合同编号 Contract No.
合同签订地: Place of Contract
签订日期 Date
委托单位(以下简称甲方):Name of client (hereinafter named “The Client”)
地址 Address
电话 Tel
传真 Fax
顾问单位(以下简称艺术品顾问) (hereinafter named The Art Consultant)
地址 Address Hong Kong
电话 Tel
传真 Fax
The Client hereby awards this Art Consultancy Agreement (hereinafter named The Contract) to the Art Consultant. The terms and conditions of the Contract are as follows:
1. 合同内容 The Contract
1.1 本合同将为所有室內範圍之藝術設計和挑選.
The contract scope includes art selection for all interior space art.
2. 服务阶段Scope of Services
各阶段工作完成时间见本合同附表。若进度有调整,以甲方确认的实际进度为准。Refer to appendix 1 for project schedule. In case of any changes, Client shall advise the final schedule.
2.1阶段一艺术概念与创意Phase I Art Concept and Development
Preliminary conference shall be held with the Client and interior designer to establish a clear scope of areas requiring artwork. Types of artwork, quantity and overall direction of artwork themes shall be determined according to design brief.
Client/interior designer to provide design schedule and project programme to Art Consultant to follow.
Upon reviewing and analyzing the interior floor plans, elevations, mood boards, perspective together with brief from the interior designer, the Art Consultant will prepare schematic floor plans (two sets and also in digital format) showing the proposed locations. Conceptual images of the artworks/artifacts representing the basic concept will be presented for client’s approval.
2.2阶段二艺术品选择和規格 Phase II Art Selection and Specification
当第I 阶段的工作被批准和接受并支付完成后,艺术顾问将演示各个不同区域总体艺
After receipt of written approval and payment from the Client for Phase I work, with consultation with the Client/interior designer, the Art Consultant will present an overall artworks/artifacts concept for the various areas complete with schedule of artworks, location plans and dimensions of the artworks/artifacts. Image reference, samples to indicate style, subject and medium will be presented at this
phase. Based on this artworks schedule, a budget estimate will be submitted. The artworks/artifacts budget estimate is only guidance for budget control. Client is to sign off art proposal before proceeding to the next phase. Art Consultant to provide relevant drawings and digital documents.
2.3 阶段三预算Phase III Budgeting
The Art Consultant will prepare necessary documents for the supply and installation of artworks/artifacts (in digital format) If necessary, Art Consultant shall make reasonable adjustments to documents in order to meet the budget.
2.4 阶段四协调和监督
在这个阶段艺术顾问须访问确定的供应商使其了解艺术顾问的意图。然而艺术顾问将不对艺术品供应商的执行和完成能力负有责任。若甲方要求艺术顾问访问甲方推荐的供应商,则该访问的所有费用包括:机票、住宿、餐费和交通费等将由甲方支付。During this stage, the Art Consultant shall make factory/studio visits to ensure that the works of the makers are consistent with the intent of the Art
Consultant. However, the Art Consultant shall not be held liable for the competence in proper execution and performance of the work which are entrusted to the professional art supplier. For client nominated suppliers, all travel expenses including airfare, accommodation, meals, transportation, etc shall be borne by the Client.
2.5 阶段五交货和安装