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Legal Represe ntative:




Gen der:male


Nationality: PR.China This Con tract is sig ned on a mutuality volun tary basis by and betwee n the followi ng

Employer and Employee in accorda nee with the Labour Law of People

' s Republic of Chin a."

1. Term of the Con tract:

The term of this con tract is for one year and shall comme nee on ___________________ , ______ , and shall

con ti nue un til _____ , ______ ,unl ess earlier term in ated pursua nt to this Con tract. The Employee

shall un dergo a probati onary period of three mon ths.

2. Job Descripti on:

The Employer agrees to employ Mr./Ms. __________________________ (name)as ______________ (job title) in

__________ Departme nt, located in ____________ (office locati on and city).

3. Remun erati on of Labour

a. The salary of the Employee shall bemonthly paid by the Employer in accordanee with applicable laws and

regulations of PR.C. It shall be paid by legal tender and not less than the sta ndard mi nimum salary in Tianji n.

b. The salary of the Employee is RMB$ ________________ per month in the probationary period and

RMB$ _________ after the probati onary period.

c. If the delay or default of salary takes place,the Employer shall pay the economic compe nsati on except the

salary itself in accorda nee with the releva nt laws and regulati ons.

4. Worki ng Hours & Rest & Vocati on a. The no rmal work ing hours of the Employee shall be eight hours each day, excludi ng meals and rest for an

average of five days per week, for an average of forty hours per week.

Labour Con tract

ID Card No.:

b.The Employee is entitled to all legal holidays and other paid leaves of absenee in

accordanee with the laws and regulations of the PRC and the eompany ' s work rules.

e. The Employer may exte nd worki ng hours due to the requireme nts of its product ion or

bus in ess after eon sultati on with the trade union and the Employee ,but the exte nded work ing

hour for a day shall gen erally not exeeed one hour; If sueh exte nsion is ealled for due to speeial reas ons, the exte nded hours shall not exeeed three hours a day.However, the total exte nsion in a month

shall not exeeed thirty-six hours.

5.Soeial Seeurity & Welfare

a.The Employer will pay for all man datory soeial seeurity programs sueh pension in sura nee,

un employme nt in sura nee, medieal in sura nee of the Employee aeeord ing to the releva nt gover nment and eity

regulati ons.

b.During the period of the Contraet, the Employee' s welfare shall be implemented

aeeorda nee with the laws and releva nt regulati ons of P .R.C.

6.Worki ng Proteetion & Worki ng Co nditio ns

a.The Employer should provide the Employee with oeeupati onal safety and health con diti ons

conforming to the provisi ons of the State and n ecessary articles of labor proteeti on to guara ntee

the safety and health duri ng the work ing process.

b.The Employer should provide the Employee with safety edueati on and tech nique trai ning;

The Employee to be engaged in specialized operations should receive specialized training and acquire qualifieati ons for sueh speeial operatio ns.

e. The Employee should strictly abide by the rules of safe operation in the process of their


bour Diseipli ne

a.The Employer may draft bylaws and labour diseipli nes of the Compa ny, Aeeord ing to which,


Employer shall have the right to give rewards or take diseipli nary actions to the Employee;

b.The Employee shall comply with the man ageme nt direeti ons of the Employer and obey the bylaws and labour diseipli nes of the Employer.

c.The Employee shall un dertake the obligati on to keep and not to disclose the trade secret for the
