当前位置:文档之家› 加工贸易合同中英对照


加工贸易合同中英对照( Processing Trade Contracts )

加工贸易合同( Processing Trade Contracts ) 加工贸易是指由国外厂商提供一定的原材料、辅助材料、零部件、元器件、包装材料,必要时 提供及其设备及生产技术,委托国内企业按国外厂商要求进行加工、装配,成品由国外厂商负 责销售,国内企业按合同规定收取加工费。以下为来料加工和来件装配合同的参考格式:


Contract for Processing With Supplied Materials and Assembling With Supplied Parts


_____________ 有限公司(以下简称甲方)

_____________ 有限公司(以下简称乙方)

Undersigned Parties:

Co. Ltd (hereinafter Co. Ltd (hereinafter 兹经双方同意甲方委托乙方在 所需的零件与原料由甲方提供,其条款如下:

The undersigned parties agree that Party A entrust Party B to manufacture Standard Magnetic Compassesin ____________________ with all necessary parts and materials provided

by Party A under the following terms and conditions: 1.来料加工和来件装配的商品和数量

(1) 商品名称——标准磁罗经;

( 2)数量——共计 ________ 台;

1. Commodity and quantity for processing with provided materials and parts

(1) Nameof Commodity —— Standard Magnetic Compasses

(2) Quantity —— ____ sets in total;

2.一切所需用的零件和原料由甲方提供,或乙方在 __________________

或 ____________ 购买,清单附于本合同内;

2. All necessary parts and materials listed in the contract shall be provided by Party A or

purchased by Party B in _____________ or _______ ;


(1)GLC -1 型标准磁罗经: 美元);

(2)GLC -2 型标准磁罗经: 美元);

(3)GLC -3 型标准磁罗经: 美元);

3. Processing Charge for (1) Standard Magnetic CompassGLC-1: $ _________ U.S. (SAY: _________ U.S.D) each;

(2) Standard Magnetic CompassGLC-2: $ _________ U.S. (SAY: _________ U.S.D) each;

(3) Standard Magnetic CompassGLC-3: $ _________ U.S. (SAY: _________ U.S.D) each; called Party A) called

Party B) __加工标准磁罗经,一切 ________ U S. D (大写: ______

________ U. S. D (大写 ________

________ U. S. D (大写 _________

each model is as follows:

4.加工所需的主要零件、消耗品及原料由甲方运至__________ ,若有短少或破损,甲方应负责补


4. The main parts and consumables and materials required for processing shall be shippe d to by Party A. In case of any shortage or deterioration, Party A shall

be held responsible for supplying replacement;

5.甲方应于成品交运前一个月,开立信用证或电汇全部加工费用及由乙方在____________ 或______

____ 购买零配件、消耗品及原料费用;

5. Party A shall pay Party B by L/C or T/T covering the full amount of processing charges and costs of parts, consumables and materials purchased by Party B in _______________________ or __________ one month in prior to the shipment of finished products;

6.乙方应在双方同意的时间内完成GLC—1 型标准磁罗经的加工和交运,不得延迟,凡发生无法控制的和不可预见的情况例外;

6. Party B shall finish the manufacturing of Standard Magnetic CompassGLC-1and effect shipment within the date both parties agree on, excluding the occurrence of uncontrolla ble or unforeseeable events;

7.零件及原料的损耗率:加工时零件及原料损耗率为_______________________________ %,其损耗率由甲方免费供应,如损耗率超过_ %,应由


7. Attrition Rate of Parts and Materials

Attrition rate of parts and materials in processing is _____________ %and shall be provided

by Party A for free. In case attrition rate exceeds ____________ %, Party B shall supplement the additional parts and materials required for processing;


8. In case the shipment of parts and materials by Party A is wrong or in excess, Party B shall return the excessive portion at Party A's expenses. In case of short shipment, Party A shall make up the shortage;

9.甲方提供加工GLC-1 型标准磁罗经的零件及原料,乙方应严格按规定的设计加工,不得变更;9. Parts and materials provided by Party A for Standard Magnetic CompassesGLC-1shall be manufactured by Party B in strict accordance with design without modification;

10.技术服务:甲方同意乙方随时提出派遣技术人员到_______________ 的要求,协助培训乙方的

技术人员,并允许所派技术人员留在乙方检验成品。为此,乙方同意支付每人日薪 _________________ 美元,其他一切费


10. Technical Service: Party A agrees to send technicians to ____________ to help training Party B's technicians at the request of Party Bat any time, and allows the technicians sent by Party A to remain with Party B for inspection of the finished products. As such, Party B agrees to pay a
