当前位置:文档之家› 国际海上拖航合同(总承包)TOWCON-LUMPSUM(中英文)



PART Ⅱ(第二部分)

“Towcon” International Ocean Towages Agreement(Lump Sum)

1. The Tow

"T he Tow" shall include any vessel, craft or object of whatsoever nature including anything carried thereon as described in PART 1 to which the Tugowner agrees to render the service(s) as set out in Box 22.



2. Price and Conditions of Payment

(a) The Hirer shall pay the Tugowner the sum set in Box 32 (hereinafter called "the Lump Sum").

(b) The Lump Sum shall be payable as set out in Boxes 32 and


(c) The Lump Sum and all other sums payable to the Tugowner under this Agreement shall be payable without any discount, deduction, set-off, lien, claim or counter-claim, each instalment of the Lump Sum shall be fully and irrevocably earned at the moment it is due as set out in Box 32, Tug and/or Tow lost or not lost, and all other sums shall be fully and irrevocably earned on a daily basis.

(d) All payments by the Hirer shall be made in the currency and to the bank account specified in Box 33.

(e) In the event that the average price per metric tonne of bunkers actually paid by the Tugowner differs from the amounts specified in Box 36 then the Hirer or the Tugowner, as the case may be, shall pay to the other the difference per metric tonne for every metric tonne consumed during the voyage. The average price specified above shall be the average of the prices per metric tonne actually paid by the Tugowner on the basis of quantities purchased at the last bunkering port prior to the voyage, any bunkering port during the voyage, and the first bunkering port after completion of the voyage. The log book of the Tug shall be prima facie evidence of the quantity of bunkers consumed.

(f) Any Delay Payment due under this Agreement shall be paid to the Tugowner as and when earned on presentation of the invoice.

(g) The Free Time specified in Boxes 26 and 27 shall be allowed for the connecting and disconnecting of the Tow and all other purposes relating thereto. Free Time shall commence when the Tug arrives at the pilot station at the place of departure or the Tug and Tow arrives at the pilot station at the place of destination or anchors or arrives at the usual waiting area off such places. Should the Free Time be exceeded, Delay Payment(s) at the rate specified in Box 29 shall be payable until the Tug and Tow sail from the place of departure or the Tug is free to leave the place of destination.

2. 价格和支付条件








3. Additional Charges and Extra Costs

(a) The Hirer shall appoint his agents at the place of departure and place of destination and ports of call or refuge and shall provide such agents with adequate funds as required.

(b)The Hirer shall bear and pay as and when they fall due:

(i) All port expenses, pilotage charges, harbour and canal dues and all other expenses of a similar nature levied upon or payable in respect of both the Tug and the Tow.

(ii) All taxes, (other than those normally payable by the Tugowner in the country where he has his principal place of business and in the country where the Tug is registered) stamp duties or other levies payable in respect of or in connection with this Agreement or the payments of hire or other sums payable under this Agreement or the services to be performed under or in pursuance of this Agreement, any Customs or Excise duties and any costs, dues or expenses payable in respect of any necessary permits or licences.

(iii) The cost of the services of any assisting tugs when deemed necessary by the Tugmaster or prescribed by Port or other Authorities.

(iv) All costs and expenses necessary for the preparation of the Tow for towing (including such costs or expenses as those of raising the anchor of the Tow or tending or casting off any moorings of the Tow).

(v) The cost of insurance of the Tow shall be the sole responsibility of the Hirer to provide.

(c)All taxes, charges, costs, and expenses payable by the Hirer shall be paid by the Hirer direct to those entitled to them. If, however, any such tax, charge, cost or expense is in fact paid by or on behalf of the Tugowner (notwithstanding that the Tugowner shall under no circumstances be under any obligation to make such payments on behalf of the Hirer) the Hirer shall reimburse the Tugowner on the basis of the actual cost to the Tugowner

8upon presentation of invoice.

3. 附加费和额外费用















4. War Risk Escalation Clause

The Lump Sum is based and assessed on all war risk insurance costs applicable to the Tugowner in respect of the contemplated voyage in effect on the date of this Agreement. In the event of any subsequent increase or decrease in the actual costs due to the

Tugowner fulfilling his obligations under this Agreement, the

Hirer or the Tugowner, as the case may be, shall reimburse to the

other the amount of any increase or decrease in the war risk,

confiscation, deprivation or trapping insurance costs.

4. 战争险伸缩条款






5. Interest

If any amounts due under this Agreement are not paid when due,

then interest shall accrue and shall be paid in accordance with the

provisions of Box 34, on all such amounts until payment is

received by the Tugowner.

5. 利息



6. Security

The Hirer undertakes to provide, if required by the Tugowner,

security to the satisfaction of the Tugowner in the form and in the

sum, at the place and at the time indicated in Box 35 as a

guarantee for due performance of the Agreement. Such security

shall be returned to the guarantor when the Hirer's financial

obligations under this Agreement have been met in full.

(Optional, only applicable if Box 35 filled in).

6. 保证金






7. Place of Departure/Notices

(a) The Tow shall be tendered to the Tugowner at the place of

departure stated in Box 24.

(b) The precise place of departure shall always be safe and

accessible for the Tug to enter, to operate in and for the Tug and

Tow to leave and shall be a place where such Tug is permitted to

commence the towage in accordance with any local or other rules,

requirements or regulations and shall always be subject to the

approval of the Tugowner which shall not be unreasonably


(c) (i) The Tow shall be ready to sail from the Place of Departure

between the dates indicated in Box 28 (a), hereinafter called the

Initial Departure Period.

(ii) The Hirer shall give the Tugowner such notice as is stipulated

in Box 28 in respect of Initial Departure Notice (Box 28 (b)),

Final Departure 1Period Notice (Box 28 (c)) and Final Departure

Time and Date Notice (Box 28 (d)).

(iii) The Tow shall be offered to the Tugowner, duly certificated

and otherwise in accordance with the terms and conditions of this


(d) If the Hirer fails to comply strictly with the provisions of CI.

7(c) the date of departure shall be deemed to be either the last

day of the Initial Departure Period or the last day of the Final

Departure Period, whichever is earlier, and this date shall be

binding for all consequences arising in respect of Delay

Payments and any other payments due or charges incurred in the

performance of this Agreement.

7. 起拖地/通知













8. Place of Destination

(a) The Tow shall be accepted forthwith and taken over by the Hirer or his duly authorised representative at the place of destination stated in Box 25.

(b) The precise place of destination shall always be safe and accessible for the Tug and Tow to enter, to operate in, and for the Tug to leave and shall be a place where such Tug is permitted to redeliver the Tow in accordance with any local or other rules, requirements or regulations and shall always be subject to the approval of the Tugowner, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.








9. Riding Crew

(a) In the event that the Tugowner provides a Riding Crew for

the Tow, such crew and their suitability for the work shall be in

the discretion of the Tugowner. All expenses for such personnel

shall be for the account of the Tugowner.

(b) In the event that any personnel are placed on board the Tow

by the Hirer all expenses for such personnel will be for the

account of the Hirer and such personnel shall be at all times

under the orders of the Master of the Tug, but shall not be

deemed to be the servants or agents of the Tugowner.

(c) The Riding Crew shall be provided at the Hirer's sole expense

with suitable accommodation, food, fresh water, life saving

appliances and all other requirements to comply as necessary

with the law and regulations of the law of the Flag of the Tug

and/or Tow and of the States through the territorial waters of

which the Tug will pass or enter. It is a requirement that members

of the Riding Crew provided by the Hirer shall be able to speak

and under the English language or any other mutual language.

9. 随船船员












10. Towing Gear and Use of Tow's Gear

(a) The Tug owner agrees to provide free of cost to the Hirer all

towing hawsers, bridles and other towing gear normally carried on board the Tug, for the purpose of the towage or other services to be provided under this Agreement. The Tow shall be connected up in a manner within the discretion of the Tugowner.

(b) The Tugowner may make reasonable use at his discretion of the Tow's gear, power, anchors, anchor cables, radio, communication and navigational equipment and all other appurtenances free of cost during and for the purposes of the towage or other services to be provided under this Agreement.

10. 拖航设备及被拖物上索具的使用


11. Permits and Certification

(a) The Hirer shall arrange at his own cost and provide to the Tugowner all necessary licenses, authorisations and permits required by the Tug and Tow to undertake and complete the contractual voyage together with all necessary certification for the Tow to enter or leave all or any ports of call or refuge on the contemplated voyage.

(b) Any loss or expense incurred by the Tugowner by reason of the Hirer's failure to comply with this Clause shall be reimbursed by the Hirer to the Tugowner and during any delay caused thereby the Tugowner shall receive additional compensation from the Hirer at the Tug's Delay Payment rate specified in Box 29.

11. 许可证和证书



12. Tow-worthiness of the Tow

(a) The Hirer shall exercise due diligence to ensure that the Tow shall, at the commencement of the towage, be in all respects fit to be towed from the place of departure to the place of destination.

(b) The Hirer undertakes that the Tow will be suitably trimmed and prepared and ready to be towed at the time when the Tug arrives at the place of departure and fitted and equipped with such shapes, signals, navigational and other lights of a type required for the towage.

(c) The Hirer shall supply to the Tugowner or the Tugmaster, on the arrival of the Tug at the place of departure an unconditional certificate of tow-worthiness for the Tow issued by a recognised firm of Marine Surveyors or Survey Organisation, provided always that the Tugowner shall not be under any obligation to perform the towage until in his discretion he is satisfied that the Tow is in all respects trimmed, prepared, fit and ready for towage but the Tugowner shall not unreasonably withhold his approval.

(d) No inspection of the Tow by the Tugowner shall constitute approval of the Tow's condition or be deemed a waiver of the foregoing undertakings given by the Hirer.

12. 被拖物的适拖性





13. Seaworthiness of the Tug

The Tugowner will exercise due diligence to tender the Tug at the place of departure in a seaworthy condition and in all respects ready to perform the towage, but the Tugowner gives no other warranties, express or implied.

13. 拖轮的适航性


14. Substitution of Tugs

The Tugowner shall at all times have the right to substitute any tug or tugs for any other tug or tugs of adequate power (including two or more tugs for one, or one tug for two or more) at any time whether before or after the commencement of the towage or other services and shall be at liberty to employ a tug or tugs belonging to other tugowners for the whole or part of the towage or other service contemplated under this Agreement. Provided however, that the main particulars of the substituted tug or tugs shall be subject to the Hirer's prior approval, but such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.

14. 拖轮的替换


15. Salvage

(a) Should the Tow breakaway from the Tug during the course of the towage service, the Tug shall render all reasonable services to re-connect the towline and fulfil this Agreement without making any claim for salvage.

(b) If at any time the Tugowner or the Tugmaster considers it necessary or advisable to seek or accept salvage services from any vessel or person on behalf of the Tug or Tow, or both, the Hirer hereby undertakes and warrants that the Tugowner or his duly authorised servant or agent including the Tug-master have the full actual authority of the Hirer to accept such services on behalf of the Tow on any reasonable terms.




16. Cancellation and Withdrawal

(a) At any time prior to the departure of the Tow from the place

of departure the Hirer may cancel this Agreement upon payment of the cancellation fee set out in Box 38. If cancellation takes place whilst the Tug is en route to the place of departure or after the Tug has arrived at or off the place of departure then in addition to the said cancellation fee the Hirer shall pay any additional amounts due under this Agreement.

(b) In the event that the towage operation is terminated after departure from the place of departure, but before the Tow arrives at the place of destination without fault on the part of the

Tugowner, his servants or agents, the Tugowner shall be entitled to be paid, and if already paid to retain all sums payable according to Box 32, accrued Delay Payments and any other amounts due under this Agreement. The above amounts are in addition to any damages the Tugowner may be entitled to claim for breach of this Agreement.

(c) The Tugowner may without prejudice to any other remedies he may have leave the Tow in a place where the Hirer may take repossession of it and be entitled to payment of the Lump Sum less expenses saved by the Tugowner and all other payments due under this Agreement, upon any one or more of the following grounds:

(i) If there is any delay or delays (other than delay caused by

the Tug) at the place of departure exceeding in aggregate 21 running days.

(ii) If there is any delay or delays (other than a delay caused by the Tug) at any port or place of call or refuge exceeding in

aggregate 21 running days.

(iii) If the security as may be required according to Box 35 is

not given within 7 running days of the Tugowner's request

to provide security.

(iv) If the Hirer has not accepted the Tow within 7 running

days of arrival at the place of destination.

(v) If any amount payable under this Agreement has not been

paid within 7 running days of the date such sums are due. (d) Before exercising his option of withdrawing from this Agreement as aforesaid, the Tugowner shall if practicable give the Hirer 48 hours notice (Saturdays, Sundays and public Holidays excluded) of his intention so to withdraw.

(e) Should the Tug not be ready to commence the towage at the latest at midnight on the date, if any, indicated in Box 37, the Hirer shall have the option of cancelling this Agreement and shall be entitled to claim damages for detention if due to the wilful default of the Tugowner. Should the Tugowner anticipate that the Tug will not be ready, he shall notify the Hirer thereof by telex, cable or otherwise in writing without delay stating the expected date of the Tug's readiness and ask whether the Hirer will exercise his option to cancel. Such option to cancel must be exercised within 48 hours after the receipt of the Tugowner's notice, otherwise the third day after the date stated in the Tugowner's notice shall be deemed to be the new agreed date to commence the towage in accordance with this Agreement.
















17. Necessary Deviation

(a) If the Tug during the course of the towage or other service under this Agreement puts into a port or place or seeks shelter or is detained or deviates from the original route as set out in Box 23, or slow steams because either the Tugowner or Tugmaster reasonably consider

(i) that the Tow is not fit to be towed or

(ii) the Tow is incapable of being towed at the original speed contemplated by the Tugowner or

(iii) the towing connection requires rearrangement, or

(iv) repairs or alterations to or additional equipment for the Tow are required to safeguard the venture and enable the

Tow to be towed to destination, or

(v) it would not be prudent to do otherwise on account of weather conditions actual or forecast, or

because of any other good and valid reason outside the control of the Tugowner or Tugmaster, or because of any delay caused by

or at the request of the Hirer, this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, and the Tugowner shall be entitled to receive from the Hirer additional compensation at the appropriate Delay Payment rate as set out in Box 29 for all time spent in such port or place and for all time spent by the Tug at sea in excess of the time which would have been spent had such slow steaming or deviation not taken place.

(b) The Tug shall at all times be at liberty to go to the assistance of any vessel in distress for the purpose of saving life or property or to call at any port or place for bunkers, repairs, supplies, or any other necessaries or to land disabled seamen, but if towing the Tug shall leave the Tow in a safe place and during such period this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

(c) The Tug shall have liberty to comply with any orders or directions as to departure, arrival, routes, ports of call, stoppages, destination, delivery, requisition or otherwise howsoever given by the Government of the Nation under whose flag the Tug or Tow sails or any department thereof, or any person acting or purporting to act with the authority for such Government or any department thereof by the committee or person having under the terms of the War Risks Insurance on the Tug the right to give such orders or directions and if by reason of and in compliance with any such orders or directions anything is done or is not done the same shall not be deemed a deviation and delivery in accordance with such orders or directions shall be a fulfilment of this Agreement and the Lump Sum and/or all other sums shall be paid to the Tugowner accordingly.

(d) Any deviation howsoever or whatsoever by the Tug or by the Tugowner not expressly permitted by the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall not amount to a repudiation of this Agreement and the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding such deviation.

17. 必要的绕航













18. Liabilities

1. (a) The Tugowner will indemnify the Hirer in respect of any liability adjudged due or claim reasonably compromised arising out of injury or death occurring during the towage or other service hereunder to any of the following persons:

(i) The Master and members of the crew of the Tug and any other servant or agent of the Tugowner;

(ii) The members of the Riding Crew provided by the Tugowner or any other person whom the Tugowner provides on board the Tow;

(iii) Any other person on board the Tug who is not a servant or agent of the Hirer or otherwise on board on behalf of or at the request of the Hirer.

(b) The Hirer will indemnify the Tugowner in respect of any liability adjudged due or claim reasonably compromised arising from injury or death occurring during the towage or other service hereunder to any of the following persons:

(i) The Master and members of the crew of the Tow and any other servant or agents of the Hirer;

(ii) Any other person on board the Tow for whatever purpose except the members of the Riding Crew or any other persons whom the Tugowner provides on board the Tow pursuant to their obligations under this Agreement.

2. (a) The following shall be for the sole account of the Tugowner without any recourse to the Hirer, his servants, or agents, whether or not the same is due to breach of contract, negligence or any other fault on the part of the Hirer, his servants or agents:

(i) Loss or damage of whatsoever nature, howsoever caused to or sustained by the Tug or any property on board the Tug.

(ii) Loss or damage of whatsoever nature caused to or suffered

by third parties or their property by reason of contact with the Tug or obstruction created by the presence of the Tug.

(iii) Loss or damage of whatsoever nature suffered by the Tugowner or by third parties in consequence of the loss or damage referred to in (i) and (ii) above.

(iv) Any liability in respect of wreck removal or in respect of the expense of moving or lighting or buoying the Tug or in respect of preventing or abating pollution originating from the Tug.

The Tugowner will indemnify the Hirer in respect of any liability adjudged due to a third party or any claim by a third party reasonably compromised arising out of any such loss or damage. The Tugowner shall not in any circumstances be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Hirer or caused to or sustained by the Tow in consequence of loss or damage howsoever caused to or sustained by the Tug or any property on board the Tug.

(b) The following shall be for the sole account of the Hirer without any recourse to the Tugowner, his servants or agents, whether or not the same is due to breach of contract, negligence or any fault on the part of the Tugowner, his servants or agents: (i) Loss or damage of whatsoever nature, howsoever caused to or sustained by the Tow.

(ii) Loss or damage of whatsoever nature caused to or suffered

by third parties or their property by reason of contact with the Tow or obstruction created by the presence of the Tow.

(iii) Loss or damage of whatsoever nature suffered by the Hirer

or by third parties in consequence of the loss or damage referred to in (i) and (ii) above.

(iv) Any liability in respect of wreck removal or in respect of the expense of moving or lighting or buoying the Tow or in respect

of preventing or abating pollution originating from the Tow.

The Hirer will indemnify the Tugowner in respect of any liability adjudged due to a third party or any claim by a third party reasonably compromised arising out of any such loss or damage but the Hirer shall not in any circumstances be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Tugowner or caused to or sustained by the Tug in consequence of loss or damage, howsoever caused to or sustained by the Tow.

3. Save for the provisions of Clauses 11, 12, 13 and l6 neither the Tugowner nor the Hirer shall be liable to the other party for loss of profit, loss of use, loss of production or any other indirect or consequential damage for any reason whatsoever.

4. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Agreement to the contrary, the Tugowner shall have the benefit of all limitations of, and exemptions from, liability accorded to the Owners or Chartered Owners of Vessels by any applicable statute or rule of law for the time being in force and the same benefits are to apply regardless of the form of signatures given to this Agreement. 18. 责任

















2.(a)不论是否由于租用人及其工作人员或代理人违反合同、疏忽或任何其他过失而发生以下情况,均由拖轮船东单独承担责任,并对租用人及其工作人员、代理人无追索权: (1)无论何种原因造成的对拖轮或拖轮所遭受的或者





































19. Himalaya Clause

All exceptions, exemptions, defences, immunities, limitations of liability, indemnities, privileges and conditions granted or provided by this Agreement or by any applicable statute, rule or regulation for the benefit of the Tugowner or Hirer shall also apply to and be for the benefit of demise charterers,

sub-contractors, operators, master, officers and crew of the Tug

or Tow and to and be for the benefit of all bodies corporate parent of, subsidiary to, affiliated with or under the same management as either of them, as well as all directors, officers, servants and agents of the same and to and be for the benefit of all parties performing services within the scope of this Agreement for or on behalf of the Tug or Tugowner or Hirer as servants, agents and sub-contractors of such parties. The Tugowner or Hirer shall be deemed to be acting as agent or trustee of and for the benefit of all such persons, entities and vessels set forth above but only for the limited purpose of contracting for the extension of such benefits to such persons, bodies and vessels.

19. 西玛拉雅条款


20. War and Other Difficulties

(a) If owing to any Hostilities; War or Civil War; Acts of Terrorism; Acts of Public Enemies; Arrest or Restraint of Princes, Rulers or People; Insurrections; Riots or Civil Commotions; Disturbances; Acts of God; Epidemics; Quarantine; Ice; Labour Troubles; Labour Obstructions; Strikes; Lock-outs; Embargoes; Seizure of the Tow under Legal Process or for any other cause outside the control of the Tugowner it would be impossible or unsafe or commercially impracticable for the Tug or Tow or both to leave or attempt to leave the place of departure or any port or place of call or refuge or to reach or enter or attempt to reach or enter the port or place of destination of the Tow and there deliver the Tow and leave again, all of which safely and without unreasonable delay, the Tug may leave the Tow or any part thereof at the place of departure or any other port or place where the Hirer may take repossession and this shall be deemed a due fulfilment by the Tugowner of this Agreement and any outstanding sums and all extra costs of delivery at such place and any storage costs incurred by the Tugowner shall thereupon become due and payable by the Hirer.

(b) If the performance of this Agreement or the voyage to the place of departure would in the ordinary course of events require the Tug and/or Tow to pass through or near to an area where after this Agreement is made there is or there appears to be danger of such area being blocked or passage through being restricted or made hazardous by reason of War, Acts of Terrorism, Trapping of Vessels, Civil War, Acts of Public Enemies, Arrest or Restraint of Princes, Rulers or People, Insurrection, Riots or Civil Commotions or Disturbances or other dangers of a similar nature then:

(i) If the Tug has not entered such area en route to the place of departure, or having entered has become trapped therein, the Hirer shall pay a Delay Payment at the rate specified in Box 29 for every day of the resulting delay. Provided that if the delay is for a period of more than 14 days either party hereto shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by telex, cable or other written notice in which event, save for liabilities already accrued, neither party shall be under any further liability to the other but the Tugowner shall not be bound to repay to the Hirer any payments already made and all amounts due shall remain payable.

(ii) If the Tug and Tow whilst en route to the place of destination have not entered such area during the course of the towage or other service the Hirer shall pay Delay Payment at the rate indicated in Box 29 for every day by which the towage is prolonged by reason of waiting for such area to become clear and/or safe and/or by reason of proceeding by a longer route to avoid or pass such area in safety.

(iii) If the Tug and Tow whilst en route to the place of destination have become trapped in such area during the course of the towage or other service, the Hirer shall pay a Delay Payment at the rate specified in Box 29 for every day of the resulting delay. Provided that if the delay is for a period of more than 14 days either party hereto shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by telex, cable or other written notice in which event, save for liabilities already accrued, neither party shall be under any further liability to the other but the Tugowner shall not be bound to repay to the Hirer any payment already made and all amounts due shall remain payable.

20. 战争和其他困难
























21. Lien

Without prejudice to any other rights which he may have, whether in rem or in personam, the Tugowner, by himself or his servants or agents or otherwise shall be entitled to exercise a possessory lien upon the Tow in respect of any sum howsoever

or whatsoever due to the Tugowner under this Agreement and shall for the purpose of exercising such possessory lien be entitled to take and/or keep possession of the Tow; provided always that the Hirer shall pay to the Tugowner all reasonable costs and expenses howsoever or whatsoever incurred by or on behalf of the Tugowner in exercising or attempting or preparing to exercise such lien and the Tugowner shall be entitled to receive from the Hirer the Tug's Delay Payment at the rate specified in Box 29 for any reasonable delay to the Tug resulting therefrom.

21. 留置权


22. Warranty of Authority

If at the time of making this Agreement or providing any service under this Agreement other than towing at the request, express or implied, of the Hirer, the Hirer is not the Owner of the Tow referred to in Box 4, the Hirer expressly represents that he is authorised to make and does make this Agreement for and on behalf of the Owner of the said Tow subject to each and all of these conditions and agrees that both the Hirer and the Owner of the Tow are bound jointly and severally by these conditions.

22. 授权的保证

在签订本合同或经租用人明示或默示的要求根据本合同提供拖航以外的任何服务时,如果租用人不是第四栏所指的被拖物所有人,该租用人即应明确表示他已被授权并代表所述被拖物的所有人根据每项和所有这些条件签订了本合同,并同意租用人和被拖物所有人对这些条件负连带责任。23. General

(a) If any one or more of the terms, conditions or provisions in this Agreement or any part thereof shall be held to be invalid, void or of no effect for any reason whatsoever, the same shall not affect the validity of the remaining terms, conditions or provisions which shall remain and subsist in full force and effect.

(b) For the purpose of this Agreement unless the context otherwise requires the singular shall include the plural and vice versa.

(c) Any extension of time granted by the Tugowner to the Hirer or any indulgence shown relating to the time limits set out in this Agreement shall not be a waiver of the Tugowner's right under this Agreement to act upon the Hirer's failure to comply with the time limits.

23. 一般原则




24. Time for Suit

Save for the indemnity provisions under Clause 18 of this Agreement, any claim which may arise out of or in connection with this Agreement or of any towage or other service to be performed hereunder shall be notified by telex, cable or otherwise in writing within 6 months of delivery of the Tow or of the termination of the towage or other service for any reason whatever, and any suit shall be brought within one year of the time when the cause of action first arose. If either of these conditions is not complied with the claim and all rights whatsoever and howsoever shall be absolutely barred and extinguished.

24. 诉讼时效


25. Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by English law. Any dispute or difference which may arise out of or in connection with this Agreement or the services to be performed hereunder shall be referred to the High Court of Justice in London. No suit shall be brought in any other state or jurisdiction except that either party shall have the option to bring proceedings in rem to obtain conservative seizure or other similar remedy against any vessel or property owned by the other party in any state or jurisdiction where such vessel or property may be found.

25. 法律和管辖权





Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction 土木工程施工合同 This CONTRACT is made on the _th of_(month), _(year) by and between_(hereinafter called “ Party A ”) of the one part, and _(hereinafter called “ Party B ”) of the ot _公司(以下简称“雇主”)与_公司(以下简称“承包商”)于_年_月_日特签订本合同。 WHEREAS 鉴于。。。 NOW THEREFORE THIS CONTRACT WITNESSETH that it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: 双方达成协议如下: civil engineering 土木工程 Chapter 1 Definitions and Interpretation Article 1 Definitions In the Contract (as hereinafter defined) the following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them, except where the context other requires: 第一条定义 本合同(按下文所定义的)中的下列词和用语,除文中另有要求者外,应具有本条所赋予的含 义: 1.1 “ employer m”eans the person named as such in this contract and the legal successorsin title to such person, but not (except with the consent of the Contractor) any assignee of such pers.on 1.1“雇主”是指本合同所指明的当事人以及取得当事人资格的合法继承人,但除非承包商同意,不包 括此当事人的任何受让人,本合同中的雇主为_(填入名称)。 1.2 “ Contractor ” means the person whose te h n a d s er been accepted by the Employer and the legal successors in title to such pers b o u n t not (except with the consent of the Employer) any assignee of such pers.on 1.2承包商是指其标书已为雇主接受的当事人以及取得此当事人资格的合法继承人,但除非雇主同意,不指此当事人的任何受让人。本合同中的雇主为_(填入名 1.3 “ Subcontractor e”anms any person named in the Contract as a Subcontractor for a part of the Works or any person to whom a part of the works has been subcontracted with the consent of the engineer and the legal successors in title to such person, but not any assignee of any such person. 1.3 “分包商”是指本合同中指定作为分包工程某一部分的分包商的任何当事人,或由工程师同意已将工程的某一部分分包给他的任何当事人以及取得该当事人资格的合法继承人,但不指此当事人的任何受让人。 1.4 “ Engineer ” means the person appointed by the employer to act as Engineer for the purpose of the Contract and named as such in this Contract. 1.4工程师”是指雇主为本合同目的而指定作为工程师。本合同中的工程师是指_(填入名称)。 1.5 “ Engin eer Represe ntative ” means a pers on appo in ted from time to time by the engin eer un der clause 9.2. 1.5工程师代表”是指工程师根据9.2条款随时指定的人员。 1.6 “ Con tract ” mea ns this Con tract, the Specificatio n, the Drawi ngs, the Bill of Quan tities, the

拖航合同 (中英文)

拖航合同 (中英文) CONGTRACT OF SHIP-TUGING AND TOWING OFF 1.Date and place of Agreement 合同签订日期和地点 2.Tugowner/place of business 拖轮船东/营业地 3.Hirer/ place of business 租船人/营业地 4.Tow (name and type) 被拖物(名称和类型) 5.Gross tonnage/ displacement tonnage 总吨位/排水量 6. Maximum length/maximum breadth & towing draught (fore and aft) 最大长度/最大宽度和拖航吃水(前后吃水) 7. Flag and place of registry 船期和登记地 8. Registered owners 登记船东 9. Classification society 船级社 10. P. & I. liability insurers 保赔责任承保人 11.General condition of tow 被拖物概况 12. Particulars of cargo and/or ballast and/or other property on board the tow 被拖物上货物和/压载和/或其他财产的详细情况 13. Tug (name and type) 拖轮(船名和类型) 14. Flag and place of registry 船期和登记地 15. Gross tonnage 总吨位 16. Classification society 船级社 17. P. & I. liability insurers 保赔责任承保人 18. Certificated bollard pull (if any) 额定系柱拖力(如有) 19. Indicated horse power 指示马力


最新工程总承包合同文本 完整版 发包人(全称) 承包人(全称)

第一部分合同协议书 发包人(全称) **工业集团公司 承包人(全称) **设计研究院有限公司 依照《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国建筑法》及相关法律、行政法规,遵循平等、自愿、公平和诚信原则,合同双方就 项目工程总承包事宜经协商一致,订立本合同。 一、工程概况 工程名称: 工程地点: 工程承包范围: 二、主要技术来源 自有。 三、主要日期 合同期限(绝对日期或相对日期): 本项目建筑工程设计合同期限+具备进场条件之日起至18个自然月止。 施工期限(绝对日期或相对日期):具备进场条件之日起至18个自然月止。 (其中:竣工日期(绝对日期或相对日期):具备进场条件之日起,18个自然月。)

四、工程质量标准 工程质量标准:合格。 五、合同价格和付款货币 合同价格为人民币(大写):元。 除根据合同约定的在工程实施过程中需进行增减的款项外,合同价格不作调整。 六、本协议书中有关词语的含义与合同通用条款中赋予的定义与 解释相同。 七、合同生效 合同订立时间:年月日 合同订立地点: 本合同在以下条件满足之后生效:_双方签字盖章后生效_。

发包人:承包人: (公章或合同专用章)(公章或合同专用章) 法定代表人或其授权代表:法定代表人或其授权代表:(签字)(签字) 工商注册住所:工商注册住所: 企业代码:企业代码: 邮政编码:邮政编码: 法定代表人:法定代表人: 授权代表:授权代表: 电话:电话: 传真:传真: 电子邮箱:电子邮箱: 开户银行:开户银行: 账号:账号:

第二部分通用条款 第1条一般规定 1.1 定义与解释 1.1.1 通用条款,指根据法律、行政法规的规定,合同当事人在履行工程总承包合同过程中所遵守的一般性条款,由本文件第1条至第20条组成。 1.1.2 专用条款,指根据工程总承包项目的实际,对通用条款进行补充、修改和完善,并同意共同遵守的条款。 1.1.3 工程总承包,指承包人受业主委托,按照合同约定对工程建设项目的设计、采购、施工(含竣工试验)、试运行等实行全过程或设计与其他阶段的工程承包。 1.1.4 发包人,指在合同协议书中约定的,被称为发包人的当事人,包括其合法继承人和经许可的受让人。 1.1.5 承包人,指在合同协议书中约定的,被发包人接受的具有工程总承包主体资格的当事人,包括其合法继承人。 1.1.6 分包人,指接受承包人根据合同约定对外分包的部分工程或服务的,并具有相应资格的法人或其他组织。 1.1.7 发包人代表,指发包人指定的履行本合同的代表。 1.1.8 监理人,指发包人委托的具有相应资质的工程监理单位。 1.1.9 工程总监,指由监理人授权、负责履行监理合同的总监


关于非自航200m³抓斗船“东祥”海上拖航调遣的总结 发表时间:2018-08-10T16:01:57.423Z 来源:《科技中国》2018年6期作者:赵润振龙波明[导读] 摘要:非自航工程船舶海上调遣,一般可采用半潜船装船海上运输和拖轮拖航等方式进行;半潜船海上运输,存在半潜船资源有限且时间窗口不固定、下潜点水深和浮装卸风浪条件要求苛刻、浮装卸耗时长及运输费用高等缺点;与半潜船海上运输相比摘要:非自航工程船舶海上调遣,一般可采用半潜船装船海上运输和拖轮拖航等方式进行;半潜船海上运输,存在半潜船资源有限且时间窗口不固定、下潜点水深和浮装卸风浪条件要求苛刻、浮装卸耗时长及运输费用高等缺点;与半潜船海上运输相比,在条件许可的情况下,非自航船拖航调遣的方式,具有拖轮资源丰富、实施时间灵活、准备时间少和费用低等优势。 关键词:非自航施工船舶海上拖航调遣半潜船装卸 引言随着国家“一带一路”战略的实施,以及中国施工企业自身在投融资、大型设备、项目管理等方面优势不断彰显,中国施工企业在国际市场上占据更多的市场份额。海外特别是发展中国家的港口基建或扩建工程需求日益增加,港口工程的建设需投入相应的工程船舶,为提高资源利用率,邻近国家间船舶调遣已成为新常态。 1背景介绍 中交广州航道局有限公司(以下简称“我司”)于2015年11月初,开始参与科特迪瓦阿比让港口扩建工程的建设。工程位于科特迪瓦第一大城市、经济首都-阿比让市,是目前科特迪瓦第一大工程。工程总规模达9.33亿美元,合同总工期45个月。工程主要内容包括:(1)新建一座现代化的集装箱码头(2#集装箱码头),共2个泊位,长度分别为700m和500m。码头结构按满足未来12000TEU集装箱船靠泊的需要建设,港池水深按近期满足第五代集装箱船靠泊水深-16.0m,填海造陆形成37.8公顷的码头后方堆场。(2)新建一座滚装泊位和一座通用杂货泊位,滚装泊位长220m,通用泊位长250m,填海造陆形成19.7公顷的码头后方堆场。港池疏浚水深-14.0m。 (3)拓宽和浚深长4,552m的Vridi(弗里迪)运河航道,满足第五代集装箱船(载箱量6000TEU,满载吃水14.5m)全天候进港的需要,同时对航道口门处东西防波堤拆除并重建,改建后东西防波堤均为600m长,拓宽后航道宽度为250m。我司主要负责新建码头后方陆域清淤、港池疏浚、弗里迪运河航道疏浚和新建码头后方造陆回填;我司200m3非自航抓斗船“东祥”于2016年1月至2016年12月份期间在科特迪瓦阿比让进行清淤、疏浚施工。 “东祥”是日本小岛组于1995年建造的第一艘200m3抓斗式挖泥船,是目前世界上最大的抓斗船,我司于2016年购买该船。“东祥”船长100m,船宽36m,型深6m,吃水3.6m,总吨6,985,总高45m。“东祥”整体布置图见图1和侧视图见图2。 图2 “东祥”侧视图 根据我司船舶使用计划,在“东祥”完成科特迪瓦阿比让港口扩建项目的施工内容后,需将“东祥”于2016年12月底前,自科特迪瓦阿比让港调遣至加纳特码港,海上调遣距离约300海里。 2 “东祥”调遣方案的比选和确定 2.1半潜船装驳调遣和拖轮拖带调遣的比较 非自航工程船舶海上调遣,一般可采用半潜船装船海上运输和拖轮拖航等方式进行。针对此次非自航抓斗船“东祥”从科特迪瓦阿比让港调遣至加纳特码港,我们对半潜船装船和拖轮拖航两种调遣方式的优缺点进行了较为全面的分析:(1)采用半潜船装驳工程船“东祥”调遣方式优缺点分析优点主要体现在:


国际贸易合同中英文对照版 英文进口合同范本- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purchase Contract 合同编号(Contract No.): _______________ 签订日期(Date) :,,,,,,,,,,_ 签订地点(Signed at) :,,,,,,,____ 买方:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The Buyer:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 地址: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Address: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 电话(Tel):___,,,,,,,, 传真(Fax):,,,,,,,,,, 电子邮箱(E-mail):,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 卖方:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The Seller:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 地址:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Address: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_, 电话(Tel):_,,,,,,,, 传真(Fax):,,,,,,,,,,, 电子邮箱(E-mail):,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 买卖双方同意按照下列条款签订本合同: The Seller and the Buyer agree to conclude this Contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below:


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 施工合同中英文模板-construction-contract 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

工程合同 PO No.: XXXXXXX Date of signature: 签约日期: Seller: 乙方: This Purchase Order is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller: Whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 甲乙双方经友好协商,一致就供应下列产品,达成如下条款: 1. Scope of Supply and Price 工作范围及价格明细 2. Technical Requirement, Quality Requirement, Standard & Warranty Period: Seller shall carried out the construction in strict accordance with the National Standard and the requirements stipulated in the Technical Agreement No. which both party signed (see attached documents). The warranty period shall be 1 year after placement of Goods in service. 技术要求、质量要求、技术标准和质保期限 :按国家标准和双方签定的技术协议(编号: 见附件)施工, 质保期为投产后1年。 3. Job Sites: 施工地点: 4. Construction Equipment, Tools & Field Personnel Management: 施工设备工具及现场人员管理: Buyer: 甲方:



由第2栏中所指定的一方(下称拖轮船东)和第3栏中指定的一方(下称租船人)双方商定,拖轮船东应根据由第一部分及经过商定并载在第39栏中的附加条款和第二部分所组成的本合同条款和条件,尽最大努力完成本合同所规定的拖航和其他服务。一旦条款和条件之间互有抵触,则第一部分的条款及经过商定的附加条件应优先于第二部分条款,但仅限于该抵触部分,而不涉及其他内容。本合同英文印刷条款应优先于中文印刷条款。 PART1 (第一部分条款) 1.被拖物 “被拖物”指拖轮船东同意为其提供第22栏中的服务并在第一部分载明的不论何种性质的任何船舶、舰筏或物体包括其所装载的任何物品。 2.价格和支付条件 (a)租船人应付给拖轮船东第32栏中所规定的金额(以下称“承包价”) (b)承包价应按第32和33栏的规定支付。 (c)根据本合同应支付给拖轮船东的承包价和一切其他款项均无任何回扣、抵销、留置、索赔或反索赔,不论拖轮和/或被拖物灭失与否,承包价中每一期付款均应在第32栏规定到期之日,全部和不可取消地为拖轮船东所得,所有其他款项则均应全部和不可取消地由拖轮船东按天取得。 (d)租船人的一切付款都应按第33栏指定的货币支付到该栏指定的银行帐号。 (e)如果拖轮船东实际支付的每公吨燃油的平均价格与第36栏所列的金额不同,则租船人或拖轮船东应根据航行期间所消耗的燃油按每公吨的差价补给对方。上述平均价格应是拖轮船东在航行前最后的加油港口、航行中的加油港口以及完成航次后的第一个港口所购油量实际支付的每公吨燃油的平均价格。拖轮的航海日志应是燃油消耗量的原始证据。 (f)根据本合同应付的任何延迟费一经出具发票为拖轮船东所得时,应即支付给拖轮船东。 (g)第26和27栏中所规定的免费时间应用于被拖物到达目的地接拖和接拖以及与此有关的其他目的。免费时间应从拖轮到达起拖地的引航站或拖轮和被拖物到达目的港引航站或锚地,或者到达上述地点外的通常等待水域时起计算。如果超过免费时间,则在拖轮和被拖物驶离起拖港或拖轮解脱后驶离目的港之前的时间,应按第29栏所列非率支付延滞费。 3.附加费和额外费用 (a)租船人须指定在起拖地、目的港、中途停靠港或避难港的代理人,并根据需要向其提交足够的备用金。 (b)租船人须承担并支付到期应付的下列费用: (1)所有港口费、引航费、港务费和运河费,以及应向拖轮和被拖物双方征收的类似性质的所有其他费用。 (2)所有税收(拖轮船东在其主要营业地点的所在国及拖轮船籍通常支付的除外)、印花税,或者与本合同或根据本合同应付的承包价或者其他款项有关的,或与根据本合同进行的服务的付款有关的其他税收,任何海关或货物税,以及在办理许可证或执照等方面应付的费用和税收。 (3)拖轮船长认为需要的或者港口或有关当局指定的辅助拖轮的服务费用。 (4)被拖物拖航准备工作所需的全部费用(包括被拖物起锚、或照料、解缆的全部费用)。 (5)被拖物的保险费应由租船人单独负责。 (c)租船人应付的所有税款及费用须直接支付给应得方。如果此项税款或费用实际上已由拖轮船东或已代表拖轮船东支付(尽管拖轮船东在任何情况下无代表租船人支付上述费用的义务),租船人都应在拖


国际贸易合同(中英文)国际贸易货物买卖(中英文) CONTRACT OF GOODS PURCHASE Contract No.: 合同号: Date: 日期: The Buyer: 买方:

Address: 地址:Fax: 传真:Tel: 电话: The Seller: 卖方:Address: 地址:Fax: 传真:Tel: 电话:

1. COMMODITY AND PRICE 商品和价格 This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller; whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the commodity and on terms and conditions stipulated below: 本合同由买卖双方订立,根据下列条款和条件买方同意购买且卖方同意出售下列商品: Item No. 序号 Commodity and specifications 商品和规格 Quantity数量

Unit Price + Price Term单价和价格术语 Total Amount in U.S.Dollar总价(美元) TOTAL value: USD (SAY U.S. DOLLAR ONLY)总金额:美元(大写美元整) 2. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURERS: THE NETHERLANDS/ PHILIPS 原产国和制造商: 3. TIME OF SHIPMENT: 装运时间: The Seller agrees to exercise customary reasonable business practices to meet the Buyer s requested delivery dates set forth herein. The Buyer understands that shipping dates may depend upon site readiness and the Seller s prompt


编号:_______________ 本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 中英文建筑工程合同 (ContractofConstructionProject) 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

Contract of Construction Project 合同编号:Contract Number: 工程名称:Project Name: 发包方(甲方): ______________________________ Employer (Party A): ________________________ 承包方(乙方): ______________________________ Contractor (Party B): ________________________ 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》和《建筑安装工程承包合同条例》及有关规定,为明确双方在施工过程中的权利、义务和经济责任,经双方协商同意签订本合同。 In order to make definite of the rights, obligations and economic responsibilities of both parties during the construction, the parties, in accordance with The PRC Contract Law and Construction Engineering Contract Regulations and relevant provisions, agree to sign this contract. 第一条工程项目Article 1, Project item 1 .工程地点:Project site: 2. 工程范围:Scope of project 3. 工程造价:人民币元整(该造价为包工包料价) Project cost: PMB Yuan only(Cost of this contract is the contract price for labor and materials) 第二条施工准备Article 2, Preparation for construction 1 .甲方协助乙方办理临时水电及垂直运输,提供建筑图纸及有关隐蔽障碍物的资料。 Party A shall assists party B to deal with the procedures of temporary hydropower and vertical transportation and provide architectural drawings and documents of relevant concealed obstacles . 2 .乙方:.Party B: ①负责施工区域的临时设施、水电管线的铺设、管理、使用和维修工作; Be responsible for the works of laying, management, use and maintenance of the temporary facilities, water and electricity pipeline in the construction area. ②组织施工管理人员和材料、施工机械进场;


GF-2011-0216 建设项目工程总承包合同 住房和城乡建设部 制定 国家工商行政管理总局

第一部分合同协议书 发包人(全称) 承包人(全称) 依照《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国建筑法》、《中华人民共和国招标投标法》及相关法律、行政法规,遵循平等、自愿、公平和诚信原则,合同双方就大唐盛世商务公寓、白云山、龙珠塔、半岛酒店项目工程总承包事宜经协商一致,订立本合同。 一、工程概况 工程名称: 工程批准、核准或备案文号: 工程内容及规模: 工程所在省市详细地址: 工程承包范围: 二、工程主要生产技术(或建筑设计方案)来源 三、主要日期 设计开工日期(绝对日期或相对日期): 施工开工日期(绝对日期或相对日期): 工程竣工日期(绝对日期或相对日期): 四、工程质量标准 工程设计质量标准: 工程施工质量标准: 五、合同价格和付款货币 合同价格为人民币(大写):元(小写金额:元)。详见合同价格清单分项表。除根据合同约定的在工程实施过程中需进行增减的款项外,合同价格不作调整。 六、定义与解释 本协议书中有关词语的含义与通用条款中赋予的定义与解释相同。 七、合同生效

本合同在以下条件全部满足之后生效: 发包人:承包人: (公章或合同专用章)(公章或合同专用章) 法定代表人或授权代表:法定代表人或授权代表:(签字)(签字) 工商注册住所:工商注册住所: 企业组织机构代码:企业组织机构代码: 邮政编码:邮政编码: 法定代表人:法定代表人: 授权代表:授权代表: 电话:电话: 传真:传真: 电子邮箱:电子邮箱: 开户银行:开户银行: 账号:账号: 合同订立时间:年月日 合同订立地点:


海上拖航阻力计算 注:“华富708”空船平均吃水1.0m,每厘米吃水吨数约20T/cm,本计算按货物1500T、压载水1500T,总计3000T计算,上述状态下平均吃水为2.5m。货物正向迎风面积为14mX14m=196m2。 1.海上拖航总阻力经验计算公式: R t=1.15[R f+R b+(R ft+R bt)] 式中:R f-----被拖船(物)的摩擦阻力 R b-----被拖船(物)的剩余阻力 R ft-----拖船的摩擦阻力 R bt-----拖船的剩余阻力 2.被拖船(物)的阻力近似计算公式 R f=1.67A1V1.8310-3KN R b=0.147δA2v 1.74+0.15v KN 式中:V---拖航速度m/s δ---方型系数 A2----被拖船(物)浸水部分的中横面积 其中:A1如无详细资料,按下方法求: 正常船舶;A1=L(1.7d+δB)m2 驳船/首尾有线形变化的箱型船;A1=0.92L(B+1.81d)m2 无线形变化的箱型船及其他水上建筑A1=L(B+2d)

L----被拖船(物)的长度;m B----被拖船(物)的宽度:m d----被拖船(物)的吃水:m 3.拖轮的阻力计算---用拖轮的资料,如无详细资料,也可按被拖船(正常船舶)的近似公式计算。已知:V=6.0Kt(3.087m/s) 4.被拖物的阻力计算: 表一: 被拖船名L(m)B(m)D(m)δ 华富708 91.5 24.5 2.5 0.95 表二: 被拖船名A1(m2)A2(m2)V(m/s)δR f(Kn)R b(Kn)华富708 2699.25 61.25 3.087 0.95 35.5 102.1 5.拖轮阻力计算: 表三: 拖轮名L B d δ 华富219 44.0 10.4 4.8 0.63 表四: 拖轮名A1(m2)A2(m2)V(m/s)δR ft(Kn)R bt(Kn)华富219 647 33.8 3.087 0.63 8.5 29.8 海上拖轮总阻力为:175.9KN R t=1.15[R f+R b+(R ft+R bt)]=20.6t 结论一:当船组在静水中拖带航速为6节时,拖航阻力为20.6T,远小于“华富219”拖轮拖力38T,满足规范要求。


NO.: DATE: FAX: FAX: This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 买方与卖方就以下条款达成协议: 1. COMMODITY: 2. COUNTRY AND MANUFACTURERS: 原产国及造商: 3. PACKING: To be packed in standard airway packing. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage of the commodity and expenses incurred on account of improper packing and for any rust attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the sellers in regard to the packing. 包装:标准空运包装。如果由于不适当的包装 而导致的货物损坏和由此产生的费用,卖方应对此负完全的责任。 4. SHIPPING MARK: The Sellers shall mark on each package with fadeless paint the package number, gross weight, net weight, measurement and the wordings: "KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE" "HANDLE WITH CARE" "THIS SIDE UP" etc. and the shipping mark: 唛头:卖方应用不褪色的颜料在每个箱子外部刷上箱号、 毛重、净重、尺寸,并注明“防潮” “小心轻放” 、“此面向上”等,唛头为 : 5. TIME OF SHIPMENT (装运期):within days after receipt of L/C 6. P ORT OF SHIP MEN (装运港): 7. PORT OF DESTINATIO N (目 的港):CONTRACT THE BUYERS: ADDRESS : TEL: THE SELLERS: ADDRESS: TEL: , CHINA


货物运输合同英文版 运输合同签订过程中当事人应该审查承运人主体的运输资格和合同履行能力,包括运输资质、运输工具的安全、紧急突发处理方案、信誉等,了解这些有利于实现货运合同的目的,同时保障托运人的货物财产安全。今天小编要与大家分享的是:英文版的货物运输合同范本,具体内容如下,欢迎阅读和参考! 货物运输合同(中英文版) Transport Contract 托运方Shipper:____________________________________

地址:Add.____________ 邮码:Zip____________ 电话:Tel____________ 法定代表人:Legal representative____________ 职务:____________ 承运方:Carrier____________________________________ 地址:Add____________ 邮码:Zip____________ 电话:Tel____________ 法定代表人:Legal representative____________ 职务:____________ 根据国家有关运输规定,经过双方充分协商,特订立本合同,以便双方共同遵守。

The Shipper and the Carrier hereby enter this Contract through discussion according to the national related regulation. 第一条货物名称、规格、数量、价款 Article 1. Name of goods, specifications, quantity, price 第二条包装要求


Contract of Construction Project 合同编号:Contract Number: 工程名称:Project Name: 发包方(甲方):工程设计顾问(北京) Employer (Party A): International Consulting Engineers ( Beijing) Limited 承包方(乙方):中寰艺高建筑装饰工程有限公司 Contractor (Party B): Zhong Huanyigao Building Decoration Engineering Co. , Ltd 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》和《建筑安装工程承包合同条例》及有关规定,为明确双方在施工过程中的权利、义务和经济责任,经双方协商同意签订本合同。 In order to make definite of the rights, obligations and economic responsibilities of both parties during the construction, the parties, in accordance with The PRC Contract Law and Construction Engineering Contract Regulations and relevant provisions, agree to sign this contract. 第一条工程项目Article 1, Project item 1.工程地点:Project site: 2. 工程范围:Scope of project 3. 工程造价:人民币元整(该造价为包工包料价) Project cost: PMB Yuan only(Cost of this contract is the contract price for labor and materials) 第二条施工准备Article 2, Preparation for construction 1.甲方协助乙方办理临时水电及垂直运输,提供建筑图纸及有关隐蔽障碍物的资料。 Party A shall assists party B to deal with the procedures of temporary hydropower and vertical transportation and provide architectural drawings and documents of relevant concealed obstacles . 2.乙方:. Party B: ①负责施工区域的临时设施、水电管线的铺设、管理、使用和维修工作; Be responsible for the works of laying, management, use and maintenance of the temporary facilities, water and electricity pipeline in the construction area. ②组织施工管理人员和材料、施工机械进场; Organize construction management staff and construction materials, construction machinery enter the Site. ③负责在装修期间保持公共地方清洁及每天负责将装物料弃置于由管理处指定的垃圾收集

TISCO二期扩建工程项目总承包(EPC)合同 中英文

TISCO 二期扩建工程项目总承包(EPC)合同 技术附件
TISCO 二期扩建工程之总图运输,公路,铁路,各种 管网

ROADWAY, RAILWAY AND PIPELINE WORKS OF THE WHOLE PLAN (STAGE II) 全厂 TISCO 二期扩建工程之总图运输,公路,铁路,各种管网的概述 二期扩建工程之总图运输, 公路, 铁路,各种管网的


工程施工合同中英文版 Construction Contract PO No.: XXXXXXX Buyer:. Date of signature: 甲方: 签约日期: Seller: 乙方: This Purchase Order is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller: Whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 甲乙双方经友好协商,一致就供应下列产品,达成如下条款: 1. Scope of Supply and Price 工作范围及价格明细 2. Technical Requirement, Quality Requirement, Standard & Warranty Period: Seller shall carried out the construction in strict accordance with the National Standard and the requirements stipulated in the Technical Agreement No. ________which both party signed (see attached documents). The warranty period shall be 1 year after placement of Goods in service. 技术要求、质量要求、技术标准和质保期限: 按国家标准和双方签定的技术协议(编号:______见附件)施工,质保期为投产后1年。 3. Job Sites: 施工地点: 4. Construction Equipment, Tools & Field Personnel Management: 施工设备工具及现场人员管理: (1) All the construction equipment and tools shall be provided by Seller. 所有施工用设备及工具由乙方自带。 (2) Buyer will coordinate and arrange the electricity and water supply on the site. 现场施工用水电由甲方协调安排。 (3) Buyer will be responsible for all the lifting work during the construction on site. 现场施工过程中的吊装工作由甲方负责。
