work requirement. 工作内容:Work content 工作地点:Work place 三、报酬及其他Remuneration and other 3.1乙方的报酬为税前__________元/月,大写: Party B's pre-tax income RMB__________per month, amount in words: 3.2其他待遇:Other treatment 3.3甲方可根据生产经营的状况或乙方任务量和工作表现,适时调整乙方的报酬。 Party A can adjust the remuneration, according to the production and management situation or task size and performance of Party B. 3.4当乙方的工作任务发生变化时,甲方可按规定调整其相应的报酬。乙方接受新的工作任务后,即视作接受甲方按照该工作任务重新确定的报酬。


The obligee in the contract can accomplish the goal in a certain period by discussing the agreed rights and responsibilities. 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 时间:___________________ 律师聘用合同(标准版)一

编号:FS-DY-11178 律师聘用合同(标准版)一 甲方:_____(聘方) 乙方:_____(受聘方)(本职工作单位:_____职务:_____)甲乙双方已相互介绍了涉及本合同主要内容的有关情况,在自愿平等和相互信任的基础上,签定本合同,以便共同遵守。 第一条乙方自愿申请到甲方从事律师工作,甲方决定聘乙方为本事务所律师。 第二条乙方的聘任职务是_____律师,其工作范围为国家法律所规定的各项律师业务。 第三条甲方的权利和义务 甲方在本合同有效期内,可行使以下权利: 1.为乙方安排工作,分配任务; 2.监督检查乙方工作情况; 3.在乙方工作成绩突出或对事务所有重大贡献时,给予

奖励;对乙方工作中发生的违章违纪行为,予以处罚; 4.确定或调整乙方的工资和福利待遇。 甲方须履行的义务: 1.使乙方及时获取劳动报酬; 2.使乙方合理享受事务所的劳保福利待遇; 3.为乙方履行职务提供一定的工作条件; 4.依法维护乙方在履行职务时的合法权益; 5.为乙方更新知识、进修深造提供便利和创造条件。 第四条乙方的权利和义务 在本合同有效期内,乙方有以下权利: 1.依法履行律师职务; 2.获取劳动报酬; 3.对事务所的管理工作提出建议和批评; 4.依事务所规定的条件申请加入合伙律师; 5.辞职(须提前三个月提出书面申请) 乙方须履行的义务: 1.遵守事务所的各项规章制度,接受事务所的领导和监督,服从工作安排;


(此文档为word格式,可根据实际情况,编辑修改) 劳动合同 Labour Con tract 甲方:XXX有限公司(以下简称甲方) Party A: XXX Co., Ltd 乙方:XXX (以下简称乙方) Party B: XXX 甲乙双方在平等协商的基础上,就以下条款达成一致: The follow ing clauses are based on the equal n egotiati on from both parties. 第一条 1.甲方聘用乙方为酒店西餐厅经理。 Part A employs Part B on the positi on of western restaura nt 第二条甲方的权利义务 Second Clause The rights and resp on sibility of Party A 1.甲方以现金形式每月(5号)支付乙方每人 5000元人民币(税后)。 Party A pays to Party B 5000RMB (after Tax) on 5 th each mon th in cash. 2.甲方为乙方提供住宿和免费洗衣(干洗除外)。甲方视情况可安排乙方在酒店住宿?Party A offers free accommodation and free laundry to Party B (dry cleaning is not in cluded.) Accord ing to the accommodati on circumsta nces of the hotel, Party A will offer Party B stay in the hotel. 3.甲方为乙方在餐厅提供膳食。 Party A offers Party B free accommodati on. 第三条乙方的权利义务 Third Clause The rights and resp on sibility of Party B 1.乙方负责酒店西餐厅的全面管理工作。 Party B is resp on sible for the western restaura nt man ageme nt 2.乙方每个星期有二天休假。具体日期根据酒店情况可调整时间。 Party B has two days off each week . Accord ing to the situati on of the hotel, the off day could be cha nged.



17. TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT 合同终止 OF THE CONTRACT 合同修订 LAW 适用法律 OF DISPUTES 争议的处理及解决 其它事宜 甲方(用人单位)全称: 住所:联系电话:法定代表人: Hereinafter referred to as the COMPANY, 以下简称本公司 乙方(劳动者)姓名: 性别:出生年月:出生有效身份证件号码:(护照)现住址:联系电话: Hereinafter referred to as the EMPLOYEE, 以下简称该员工 Hereinafter collectively referred to as the PARTIES. 甲方、乙方以下统称合同双方。 In accordance with the Labour Law and other relevant laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, the PARTIES have concluded the following labour contract (hereinafter referred to as the CONTRACT) 合同双方依照《中华人民共和国劳动法》以及中华人民


EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT 劳动合同 EMPLOYER’S NAME: 公司名称: ADDRESS: 地址: This statement is issued in accordance with the current employment legislation and sets out the terms and conditions of your employment with the Employer. 本合同符合现行劳动法规,阐明了用工期间的各项条件条款。 EMPLOYEE'S NAME: 员工姓名: EMPLOYEE'S ADDRESS 通讯地址: Your employment will begin on: 到岗时间: JOB TITLE: 职位: From time to time the Management may consider it necessary for you to do other jobs within your skill and competence. 根据现实需要,管理者有时会要求你做能力范围内的其他工作 PAY: 薪酬: Your wages will be paid at monthly intervals and will be paid directly into your Bank account on the last day of each month. 工资实行每月结付,会在每月最后一天打入你的银行账户。 Your basic hourly rate is £per hour per hour week and will be subject to review from time to time but not less than annually. 基本时薪为英镑/时;小时/周;可能会有微调,但年薪不变。 When it is required for you to work overtime this will be compensated at the Employer's discretion either by time off in lieu or by payment at a rate no less than your basic hourly rate. 如需加班,则公司根据加班时间或不少于基本时薪的方式给付加班费。
