当前位置:文档之家› SBLC合作协议书中英文标准版








Cooperation Agreement


Party A: (Issuer):


Party B (Receiver):


理抵押贷款,为此双方达成协议如下:Commissioned by Party B to Party A that Party A shall issue an available SBLC and to let Party B get a mortgage loan from the bank, for which both parties agree as follows.

一. 票据概述:

I; Note Overview:

1. 抵押品担保:SBLC。

The mortgage collateral: SBLC.

2. 面值:合约总额度批操作,第一单




The nominal value: Total contract amount is

, the first transaction is , the second transaction is

the third transaction is _________________________ The Second and Third transaction will be started within FIVE banking days after completion of the last transaction. the following transaction amount will be proceeded under discussion of both two parties. After completion of the contract amount, this contract will be finished automatically

3. 期限:三百六十五天加一天。

Duration: 365 days plus one day.

4. 开证方式:用SWIFT按接证银行的版本开出。

Mode of issuance: To issue the SBLC by using SWIFT -760 and the verbiage as attached

5. 开证银行:______________________________

Issuing bank:

6. 接证银行:

Receiving bank:

7. 受益人:乙方

Beneficiary: PARTY

B ___________________________

8. 查询方式:银行对银行以SWIFT进行确定。

合作协议中英文版 (2)

编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 合作协议中英文版 (2) 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

Party A : Party B: 甲方::乙方: According to the Chinese laws and regulations , Party A and B invest in a new project known as “”( socalled " " for short thereinafter), On the basic of the equality and mutual benefits , both parties friendly reached as following agreement: 根据有关法律、法规,本着平等互利的原则,甲、乙双方共同合作投资经营 ( 项目。经双方友好协商一致,特订立本协议. First Cooperative Project 一、合作项目: Party A and B share the investment of , and affiliated to Samvol. Before the is officially registered in China, can use name of ( ) for legal business activities. 双方拟共同投资经营的项目,并挂靠的名义,乙方提供 相关手续及证件。公司在中国正式注册前,可以借用l 的名义进行一切合法商业行为。 Second Ways of Investment 二、出资方式: The investment both parties are RMB, the total amount is RMB.During the partnership , each partner's contribution will be the joint property, not be segmented arbitrarily. All the joint property should be used for the legal business activities and daily expenses of '' . About the shares ,both side can negotiate after the company was founded for 3 months. 甲方:出资额为元整,乙方:出资额为元整,出资共计人民币( ) 整。合伙期 间各合伙人的出资为共有财产,不得随意 请求分割。出资款用丁此项目的合法商业活动以及日常支出,如需


编号:_ ______________ 本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 中英文版股东合作协议 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

Party B: ********** Co., Ltd Address: Room**********, ********** Road,********** District,Beijing, China 丙方名称: ********** Tel: ********** Mobile: ********** Fax: ********** legal representative: ********** 址: ********** Phone ********** Fax ? ********** 法定代表人: ********** 座 机: 移动固话: 传 真: ********** ********** ********** 法定代表人: **********

Party C: ********** Address :********** Tel: ********** Fax ? ********** Legal representative: ********** 甲、乙、丙三方经友好协商,本着平等互利、优势互补、合作共赢的原则,就三方共同发起、共同出资、成立合资公司,达成如下合作协议: According to principles of equality and mutual benefit , complementary advantages , and win - win cooperation, Three parties have reached a cooperation agreement on the establishment and capital contributions of the joint venture company as follows: 第一条合资公司名称、经营范围、注册地址及公司形式: 1. 合资公司名称:**********有限责任公司。 2. 经营范围:主营钻探设备的销售、维修及售后服务;钻探设备租赁;相关工程施工。(以工商局核准范围为准) 3. 注册地址:北京市 4. 公司性质:有限责任公司


可编辑可修改,欢迎下载 销售合同 SALES CONTRACT 卖方: The Seller : Add 买方(The Buyer): Add: 经双方确认订立本合同,具体条款如下: This sales contract is made out as per the following terms and conditions mutually confirmed by both parties: (5) 交货日期及运输方式 : Time of delivery: within 30days after the deposit, four containers each month. Mode of transportation : shipping from SHENZHEN CHINA to INCHEON KOREA (6) 装运标记 : Shipping marks: N/M (7) 装运口岸 : ( 8) 目的口岸 : Port of loading: Shenzhen, China port Port of destination: Incheon port, Korea (9) 付款条件: (10) 包装:Packing Payment: 30% T/T in advance and balance payable against the copy of BL. Four containers each month. 备注:买方应根据卖方公司账户进行付款;如买方款项付到其它任何账户,卖方不承担任何责任。 Note: Buyer shall make a payment based on the seller ’s account, if the buyer any amount paid to the other account, the seller does not bear any responsibility . (11) 附加条款:(本合同其他条款如与本附加条款有抵触时,以本附加条款为准。)

光纤入户施工合同 施工合同

光纤入户施工合同施工合同 篇一:光纤入户-合同 光纤入户协议 甲方: 乙方: 按照信息产业部、建设部关于进一步规范住宅小区及商住楼通信管线及通信设施建设的通知精神(信部联规[2007]24号)。经甲、乙双方方友好协商,特就项目共同达成如下建设协议: 第一条工程概况 1.1工程名称: 1.2工程地点: 1.3工期: 开工日期: 竣工日期: 具体开工日期、竣工日期时间以项目部书面通知为准。 第二条工程承包范围及包干方式 1 2.1施工内容:乙方按照通信线路综合布线的施工方法和具体标准,负责楼层机柜到各用户弱电分配箱的竖直和水平部分线路的安装、测试和相关部门验收,采用一户一线(含楼层机柜、模块、标志牌等工程范围内的全部设备)。 2.2包干方式:本工程采用包工、包料、包安全文明施工、包验收且包相关通信部门验收通过的方式。

2.3 乙方协调红线范围内室外通讯线缆接至每栋楼楼层机柜(该通讯线缆经营商必须得到甲方的认可),并保证甲方不再承担任何费用,如发生费用,则由乙方承担此项费用,合同签订之日起如遇国家政策性文件调整除外。 第三条双方权利及义务 3.1甲方权利及义务: 1、甲方负责投资并组织实施甲方本工程红线内的弱电通信管道及弱电桥架、按照审查通过的图纸实施,甲方负责协调施工队伍与其它施工队伍的关系。 2、甲方在协议期内,甲方应向通信运营商按各园区或组团免费提供面积不小于20平方米的通信机房、提供通信机房10KVA 三相电源(含接地点)及为楼层设备提供 1.5kVA的单相电源,通信运营商设备正式运营后的用电单独挂表计量,电费由各运营商承担。 3、甲方应按合同约定支付工程款。 3.2 乙方权利及义务: 2 1、乙方负责实施小区住户的下户线建设(从楼层机柜始至用户室内弱电箱止,包含楼层机柜及机柜内配线架、模块、接头等,室内弱电箱由开发商提供)并受甲方和通信联合办公室监督。 2、乙方施工部分应做到标准五类线到户。 3、乙方负责工程的施工进度应符合甲方总体工程进度的要求。 4、乙方施工工程为交钥匙工程,通信容量能容纳中国电信、中国移动和中国联通三家运营商的通信设备安装空间,同时提供各种通信技术服务和相关单位的联系及手续办理等所有事务。


公司股权转让合同样本中英文公司股权转让合同样本一:中文 本协议由以下各方于20xx年7月3日在上海市松江工业区共同签署: 出让方:公司(以下称甲方) 住所: 受让方: (以下称乙方) 住所: 公司(以下称标的公司)注册资本元人民币,甲方出资元人民币,占90%。根据有关法律、法规规定,经本协议各方友好协商,达成条款如下: 第一条股权转让标的和转让价格 一、甲方将所持有标的公司90%股权作价元人民币转让给乙方; 二、附属于股权的其他权利随股权的转让而转让。 三、受让方应于本协议签定之日起30日内,向出让方付清全部股权转让价款。 第二条承诺和保证 甲方保证本合同第一条转让给乙方的股权为甲方合法拥有,甲方拥有完全、有效的处分权。甲方保证其所转让的股权没有设置任何抵押权或其他担保权,不受任何第三人的追索。 第三条违约责任 本协议签定后,任何一方违反本协议条款,即构成违约。违约方应向对方赔偿因违约而造成的一切经济损失。

第四条解决争议的方法 本协议受中华人民共和国相关法律的羁束并适用其解释。 凡因本协议引起的或与本协议有关的任何争议,双方应友好协商解决。协商不成,应提交上海仲裁委员会仲裁。 第五条其他 一、本协议一式三份,协议各方各执一份,标的公司执一份,以备办理有关手续时使用。 二、本协议各方签字后生效。 甲方签章: 乙方签字: 公司股权转让合同样本二:英文 本股权转让协议(以下称“本协议”) 由以下各方于20xx年月日在北京签署: This Equity Interest Transfer Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “this Agreement”) is made on , by and between the following parties: 甲方:Party A 乙方:Party B 以上甲方称“转让方”,乙方称“受让方”,各签署方单独称为“各方”。



8. BREACH OF CONTRACT违约 9. FORCE MAJEURE不可抗力 10. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES争议的解决 11. APPLICABLE LAW 适用法律 12. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS其他规定 THIS CONTRACT(“Contract”)is made in [city and province], China on this day of ,200 by and between [Party A name],[Party A entity form] established and existing under the laws of China, with its legal address at [address] (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”), and [Party B name], [Party B entity form] organized and existing under the laws of [Party Bjurisdiction of incoporation] with its legal address at [address] (hereinafter referred to as “Party B”). Party A and Party B shall hereinafter be referred to individually as a “Party ” and collectively as the “Parties”. 本合同于年月日由以下两方在[地点]签订: [甲方名称],一家根据中华人民共和国法律组建及存续的[甲方组织形式],法定地址为[甲方法定地址](以下简称“甲方”): [乙方名称],一家根据[乙方所在国]法律组建及存续的[乙方组织形式],法定地址为[乙方法定地址](以下简称“乙方”)。 甲乙双方以下单独称为“一方”,合称为“双方”。 PRELIMINARY STATEMENT 前言 [add background information if appropriate][视交易具体情况决定是否应介绍合同背景] After friendly consultations conducted in accordance with the principles of equality and mutual benefit, the Parties have agreed to [describe subject matter of the Contract] in accordance with Applicable laws and the provisions of this Contract. 双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,依照[相关法律名称]以及其他有关法律,同意按


股东合作协议书 Shareholders ' Cooperation Agreement 甲方名称:*********有限责任公司 地址:********** 电话:********** 传真:********** 法定代表人:********** Party A: ********** Co., ltd. Address: No. ********, ******** Road, ******** City, ******** Province Tel: ********** Fax: ********** legal representative: ********** 乙方名称:**********有限公司 地址:********** 座机:********** 移动固话:********** 传真:********** 法定代表人:**********

Party B: ********** Co., Ltd Address: Room**********, ********** Road,********** District,Beijing, China Tel: ********** Mobile: ********** Fax: ********** legal representative: ********** 丙方名称:********** 地址:********** Phone :********** Fax :********** 法定代表人:********** Party C: ********** Address: ********** Tel: ********** Fax :********** Legal representative: ********** 甲、乙、丙三方经友好协商,本着平等互利、优势互补、合作共赢的原则,就三方共同发起、共同出资、成立合资公司,达成如下合作协议:


OEM Cooperation Agreement OEM合作协议 This contact is entered on ____________________________ by and between: 本协议是由以下双方在_________年_________月_________日签订: Party A: 甲方: Party B: 乙方: _____________________________________________, a company organized and existing under the laws of Peoples’ Republic of China and having it’s principle place of business located at ________________________________________________. _____________________________________________, 一家根据中华人民共和国法律成立,主营业地位于___________________________________的公司。 Whereas, 1. Party A is engaged in the business of marketing of ____________________ in [ ]. 2. Party B is engaged in developing and manufacture of LED Lighting products. Now this contact witness and it is hereby agreed by and between the Parties hereto as follows: 鉴于,甲方从事________________________产品,在_________________地区市场的营销工作;乙方是__________________产品专业的研发、生产企业,双方为共同的发展,达成以下项目: Section 1: Definitions and Interpretation 第一条:总则和定义 1.1Cooperation Manner: Both Parties agree that Party A shall sell the products by OEM; Meanwhile, Party B shall develop, manufacture and provide, by OEM, Products with the brand designated by Party A (the “products”).


1.Sales Agreement The agreement, (is) made in Beijing this eighth day of August 1993 by ABC Trading Co., Ltd., a Chinese Corporation having its registered office at Beijing, the People’ Repubic of China (hereinafter called “Seller”) and International Trading Co., Ltd., a New York Corporation having its registered office at New York, N.Y., U.S.A. (hereinafter called “Buyer”). 2.WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Seller is engaged in dealing of (product) and desires to sell (product)to Buyer, and WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase(product) from Sellers, Now, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 3.Export Contract th This Contract is entered into this 5 day of August 1993 between ABC and Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Seller”) who agrees to sell, and XYZ Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Buyer”) who agrees to buy the following goods on the following terms and condition. 4.Non-Governmental Trading Agreement No. __ This Agreement was made on the_day of_ 19_, BETWEEN _(hereinafter referred to as the Seller) as the one Side and _ (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) as the one other Side. WHEREAS, the


编号:_____________光缆工程施工协议书 甲方:________________________________________________ 乙方:___________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日 甲方:

乙方: 依照《中华人民共和国合同法》和国家相关法律法规,结合本工程的具体情况,甲乙双方经友好协商,就甲方委托乙方承包新建光缆工程施工的事宜,签订如下协议,共同遵守执行。 一、乙方承接施工任务应具备的条件: 有多年通信工程施工的经验进行该项工程的施工,熟练掌握施工工艺、技术规范、质量标准和安全操作规程,具有良好的工程的生产组织和管理能力。具有一定的生产资金和工程施工必备的工器具、设备、交通设施及通讯设施等,有符合用工制度的施工人员和相当稳定的施工班组(外地民工须经岗前培训并办理合法用工手续)能确保每项工程在质量、安全、工期、服务等方面符合建设方规定的标准和要求。 乙方在编的所有施工人员需按有关行业规定和要求须有上岗证,有限空间作业用的(安全员证、登高证、特种作业操作资格证书、现场监护人员)必须持有证件,否则不得进行施工作业。并按北京市社会保障局的规定的参加北京市规定的各项保险。 二、委托施工的工程项目 1.工程名称: 2. 建设单位: 3.工程地点: 4. 工程规模:工作量。 5.本合同价款为:¥元(人民币大写:)本合同价款为最终固定结算价款。6.工程承包形式:乙方包工包料。 三、甲方责任 1.甲方委派专人负责乙方工程进展情况 2.负责监督工程实施的管理工作,负责审核工程实施计划。


合作框架协议 Cooperation Framework Agreement 甲方:西安旌旗电子有限公司 Party A: Xi’an Flag Electronic Co., Ltd. 乙方:GLOBAL TORONICS FOR ELECTRONICS (EGYPT) Party B: GLOBAL TORONICS FOR ELECTRONICS (EGYPT) 甲乙双方本着互惠互利、资源共享、技术互补和共同发展的原则,经双方友好协商,就甲方向乙方提供电力线载波模块、抄表系统及相关电力线载波技术方案,达成合作意向,为明确双方的权利、义务特制订本协议。 Both parties, for principles of mutual benefit, resource sharing, complementary technology and joint development, through friendly negotiation, the two parties entered into collaboration Party A to provide Party B power line carrier wave module, meter reading system and related power line carrier wave technology program; to clear the rights and obligations thereof this Agreement was therefore made in particular between the two parties herein. 一、合作内容 1. Contents of cooperation 电力线载波抄表系统:包括管理软件;集中器;单、三相(单费率)载波电度表;单、三相复费率载波电度表;单、三相预付费载波电度表;载波模块。 Power line carrier wave reading system: including management software, concentrator, single and three phase (single rate) carrier wave kilowatt-hour meter, single and three phase dual rate carrier wave kilowatt-hour meter, single and three phase prepaid carrier wave kilowatt-hour meter, carrier wave module. 二、合作方式 2. Ways of cooperation 1、甲方按照乙方需求设计提供符合要求的全套载波电表设计、生产、调试技术方案,乙方按照方案生产整表。集中器、载波模块、MCU芯片、软件由甲方负责提供。 1. Party A, in accordance with the needs of Party B, shall design and provide the whole set of carrier wave ammeter design, production and testing technical solutions meeting the requirements; and the Party B, according to the solutions made above, shall carry out the production of entire meter, while the Party A shall provide concentrator, carrier wave module, MCU chip and software.


采购合同 (Purchasing Contract) 合同编号(Contract NO.): 合同签订地点(Signed At):东营 签订时间(Date):年月日出卖人(Seller): 买受人(Buyer): 鉴于:根据【中华人民共和国合同法】及相关法律法规,本着平等自愿、等价有偿、诚实诚信的原则,经双方协商一致,订立本合同。 According to the Contract law of the People's Republic of China and relevant laws and regulations,we conclude the contract on the basis of equality, voluntariness,compensation of equal value and sincerity. 第一条标的、数量、价款及交(提)货时间 Item 1 (object)Quantity Price and Delivery time 物资编码名称及规格型号Commodity code and type 生产厂家 Manufacture r 计量单位 Unit 数量 Quantity 单价(元) Unit Price 总金额(元) Total Amount 备注 Note 不含税总金额(人民币) Total Amount (V AT excluded) 交提货时间、数量:年月日至年月日全部交货。 Delivery time: From to 第二条质量标准:标准代号、编号和标准名称:GB150-98. Item 2 Quality standard: standard code,serial number and standard name:GB150-98. 第三条出卖人对质量负责的条件及期限 Item 3 Conditions and time limits that Sellers shall be held responsibility for 1. 质量负责条件和期限按正常运行12个月止执行。 1. Quality responsible conditions and time limits shall not be valid until the product has been functioning properly for 12 months 2. 出卖人对标的物的质量负责,产品均附质检报告单,质量保证书。如果出卖人知道或 者应当知道所处卖产品存在质量缺陷,所承担的质量保证期限不受前款质量负责期限的约束,应依法承担相应责任。 2. Sellers shall be responsible for the quality of the marks.The products should include the Quality Inspection Report and Quality Guarantee.If the sellers know or should know the products they sell with defects in quality,the quality assurance time limits should not be subject to the previous quality responsibility deadline and they should be held due responsibility for it. 第四条包装标准:标准包装,产品所需包装由出卖人合理包装,适合水运和长途内陆运输,防潮,防湿,防锈,防震。 Item 4 Packaging standard: Standard packaging, the sellers should package the products properly, it should be suitable for shipment and long distance inland transportation. The packaging of the products should be resistant of dampness, moisture, rust and shock. 第五条随机的必备品、配件、技术资料、工具数量及供应方法:随设备交货一起交齐。 Item 5 The accompanied necessary materia l, accessories, technical information ,quantity of


合同编号:xxxxxxx 股东协议中英文版2019 甲方: 乙方: 签订时间: 签订地点:

SHAREHOLDERS AGREEMENT AGREEMENT made this _____________ day of ______________,(year)____, between ____________________ Corporation, having its principal office at ______________________________ ______________________________, and ____________ SHAREHOLDERS AGREEMENT AGREEMENT made this _____________ day of ______________,(year)____, between ____________________ Corporation, having its principal office at ______________________________ ______________________________, and _________________________ residing at ______________________________, and _________________________ residing at ______________________________, and _________________________ residing at ______________________________. Whereas, the above signed parties wish to promote the Corporation's interests and secure their own interests by making provision to avoid future differences.


商务英语合同:聘任合同中英对照 INVITATION AGREEMENT In order to improve the English level of the staff of _____ (hereinafter referred to as the “Company” as one part) invite Mr. xx (hereinafter referred to as the “Teacher” as the other party) to teach oral English courses. On the basis of friendly negotiation, both parties enter into this invitation agreement:Article 1 Effectiveness of the Agreement The Agreement shall come into force automatically as of the signature date of this Agreement. Article 2 Term of Invitation Term of invitation shall be ____ . Article 3 Schedule of Courses The courses shall be arranged with the following schedule, 3.1 2 courses per week, each course costs 90 minutes. 3.2 For each week, the courses is allocated to Monday ___: ___ Thursday ___: ___ Article


国防光缆施工合同 篇一:国防光缆施工合同书中国联合络通信有限公司xxx 市分公司光传输络扩容建设工程 集成项目合同书 签署日期:年月日 签署地点: 合同号: 甲方名称: 注册地址: 法定代表人: 邮政编码: 乙方名称:中国联合络通信有限公司衢州市分公司 注册地址:法定代表人:江文 邮政编码:324000 为实现甲方的信息系统现代化运作,甲乙双方本着自 愿平等、诚实信用原则,经友好 协商,同意签订此合同,具体条款如下:第一条项目名称及合同标的本合同项目名称:络扩容建设工程项目(以下简称本工程或系统或项目)合同标的为:本工程的实施和设备、材料的采购,具体清单、配臵、厂家/ 供货商、保修期详见附件一。如因采购当时市场上确实无法购买到约定的规格或品牌的设备和材料的,乙方可购买相同等级的规格或品 牌,但应当报甲方书面同意后才可实施。

本工程范围为(详见附件一) 第二条双方责任 甲方责任 甲方应指派专人(姓名:联系方式:)为本工程的工程代表,对工程进度、工程质量进行监督、检查并验收隐蔽工程,负责本工程的协调、验收、协助 工作,负责解决应由甲方解决的问题以及其它事宜。 甲方须为乙方提供设备和材料验收、安装和调试、设备和材料存放、现场保安防盗 所需的环境和条件。组织各阶段项目会审、验收、测定和接收该项目的全过程管理。 在项目实施前,甲方负责提供项目实施所需的基础条件 (包括场地、电源等)。 甲方负责按照合同规定的付款方式及时、足额付款,按期进行项目验收。 负责组织有关设计单位、施工单位,进行工程协调和 技术交流,协助乙方完成所有本工程的实施。 乙方责任提供本工程项目咨询和整个项目的集成。乙方现场工程师姓名: 项目施工管理、工程总进度控制,合同项下的设备和材料(含半成品、成品,以下 同)的采购,合同内现场设备和材料的测试、总调、试运行和验收。需


委托持股协议 Shareholding Entrustment Agreement 甲方(委托方): Party A (Entrusting Party): 法定代表人: Legal Representative: 注册地址: Registered Address: 乙方(受托方): Party B (Entrusted Party): 国籍: Nationality: 证件号: Document No.: 住所: Domicile: 甲方以下简称“委托方”,乙方以下简称“受托方”,甲乙双方经友好协商于年月日,就委托持股有关事宜签署如下协议条款: Party A (hereinafter referred to as the “Entrusting Party”) and Party B (hereinafter referred to as the “Entrusted Party”) have conducted friendly con sultations and concluded the following agreement concerning the subject matter of entrusted shareholding on (MM/DD/YY). 一、委托持股及股权归属 I. Shareholding Entrustment and Equity Ownership 1、委托方同意根据本协议规定的条款和条件,委托受托方以受托方名义持有委托方所有的公司的股权(以下简称“指定股权”);受托方同意根据本协议规定的条款和条件接受委托方委托,以自己的名义持有指定股权。 1. The Entrusting Party hereby agrees to comply with the terms and conditions stipulated in this Agreement and entrust the Entrusted Party with the ownership of the Company’s equity (hereinafter refer red to as “Designated Equity”) which is owned by the Entrusting Party and will be owned in the name of the Entrusted Party, while the Entrusted Party agrees to own the Designated Equity in its own name and accept the entrustment of the Entrusting Party in compliance with the terms and conditions stipulated in this Agreement. 2、双方在此确认: 2. Both Parties hereby confirm the following: (1)自年月日起,因持有指定股权而产生的在公司的股东权利、利益、义务和责任均由委托方享有并承担;指定股权不属于受托方自有财产,受托方仅作为公司名义上的股东,不享有因持有指定股权而产生的相应股东权益,亦不承担相应的亏损和责任。 (1) Since (MM/DD/YY), the Entrusting Party shall enjoy all the shareholder’s rights and interests and assume all the obligations and responsibilities arising from the ownership of the Designated Equity; the Designated Equity will not belong to part of the proprietary property of the Entrusted Party. The Entrusted Party will only serve as the nominal shareholder of
