当前位置:文档之家› 开发合同英文模版








Location: ________________________________________________

Legal Representative: ______________________________________

Project Contact Person: _____________________________________

Contact Information:

Address: _________________________________________________


Email: ___________________________________________ __ ____

Entrusted Party (Party B):

Location: ____________________________________________

Legal Representative: ______________________________________

Project Contact Person: _____________________________________

Contact Information: ___________________________

Address: ____________________________________ _____ ______

Tel:Fax: __

Email: ___________________________________________ ________

In the Contract, Party A entrust Party B to research and develop

Project. The R&D fund and remuneration shall be born by Party A. Party B accepts the entrustment and hereby conducts the R&D work. In accordance with the Contract Law of the People 's Republic of China, and on the principle of reality and mutual agreement through negotiations on the basis of equality, the following articles are reached and abided by the two parties:

Article 1 The requirements of the R&D project in the Contract

1. Technical Objective:

2. Technical Content:

3. Technical Method and Strategy:

Article 2 Party B shall submit the R&D plan to Party A within days after this Contract comes into effect. The plan should include the following content:

1. ____________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________

Article 3 Party B shall accomplish the R&D work according to the following schedule:

1. ___________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________


Article 4 Party A shall provide the following technical data and cooperation to Party B:

1. Technical Data List:

2. Delivery Date and Manner:

3. Other cooperation matters:

After the performance of the Contract, the above technical data shall be handled by the following ways:

Article 5 Party A shall pay the R&D fund and remuneration according to the following terms:

1. The total amount of the R&D fund and remuneration is Including: (1) ;

⑵ ;

(3) ;

(4) 。

The payment shall be made by Party A to Party B based on (one-time calculation, installment payment or royalty payment). The detailed payment mode and date are as following:
